Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 94: Pretending to Be Confused When You Understand Clearly

Chapter 94: Chapter 94: Pretending to Be Confused When You Understand Clearly

Feng Jun’s projected Qi Force was extremely weak; there seemed to be no disturbance in the air, nor any sound of wind.

But he saw it with his own eyes—a small depression suddenly formed on the surface of the water three meters away.

It was as if a mischievous child had tossed a pebble in, shattering the calm surface and creating ripples that spread outwards.

They were those concentric circles of ripples.

“Qi Force projection,” Feng Jun muttered softly to himself, his heart inevitably stirred slightly.

According to Lang Zhen, this was one of the characteristics that distinguished martial masters from martial artists.

The reason it was considered a characteristic and not a criterion was because not all martial masters were capable of Qi Force projection—since everyone practiced different cultivation techniques, many martial artists only began to gradually grasp the knack for Qi Force projection after advancing to the rank of martial master.

In short: not all martial masters could project Qi Force, but those who could were definitely martial masters.

Only at this moment did Feng Jun finally believe that he had been promoted to the rank of martial master.

The power of his Qi Force projection was very weak, but this was not a major problem.

In the mobile phone realm of cultivation, the most important and primary issue to resolve was whether one possessed the ability; once confirmed, the next step to consider was how to become stronger.

In fact, even in that realm, making one’s Qi Force projection powerful was difficult; not only did one’s cultivation level need to reach a certain degree, but necessary incantations and techniques were also required.

Even high-rank martial masters couldn’t always kill their enemies using Qi Force projection.

For them, more often than not, Qi Force projection served merely as a means to distract enemies in battle, with genuinely mediocre lethality.

Of course, if a high-rank martial master went up against an ordinary person, there would undoubtedly be a crushing victory, but in such a situation… would Qi Force projection be necessary?

Having confirmed his advancement to martial master, Feng Jun did not feel overly thrilled; instead, he had a strange feeling—becoming a martial master in real society, how come these two feelings… just didn’t match?

Being promoted to martial master in the proper mobile phone realm meant that in deserted wilds, with no one around, one could kill quite freely.

In real society? Impossible! Even Tyson, as strong as he was, wasn’t he still managed by his agent Don King?

In the era of hot weapons and in a low-martial realm, being a mere martial master wasn’t much to be proud of; at the very least… one should become an innate expert, right?

However, regardless of all that, becoming a martial master still left Feng Jun quite satisfied; he ended his training, picked up his backpack beside him, and left the park to fill his stomach.

This time, eating cost him quite a bit of money—he wolfed down a hundred skewers of lamb meat, spending two hundred yuan.

He had no interest in other vegetables; the potato slices and tofu skin he used to love held no appeal for him now. He just wanted to eat meat and had no desire for chicken wings or other boned delicacies.

After eating his fill and leaving under the surprised gaze of the owner, his mind hovered on the thought: when it comes to cultivation, a large amount of meat is really needed, as other foods just don’t provide enough calories.

Seeing that it was approaching two o’clock, he returned to Penglai Grand Hotel, proficiently fashioned a piece of wire with a plug, connected one end to an electrical outlet and the other end to his wrist, and then fell into a deep sleep.

For the next day and night, he didn’t go out but continued practicing the fourth form of the Tai Chi Breathing Technique.

The fourth form was much more difficult than the third; Feng Jun only managed to cultivate two diagrams in one day, so he decided to go back to the park the next day for cultivation… It seemed to be slower inside.

However, the next morning, Henglong Jewelry Store called Feng Jun, informing him that they had prepared the cash and asking when he would like to make the transaction.

This time, Feng Jun delayed a bit, telling them to wait for his call, and then he immediately phoned the owner of the car modification workshop in the auto repair city, inquiring if his all-terrain vehicle had arrived.

The owner said the vehicle hadn’t arrived, and Feng Jun took the opportunity to ask to borrow the owner’s modified van.

When he mentioned the van, he wasn’t referring to just any van; it was modified to carry a ton and still speed up to eighty kilometers per hour.

The owner didn’t mind lending it; the van was not particularly valuable by itself, and since it was modified from a second-hand vehicle, it was worth even less. It was meant for his personal use, not for selling, so even the workmanship cost couldn’t be factored in.

After Feng Jun picked up the vehicle, he called Henglong Jewelry Store’s personnel, arranging a meeting at Zhengyang Commercial Bank; this was also the only bank where he held a gold card.

The people from Henglong didn’t object; what was there to fear in a bank transaction?

Feng Jun arrived first, driving the van, and about ten minutes later, two Passats and one Audi also pulled in.

These three vehicles belonged to Henglong. In fact, Boss Liang had connections with Zhengyang Commercial Bank, so their vehicles were parked directly in front of the bank’s main entrance. Shortly after, two security guards and three or four clerks hurried out from the bank.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the trunks of the three vehicles were opened, and eight exquisite leather cases were quickly moved into the bank.

