Celestial Peak

Chapter 296: The Gray Figure

Chapter 296: The Gray Figure

The Gray Figure emerged from somewhere Wang Ling did not know. The Gray Figure had always stayed within depths of his consciousness so finding him here was shocking.

"Hey, are you still processing the information you inherited? Hmm, it seems like establishing the point of inheritance to the start of the Royal line was a mistake, should I have added it when he's at the second line of Royalty?" The Gray Figure mumbled to himself.

"I still don't get what you are saying but I am fine." Wang Ling sighed and he shook his head, "How come you are here? Aren't you unable to get out of that place?"

The Gray Figure shrugged its shoulders, "Well, your bloodline finally had the ability to create Minor Chaos Qi so I managed to squeeze out of my little rabbit hole. Hmm, looking at the low-quality Chaos Qi in this place, I say this is passable."

Wang Ling creased his brows after hearing the words low-quality, "What do you mean? Do your words signifies that there's a higher form of Chaos Qi out there?"

"Obviously, though it is not something that is known, as it is only known by myself. I categorized before I" His words paused, "I apologize but it seems like that part is still sealed off. I am pretty sure I only sealed the most important of events that may end up being extracted by those people by accident, but who would have thought that I also sealed this information. Well no matter, you will learn all of it in time."

The Gray Figure was a being that existed with the Nine Heaven Upheaval Scripture. Meaning it existed with it, no matter what kind of origin it has, this Gray Figure is someone that is older than anyone Wang Ling knew of.

It also acted as if it knows everything in the world, but it seems like even it has a few problems regarding remembering things.

In the end, the Gray Figure shook its head and then turned to Wang Ling to ask, "How long has it been since I was asleep? I think you are already prepared to ascend to Immortality." The Gray Figure turned to the Cosmic Foundation.

"You have been sleeping for ten years, I only have five years to live."

The Gray Figure was surprised and jumped backward in surprise, it wanted to say something but ended up swallowing its words in the end.

"I know how you are feeling, the pressure of death is upon us both. I can feel my lifeblood running low, I will die if I do not hurry. I'll start the process of ascending now, don't be too disappointed with my speed." Wang Ling imagined a sword and then circulated the Chaos Qi that had formed inside his body.

The Gray Figure was behind him, "Despite your impending death, you are rather steady. Only a few beings that are like that, impressive."

"Other than enhancing my bloodline I have reflecting on myself for the past years. And I finally understood that worrying over the fate I accepted will only make my cultivation to slow down. If I can't accept the path that I laid out for myself, I would not be able to solidify the path I follow."

The Gray Figure smiled, but Wang Ling did not know that.

"Your path is going to lead you to death if you don't have such a mentality. But not everything is so gloom. You are treading the right path that is unique to you, and besides, you have not done anything wrong, you are on the right track, after all, the Cosmos can only be destroyed by the thing that birthed it. It can only be destroyed by Chaos."

Wang Ling raised his sword and then have it descend, Chaos Qi made the Spirit Ocean fly out with a whistle. The force of his sword that was mixed with Divine Sword Qi and Chaos Qi caused his entire being to tremble.


A single slash of the sword created a void-like feeling when it touched the Cosmic Foundations. The Qi Pillars and Energy Palace collapsed with the sound of a muffled explosion. Cracks formed on the body of the Cosmic Foundations and like glass falling to the ground it broke.

Wang Ling's body trembled as his foundation ended up being destroyed but he moved quickly and gathered the destroyed pieces of Chaos.

The Gray Figure watched as Wang Ling sat and cross his legs. With a yawn, the Gray Figure looked around, "This will take a few years, I don't want to sleep when I can finally move around so I'll oh, what is that?"

From the remnants of Wang Ling's shattered Energy Palace, there was a black flame that was blazing wildly. It was the Hell Flames and as it loses its container it broke loose. The Gray Figure saw this and its eyes turned to slits.

"I didn't even know he managed to summon the [Flames of Destruction], does that mean he got the True Chaos Flame technique? Wait, if the Flames of Destruction is here, then does that mean the [Flames of Creation]; hah, there it is, oh my, it had already turned to an avatar not bad, not bad. Well, he already has two of the [Five Flames of Chaos] so this is fine I suppose, hmm, I wonder if I can call upon the [Flames of Tribulation], he has Lightning Qi from the Lightning Tribulation in his Spirit Ocean anyway. Hehe, with this he won't be able to say that I'm doing nothing."

The Gray Figure moved and then flew upwards. From the actions of the Gray Figure, it was clear that it was eccentric. But it will not do anything that will harm its successor for it will only endanger its own life.

The Gray Figure flew to the air and gathered the lightning qi that came from the tribulation that Wang Ling previously faced.

But before continuing, the Gray Figure moved its fingers and then gathered the essence of flames in Wang Ling's body. It then went ahead and devoured the essences it collected.

"That should unlock the sealed about this technique." The Gray Figure smiled slyly.

The Gray Figure then proceeded to gather every lightning qi present till nothing was left, and as the lightning qi peaked, the Gray Figure snapped its fingers and then a marble of flames appeared on its palms; it was the True Chaos Spark.

Considering how much trouble Wang Ling created the Hell Spark, it was unthinkable just how this Gray Figure managed to create one in a manner of seconds.

"Good thing I implemented a failsafe in recovering the techniques I sent out for my successor, hehe, with this I'll be able to help in forming the Five Flames of Chaos and then get theI also sealed this one? Hmm, that's weird. I don't think that actually necessary. No matter, I'll firs summon the Flames of Tribulation before everything else."

It closed its eyes and then tried gathering everything. Azure light emerged from the Chaos Spark turning the sphere completely azure. It had transformed into what the Gray Figure called as a Tribulation Spark.

Connecting to the origin of Flames of Tribulation, a little blaze was starting to form. However, something unexpected happened; the instant the Tribulation Spark reached its peak, everything went south and the qi the Gray Figure had painstakingly gathered dissipated into nothingness.

With a surprised look, the Gray Figure muttered, "Someone managed to subdue the Flames of Tribulation? Who was it?"

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