Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 74: Resplendent in Fine Clothes and Riding Proudly on Spirited Horses

Chapter 74: Chapter 74: Resplendent in Fine Clothes and Riding Proudly on Spirited Horses

“I don’t know the way?” Feng Jun replied with a long laugh, “I’ve already asked around, asked dozens of people, and have memorized the route a while ago.” Indeed, he wasn’t bragging. Even though it was his first time at the market, and his unusual attire and strange accent did put people off, it didn’t stop him from generously handing out so many cigarettes.

Those who got the free smokes were quite willing to show some goodwill to Feng Jun. After all, simply pointing out the way didn’t cost them anything—it was a favor freely given.

In fact, some locals even started quarreling with each other, their faces flushed and necks bulging with the effort. The reason was that everyone remembered the route differently, and none could persuade the others. In the end, the argument escalated to personal attacks and almost led to a fistfight.

At least Feng Jun was fairly confident about making his way solo to the prefectural city.

However, no sooner had he finished speaking than a person appeared in front ofhim, “Doyoureallyplantogo?”

The one who asked was Lang Zhen. Feng Jun glanced at him irritably, “if 1 don’t go, should I wait around for the Spring Festival instead? Please keep an eye on your elder sister. She’s not that young anymore and should be more sensible.” Lang Zhen fell silent, and after a long pause, he finally spoke, “I think you need a guide-knowing which way to go and knowing how to get there are two entirely different things.”

Feng Jun was at a loss for words at this man’s erratic train of thought-what am I talking about, and what are you talking about?

He gave a dry laugh, “And then you’re not going to tell me that the perfect guide would be your elder sister, right?”

Her? Not qualified,” Lang Zhen glanced at his daughter and shook his head decisively, “She’s only been out of Yangning County twice and hasn’t really seen the outside world. With her as a guide, I’m afraid you’d both get lost.” This was Lone Wolf for you-his words, sharp and hurtful, and his actions methodical. When it came to assessing his own daughter, he adopted the same derisive tone he used with strangers.

It’s not the elder sister being the tour guide… a relief, Feng Jun sighed with relief inwardly. He really had no feelings for her.

He nodded casually, “I’m aware of that; I’ll hire a guide on the road tomorrow.” Lang Zhen slapped his chest and spoke heartily, “Apart from me, who else is better qualified to be your guide?”

Feng Jun was taken aback again. Are you, a highly skilled individual, really okay with humbling yourself like this?

Of course, it had to be admitted that Lang Zhen indeed had the credentials to make such a claim. In his younger days, he had worked as an escort, familiar with many paths and local customs, well aware of the various schemes in the pugilistic world, and above all, possessing extraordinary martial prowess. Along with guiding, he could also double as a bodyguard.

Feng Jun was momentarily stunned before he regained his composure, “Having you as a guide would definitely be ideal, but… I can’t afford you.”

Lang Zhen waved his hand dismissively, expressing magnanimously, “You don’t have to pay; I have my own pursuits. Helping you is helping myself.” When Feng Jun heard the word “pursuits,” he couldn’t help wanting to mock, “You’re not convenient in this and not okay in that, focusing on your pursuits, you could just strive on your own. I don’t have many expectations of you.” At this, Lang Zhen knew he must have somewhat irritated Feng Jun.

What ruffled his feathers? Of course, it was about the stones. Today, Feng Jun wanted to buy stone balls, and at first, Lang Zhen discouraged him. After seeing how stubborn the lad was, Lang Zhen, in a fit of annoyance, declared he wouldn’t interfere anymore, leaving Feng Jun to his own devices.

And Feng Jun’s response was just as uncompromising, offering ten times the price to buy two stone balls.

How could Lang Zhen fail to realize that Doctor Feng was annoyed with him? -You said you would tell me where the stones come from but never did; now you’ re stopping me from buying them, thinking I must obey you?

Sorry, but I won’t listen anymore. I’d rather pay more to buy the stones than hear you whine.

To be honest, Lang Zhen truly hoped to build a good relationship with him, but due to one mishap or another, the relationship just wasn’t improving.

Knowing he had become an impediment in the Divine Doctor’s eyes, Lone Wolf was eager to show a good attitude. He didn’t want the misunderstanding to deepen.

Therefore, offering his services as a free guide was inevitable, and he was very assertive and proactive about it.

At this critical moment, he stated plainly, “You want to find stones, right? You are about to leave Small Lake Village anyway, I’ll take you to look for them… there really aren’ t any nearby.”

Upon hearing this, Feng Jun knew he couldn’t keep giving the other party the cold shoulder. The things he most desired to obtain in this realm were three: jade, Spirit Stones, and possibly Immortal Cultivation Techniques.

Jade was cheap in this realm, but upon bringing it to the Earth Realm, its value would be astonishing.

Feng Jun dreamt of standing out in real life, probably because he had experienced too many setbacks before. He always longed for a dramatic turnaround, to stand tall and proud before everyone.

He didn t even expect those who had looked down upon him to have a sudden epiphany or to grovel before him.

If only they could silently regret, that would be enough to satisfy him. And to speak honestly, the reason he ranked jade as the top priority was due to an underlying worry.

