Celestial Peak

Chapter 145: Planning

Chapter 145: Planning

In some nameless forest, Wang Ling was sitting on top of a tree while Bai Xue was happily manipulating her flames into cooking the meat that was in front of her.

Wang Ling sighed as he compared the three powers they had destroyed and the Chaos Union.

Bandit's Den, Devil Revering Sect, and the Shadow Claws Sect were easily destroyed to the ground. Although their forces were different, they were fundamentally the same as they all have a fixed location.

Wang Ling only needed to kill those who were staying inside those sects and get it over with. Death could easily be achieved if they just went to a sect that had lower strengths than they had.

Many say that destroying sect was not so simple, Wang Ling was once one of these people. He said this because qi used in destroying sect was astronomical. In the past, he would always use up his qi if he was not careful about his way of spending it.

But now, it was different. He and Bai Xue had an almost infinite amount of qi that runs through their bodies. Not only was the quality of their qi far beyond what their peers have, and its quantity was bountiful.

Destroying a sect that has a power of only the saint phase was laughable to the human and fox pair.

However, the Chaos Union was different. It was the kind of force that was made of three different forces mesh into one. Unlike those sects with one key position, Chaos Union meets up together at unknown times.

Wang Ling had the three names of the groups that are a part of the Chaos Union. There were only three names and all of them were located in three different places.

Wang Ling started going through the names and sighed as their varying distances was enough to make him sigh in frustration. Bai Xue who was on top of his lap munching on the meat she had just roasted passed him roasted meat after asking Wang Ling for the map.

Bai Xue reviewed the map and sighed as well. She too knew that it will be a hassle if they follow through the map, so she commented, "Let's just go to the one called Dai Xiu, she's the closest one from here after all."

"What would we do there? Talk to her? I don't want that, I at least want to use her or something. I want to use that person into luring out the other two coming to their places as soon as possible. I can't be dealing with this much problem for too long. We have to return to the Thundergod Academy in a month."

Wang Ling has a pretty packed schedule to fill. Although his act of destroying sects was very lucrative. His name had been going around the Frost Domain for quite some time now.

He was a well-known destroyer who craves for death and blood. Coming to a certain sect to destroy them in one fell swoop and then leaving with the sect burned to the ground and with a ball of blood on his back.

Wang Ling was called the [Northern Devil], this supposed moniker came from the Iceblock city he previously visited. His act of destroying the sect was good, but in the eyes of others, his act of killing the city lord was excessive.

But Wang Ling didn't care about those rumors, though, he was happy and contented with the moniker he had received. He thought it was about time he received one anyways.

Wang Ling was known as the Northern Devil, but Bai Xue had yet to receive a single moniker as to why that was so. It was because she always stays hidden when they enter a city or show herself with others.

But Wang Ling was sure that it was only a matter of time before Bai Xue receives her moniker. Wang Ling read through the piece of paper that was in his hands and in the end just shook his head.

"I'll just bait them out. Xue, come and follow me to the Glacial Manor, let us visit the [Red Poison] of the Chaos Union. Dai Xiu, you better be worth my time." Wang Ling ate the meat that was given to him with big bites. In the end, he finished even before Bai Xue could finish hers.

He left as soon as he could, Bai Xue was on top of his head eating away.


Their travels took an entire two days to complete. Wang Ling and Bai Xue changed places on who would fly. Wang Ling was currently meditating on Bai Xue's back. She was currently in her dragon form.

"Hey, wake up, I can see the hill and the manor." Bai Xue commented in a deep voice.

Wang Ling opened his eyes and indeed saw a big house from afar. They landed just a few hundreds of meters away from the manor that was built on a solitary hill.

Wang Ling only needs to observe from afar the reeking aura of death lingering in the air near surrounding the area. His Devil's Pupils was something that could see through many things and he was seeing layers of arrays protecting the place.

There were also a lot of guards both hidden and not, Wang Ling needs to bypass those defense systems. He wanted to barge in there with his sword drawn yet he can't do that as he had to make sure his plans would succeed.

Showing a dubious smile, Wang Ling and Bai Xue waited until night finally fell. 

As night finally fell, Wang Ling got low on the ground and moved like the wind. His qi was suppressed and was really silent.

With his eyes, he managed to pass through the arrays that was all over the place. A path was created for him and Wang Ling trod this path to safety and as he did, Wang Ling found himself with his first victim of the night.

A guard that was only making his rounds heard the wind passing and as he did, he turned around to see what it was but before he could even make a full turn. The world seemed to flip as his vision disappeared. 

The guard died even before he could see the shadows of Wang Ling.

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