Becoming the Luna

Chapter 265

Chapter 265

Dream choses to ride shot gun this time, letting Dale open the door for him, it was his car after all.

"You're going home pretty early." Dale notices, putting the car in gear.

Dream glances at him, blonde hair swishing. "Yeah." He expels on a breath, shoulders drooping. "The place is doing so well, my mom doesn't need us anymore."

Dale taps the wheel lightly. "Or maybe she just wants to give you your choice, I'm pretty sure if you told her you wanted to keep working at the bakery she wouldn't mind."

Dream sighs again, sinking into the seat. "I know, it's just..." He trails off at this point, trying to organize his thoughts.

It kind of made him feel awful because his mom didn't need him anymore, not that he didn't want the best for her and the bakery but it was just nice to be needed.

There was also the fact that he didn't know what next to do, he had always imagined he would always have to help out at the bakery.

"...I don't know what to do." He finally says, tugging slightly on the tips of his hair.

Dale looks at him briefly, internally pleased that Dream was willing to share something so important with him.

"You don't have to decide now, give it some time, it'll come to you."

Dream swivels his head around to stare at Dale's head. "Look at you, being all inspirational." He teases, keeping to himself the fact that he didn't have time anymore, he just didn't fit in anymore.

His mom was moving on with her life, Deidre too, Darian had already done that, it was just him now.

"Talking about things coming to you, want to be my secretary?" Dale blurts out, teeth out in a grin.

Dream blinks slowly, stunned. "What? What happened to Erin?" He frowns.

"Going to visit her parents who live out of the state, I have no idea how long she'll be gone."

"And you're asking me? Why?" Dream exclaims.

"Why not? I was worrying over who would take her place and when you said all that, I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask, it's your choice, plus it's temporary and you can always walk away anytime you like." Dale butters up his offer, truly Erin would be traveling soon but he had just resigned himself to doing all the extra work or hiring a guy because letting any female in his Pack become his secretary would be a recipe for disaster.

"Oh." Dream mutters, leaning backwards as he stared into space.

He was actually considering Dale's offer and that made him really question his sanity.

"Plus, you don't have to agree now, you can think about it..."

"How long will Erin be around for?" He cuts off the Alpha's rambling, making mental calculations.

"In less than a week, why?"

"Wanted to see how much time I had to make up my mind, I'll think about it then, thank you." He says politely.

Having Dale as his boss was far from desired but maybe this could give him an insight on what he wanted to do.

Dale on the other hand, was a couple personal pep talks away from outright whooping, he knew he shouldn't hope too much because Dream was quite unpredictable but the bonuses of getting to share the same space with him for long periods of time was tempting.

He drives down Dream's street in a ridiculously good mood, it was noon and the day definitely looked brighter, the sky bluer and even the birds didn't sound annoying.

He parks the car and peeks into Renee's house, everything looked okay from the exterior, not like he was expecting a mass murderer to set up camp in her empty house.

He walks quietly beside Dream, across the lawn and all the way to the front door, waiting anxiously for the moment he would say goodbye and Dale would have to leave.

When that still doesn't happen as Dream is opening up the door, Dale's anxiety gets turned to it's highest settings, eyes darting around.

He's not sure if to look at Dream or the door so he settles for the tips of his shoes, he's very onboard with whatever is happening here but he also didn't want to come off as pushy.

The door gets unlocked and Dream pushes the door open, Dale's feet remains rooted to the ground although he knows he should probably say bye and turn around.

Dream takes a step forward and turns back to look at him a miniscule smile that if you squint hard enough you would see it, dancing at the edges of his lips.

"Want to come in?"

A inaudible sigh gets puffed out of Dale's lips, he thought Dream wouldn't ask, swallowing copiously he replies. "Yes." Knowing that his voice definitely came out croaky.

Inviting Dale inside shouldn't be this tense, it wasn't like they just got back from a really nice date and it was late and Dream lived all alone...

No, it was broad daylight and all Dream wanted at that moment was a glass of juice, a shower and a nap, not necessarily in that order.

He offers Dale a seat when they get to the living room, continuing on. "Would you like something to drink? It's a little warm out."

"I'll have whatever you're having." He immediately says.

Dream gives him a queer look but shrugs, yawning slightly as he turns around. "Sure, whatever rocks your boat."

He comes back shortly with two gigantic glasses of orange juice and plops one down in front of Dale. "Drink up." He orders him, walking away with his own cup, "I'll be back soon."

Dale immediately reaches for the glass, if Dream said he should drink then he would even though a couple squirrels would probably clean up well with the amount of sunflower-colored drink.

He gulps it down in swigs, the tangy, sweet taste filling his mouth, it was cold but not cold enough to make it impossible to drink down quickly.

Faster than he expects, the cup is empty and he settles it down with a soft clink against the glass table, relaxing into the soft support of the couch.

His body seems to register the that he hadn't had a wink of sleep the night before and his sleeping had been sketchy to begin with.

And his eyes and limbs become heavy, sleep dancing on the fringes of his vision.

He struggles to stay awake though, wondering where Dream had gone to, it was a losing battle though, his belly full of cold, sweet juice not helping the situation.

After a few minutes of intense dozing and struggling with sleep, he's out like light.

Dream considers taking a quick shower so he'll go back, say bye to Dale and go to bed.

He changes his mind last minute and walks back out, deciding to say goodbye first.

"Dale?" He calls out, a faint frown in his voice. "Dale!" He calls louder when he finds him slumped backwards, lips slightly parted, fast asleep.

"Just great." Dream mutters under his breath.

Now there was no way to get Dale out of the house unless he let nature take its course.

Dale wasn't going to be able to drive himself home until he got the sleep out of his system.

Dream rolls his eyes and clicks his tongue, the things he put up with, he immediately went back up to grab spare blankets and pillows.

It wasn't particularly cold out but it wouldn't hurt to have some.

After multiple adjustments he finally gets Dale in a position that's most tolerable, he had no idea why the Alpha had to be so tall and big, not to mention that although Dream had definitely not been careful, Dale didn't rouse even once.

Either he was a dead sleeper or he hadn't been having proper sleep, Dream would scold him for that.

He decides to himself, returning back to his bedroom in a huff, the idiot had to learn that you didn't just go to people's houses and pass the fuck out on their couch, it was dangerous.

How fast Dale has fallen asleep was ridiculous, almost like Dream had given him a drug.

He takes his shower now and change into comfortable clothes, a tank top and a thin pair of shorts.

He was sleepy as well, the orange juice was properly serving it's purpose but he found he couldn't sleep, his thoughts filled with a lot of things.

He was really considering Dale's offer and that slightly terrified him because the only reason he wanted to take it was simply because it was Dale, he hoped it wouldn't turn out to be a bad decision.

But he was also pumped for it, it would be the first time in his life he would be living independently, while he's never thought much about it before, now it's the only thing he can think of.

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