Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 75: Fortune and Misfortune Come Unbidden

Chapter 75: Chapter 75: Fortune and Misfortune Come Unbidden

Feng Jun breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing that the man was only a martial master, “Then just say peak martial master, why mention an Innate Expert?”

Lang Zhen gave him a disdainful look, “Without saying that, how can we probe their true strength?”

Upon hearing this, Feng Jun helplessly slapped his forehead, “Why bother probing? We haven’t provoked them.”

Lang Zhen looked at him deeply, speaking meaningfully, “You should know that we are in the wilderness, and there are only two of us, plus… you are carrying a large amount of supplies.”

A twitch appeared at the corner of Feng Jun’s mouth, “This world really is… not peaceful at all.”

“Exactly,” Lang Zhen nodded in agreement, “Whether they attack you or not depends on their whim.”

Having encountered such a group of people, both Feng Jun and Lang Zhen had lost the inclination to rest. After a short while, the two went over to pack up their campaign beds and the cool canopy, preparing to set off.

The things brought from Earth Realm were portable, easily foldable into very small sizes. The moment the two took action, the other knights looked over.

Seeing how ingenious these items were, a trace of greed flickered in the eyes of the young man in blue, who made a signal to Lao Liu.

Lao Liu caught on immediately and stepped forward to shout, “Stop, what do you think you’re doing?”

Feng Jun remained silent, while Lang Zhen answered with a forced smile, “We’ve rested enough and plan to travel by night.”

Lao Liu pointed at the items they had just packed, “That lightweight bed and canopy are pretty good, we’ll take them!”

“That’s impossible,” Lang Zhen flatly refused, the smile on his face vanishing instantly as a strong will to fight surged within him, “We have not been disrespectful in anyway; are you planning to rob us?”

He was very clear that now was not the time to back down—an inch given would result in the loss of a mile.

He had to make it clear to them: even though we can’t defeat you, we are determined to stand our ground.

Then, you’ll have to really consider the cost of robbing us.

Lao Liu felt his aura and frowned, reaching for the short axe at his waist.

“Hold on,” the young man in blue spoke lazily, “My Gu Family does not have the habit of robbing, nor can I afford to lose that face, Lao Liu… did I ask you to rob them?”

Lao Liu took out a dozen copper coins from his waist and threw them on the ground, “Here, this is foryou. Leave the items behind.”

Seeing this, Lang Zhen was also infuriated; who buys things by throwing money on the ground?

He sneered, “Gu Family… not just anyone can claim to be of the Gu Family.”

Lifting his chin, Lao Liu spoke arrogantly, “We are the Yangshan Gu Family; aside from Yangshan, who else dares to claim the Gu name?”

Yangshan County was adjacent to Yangning, and the Gu Family was the leading local clan there, their influence even extending to Yangning. Although they only dominated the surrounding counties, they were an influential force not to be trifled with.

And Lang Zhen’s own reputation was such that he wouldn’t dare claim he could stroll through Shuangxi Town unchallenged.

He glanced at Feng Jun and saw that Feng Jun hadn’t reacted, so he stepped forward, ready to unload the items they had packed.

Feng Jun thought for a moment, then crouched down and began picking up the copper coins with an expressionless face.

The knights looked on at the two men with disdain, some even smirking coldly.

The young man in blue had been somewhat guarded against this oddly dressed man, speculating that the one-armed martial artist was protecting him at all costs. Someone worthy of such protection from a martial artist must be of considerable importance.

Not to mention, although this person had been silent, his face showed no sign of submission, which must mean there was dissatisfaction in his heart.

It was only when this man humiliatingly crouched down to pick up the copper coins that he fully relaxed his guard.

Just then, a loud shout came from the distance, “That foreigner is a spy for the bandits!”

The shouter was Jia Xingwang, who miraculously appeared not far away, running and shouting as he came.

“Hmm?” Upon hearing this, Lao Liu turned to look at Feng Jun, his face darkening, “You’re a bandit?”

“Xingwang, don’t talk nonsense,” Lang Zhen’s face turned steel blue with anger as he shouted at Jia Xingwang, “Where did you get that Doctor Feng is a bandit?”

“His background is unknown,” Jia Xingwang’s eyes were wide, bloodshot, and he continued to shout at the top of his lungs, “The origin of his items is also questionable… my younger sister doesn’t know any better, do you also lack sense?”

Even as someone who had been around the block, Lang Zhen was trembling with rage at this point. He had never expected that Jia Xingwang, who had always shown him the utmost respect, would pull such a stunt at a critical moment.

He had even considered, if his daughter had no better option, to let her marry this man.

Before he could continue his tirade, he saw Lao Liu turn his head and look at him with a nasty glare, “You shut your mouth!”

After rebuking Lang Zhen, Lao Liu looked back at Jia Xingwang, smiling sardonically, “Are you saying this person could be a bandit’s spy?”

Jia Xingwang glanced at Lang Zhen, hesitated, but then nodded resolutely, “It’s very likely… my father is the Village Head of Small Lake Village, and he can vouch for me.”

Hearing this, Lao Liu bared a toothy grin. He was quite covetous of the packages on the two carts and longed to claim them for himself—the bed and canopy were already marvelous, so the other items must not be far off, right?

Honestly, he just lacked a good excuse to strike, but this foolish youth was being so cooperative that it saved him the trouble of looking for one.