He was afraid his extraordinary encounters might disappear at any moment.

Is this worry unnecessary? For someone as cautious and accustomed to planning ahead like Feng Jun, it wasn’t unnecessary at all. His miraculous encounter had been so abrupt and irrational, devoid of any logic that could make sense of it.

Since it had arrived without reason, it could also leave without reason.

At this point, Feng Jun felt a profound lack of security. He hoped that, at the very least, once the adventure was over, he would still possess enough wealth to avoid returning to his former life.

As for what Spirit Stones and Immortal Cultivation Techniques meant, there was no need to say-Feng Jun certainly yearned for them more. However, coveting things one shouldn’t and beyond one’s power, before having the strength to do so, was nothing but wishful thinking.

In any case, now that Lang Zhen had made it clear he wanted to lead him to where there was Jade, he could no longer keep up the act.

So he asked straightforwardly, “So now, will you come with me?”

Lang Zhen hesitated for a moment, then gave a bitter smile, “Big Sister and the others bought over a hundred jin of grain, she and her brother need help.” Feng Jun thought for a moment, then nodded slightly, “Alright, I’ll go with you to the mountain pass. Once you’ve taken the grain home, we’ll leave.”

Lang Zhen was quite satisfied with the outcome of the negotiations, as Doctor Feng no longer held any prejudices against him and had agreed to his company. However, Lang Dajie (Lang’s Big Sister) was a bit disappointed with this result, as she truly hoped Feng Jun would stay in the village.

But since her father was also leaving with Feng Jun, she knew her opinion would no longer be taken into consideration.

At the start of the afternoon the next day, people from the three villages arrived at the mountain pass resting area. They didn’t begin to ascend the mountain until the late afternoon when the sun was less fierce.

Feng Jun stayed behind, waiting for Lang Zhen to come back out.

At night, he was the only one left in this place. However, having spent over three months alone in this space before, he didn’t feel fearful in the slightest.

Lang Zhen came out in the afternoon of the following day, obviously in a hurry as he hadn’t rested much at home.

He was concerned that if Feng Jun didn’t wait for him, he would miss the opportunity.

After discussing, the two decided to stay in the area for half the night and continue their journey when it became light the next day.

Lang Zhen willingly took on the task of boiling water and preparing food, even though he only had one hand to work with.

Before nightfall, a series of hoofbeats could be heard in the distance, followed by the appearance of a group of more than ten horsemen.

In this realm, anyone who could afford to ride a horse was no ordinary person.

Feng Jun and Lang Zhen stood up, watching the newcomers warily.

The robust men among the ten or so horsemen were fierce looking as they approached swiftly. The burly leader snapped his whip towards Feng Jun, boldly demanding, “Get some water boiling!”

Upon hearing this, Feng Jun looked sideways at Lang Zhen—What do you think?

Lang Zhen shook his head slightly, passing a cautious look and then greeted with a smile, “I got it.”

“Make it quick,” the robust man said ungraciously, “Mind our business, and be careful of the whip!”

He had assigned the task to Feng Jun because he saw that Lang Zhen was disabled, but now that the cripple insisted on doing it, he couldn’t be bothered to interfere.

However, Lang Zhen remained silent and simply went on to boil the water.

Just then, a man dismounted from his horse while smiling, “Be careful, Lao Liu.

This man’s martial abilities are no worse than yours.”

This man, in his early thirties, wearing a blue outfit, was imposing and clearly in charge of the group.

The man called Lao Liu looked at Lang Zhen doubtfully, “Really? Him?”

Yes, him,” the man in blue replied with a casual smile, “Don’t be arrogant. He’s been a soldier, probably an officer, and likely has blood on his hands.” Lang Zhen carried on boiling water as if he hadn’t heard the conversation, humbly keeping his eyes down.

Lao Liu glanced at him, somewhat unconvinced, but eventually controlled his temper, scoffing disdainfully, “So what if he’s killed? He’s still obediently boiling water for us, isn’t he?”

Feng Jun looked curiously at Lang Zhen: You can endure this kind of humiliation?

Lang Zhen still showed no reaction, while the ten or so horsemen clearly didn’t take the two of them seriously. Some began to feed their horses, others moved to rest in the shade of the trees.

Lang Zhen found an opportunity to whisper to Feng Jun, “He might be an

Innate Expert, let’s not cause trouble.”

Upon hearing this, Feng Jun was startled, “Innate Expert?”

Innate Experts were among the pinnacle of martial prowess, capable of battling Spirit Beasts. Lang Zhen was merely a Martial Artist. Above a Martial Artist stood a martial master, and only above a peak martial master could one find an Innate Expert.

No wonder, despite his defiant nature, he had to obediently follow the other’s orders.

The young man in blue had exceptionally good hearing and caught the whisper. He gave a cold laugh, “Innate Expert? You’re not worthy of meeting one. But this cripple does seem to have some insight.”

His words were quite dismissive, but Lang Zhen dared not say more, just silently conveying a look to Feng Jun.

It was only when the group began brewing tea and drinking water that Lang Zhen quietly pulled Feng Jun aside, “It’s been confirmed-the guy in the blue outfit is a peak martial master.”

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