Celestial Peak

Chapter 297: Immortal

Chapter 297: Immortal

At a mountain range in the Earth Domain, there was a white-haired young maiden. She held no weapons and in front of her were one of the few Immortals that exists in the realm.

It was a Regal Lightning Tiger and was the strongest expert of that race. Bai Xue had an injury left hand but she stood there with an indomitable will.

The Regal Lightning Tiger was burning with rage, its body was bigger than a hill. It was a terrifying sight and as it roared, the Regal Lightning Tiger's body exploded with purple lightning and charged towards Bai Xue.

Lightning congregated and formed an armor around its body. The Lightning Regal Tiger went ahead and roared and caused the world to tremble. But Bai Xue kept her calm, she twisted her wrist and then ice appeared.

The ice was the size of a small hill but it was compressed to a two-meter long spear. She laced the ice spear with lightning then fire than her own Immortal Qi, she whispered, "Fox Form: Elemental Spear."

The spear flew out and with incredible speed, the Regal Lightning Tiger was pierced on the heart. It was too fast to be avoided and the Regal Lightning Tiger fell to the ground and caused the ground to crumble under its weight.

Having her qi spent too much, Bai Xue felt her strength being sapped away. She slowly got down from the air and landed near the Regal Lightning Tiger. The Regal Lightning Tiger was on its last breath, but it still glared at Bai Xue.

"..What did my Race to you? To poison us and kill us like this, what did we do?"

Bai Xue turned to him and shook her head, "You didn't do anything but your ancestors touched the final resting place of Wang Wudi's Master, I am here to make you pay for that."

The Regal Lightning Tiger died shortly after his question was answered. Bai Xue watched this happened and propped a pill in her mouth to recover some of the injuries she had sustained. She had no Immortal Pill with her, but such a thing was enough to relieve pain.

"The poison Renhuo gave me managed to weaken the Regal Lightning Tiger, with this, when Ling comes out we won't have to take this detour."

Bai Xue knew of Wang Ling's intention of killing the people who desecrated the lands where his Master is buried. She sympathized with him but if she waited for him to get out of his seclusion before they make a move, it will only be a waste of time.

It had been 12 years since Wang Ling entered seclusion and Bai Xue who entered the same time as he did had already gotten out five years after their seclusion. She thought Wang Ling would come out shortly after she did, but who would have thought it would take this long?

But no one doubted Wang Ling's safety, he was still alive, as stated of his Grandmother.

The Immortal Will she left in her Grandson's body had yet to be activated nor have it dissipate, it was clear that he was still fine. But the time he is taking to finish his Immortal Foundation is oddly too long worrying everyone in the Family.

Bai Xue had been killing a lot of beasts that has anything to do with the Four Deities. She lets the beings that are too weak to provide her any kind of held but those at the Immortal Realms are in the plate.

As she absorbs the blood of the Regal Lightning Tiger, she also proceeded to devour its beast core and then everything else. Of course, she ingested the antidote given to her by Yan Renhuo before doing so first.

"That girl is really helpful, I wish she could have waited for Ling before she answers the 'call' of the Flames." Bai Xue knew she wouldn't be able to get any more poison from Yan Renhuo as she had already left the realms years ago to answer what she calls, the beckoning of the Flames.

She sighed as she saw the use of her poison and pills over the years being a great help to her. Eating the beast she had captured, Bai Xue received a communication from the Butler Sun, "What is it?"

"There are signs of the First Young Master's tribulation."

After hearing his words, Bai Xue's eyes widened and she opened her wings and then transformed into a streak of white light.


Wang Ling was quietly and steadily form his Immortal Foundation. His body convulsed as his body welcomed the Immortal Qi forming in his body.

The fragments of his foundation was congregating and he was forming the form he desires. But he was carefully forming the foundation the Nine Heaven Upheaval Art the Chaotic Origin Foundation.

Atop his spirit ocean was a sword that is the sky of a mountain. It had the color gray. It was a traditional sword and it was emitting a primordial and archaic type of qi that came from a time that is much different than the present.

The qi that is entering his body was first an Immortal Qi that is unique to him; yet, as time went on the Immortal Qi was being changed and from pure Immortal Qi it was replaced by gray Chaos Qi.

Immortality also comes from Chaos, so none will be able to argue that Chaos Qi is far more powerful than Immortal Qi. A euphoric kind of power welled up within Wang Ling's body starting from his Spirit Ocean to his Immortal Foundation.

