Becoming the Luna

Chapter 264

Chapter 264

Dale watches Dream with open honesty. "Actually, no, I was on my way out when I saw you, I have no idea why you curved sharply in my direction." He explains. "I tried calling your name but you didn't answer at least not till you nearly ran me down."

Dream was mortified, he couldn't believe he had been so out of it that he actually did all that. "I'm sorry, I was a little bit distracted."

"It's fine, actually, mind if I drive you home?" He offers.

Dream blinks. "Oh, but don't you have to get some sleep?"

"I'll be fine but I'll sleep better if I know you're home safely and not walking absently into a car or something."

Dream cuts him a cold glare but acquiesces. "Fine, what have I got to lose anyway?" He accepts.


"Nana? I wanna hold the picnic basket." Ruby protests, tugging her hand from Mae's hold to get closer to Shana.

She had been elated to see her Nana back home so early and she could tell that something really big was happening from how excitedly both her mom's had been discussing when her Nana came back.

She wasn't really interested in what she termed as old people problems, more occupied with thinking over how their picnic would could, she had also been promised a run if she behaved well enough.

"No, Ru." Shana lifted the basket out of her reach. "It's too heavy for you to carry." She explains but Ruby was having none of it.

"I'm a very strong girl, mom." She says solemnly, unaware at what she had unconsciously called Shana.

Shana and Mae don't miss it though, nearly choking.

Shana colors up at this, her face a bright red. "How about we both hold it together?" She offers with a smile full of love.

"Okay!" Ruby agrees, happy and content to just hold the handle of the basket although she wasn't really carrying anything substantial, her other hand back in Mae's hold.

"Where are we going?" She pipes up again, noting that her parents were strangely quiet than usual but she couldn't pinpoint why.

"The creek, baby." Mae says.

"Water? Big Water?" She immediately asks, eyes wide as saucers.

The tense air immediately dissolves as Shana bursts out laughing, Mae struggling to hold hers in.

"Well, you're not wrong." Mae smiles brightly at her.

The journey continues, bird chirping quietly as a cool breeze flows through the tall trees, the trees providing cover from the bright sun.

"Dream wasn't open to the possibility of male Omegas having a crescent birthmark." Shana pipes up after Ruby's barrage of curious questions that mostly consisted of 'what's that?'s slow down.

"They're literally going against nature by existing but he finds matching birthmarks weird?" 

Mae shrugs. "I doubt it even matters, this is like an occurrence of a couple lifetimes to not only see one male Omega but two and around the same age, it's unbelievable."

"You'll see Hayden tomorrow at least or the day after that." Shana comments dryly, knowing that her skeptical girlfriend would still have doubts till she saw Hayden with both eyes. "You know for a witch you really get stuck up on physical proofs."

Mae throws her a dark look. "Let's keep this discussion aside, we're almost to the creek, it's a family day out and no talk of work or otherwise is allowed."

"Yes, ma'am." Shana pipes up.

"You know, for my girlfriend, you make me want to curse you at least five times a day and we don't even spend all the time together..."

"Yes, Mama!" Ruby mimics her mom, her twinkling and all the irritation fades away from Mae.

A subtle smile replacing her frown even though she tried hard to keep her face stern to glare at Shana.

"Come on, baby." She urges Ruby, tugging her away. "Can you hear the water?" She asks with a bright smile, her hair down, the curly dark brown hair was down to her back, Ruby was rightfully fascinated with it.

Ruby pauses dramatically, straining her ears. "Yes, Mama! I hear it!" She exclaims, bouncing a little.

The both hurry on up while Shana takes her time so as not to jostle the basket and the food in it.

Good thing they thought to bring a change of clothes, she thinks to herself when she rounds the last line of trees to see Mae and Ruby already splashing about in the water.

"Don't get soaked yet!" She calls to them, plopping the basket down on the cleared opening, the rich soil soft beneath her feet.

"We're eating lunch first before our run!" She tags on but she might as well have been talking to herself, they easily ignore her, laughing and splashing.

Shana shakes her head fondly, leaning down to take out the blanket from the basket to ready the picnic, this was expected after all.

It was nice to see Mae loosen up like this, she looked striking with the sun in her face and her cute little yellow top which was now plastered to her skin from the wetness.

Her loose shorts were no better, she knew Mae hated to get her hair wet because it got all frizzy but here she was, hair down with Ruby who also has her beautiful long hair down, dancing in the water.

Shana very much loved these two girls in her lives but at this rate, the squirrels were going to get to their sandwiches first.

"Mae?! Ruby! Enough of that for now, you can splash in later! Come eat! Right now!"

"Yes ma'am!" Mae calls back to her, words coated in laughter as she picks up a very wet Ruby.

"Yes, Nana!" Ruby laughs as well, hands gribbing her mother's neck tight as they made their way over to the picnic blanket.

"I hope you're willing to stand and eat because you're not getting my blanket we..."

Her words get cut off by a splash of water, probably one of Mae's spells and even though she tried to be offended, watching Mae and Ruby crack up was enough to make her laugh too.

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