Celestial Peak

Chapter 425: Descendents

Chapter 425: Descendents

The Cosmos had been in existence since long before the first Races were born. It was created from the whims of the Creator and till this day it remains in existence.

An ordinary creation that turned to something magnificent that changes without fail. When it first came to be, there was no world within, then the World of Origin appeared, then the different world the Creator used to experiment with, and lastly, the hidden Celestial Spirit Realm. A world created for sake of seeking peace turned into prison for the first creation.

Other than the Lowest Layer of Heavens, not once had Wang Ling been able to go to anywhere, thus one could imagine his surprise as he saw a Giant Ship floating in the Cosmic Road, waiting for passengers to board.

"I learned of this from Lucius, but I never expected it to be this grand." He was amazed, a giant construct, a ship equipped with war cannons ready to pass the judgment foolish enough to try and raid them for loot.

In this era, one could easily travel to any world with enough funds. Ships that could cross the Cosmic Road ready to transport those with weak strength. A trip via a ship across the Universe, something Wang Ling did not think possible in his Era.

This ship was called a Cosmos Sailer, on the side of the ship, the words [Dang Transports] meant that it was controlled by the Dang Clan. The Dang Clan was the biggest controller of Warship distribution and they were also the one with the biggest transportation control.

They were affiliated with the Dang Clan and the Cosmic Eye Tower that oversees the Universe's Activities. 

"This is called a Cosmic Sailer, Master. A ship that draws its power from the Chaotic Energy of the Cosmic Road and then turns it into fuel. It can travel from world to world in fourteen days at the least. Though it is relatively slow compared to Gods and Immortals who crosses Worlds like they are taking a walk, at least this way the common people and weak cultivators like us have a chance to travel the Universe."

These Cosmic Sailer were also good to use when going to fight in Cosmic Warfare. If it could transport Hundreds of people, then it could also send hundreds of experts to a battlefield, [I need to buy one of these.]

Wang Ling and Chang Ping walked into one of the anchored Cosmic Sailer. While Wang Ling was in awe of the Giant Cosmic Sailer from the Dang Family, sadly, that was not the one they would be boarding. There were seven Cosmic Sailers anchored on a part of the Vast Cosmic Road, and they went to the smallest.

Both of them wore masks of the Heaven Hell Sword Tower, and still, they were stopped just as they were about to reach the platform leading up, "Stop, where are your tickets to board this ship?"

The man handling the tickets stated. He saw their mask, knew who they were from, but they still stopped them, demanding tickets. The capacity of this ship was small unlike the other Cosmic Sailers, it didn't seem all that special as well, but they were still stopped.

"I thought smaller Sailers like this allows members of the Towers to board if there are only three or less of them." Wang Ling asked remembering Alidia's wisdom when traveling the current era. She knew a lot as she traveled the Universe plenty of times for vacations.

The bald Ticket Examiner shook his head, "I know, that's how we show our thanks to members of the Towers, but I can't do that today. The boat has limited seats and only those who have Tickets can board the Sailer this time."

Chang Ping moved next to Wang Ling, asking him, "Should we move to another Sailer? Well, it might cost us but I suppose if we can head to the Silver Moon World then it will all be worth the rush we are doing."

Wang Ling sighed; this was the first time in millennia he was having problems with money. Leading the life of a nouveau riche was a weakness he did not think would appear in this lifetime or any time.

Wang Ling was prepared to trade something to someone when, he heard the bald Ticket Examiner, "Silver Blade World? Are you two going there for the Flower Blaze King's Tomb that appeared three weeks ago?"

"Huh? Yes, we are, why do you ask?" Wang Ling was confused. Their goals, for the time being, was to find Bai Xue and ask for her help and resources, but because he's missing the strength to even venture out, he's left with heading to a place where he could easily get resources for him to use, Tomb Raids and in this venture, he's not afraid cutting anyone down. He's prepared to dirty his hand to get what he wanted.

[I also have to quickly strengthen myself and get the Abyssal Poison out of Chang Ping's system. She can't exactly return to the Heaven Hell Sword Tower like this, she has several enemies prepared to risk their life for hers.] Wang Ling was in a bind actually. The Flower Black King's Tomb was both their hope.

The Bald Ticket Examiner laughed, "If you are then you best give up, in a week and a half's time that Tomb would open, and if you board the other Sailers, then you'd be missing the event. I am telling you this to inform you that you're just going to waste your time in heading to the Silver Blade World with such a slow ship."

"How do you even know that? I don't think the Tomb's Barrier has fallen apart just yet, so why claim that it would be meaningless?"

The Ticket Examiner sighed and then pointed at the group of people dressed in simplistic robes walking towards them. Wang Ling unknowingly stood in their way and a woman garbed in azure robes politely asked, "Can you please move to the side?"

Wang Ling and Chang Ping did not argue and just let them through. There were six of these children, two of which were a man and a woman with the Heaven Hell Sword Tower's mask.

[That explains why he entertained us.] Wang Ling thought to himself.

The people from the Heaven Hell Sword Tower looked at them and then bowed respectfully to them, yet Wang Ling could still hear one of them sneering.

The Ticket Examiner collected the tickets and then leaned over to Wang Ling and Chang Ping, "These people are from the Wang Family and Heaven Hell Sword Tower respectively, they are the ones who would open the Tomb."

[The Wang Family?]

Wang Ling was intrigued and before he could say anything, Chang Ping suddenly pulled out a White Jade piece shaped like a sword. On the Jade's surface was the engraved words, [First Sword].

"We really need to go to the Silver Blade World. Will this make you allow us to board this ship?"

The Ticket Examiner looked at that White Jade, confused, even asking Chang Ping, "Does this mean anything?"

The youths who had boarded the ship heard the commotion going about and the moment, the youths from the Heaven Hell Sword Tower saw that White Jade on Chang Ping's hands, their faces paled.

"An-an Elder Jade Piece!?" The one with the green mask with two horns announced.

Quickly, the two Heaven Hell Sword Tower members jumped out of the Sailers, and bowed before Wang Ling and Chang Ping, "We-we greet an Esteem Disciple!"

"We greet an Esteem Disciple."

Chang Ping raised her brows seeing the two, "So you two recognize this White Jade Piece? You two must be high up in the Tower if you know how this looks like."

"We had the chance to see one when someone from the Ninth Floor descended to the Third seeking out a yearly apprentice. Th-that's the First Sword's Jade Piece, right? Do-does that make miss an Esteem Disciple of the Top Floor?" the woman with the Pink Mask with the four horns said, her voice stuttering.

"I see." Chang Ping inwardly smiled, "Then as shameless as this might be, can I ask this Junior Sister to help me board this Sailer? Me and my Senior here need to head to the Silver Blade World for the Flower Blade King's Tomb Raid. We are in a trial from the First Sword."

"We-we would be honored to." The Pink Mask answered.

By this time the people from the Wang Family had heard the commotion and peeked over Sailer and asked the Pink Mask, "Is something the matter, Sister Ji?"

"Young Lord Wang Fu, can you please do me a favor and allow these venerable Lords into the Sailer? They too need to go to the same world as us." The one called Ji asked the young lady who peeked her head out.

The girl picked up on her words and of course nodded her head, saying, "Of course, we would be honored to host a friend of yours."

"Please, follow me inside, Venerable Seniors." Ji stated with lowered head.

Wang Ling simply nodded at the bald ticket examiner before walking past him and then as he boarded the ship, they were greeted by the youths of the Wang Family.

They greet each other and inside his head, Wang Ling thought, [They look nothing like my family are they adopted?] such was his first thought.

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