His meridians began to form the same shape that is the sword Wang Ling was envisioning. Twelve meridians must be used to form the Immortal Foundation, but as the chaos qi reaches its peak the Celestial Spirit Realm and the heavens seem to be responding.

Wang Ling's qi was rising and the first path of Immortality was opening. There are twelve Immortal Meridians in an Immortal's body but only one was forming. He was not facing a sort of problem with his cultivation, he was only creating the first level.

The Cosmic Meridians were forced to mutate and become twelve separate meridian system that is each connected to the Immortal Foundation. The first meridian system lit up and Wang Ling's body shuddered more violently than before.

His body was lifted up from the ground and the cave he was in was hallowing as the Hellish Qi run rampant inside. The corrosive and destructive properties of the Hellish qi exploded and it was more powerful than before. From the depths of the Highest realm, the highest form of Hellish Qi exploded.


Somewhere in the Universe, the flow of time that had been stopped started flowing once again. As the piece that is the qi of Hell awakens in the body of Chaos a tidal wave of Hellish Qi swept the Universe affecting all the worlds without exception.

The Celestial Spirit Realm and the other lower realms experienced a baptism of sorts; after which the qi of creation and regeneration reaches its peak and once again, the Angelic Qi that lays dormant in the highest realm, the highest form of Angelic Qi was released and the flow of another piece of the Universe unleashed something that had been slumbering deep in the center of everything else.


Something rang that caused the inhabitants of multiple worlds to dismiss, but those who had been waiting for a long time heard it loud and clear. In the highest level of Hell World, the highest floor of Heaven World, the depths of the Abyss, the God of Beasts, and many more.

And a select few managed to hear the sound. And one of these people are Wang Ling. His ears rang, as it began to bleed. The Bell of Heaven cannot compare to that sound; he could've died if he was not already at the starting point of Immortality.

Wang Ling's eyes opened inside his body, and there, he saw the first meridian already fully formed, connected to the Chaotic Origin Foundation. Wang Ling's eyes widened as he saw the sword that stretches up to the skies.

The sword of the Primordial Times had appeared before him, and it was a manifestation of his will. On the blade of the sword was Suzhen wrapped her body around the sword all the way up to the hilt. Atop the mountain-like sword was his Celestial Soul, basking in Chaos Qi.

"You really outdone yourself, boy." The Gray Figure who was still wearing tattered clothing stepped up from behind him and then smiled at the sight of the foundation he had laid, "Well, this means your path is the path of the sword, well, everyone has their path. Oh, yeah, I intervened with the Heavens and made sure to give you enough time to rest, the Heavenly Tribulation is upon us, but I kept it at bay with a few arrays. It will not fall for at least three days. Well, you already have Chaos Qi in your body, by the Hellish Qi and Angelic Qi that remains is as strong as the Immortal Qi, good job on getting such a good thing."

"Thank you, if the tribulation can hold for three days then that is good, but can you tell why I can no longer feel the Lightning Qi?" Wang Ling asked and then

The Gray Figure was silent and gave a heavy and deep sigh, "It was used up in creating the Immortal Foundation. Forget about that, I'll help you retrieve some when you face the tribulation later. Answer me this first, the True Chaos Flame, by any chance, did you give it to anyone?"

Wang Ling answered candidly, "Yes, I did."

The Gray Figure shook its head and then looked at the skies, [That explains a lot.]

Wang Ling did not know what the question was for but he put it on the back of his head and began getting ready for the Tribulation. The world was rumbling and for three days, the tribulation gathered more and more force creating dark clouds that span for kilometers.

After having his body all patched up with his Angelic Qi and Chaos Qi, Wang Ling opened his eyes and finally opened the cave he was in. The world rumbled and from afar, he could see nothing but a sea of trees and above him was the darkest kind of cloud.

But at the very entrance of his cave was Bai Xue, looking at him with inspecting eyes. She smiled at the sight of his dirty clothes and the funny look on his face, "I'll be sharing the Heavenly Tribulation, my blood calls for it."

"That's a new greeting. I will not force you to stop, but be sure to not die."

"I got it, do not worry."

Wang Ling stepped out of the cave and streaks of azure lightning weaved inside the dark clouds. The lightning finally congregated into one big lightning serpent and then with a loud a clap to make the eardrums burst, Wang Ling and Bai Xue bathed in lightning and in a manner of moments, the mountain that exist in the mortal planes dissolved.

The world was shaking for a moment; the lightning descended a total of fifteen times. All fifteen lightning strikes carried tremendous force. The people of the Wang Family who had been waiting outside the range of the Tribulation hurried over to check on the First Young Master only to end finding no one.

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