Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 95: On the Verge (Request for Monthly Pass)

Chapter 95: Chapter 95: On the Verge (Request for Monthly Pass)

These four were part of a gold mining gang, maintaining over a hundred enforcers and hundreds of workers.

According to Sister Hong, those who mined in secret were all outlaws, living a life of “drink today for today we have wine.”

But at the same time, she also said that if one could survive a year and not die, withdrawing in time would mean making a profit.

Is it possible for someone to withdraw in time? Indeed, as mentioned before, in this trade, challengers come in waves without end. If you don’t withdraw, the only thing waiting for you is death—no one can be an exception.

Of course, there were also quite a few who couldn’t extricate themselves after entering, mostly because they had no way out. To quit meant death, but if they didn’t, they might live a few more days.

Some also left the trade after becoming disabled, which already counted as good luck—at least they were still alive, weren’t they?

There’s no need for digressions. Although this gang of four also engaged in violence, they retained the thought of exiting, hoping to strike it rich and then leave.

It was for this reason that they connected with Henglong. Most of the gold they mined was sold to Henglong.

This time, Henglong asked them to conduct a transaction with someone whose background they hadn’t checked, and it was a deal worth eighteen million. They weren’t sure if the other party was nervous, but without a doubt, they were definitely tense.

As for these gold miners, in fact, not many were good folk. There were plenty with blood on their hands. Just last month, a gold miner who had hidden some gold was thrown off a cliff by their enforcers.

But that was in the deep mountains, far from any human presence. In a bustling market, especially in a large provincial city like Zhengyang, they really didn’t dare cause trouble easily. If a life was lost, there would be no rectifying the situation, and they could only follow a dark path to its end.

Ultimately, it was the tall and strong man who made the decision, “You must not harbor the intent to harm others, but you must always guard against others. Let’s be on high alert, and if worse comes to worst, we’ll fight for our lives… It’s not certain yet who should be more afraid.”

Under the “hunter and wolf are both scared” situation, both parties should be striving to restrain themselves and avoid stirring up trouble as the right path to take.

But in this world, there is no shortage of those blinded by greed, and there are also problems that can’t satisfy everyone.

The only woman among the four spoke up, “Why?”

The others were a bit confused by this, and the middle-aged man asked, “What do you mean, why?”

“Why shouldn’t we be the ones scheming against them?” The woman’s eyes narrowed as she spoke sinisterly, “We’ve taken lives before, have they? Why should we be trembling with fear? That’s eighteen million!”

If Feng Junruo heard this, he would definitely sneer—my hands are not only stained with human lives but also with horse lives, a dozen of each!

The woman’s words left the three men stunned. After a moment’s hesitation, the tall and strong man spoke, “Alright, after completing this deal, we can make three or four kilograms of gold. Let’s not invite trouble.”

Henglong bought their mined gold, but not for three hundred a gram. It was about two hundred seventy a gram. This time, they were dealing in gold bars that Henglong had helped refine. After deducting the handling fees, they would still have a few kilograms of gold sand left after the transaction.

Therefore, the tall man did not want any accidents—if they could earn a few extra kilograms of gold quietly, wouldn’t that be better?

But the woman was not content, “Regardless of the outcome, trying wouldn’t be too much of a problem, would it? If we don’t even dare to try, wouldn’t Henglong look down on us?”

Once she said this, even the middle-aged man was moved, “If we could embarrass the other party, dealing with Henglong in the future might come with more conveniences.”

They were gold miners, and private ones at that. Henglong was a gold buyer. Although there was cooperation between the two, naturally, as buyer and supplier, they were on opposing sides with unavoidable frictions in their cooperation.

But these were all excuses—in the end, it all came down to the enticement of wealth.

The tall and strong man hesitated for a long time before finally stating, “I don’t agree with probing. If you’re determined to try, then I only have one request… Be sure to be discreet and avoid overly provoking the other party.”

On hearing this, the woman let out a coy laugh, “Don’t worry, boss. Our people are the best at distinguishing gold from sand…”

Driving an old microvan, Feng Jun arrived quickly at the agricultural machinery station on Red Flag North Street. The area was demolished and in ruins, spanning hundreds of acres without a soul in sight, only dilapidated walls remaining.

The agricultural machinery station was still relatively intact, with two and a half walls remaining, which conveniently blocked the view from the distant high-rises.

This wasteland also had roads, though they were now rough and uneven from the bulldozers. It was a good thing he was driving a modified microvan. If it had been a car with a lower chassis, he wouldn’t have dared to enter.

As soon as he parked the microvan next to the wall of the station, a trail of dust rose in the distance as two Mercedes-Benz SUVs sped over from the outside at speeds exceeding forty on this bumpy road.

“Does driving an off-road vehicle make you great?” Feng grumbled, curling his lip, “I’ll buy one too someday.”

