Celestial Peak

Chapter 142: On the way to the next subject

Chapter 142: On the way to the next subject


As the sword dyed crimson by the blood of his enemies moved like cutting wind. Wang Ling beheaded the Sect Master of the Shadow Claws Sect and harvested his middle-grand saint soul.

"Cursed you, y0ou fucking lunatic of a no, noooo!" Wang Ling listened with an ice-cold stare as he erased the consciousness of the Sect Master. Now, the soul in his hands was a mere ball of pure energy.

Wang Ling looked around and a mountain of corpses and a river of blood was formed behind him. Buildings were destroyed. Limbs and entrails were scattered all over the place. Sword marks were marked on the walls.

"Have you cleaned out this place already?" Bai Xue flew down from above and questioned Wang Ling of the situation, behind her was a ball of blood swirling about, "There is no more Shadow Claws Sect disciple in this city, how about here?"

"I killed them all already. I also ransacked their treasuries and the resources of everyone present." Wang Ling answered with a carefree tone, "Are you going to collect the blood? I want to leave already."

"Hold your horses, I'll collect them now." Bai Xue argued and she opened her mouth and began sucking up blood all over the place. As she sucked up the blood of those that belonged to low-level cultivators, Bai Xue added the blood of the saints in the ball of blood behind her.

Wang Ling watched as lines of blood floated up and sped away towards Bai Xue. A few minutes passed and no blood could be seen anymore, "I'm done!" Bai Xue proclaimed and hopped on top of Wang Ling's head and began cultivating.

Not minding what she was doing, Wang Ling unfurled his wings and flew up. Both his hands flared with Hell Flames and Wang Ling sent out flames of hell to burn down the whole place down.

As his flames devoured the whole place, Wang Ling soared up the skies and flew with a booming sound trailing behind him. He left Iceblock City in chaos, but he also left them a gift of having scums disappearing.

Law and order may not return for a while, but the Great Family ruling over the territory will surely take action to quell any unrest. Iceblock City was a well-developed city despite its flaws.

It was a place where a Great Family can earn lots of money on if they use their cards right.

Wang Ling had a wide smile on his face as he flew away. He had just destroyed a sect and reaped the lives of many people yet he was still in a good mood. In his hands was the resources that was meant to be distributed for an entire sect.

Wang Ling needed a lot more resources now that he had reached Minor Saint Stage. Having raided a sect was something he was truly thankful for. He will not need to worry about resources for the time being.

Concerning the matters of claiming the lives of many people, Wang Ling didn't care about them. Such a thing always happens all over the realm. What he had caused might create a stir, but that didn't matter because his identity was properly protected.

He had two faces that only a few know about. His bloodlines gave him two of these faces, one was a devil cultivator and the other was a divine cultivator.

Right now, he was using the identity of the devil cultivator to reap the lives of others. As he was known by many as a divine cultivator. Wang Ling's name and family will not be associated with any of the massacres.

His reason for letting everyone know he was leaning over with the so-called righteous way of cultivating was mostly because he wanted to protect himself. With two identities, Wang Ling can maneuver with a lot of freedom on his palms.

The foresight he had shown to create a situation where he can move freely thanks to his act of letting everyone revere him as someone holy was something not a lot of people could do.

Although his earlier actions of spreading what he could do might seem useless, it was something necessary. Truly, foresight comes with age. Wang Ling had been showing his craftiness from the start, it was just that he wanted the long terms effect rather than the immediate one.

Flying away, Wang Ling disappeared from the area and took a map out to check the next target.

"[Death Cliff Mountain], Devil Revering Sect, that's something I want." Wang Ling nodded his head and hurriedly flew away as Bai Xue comfortingly meditated on top of his head.

He headed west to create another stir in the Frost Domain. But before he did so, Wang Ling went to find a good place he could hide first. He had a lot of soul with him and he would need two weeks to absorb them all.


Wang Ling was inside a cave, he opened his eyes and a murky breath came out of his mouth. He was already at the peak of middle-minor saint stage although it had only been a few months since his breakthrough.

He had been cultivating for more than a month, far longer than he had anticipated. There was only a month left before the New Year came. Wang Ling at the moment was 23 years of age, in the standards of the current era, he was a genius, but not a monstrous one.

Given that Wang Ling had used up half of the cut he got from the previous raid, he was still moving at an insane speed.

But it was not just him who was improving like a missile, but also Bai Xue who was already about to break past the barrier of the middle-minor saint stage. The blood she had collected managed to greatly increase her cultivation.

At the moment, Bai Xue was jumping up and down as she celebrated her improvement. The pair of fox and human hybrid was not of this world in terms of advancement. With enough cultivation resources, they were monsters in terms of advancement.

But now, they were nearing becoming poor again. Wang Ling stood up and Bai Xue shortly followed him. The two of them stepped out of the cave and without delay, Bai Xue turned into her Dragon Form but mixed it with the wings of the phoenix.

With both the wings of a Dragon and a Phoenix, the two of them flew away at an incredible speed. This time around, it was Wang Ling who cultivated on the back of Bai Xue as they traveled.

Wang Ling cultivated and before they reached their destination. Wang Ling's resources run out, but not before he reached the point where the barrier of the next stage was already before him.

He was at the same state Bai Xue was currently at and just like her, he was itching to start another massacre to get more resources. Wang Ling and Bai Xue's resources did not only came from pillaging, but it also came from the death of their opponents.

With techniques that needed the presence of blood and souls to be present for them to cultivate faster. It was clear to see how they were cultivating. Others may see the two of them as people who were as evil if not more evil as those dark cultivators Wang Ling was massacring.

Especially him who was devouring the souls of his fellow humans. But in his defense, the world revolves in taking advantage of one another. His act of devouring the souls of other humans is not different than a beast devouring the beast core of other beasts or a human killing another human for self-benefit.

In the end, the world is nothing more than a place filled with death, it doesn't matter what kind of soul he devours. Everything was the same, no matter if it is pure or impure, Wang Ling shall become stronger and rise.

As his mind wanders, Wang Ling and Bai Xue reached their destination. They weren't that far from their targets, to begin with, so the two of them reached the place before noon.

In front of them was a mountainous region. On a cliff that had various vegetation scattered all over the place, Wang Ling and Bai Xue saw a pagoda and the thick aura of devil permeated the air.

They had arrived. The two of them landed on the ground and Wang Ling had already observed the surrounding area from above. His Devil's Pupils had already registered every bit of information he would need even before they landed.

"There was an array covering the sect." Wang Ling murmured.

It was a defensive array, the kind that will let the people inside defend against them if they unleash a surprise attack. The array was covering the whole sect in a dome-like manner, so attacking them from above was not going to work if they think normally.

They could waltz in there without regard and be done with it, but Wang Ling knew how tricky devil cultivators were. So he first wanted to destroy the array in case it was used against them.

Thankfully, Wang Ling was not someone normal and had already come up with a plan, "Bai Xue, let me borrow some wine."

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