Feng Jun walked out from the crowd of onlookers and headed towards the entrance of the bank.

“Sir, please wait a moment,” a female bank clerk stopped him, speaking in a mechanical tone, “You need to wait a little while.”

Feng Jun couldn’t be bothered with her attitude and simply took out his Gold Card and flashed it, “I’m a Gold Card customer.”

“I’m terribly sorry,” the clerk’s tone finally contained a bit of politeness. Ordinary customers might be stopped without hesitation, but Gold Card VIP clients couldn’t be affronted so carelessly — although, in the face of tens of millions in cash, even a regular Gold Card holder wasn’t all that significant.

She could only express her reverence by saying, “There’s a major project being transferred at the moment… It’ll be done shortly.”

Just then, a shout came from the distance, “Let him through!”

The one shouting was none other than a driver from Henglong Jewelry, a strapping young fellow who likely doubled as security. He recognized Feng Jun.

Upon hearing this, the female clerk immediately stepped back to clear a path, thinking to herself, could this be one of the principals?

Following that, she stepped aside and with a hand gesture, squeezed out a flustered yet sweet smile, “Please come in.”

The transaction between Feng Jun and Henglong Jewelry Store took place in the bank’s VIP lounge. At first, six bank employees helped count the money, and soon, about a dozen more joined in, with twenty cash-counting machines lined up in a row.

It took them a full three hours to count out thirty-eight million in cash.

On the other side, once the transaction paperwork was completed, Feng Jun waved his hand dismissively and said, “Deposit twenty million into the account, and pack the rest for me to take away.”

When the bank employees heard that only twenty million of the thirty-eight million would stay, they first paused, then accepted the situation — how could they not recognize it? Twenty million was also an enormous sum, right?

However, Liang Haiqing was sitting on a sofa, sipping coffee while chatting amiably with the leaders from Zhengyang Commercial Bank.

When he heard that Feng Jun was taking away eighteen million, he smiled and called out, “Boss Feng, it’s already half past one. How about we grab something to eat together?”

Having come here and seen Feng Jun’s VIP card, he naturally knew the man’s name.

“No need,” Feng Jun waved his hand dismissively, then pointed to a bank employee, “Just treat them to a meal on my behalf.”

After saying that, he drove a small van to the bank’s entrance, loaded four suitcases into it, and sped off out of sight.

Watching the van drive off the curb, a Passat driver couldn’t help but remark, “Are the rims on that van really that sturdy?”

The rims of microbus tires are generally softer. With eighteen million in cash on board, which would weigh at least three hundred kilograms, you’d normally slow down a bit when driving off the curb. But that van just plowed on as if it were empty.

The driver of an Audi nearby spoke up, “It’s a modified van, didn’t you notice? I think I’ve seen it at the auto parts city.”

Liang Haiqing listened to their discussion and after a moment of silence, he turned to a leader from the bank and asked, “Could that person… be using a fake ID?”

“How would I know that?” the bank leader glanced around, then answered quietly, “Anyway, there was no problem with his verification. He’s here to deposit money, not withdraw. Why should I worry so much?”

Normally, for cash transactions of this scale, the bank would need to do its due diligence to avoid unnecessary liability. But these days, it’s tough for city commercial banks.

As Feng Jun drove down the road, he picked up his mobile phone and dialed a number, “Is this the place that buys yellow croakers? I’ve got eighteen hundred of them and would like to buy some yellow croakers. When can you have them ready?”

“Oh,” the voice on the other end responded dully before falling silent. After about ten seconds, a harsh, gong-like voice picked up, “Are you carrying the ‘goods’ on you?”

In truth, both parties knew what was going on, but since the intermediary, Henglong Jewelry, wasn’t showing its face, they all had to pretend they were oblivious and act as though they didn’t understand each other’s intentions.

After a brief conversation, they agreed to conduct the transaction near an old farm machinery station close to Southern City Red Flag North Street.

This area originally belonged to Red Flag Commune and now served as a city- rural junction undergoing demolition. Already reduced to ruins, the farm machinery station lay abandoned and deserted.

Feng Jun agreed without hesitation because he knew there were no surveillance cameras in that area.

To others, this might present an unsettling risk, but for him, it was like being offered a pillow when sleepy.

Some may think that Feng Jun heading there alone is recklessly irresponsible for his own life.

Yet Feng Jun didn’t see it that way. If they’re human and he’s human, who should really be wary of whom? That was still up for debate.

As it turned out, he was right. On the other end of the phone were four individuals, three men and one woman. After hanging up, a burly man frowned, “The guy didn’t hesitate and just agreed to meet at the farm machinery station. Could he have some ill intentions?”

“So what if there’s a plot?” a middle-aged man snorted coldly, a hint of murderous intent flashing in his eyes, “We can just fight to the death if necessary. We’re in the business of gold panning, are we supposed to be scared of him?”

Though his words were fierce, they couldn’t mask the tension in the atmosphere.

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