Becoming the Luna

Chapter 256

Chapter 256

Hayden comes to with a sharp inhale, sounds from the rest of the world still muted as a soft glow seem to emanate from behind his closed eyelids.

Then it hit, he curls into himself, his skin registering that he was held by someone but that fades away as well, getting buried under the heat.

It washes over him like a tidal wave, tiny pinpoints of excruciating pain that was just everywhere, his joints felt like they were being twisted out of their positions.

His muscles felt like they were getting torn, bones like they were shattering, he grinds down on his teeth, slight whimpers of pain breaking free.

Virgil notices immediately he rouses, the rest were still standing at the door, unsure of what to do next.

"Hayden?" Virgil leans forward to check up on him, frowning when he feels him tense up and curl in on himself like he was in pain. "Bab..."

A short scream cuts him off and the rest get alerted.

"What's going on?" Dale asks in worry, moving forward carefully.

Virgil looks up with half crazed eyes. "I don't know."

"Virgil, you have to let us take him now, what if your rut hit again?" Jaxon suggests but the dangerous glint in the Alpha's eyes makes him shut up quickly.

Dale walks close enough to get a clear image and his eyes falls to Hayden's neck, eyes wide. "V?" He starts slowly, keeping his distance so he didn't trigger Virgil.

Virgil reluctantly rips his eyes away from Hayden who was still quietly squirming, fists and teeth clenched, brow furrowed in visible pain. 

"Did... Did you mark him?" Dale asks cautiously.

"Obviously." Virgil, waves a hand, expression dark.

Dale cuts him a cold look of his own. "You're so caught up in your protective mode that you won't even try to see clearly?" He snaps.

Virgil flinches like he had been hit. "What? He half whispers.

Jaxon steps forward, eyes wide. "We know for sure that Renee is human but we don't know about Hayden's dad." He analyzes, carefully watching Virgil's reaction.

Virgil falls quiet, eyes wide. "There's like only a twenty percent chance of that happening." He says very quietly.

"We'll be outside." Leon says going out, his twin and Darian following suit.

"Even that is enough." Jaxon says ominously.

"But..." Virgil glances down at Hayden who was carefully held in his arms, quietly bearing what has to be so much pain. "It's supposed to hurt a lot."

Dale rolls his eyes. "No shit, it takes your mate literally bonding with his wolf to show you that he's not as weak as you keep making him out to be."

Virgil clamps his mouth shut, refusing to grace Dale's painfully accurate comment with a response.

"What do I do?" He asks, worry making his voice tremble.

"We have to let it run its course, a mating bite will trigger the change in a part Werewolf, rousing their dormant wolves." He explains, eyes wide as he watches Hayden with concern.

He chooses to not see the other various marks littering his slightly sweaty body, the rest of him bundled up in blankets that he kept tangling up, eyes shut tightly as he clutches his hair.

"He's so strong." Jaxon whispers after the tremors rocking Hayden's slender body starts to calm down. 

He hadn't seen anyone bond with their wolves but what he had beard of it was that they usually screamed their throats bloody, thrashing around so hard they sometimes got hurt.

He inched backwards, hands joined tightly in front of him, he wonders about Hayden's status, he would most likely be a Beta.

Most part Werewolves, if they became Werewolves at all were always Betas, it was understandable.

He would also need to find out who Hayden's father was, there was a lot of unanswered questions.

A particularly sweet scent drags him out of his thoughts, surprise painting over his face as he looks up to see similar looks of shock on both of the Alpha's faces.

"No way..." Dale whispers.

Hayden had calmed down, body lax but his eyes were still closed, breathing easy and deep, Virgil glances down at his neck to see that the bite had mostly closed up.

"I need to clean him up." Virgil says quickly, cutting off their curious questions. "Wait in the living room or something."

Dale hesitates at this. "V?" He gives him a knowing look.

"I'll be fine, that's why you're in the sitting room, hear anything suspicious and you're allowed to take him away." He replies decisively.

Uncertainty still shines in Dale's eyes but he acquiesces, leaving the bedroom with Jaxon so that it's just Virgil and his very fast asleep mate who was also a Werewolf... and so so strong.

He sniffles a bit... 'shit! Was he crying?'

The sheets were a mess, they had to go in the fire not even the washer could save them now.

A wet laugh escapes him as he leans forward to undo the ropes on his legs, a achingly familiar yet strange scent of vanilla and roses filling the room.

Almost like Renee knew... He wouldn't put it past her...

He tugs his sweatpants up and gently picks Hayden from the bed, there wasn't much of a difference, he was still the same size.

He winces at his mate's cum splattered body, those pretty socks were ruined.

A grimace pulls up his lips at Hayden's bruised wrists but he had a feeling that Hayden had somehow managed to convince the rest hard enough to let him come to Virgil.

A soft smile graces Virgil's lips at this, he is an idiot for thinking him too fragile.

He prepares the bathtub and plops Hayden down in the warm water, knowing his skin would be sensitive from their activities earlier and the change...

Another goofy smile breaks out, it wasn't that what Hayden was mattered, he didn't really care if Hayden was male or female, Werewolf or witch, that didn't change how he felt.

He was just relieved that the messy situation birthed something new, something that hopefully Hayden would freak out about.

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