In the blink of an eye, the two SUVs arrived at the station. As soon as the vehicles stopped, four or five men jumped out, including four robust youngsters in camouflage gear, clearly the enforcer type.

Three members of the negotiating quartet arrived, with the tall and strong man clearly leading the group.

After getting out of the car, he looked around and then turned his gaze towards Feng Jun, frowning as he asked, “Are you the one who wants the goldfish?”

Honestly, he was really surprised. Not only had the other party come alone, but he also drove an old van—this presence was really unimpressive.

Feng Jun, however, did not mind and simply nodded slightly before backing up to the van’s rear door and opening it.

Inside the vehicle were four exquisitely crafted boxes, which obviously were quite valuable.

Feng Jun waved his hand dismissively and spoke without any expression, “One thousand eight hundred, they’re all here. Where are the ‘yellow croakers’?”

The burly man raised his chin, and behind him, two men in camouflage uniforms took two small cases from the vehicle.

When the two men placed the cases on the ground, the small containers kicked up a bit of dust and sand.

In terms of presence alone, the two parties were hardly on the same level. Feng Jun was a lone wolf, his car was also rather beat up, and now, it seemed he had fallen into a semi-encirclement by the other party.

The woman glanced at the burly man with a hint of triumph: See, the other party is just a small fry.

Yet the burly man remained silent, not even offering the slightest hint.

For he had already sensed something was amiss. Although there was only one young man, he was far too composed.

Years of experience in the underworld taught him that something peculiar always had a reason: the less a situation conformed to common sense, the more caution was warranted.

Feng Jun tilted his chin upward and spoke indifferently, “Open the case, I want to see the ‘yellow croaker’.”

Greed flickered in the middle-aged man’s eyes as he rushed to speak, “You open your cases too.”

“I’m by myself, it’s not convenient,” Feng Jun replied expressionlessly, “You can send someone to check.”

As he said this, he stepped aside to clear a pathway for inspection.

For the middle-aged man to interrupt in front of the boss was already somewhat discourteous, but what happened next was even more out of order.

With a light chuckle and a slightly teasing tone, the woman asked, “Young man, you came alone for such a big deal?”

“One person is enough,” Feng Jun ignored her and looked straight at the burly man, “Who’s in charge here?”

When he asked the question, his face remained impassive, but there was no doubt that he was scolding the other party for their lack of decorum.

The woman’s face darkened as she was about to speak, but the burly man coughed loudly, “Of course, I’m in charge.”

“Good,” Feng Jun nodded, his face still devoid of emotion as he commanded, “Those who are irrelevant… shut up!”

The woman bristled at these words, her pride as the boss wounded, yet the middle -aged man gave her a sidelong glance and shook his head slightly.

Next, the treasure hunters on the other side opened their two small cases, revealing neatly stacked gold bars inside that glittered softly, drawing eyes that couldn’t bear to look away.

That was the allure of gold. Those who had never seen it in person could never imagine the impact and temptation of so many gold bars laid out together.

Meanwhile, two men in camouflage walked to the back of the van, took down four exquisite cases, placed them on the ground, and opened them up.

Inside these four cases were neatly stacked hundred-dollar bills, of course, the visual effect was not bad either.

The two young men began to count. In this setting, they would not count bill by bill but by the stack, a rough estimate was sufficient.

Feng Jun didn’t show interest in counting at all; he was just waiting for the other party to finish so he could take the gold and leave.

In such circumstances, people generally didn’t cheat, at least not in terms of quantity since nobody was sure how many would come from the other side or whether they would count on the spot.

If many came from the other side, and they had cheated on the amount, it was very likely they would end up dead in this farm machinery station.

The woman watched as the two young men counted and casually slipped her hands into her pockets, stealthily pressing her mobile phone.

She half-concealed herself behind the middle-aged man, but Feng Jun still keenly noticed her unusual move, raised his hand, and spoke coldly, “You… take your hands out!”

“Why should I listen…” The woman, clearly defiant, yet upon seeing the menacing look from the burly man, promptly shut her mouth and slowly raised her hands, though her face still bore an air of indignation.

She was confused deep down: Why was the boss taking this young nobody so seriously?

However, Feng Jun, as if he could hear her inner thoughts, smiled coldly, “Any more tricks, and I won’t be polite!”

Just at that moment, there was a flash of movement near the wall not far off.

Feng Jun’s movements were lightning-fast; without any apparent preparatory action, a small crossbow suddenly appeared in his hand, and he instantly pulled the trigger.

With a pained “Ow” a figure collapsed to the ground, writhing in agony.

It was a man in his thirties, with an ordinary face and attire so nondescript that he would be unrecognizable in a crowd, and the steel arrow shot by Feng Jun was firmly embedded in his thigh.

(Updated, calling for genuine subscriptions and monthly tickets.)

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