Becoming the Luna

Chapter 255

Chapter 255

Warning: Explicit Content

Hayden settles on his knees on the bed, knees spread out comfortably and occasionally brushing Virgil's side.

He coats a hand in lube and reaches behind himself, jumping in his skin as Virgil stares at him so intensely, not missing anything.

He throws a sweater paw over his face, hiding his face from Virgil, circling a small forefinger over his hole.

He's quick with it, quickly moving onto two fingers and scissoring them, his fingers aren't as good as Virgil's but he would have to make do.

Soft pants spilling from behind his covered face when two fingers swiftly turn to four, he pulls his fingers out with a wet squelch, face hot, hole throbbing.

'this should be easy as pie, right?' He whispers to himself under his breath, crawling over to Virgil.

He tugs down his husband's sweatpants and flinches imperceptibly when Virgil's hard dick bobs out, swollen and an angry red, soaking with precum.

Well, this would make things easier, he hums as he reaches out with both hands and wraps them around it, veins prominent and throbbing.

Virgil hisses at this, a sharp growl rushing out from between his clenched fangs, arms straining against the bonds.

Hayden stares wide eyed at the body part in his hands, mouth watering slightly, Virgil never lets him give him a blow job but now his exasperatingly, over protective husband was all tied up, he could have a field day.

He starts stroking, up and down, his grip tight as he feels the hard but soft skin slide in his hands.

For a spilt second, he gets the brief reasoning that what if it didn't fit, well only one way to find out...

Ass in the air, he leans forward and gives the soft red head a tentative lick, there's more of that hissing and the bed creaks ominously.

Hayden would have to be careful and act fast, he was sure Virgil couldn't handle any teasing whatsoever so he just crosses his fingers and divves down, surprised that it actually fit easily, lips stretching to accommodate the girth.

He was so amazed by this that he didn't notice that Virgil's dick had gone in so deep until he choked, he quickly retracts his steps, eyes watering as he sucks hard on his way up.

Virgil arches up at this, a sound like he was in pain, leaving him.

Hayden decides that he's had enough of a taste, he would continue from where he left off later but now... He straddles Virgil, hands placed on his hard, wet torso, Virgil's dick framed by his inner thighs.

He lifts himself up slightly to reach down and behind to take Virgil in one hand so he could angle it right, his left hand lifting up his oversized sweater.

Virgil just watches him quietly and he wonders what the others were so scared of, maybe it was because he had tired himself out, Dale idea was really good.

He gasps sharply when the head pokes in, his fingers couldn't have prepared properly himself for Virgil who feels like he's grown... bigger?

The lick of pain that follows makes him lose his balance and slam down with a choked scream, the slide was easier this time and it hurt less but the suddenness of the entire thing plus the fact that his prostate was rubbed on the slide in, makes him curl over himself.

Little darts of sharp pleasure streaking through his body, his hole spasming and clenching down hard.

He recovers quickly and pushes himself up again, supporting himself with Virgil's body, he comes down harder than he intended and Virgil tenses up.

A constant, dark growl fills the room and Hayden chokes on his saliva when he feels cum spurt deep into his body, his legs go weak and he falls face first on Virgil's body.

The hot, thick stream is steady, soft moans spilling from his mouth when the orgasm slow down, stomach slightly full.

It was over sooner than he expected but that was good, Virgil would recover sooner and he could leave faster.

He pants slightly, trying to get himself so he could get up, try to get decent and leave.

His eyes widen however when he notices that Virgil hadn't gone soft, it wouldn't be the first time but at least it wasn't supposed to grow even bigger.

Slowly, he tilts his head so that he's looking at Virgil, only to see him staring down at him as well, he could have sworn he saw a smile on Virgil's face but he couldn't be sure because... all that sharp teeth and what happens next.

He half screams in horror when Virgil easily sits up, the ropes snapping, he didn't even have the time to make away, familiar arms wrapping around him with the feel of steel bars caging him in.

"V-Vir..." He starts to say, choking when Virgil thrusts in sharply, mouth falling open in hazy pleasure.

He feels Virgil, hold both of his hand behind his back with just one of his, his other free hand pushing up the sweater he had on to mark him harshly, the kisses more of teeth.

Hayden's cognitive abilities screeches to a halt when Virgil's thrusts speed up, head falling back, grey eyes half closed.

Without breaking rhythm, Virgil tugs off the sweater when it starts to irritate him by keeping him from Hayden's body.

Tears gather at the sides of Hayden's eyes, their position made it that Virgil went in unreasonably deep, each thrust sloppy as cum gets pushed out.

His hands are captured behind his back again, his body arched against Virgil as he hangs on for the ride. He doesn't even have the presence of mind to be bothered that his moans and sounds of pleasure are quite loud.

If this kept up, he might be bedridden for a day or two but it so felt mind numbingly good that, that didn't even feel like a bad thing...

There would be bruises too, Virgil was holding him too tightly like he was scared he would lose Hayden again, each savage growl that escaped sending a shiver down his spine.

His orgasm take him by surprise, Hayden crying out at the flood of pleasure burning his nerve ends, cum splashing between their tightly pressed bodies.

Virgil doesn't slow down, tears spilling faster down Hayden's face from oversensitivity as his prostate that had been previously and gratefully left alone was now in the direct path of Virgil's brutal thrusts.

His hands struggle to find purchase, overwhelmed and he breathes easier when Virgil let's go of his wrists like he could sense that Hayden was slowly falling apart.

He holds on tight to Virgil, damp hair sticking to his face, red lips bitten raw from trying to hold in moans - that didn't work so well.

Even through the oversensitivity, soon enough, he's teetering on the edge of another orgasm, knees cramping from their uncomfortable position.

Virgil tenses up first, growls escalating and he braces himself for another orgasm, as the first spurts hit the inside of his bruised ass, he feels Virgil tangle a hand through his hair to angle his head backwards.

The tawny locks were longer than when Virgil first came, Hayden choosing to not cut his hair again, providing an easy purchase for Virgil to grip.

He couldn't have predicted Virgil's next actions, the pain hitting a moment after the strike.

Virgil leans down and sinks his teeth, really deep in the soft skin of Hayden's neck.

His skin breaks easily under Virgil's sharp teeth, blood welling, it hurt.

But the shock pushes Hayden over the edge and he's cumming, and screaming, pain mingling with pleasure, an unsettling ambrosia.

Virgil on the other hand feels so calm he could have been floating, his wolf no longer roaring in his head when their mate was finally marked.

Carefully he pulls out, reverently licking over the bite, his orgasm fading away as well as the haze of his rut - briefly though.

For some reason, he had stopped himself from knotting his mate, he frowns slightly, upset at this but something, a part of his mind had stopped him in time.

His vision clears up at this point, horror drenching him and sinking deep in his bones when he looks down and see that Hayden is unconscious in his arms, the bite mark on his neck still bleeding because he's human.

A sound of pain and rage at himself breaks free, rattling the room as he ever so carefully gathers Hayden up, chest hurting.

He hears footsteps coming and quickly throws the blankets over Hayden to preserve his modesty, blue eyes darkening with rage when the door gets kicked in and he sees the very people he is expecting.

"What the fuck!!" He growls immediately they get in, dominance swirling around the room. "Who the fuck let him come in here?! One job! You had one fucking job!!!" He wastes no time yelling their heads off, growls threading each of his words.

The rest all cringe back, even Dale falters under the onslaught of dominance.

Virgil cradles Hayden closer. "Now he's hurt..." He says in a calmer voice. "I... I hurt him." His voice cracks.

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