Celestial Peak

Chapter 144: For Fun

Chapter 144: For Fun

Another bloody scene was created and Wang Ling finally managed to calm his heart. The irritation disappeared he became compose once more.

He went spread his spirit sense all over the sect and located the treasury. He entered and managed to ransack the sect without trouble. He came out and Bai Xue was already collecting the blood.

"Just like we planned, I get anything that will barely move your bloodline and cultivation, I'll also get seventy percent of the loot we will get in the Bandits Den."

Wang Ling nodded his head. The disciples and the members of the Devil Revering Sect had bits of devilish qi in their system. Not only was their qi attuned to the qi of devils, but their blood was also the same.

The resources he got from their treasury. Sadly, there was no Devil's Curse in sight. He had hoped he would find one here, alas, his hopes turned to disappointment as he found nothing useful other than some resources and precious metals.

There were also weapons that was attuned to devil qi. Those weapons will become fine materials for his natal weapon. Wang Ling also collected a lot of valuables from the corpses he had slain, he was satisfied with the benefits he had reap.

Waiting for Bai Xue to finish, Wang Ling noticed something and raised his head and looked at the distance. It took him a few seconds to confirm what he saw but after a few seconds, he spoke, "Xue, you should change into a tiger fo

Bai Xue saw Wang Ling pointing at the distance. With her keen eyes, she managed to spot the five dots heading their way. Sighing, Bai Xue changed into a tiger and continued with what she was doing.

She was not worried, if they were in any danger, Wang Ling wouldn't tell her to transform but run away. Wang Ling saying they should only hide their true face meant that everything was manageable.

She no longer paid any attention to what might happen.

Five men wearing the same yellow robes descended from above and in the middle of the bloodied sect. Most of them were middle-aged, but two of them were young and spirited. As they looked at Wang Ling who was leisurely sitting on the steps that led to the main building of the Devil Revering Sect, the middle-aged man looked around and questioned.

"The brother here, may I know what happened here?" the middle-aged man with the strength of a pinnacle-grand saint stepped forward and asked Wang Ling a question.

Wang Ling looked at them with a lazy looked on his face. He took his time before answering the middle-aged man.

"They were all like this when I got here." Wang Ling said leisurely without showing any respect for the man before him.

He saw the two youths behind the middle-aged man frown at his words. Furrowing his brows, the youth glared at Wang Ling as he shouted, "Impudent, you dare lie? Remember your strength and tell us the truth."

Wang Ling didn't look at the rowdy youth but commented nonetheless, "Old man, do you think you can stop that dog of yours from barking? Also, if you don't want to believe, why bother asking me questions?"

Wang Ling was not giving them any face. It was clear he was looking down on them. This time, it was not only the youth who found his actions displeasing.

Even the middle-aged man was finding it hard to cooperate with someone who was mocking him directly on his face. But he still directed a smile at Wang Ling as he apologized for the actions of his subordinates.

"I apologize for that. But I just truly wanted to know what happened to this sect. I am from the Boulder Sect that is only a few hundreds of kilometers away, the Devil Revering Sect had been the bane of the territory. I just wish to know the people who killed them."

At this, Wang Ling just shrugged his shoulders and showed that he had no idea who it was. This further incensed the anger of the five people in front of him. His way of disregarding them was a direct slap on their faces.

The youth who had been holding back finally had enough and drew his sword. Darting forth, no one stopped him as his sudden act of drawing his sword and wanting to cut down Wang Ling was the direct representation of their hidden desires.

"I'll punish you for being too over your head." The youth drew an arc towards Wang Ling and as he did so, Wang Ling stayed seated on the ground only moving his right hands to counter the sword.

The youth snorted and aimed to chop off Wang Ling's hands. Those around also had a smile plastered on their faces, but the next scene made their countenances stifled.


Wang Ling used a single finger to stop the sword coming towards him. The technique he had used was Piercing Wave, it was an ordinary technique to neutralize other techniques. It usually uses up qi, but paired with his Piercing Vision, Wang Ling could see through the points where he could easily stop the sword coming his way.

The middle-aged man was shocked as he looked at this scene.

