Celestial Peak

Chapter 141: No Mercy

Chapter 141: No Mercy

Wang Ling entered the city oddly named Iceblock City wearing a black robe and a devil's mask. Many people liked to hide their identities for more reasons than one, it was not uncommon to see a masked cultivator.

Having dubious plans in this city, Wang Ling was not planning on leaving having his cover blown. He wanted to do this alone without his family getting mixed into such acts because he wanted them to have a righteous name for the masses.

Although the act of destroying evil sects such as the acts he was about to do considered righteous. What Wang Ling wanted to do was not something as simple as destroying them.

Entering the city, Wang Ling received curious looks but nothing more. He observed the surroundings and saw many young and middle-aged people roaming the streets. On their chest was an embroidery of three claw marks.

Wang Ling watched as they walked around the place with wide and proud smiles on their faces. Wang Ling watched them walked around lawlessly as they threw their weight around the city.

Walking around, Wang Ling wandered around the city and ended up in the back of the city where most of the common non-cultivators stayed. Looking around, Wang Ling didn't see much but one particular teahouse caught his attention.

It was an ordinary teahouse. It was ordinary but it provided a good place where the Shadow Claws Sect was just a couple of walks away. The City Lord's Manor was in direct opposite of the Shadow Claws Sect in terms of direction.

He entered the teahouse and came to know that it was run by an elderly man and his granddaughter about 14 years of age. The young lady was pretty, though not as pretty as Wang Yue that was his honest opinion.

He asked them to bring him to serve him their best tea and they brought him a tea called [Frost Flower Tea]. He also asked for snacks. Wang Ling picked up a snack and sneakily put it inside his robes, munching sounds was heard after.

Pulling his mask slightly up, Wang Ling began to sip his tea. However, his spirit sense and Ocean's Lull was observing everything.

He soon finished his tea and ordered some more. He repeated this act more than three times until he finally had enough information about the surroundings and left after paying.

He went someplace else and did the same, observing the place before leaving the place. Along the way, he was asking about the City Lord and the Shadow Claws Sect. But no one seemed to want to provide an answer.

Returning to the teahouse he previously frequented, Wang Ling saw the disciples of the Shadow Claws Sect and City Lord Manor lingering around so he left. But he could see the old man from the teahouse was down on his knees begging to the disciples of the Shadow Claws Sect.

Wang Ling gathered enough information after seeing the scene before him. He left before he could attract any attention.  

[The City Lord is useless.]

It was still noon. Wang Ling waited for the sun to set before he made his move.

Looking at the setting sun, Wang Ling saw more and more members of the Shadow Claws Sect throwing their weights around the city. Wang Ling turned around and with the setting sun on his back, he headed for the City Lord's Manor.

Moving as fast an arrow fired from a fully drawn bow, Wang Ling moved and arrive in the tall walls of the manor. The sun had finally set and Wang Ling blended with the darkness in the corner of the houses.

He jumped on top of a tree nearby and then entered the City Lord's Manor. Moving in as swiftly and quietly as possible, Wang Ling found an optimal spot on the roof of the Manor. Spreading his spirit sense from outside he looked around and sensed the strongest person in the building was a peak-early-grand saint cultivator, Wang Ling smiled as he moved.

Finding the spot where the strongest person inside was settled in, Wang Ling moved quietly and found himself just outside a room. The room was dimly lit, and from outside Wang Ling could not see anything other than bookshelves.

Entering through the window by cutting the locks of the window, Wang Ling heard the loud moans of a woman that was mixed with sobbing.

"Pplease stop it." Wang Ling heard the trembling groans of a woman that was behind the curtains of a rocking bed in front of him.

From the shadows, Wang Ling could see a figure mounted on top of another. Furiously hitting the one being mounted on, whoever it was he or she was furiously beating the person below him or her.

Wang Ling approached the rocking bed with light feet. Using a sword to cut through the curtains, Wang Ling was presented with the sight of a fat fuck of a man beating a petite lady who was beyond recognition.

The lady was covered in bruises all over, her face was messed up so badly that it was almost impossible to recognize that she was someone who used to have a proper face.

Wang Ling's brows in the middle of his forehead.

The City Lord was startled as the sharp sound of a sword cutting through the curtain was heard by him. He thought some high leveled bastard was coming to kill him, but his temper instantly flared up after seeing the weak Wang Ling.

"Bast!" The City Lord tried to shout at Wang Ling, but Wang Ling efficiently knocked his face on the ground and sent him flying to the walls opposite of him.

Wang Ling's light feet carried him before the City Lord. He stood straight and had the tip of his sword inserted in the City Lord's mouth.