So he turned his head to look at Feng Jun and spoke coldly, “Now that the son of the Village Head has accused you, if you’re not a scout for the bandits, produce sufficient evidence.”

This demand was just too bullying, let alone Feng Jun, even the good people of this realm wouldn’t be able to provide evidence that they were not bandit scouts—having a identity proof was useless, who knew if you were secretly communicating with the bandits?

Therefore, Feng Jun shook his head very decisively, “I can’t produce that; nobody would have such evidence.”

“Oh, so you’re arguing now?” Lao Liu’s face darkened, and he lashed out with his whip toward Feng Jun.

Feng Jun didn’t dodge, just slightly turned his body, allowing the horsewhip to strike his back.

This movement, however, only infuriated Lao Liu even more, and he raised his hand again, ready to deliver a second lash.

But Lang Zhen would have none of it, and with a flick of his hand, he drew the short knife from his waist and spoke ominously, “Can the Gu Family replace the Official Government in upholding the law?”

“Alright Lao Liu,” a robust man spoke, “Let’s just take him to the Yangshan County Office for questioning, to spare others from saying that the Gu Family doesn’t understand propriety.”

His words sounded pleasant, but it was clear that this place was within the bounds of Yangning County, yet he intended to bring someone to the neighboring Yangshan, the ulterior motives being painfully obvious.

Then he turned his head, glanced at Lang Zhen, “Judging by your moves, you don’t seem like someone without a reputation… announce your name.”

“Tian Xiong Army’s Lang Zhen,” Lang Zhen replied expressionlessly. He didn’t mention his identity as an escort, instead, he pulled out the military card.

“Hmm, I know you,” the robust man nodded, speaking with a smirk that wasn’t quite a smile, “Lone Wolf, right? You lost that hand during an escort mission and then you took an early retirement.”

Lang Zhen, hearing this, was displeased but worried, yet he didn’t show anything on his face and responded without betraying his emotions, “Such a humble name, I didn’t expect the Gu Family to be aware of it, I’m rather honored indeed.”

The robust man’s mouth twitched, and he spoke with a sneer that wasn’t quite genuine, “From your expression, I can’t see the slightest bit of honor you feel.”

Lang Zhen remained silent, glaring sharply at Jia Xingwang.

“Alright,” the robust man coughed lightly, looking at Feng Jun, “Declare your origins as well, to save yourself from any misunderstanding.”

Feng Jun calmly uttered four words, “Nothing to declare.”

Jia Xingwang cried out again, “In his package, there are quills of a Spiritual Hedgehog… I suspect they are stolen.”

Quills of a Spiritual Hedgehog? The robust man’s face shifted slightly upon hearing this, and he turned to look at the young man in blue, “Thirteenth Young Master?”

The Thirteenth Young Master of the Gu Family frowned upon hearing this, “Is that true?”

Where would Jia Xingwang dare to use the words “it’s true”? He could only stiffly reply, “Lone Wolf said it.”

The Thirteenth Young Master looked at Feng Jun and spoke slowly, “I’ll give you a chance now, where did the quills of the Spiritual Hedgehog come from?”

Feng Jun replied without expression, “You’ll regret hearing the answer, really.”

“Damn it, looking for a beating, huh?” Lao Liu’s eyes widened, and he raised his whip again.

“Enough,” this time it was the Thirteenth Young Master who stopped him, his interest piqued as he sized up Feng Jun, “Do you think the Gu Family are the type to fear trouble?”

Lang Zhen couldn’t help but speak up then, “Divine Doctor, let’s see if the Gu Family fears trouble or not!”

Feng Jun blinked and then slowly shook his head, “Old Lang, there’s no need to say more.”

Upon hearing this, Lao Liu spat disdainfully, “Tch, playing mystic… who are you trying to scare?”

The Thirteenth Young Master, who had been pondering what identity this person could have to speak so boldly, upon hearing Lao Liu’s words, a smile formed on his lips: I’m really getting more and more regressive with age.

So he lifted his chin and spoke lazily, “Go, check his package to see what’s in there.”

No sooner had he finished speaking, Feng Jun narrowed his eyes, “Do you not know that a gentleman can be killed but not insulted?”

“Pfft,” the Thirteenth Young Master scoffed disdainfully, “Lao Liu… aren’t you going to act?”

Searching another’s belongings was something only the government was qualified to do, but if the Gu Family didn’t even have the courage to do that, they would be unworthy of their reputation as a powerful clan.

Even if the person had an extraordinary identity, the Gu Family wasn’t afraid; at worst, they would just look at a few things, what’s the harm?

In these times, who with a bit of ability didn’t behave this way?

However, the next moment, the Thirteenth Young Master felt something was a bit off, he looked carefully but didn’t notice anything wrong.

Strange, why do I feel like… something just flashed?

Lao Liu, with his whip in hand, stepped forward, and seeing the strange man panic and leave the two-wheeled cart, a contemptuous smile appeared on his lips.

There were indeed quite a few packages on the other party’s cart, but they were all tightly sealed. Lao Liu flipped through them, couldn’t figure out how to open these packages, and so he directly tore them open with brute force.

The items inside the packages immediately fell out.

(During the strong push period, calling for clicks, recommendations, and collections… It will be put on the shelf at the beginning of next month, friends who haven’t seen the guaranteed monthly tickets, it’s time to make a move.)

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