He knew the capabilities of the youth. He was proficient in the sword and was considered a genius who had reached saint phase before turning 25 years of age. But who would've thought that the sword of that genius would be stopped by a single finger?

The youth jumped backward and Wang Ling didn't chase them and stayed rooted in his seat. He remained quiet once more.

The middle-aged man saw this and knew that Wang Ling was no ordinary figure. If they try to do something unnecessary, they would pay a certain price. They do not know what the price is, but they were not going to be brave enough to anger Wang Ling and find out.

Right now, the smiling devil mask of Wang Ling became all the more ominous to look at.

"Hey, let us go, I have collected what we need." Bai Xue who had just finished collecting all the blood from the corpses called out to Wang Ling who stood up from the ground upon hearing her voice.

"Alright, I'll be leaving now. But before I go" Wang Ling turned to look at the five men who was beside him and said, "Leave your storage rings and leave, those storage rings would be the payment of that stupid person over there. I'll give you three seconds to decide what to do."

"One, two"

The people who was suddenly given a choice didn't know what to say and before they could give out a proper response, Wang Ling finished counting, "three. You were slow, now, I will be needing your lives for wasting my time."

After spouting some nonsense that didn't make sense, Wang Ling disappeared and circulated his supreme spirit qi. Bits of lightning-sparked from his fist as he threw one unexpected fist towards the youth who tried to cut him down.

The youth's pupils dilated and tried to guard himself against Wang Ling's fist with his right arm, but that only amounted to his arms getting broken to pieces.

Wang Ling's fist carried enough force to shatter a small hill to dust. And as he directed all his force against the youth, Wang Ling's fist went past the broken arms and hit the youth's head which exploded like fresh watermelon.

"BASTARD!!" those who managed to react fast enough tried to kill Wang Ling in retaliation. They used their own weapons to kill Wang Ling but all of them missed a single target as Wang Ling managed to slip past their swords.

Reappearing behind another cultivator. Wang Ling twisted the neck of that unfortunate soul killing him instantly.

Moving in a lightning-fast manner and tearing through the wind, Wang Ling killed and killed until the only one left was the middle-aged man. Wang Ling stood straight with the corpses of the middle-aged man's companion around him.

The middle-aged man was shaking in anger and roared out towards Wang Ling, "You bastard, who the hell are you? I'm gonna kill yuu." the middle-aged man finished his words as blood spurted out of his neck.

Wang Ling had killed the ground of five who was supposedly from a righteous sect as easily as cutting cabbage. Why did he do it? It was to see how well he would fare if he did not use any weapon in a fight against saints that were stronger than him.

It was no hassle and Wang Ling managed to get some treasures from their corpses. The only bad thing was how he irritated Bai Xue by asking her to transform.

"If you were going to kill them was there really a need for me to transform?"

"I wasn't sure if I wanted to kill them at first so I had to think things through if it will affect my plans."

"So you decided to kill them because they won't affect?"

"That is right."

"Then why did you have to do that pointless countdown for? That was a truly pathetic sight to have. Also was there a need to anger them so much?"

"For fun."

Bai Xue rolled her eyes over and hop on Wang Ling's head after transforming back into a fox. They left after Wang Ling burned the whole thing down and collecting the blood and soul of his last kills.

The two of them left happy and contended. They went over to cultivate in a secluded area once again. They raised their cultivation and went to destroy the Bandits Den. This time, it was Bai Xue's turn to have some fun so Wang Ling was stuck in the job of the lookout of any escaping bastards.

That day, when Bai Xue destroyed the Bandit's Den, he managed to witness how cruel his partner could truly be.

They annihilated them and none managed to escape, they collected some resources to help in their cultivation. Wang Ling and Bai Xue once again took the chance of raising their cultivation and secluded themselves for months.

In the 2nd month of next year, Wang Ling was already at the pinnacle-minor saint stage. He and Bai Xue was nearing grand saint stage so quickly that even the two of them could not believe it.

However, the rising of their cultivation will be put on hold because their next opponents would be the one called Chaos Union. It was a union of three different powers and for the two them to annihilate them, some serious planning was needed.

Or not if Wang Ling manages to play the right cards and properly kill them in one fell swoop.

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