"Speak only when I tell you to. Make any unpleasant sound and I will cut you down, make a move and I will cut you down, try anything I disapprove of and I will cut you down. Only move when I tell you, and only respond when I tell you to respond."

The City Lord tried to nod, but as he did, Wang Ling cut his left cheek from the inside out. The City Lord tried to scream in pain but Wang Ling's devilish gaze petrified him to eve eke out a sound. But in his mind, he questioned, WHY?

"I never told you to respond, be grateful I didn't behead you right then and there. Now nod if you understand what I mean."

The City Lord nodded like an obedient puppy.

Wang Ling had successfully sowed the seeds of fear in the heart of the City Lord. This made him smile.

"You're the City Lord of this City correct? Respond."

"II am!"

"Then what are you doing letting the Shadow Claws Sect run amok your city?"

The layered fat of the City Lord jumped up and down, the frustration of his life on the palm of this mysterious swordsman made him angered to the fullest. But his fear of losing his life made him lose control of himself and began uttering the truth out of his mouth. He knew that if he answers incorrectly, he will die.

"The Sect Master of the Shadow Claws Sect promised to not usurp my position if I cooperate with them. I will be able to live quietly if I just turn a blind eye from their actions."

Wang Ling took note of his answers and pointed on the groaning lady that was lying on the bed behind him, "Where do you get those women? From the Shadow Claws Sect? Respond."

The fat City Lord nodded his head and as he did, Wang Ling drew a horizontal line and beheaded the City Lord. He was Minor Saint now, a Grand Saint might be stronger than a Minor Saint but that was mere conventions.

Wang Ling's entire being both inside and out was out of this world. It was not a part of a convention seen by everyone else. He was someone who stood above conventions.

As the blood of the City Lord flowed, Wang Ling left that room and took the woman with him before setting the place on fire.

A fire sparked up and started burning the place down. But the flames that was burning the Manor down was no normal fire. It was dark and could not be put out by normal means.

Soon, the Manor was burned to the ground and the body of the City Lord was burned inside as it was the one to first become ash. After all, Wang Ling used the City Lord's body as the fire starter.

With a body on his hands, Wang Ling stopped before the teahouse he had previously visited and knocked on its doors before leaving the beaten up lady there. Wang Ling had seen that beaten up girl before, it was the young lady from the teahouse who served him tea.

Walking away, the doors of the teahouse opened and the old man saw his granddaughter on his doorsteps, his reddened eyes shone brightly. He made sure she was alive, no matter how horrible her state was in, the old man was thankful his granddaughter was alive.

Looking around, the old man saw no one around. He thanked the heavens for saving his granddaughter.


Wang Ling was walking slowly. The reason why he saved the young lady was easy, she was there and could be saved and was no trouble at all. Leaving her to die in the manor served no purpose other than pointless death.

He would have left her in the street if the teahouse he saw her in was located in the way he was going.

Walking slowly, there were three Shadow Claws Sect disciples walking in a swagger in front of him. They had just stepped out three steps away from the Shadow Claws Sect.

He continued with leisure, the three showed no intention of moving away so it was inevitable they bumped into one another.

"Hey, bastard, watch!"


A fountain of blood erupted as Wang Ling's sword swiftly beheaded the man who was about to yell. The head that flew away still had an angered expression stuck on its face.

The two disciples together with the man saw the event transpire and before they can even make a move, Wang Ling had already moved and cut them into two different parts.

"The moon is beautiful tonight blood should be able to accompany it easily."

Wang Ling waltzed into the Shadow Claws Sect with a single sword in hand, Bai Xue was running around the streets of the Iceblock City killing any disciple of the Shadow Claws Sect.

None escaped his beastly senses as she managed to sniff the distinct smell the disciples of the Shadow Claws Sect carried. The manual they trained in was the same, and the qi that lingered in their body was all the same, making Bai Xue's job of searching for her targets easy.

A massacre was going on around the city as well. Wang Ling was creating a massacre himself and as he did, some people he slew were either people with bad intentions or innocent who had entered the Shadow Claws Sect.

Wang Ling and Bai Xue was well aware that some of the people they have killed might be innocent and have their own families elsewhere. But the only thing that was in their mind at the moment was that they needed to kill the disciples of the Shadow Claws Sect.

After all, if they leave a single one of them alive, in the off chance they were to find out about Wang Ling's identity, conflict and hate will arise. To avoid such nuisance, one thing must be done.

Pull the problems from their roots.

It was a night of blossoming red flowers, Wang Ling moved like a devil and he killed like one. Never showing any mercy no matter who it was before him. A kid, a man, a woman an elderly, or someone else. Wang Ling killed without hesitation present in his blade. He was decisive to a frightening degree.

He bathed in the blood of both the sinners and the innocent.

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