Becoming the Luna

Chapter 263

Chapter 263

"Thank you for the coffee." Dream says kindly to Dale, getting up to return back to the bakery.

"My pleasure." Dale gets up after him, eye fixed on him. "Let me walk you to the bakery?" He offers.

This comes as a surprise to Dream so he agrees instinctively. "Sure, why not."

They cross the slightly busy street silently, having coffee with Dale although he had been the only one actually getting coffee wasn't as awkward as he had picture.

He could tell that Dale was actually trying very hard and he could appreciate the effort if anything.

"Thanks, Dale." Dream says dryly when they get to the bakery, fiddling with the sleeves of his sweatshirt as he waits for Dale to take his leave which the Alpha obviously wasn't interested in doing. "See you around." He waves, pushing open the door to the bakery.

Dream nearly trips over his feet when he realizes that Dale is following right after him, spinning around quickly to look up at the taller man - he couldn't possibly mean to follow Dream everywhere.

"W-What are you doing?" He splutters, eyes widen.

Dale on the other hands keeps a very calm expression on his face like he wasn't doing anything suspicious. "Buying myself muffins, Honey, is something wrong?" He asks with faux innocence.

Dream nearly swallows his tongue at this unexpected reply especially where they were, smackdab at the center of the bakery where the girls that had tried to hurt him because of the other were seated, definitely watching.

"Don't call me that." Dream snaps, unsettled at the little flip his stomach did when Dale called him that.


"And I thought you were going to bed?" He prompts with an eyebrow up to show that he could see right through Dale's ruse.

"They're for Jaxie." Dale bullshits, voice steady.

This makes Dream exasperated with himself because he has no idea why he's making such a big deal about this, what exactly did he want? for Dale to admit that he wanted to spend more time with him, was that what he wanted?

"Is everything okay?" Dia walks over at this moment, throwing suspicious looks in Dale's direction.

Dream is already speaking... "no, mom it's ju..."

At the same moment Dale says. "Hello, Mrs. Micall, i was just asking Dream to recommend the best pastry to try."

Dia's face brightens up at this, always willing to show up her precious masterpieces. "Really?" She clasps her hands together. "Come along with me so I can show you, the blueberry muffin is my..."

Dale walks off with her, fully listening to her ramble on about her baking, he turns around to give Dream one las look, winking at him.

Dream is quick to stick his tongue out at the Alpha, he had no idea how or why but Dale seemed to push all his buttons, he wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not.

He stomps to the kitchen, thoughts muddied and it was all because of one particularly annoying Alpha with fluffy, black and green eyes that reminded Dream of a blooming forest and spring, smile so warm, it heated you up from the inside... ugh! This is exactly what he was talking about.

"Dream?" Heather, one of the bakers drifted over to him, flour on her hair.

"Hmm?" He turns absently to face her, fiddling with an apron.

"Are you okay?" She asks with concern written over her pretty features.

"Yeah." He mutters, still distracted.

"Well for one, you look uncomfortably red and you're putting on the apron wrong." She points out, reaching out to touch his forehead. "I hope you're not running a fever."

Dream smiles reassuringly to hide the slow building anger thrumming under his skin, this was all Dale's fault!

"I'm just fine, Heather, I'm a little out of it though so maybe I'll call it a day."

Heather was a very recent addition to the bakery and he could see how much her presence made things better for his mom, he didn't know much about the Werewolf other than she also just moved in to Pine Creek recently and was newly divorced, she was also around his mom's age and was a baking whiz, she was the perfect companion.

"Alright, that reassures me." she smiles, thick auburn hair in a bun. "Don't worry about Dia, I'll tell her you're gone."

Dream could almost hug the older lady who was starting to feel like a second mother or a beloved Aunt to him and Deidre, he immediately ditches the apron and makes his way to the back.

The last thing he wanted was to bump into Dale again, he decided that he had had enough of the Alpha for one day.

He bumps into Deidre in the backroom, jumping slightly in surprise.

"Running somewhere?" Deidre asks knowingly, arms crossed.

Dream places a hand over his chest with a relieved sigh. "What the hell, DD? You startled me."

Since the bakery was doing so well, Dia didn't have to rely on her children anymore, giving them the freedom to do whatever else they wanted to do.

"And I'm not running.." Dream counters defensively, "I'm just going home."

"Through the backdoor, sure." Deidre drawls.

Dream cuts her an icy look. "Don't you have any other thing to do?"

She just shrugs lazily, "Not particularly."

"Fine but I do, see ya, DD." He waves her away, brushing past her to get to the door.

He knew that his sister was considering moving into the Pack House, she wanted to work with kids which seemed like something she would definitely go for.

He wasn't sure what he wanted to do, he could always easily move into the Pack House but then what would he do?

He's so distracted with his thoughts that he pays no attention to his surroundings until he nearly walks into Dale, he curses sharply, flinching away.

"What the fuck, Dale?! Were you waiting out here for me?" He accuses, eyes narrowing in a peeve.

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