Celestial Peak

Chapter 426: Bald Expert

Chapter 426: Bald Expert

The Cosmic Sailer was similar to a Palace Boat. It was prepared to house travelers. The Cosmic Sailer Wang Ling and Chang Ping boarded was that of a smaller scale but it could still house at least a dozen.

"We're leaving now! Please take caution when stepping out, we shall prioritize speed, meaning do not complain when it gets a little bumpy." The ticket examiner turned Captain of the Sailer announced as Wang Ling felt the movement.

At the moment he was inside the Free Room of the Sailer, a place where one could eat dinner with twelve people. Wang Ling and the youths were seated on a round table as Ji spoke with glee and excitement in her voice.

"Venerable Seniors, this is Young Lord Wang Fu, a Core Disciple from inner ranks of the Wang Family. He's the son of the Third Elder and the one they call the Silk River Sword. The other three women with him are also a member of the Inner Disciples of the Wang Family, they are Wang Go the Dust Brawler, Wang Xin the Dragon Spear, and Wang Fei the Blossom Bow." The one called Ji introduced.

Wang Go had a big build, Wang Xin dexterous limbs, and Wang Fei slender fingers, all three of them wore a simple Azure Scholarly Robe. Wang Fu, the leader of the group stood before the masked swordsmen, he exuded an aristocratic air with him and his clothes was a simple Black Scholarly Robe.

"Is Scholarly Robes used in the Wang Family, often?" Wang Ling whispered to Chang Ping.

"Only the youths of 50 years and below. I heard your nephews; Brother Wang Hong's children wore it throughout their childhood in admiration of you. There are also others who say that it was a way to teach children humility. The theory is similar to the Heaven Hell Sword Tower's Mask, it stems from your existence in one way or the other." Chang Ping explained with a low voice only the two of them could hear.

Ji continued, "These two are Venerable Senior Chang Ping and Venerable Senior Wang Wudi." This initiated a reaction from Wang Fu and the others. But they kept their silence.

Chang Ping slightly lowered their heads and cupped their hands, "We apologize for troubling you in your journey by doing this, but we are in a dire need to go to the Silver Moon World. We didn't intend to intrude, but after hearing that your group would be tasked in opening the Flower Blaze King's Tomb, we just had to hasten our movement in fear of losing out."

Chang Ping let out a sweet awkward laugh. Other than the man called Wang Fu, the men reacted positively to her bewitching pure laughter. Even the women found it adorable.

"It is our honor to have you with us. To encounter a Direct Disciple of the Heaven Hell Sword Tower's First Sword is an honor." Wang Go stated with a laugh.

The others agree to his words and Chang Ping giggled hearing them. Wang Ling sighed, whispering, "Do not tease them too much, Chang Ping. Think of your age."

"Please do not say that, Master. You too are someone who constantly plays tricks with your disciples especially during training. Did you not use me to make Leo fall in love and be heartbroken in the span of a single minute?"

"Touch but just make sure not to play with their hearts. There is no need for that today we don't want anyone weird following us, correct?" Wang Ling stated lazily.

"I understand." Chang Ping giggled once more causing the others to be confused and bewitched while Wang Ling sighed beside her. Wang Ling failed to find it entertaining and just stood up when he heard Chang Ping whisper, "I'll take care of collecting the information, Master."

"Thank you." Wang Ling whispered back. After excusing himself and not getting much attention from anyone as they were too focused on Chang Ping, Wang Ling stepped out with his mind thinking heavily on the matter of Family.

[Thinking they might be related to my family is a bit of a stretch, but it is good to see that the Family moved along without growing arrogant they are raising the youths nicely. But I can't talk about them for a while with this, of course. Who knows there might be internal struggles now compared to before? There are Elders involve, after all. Ambitious people, irritating youths, a clash of interest, all of that would appear in a family and if I return to the Family, I will be bound to deal with such matters. But if I return, will I even have a family to return to?]

To Wang Ling, too long of a long time had passed for him to think of the current Wang Family as his own. According to Chang Ping, only a handful of the previous Masters remained. Wang Hong, Wang Yue, and his mother, father, grandfather, grandmother still lives when she met them 7000 years ago. Other than Wang Yue, she had no information regarding the others.

Chang Ping actually had good relations with the Wang Family, Wang Yue was a friend of hers and would often write and visit her after learning that she was Wang Ling's disciple. Though they mostly communicated through letters until a hundred years ago when the letters stopped, Chang Ping was sure that Yue was safe.

[That lass is the Bow God, after all.] The five Gods, revered and respected by all. They wield their weapons for justice and cares not in killing those they deem needed to be killed. In short, Wang Ling had grown proud of Wang Yue and Wang Hong.

He stepped out of the room and into the stern of the boat thinking about this matter. He sat on the very edge of the stern and then watched the stars and multiple light zoom past him.

"Liking the view?" the Captain asked from behind.

Wang Ling looked behind him and bobbed his head, "Yes, it had been a while since I last saw this." He said that despite seeing this sight for the second time in any life.

Wang Ling smiled and then just watched the Captain do his work. The Captain followed a certain path of the Cosmic Road only small Sailers could reach, they were moving quickly, and then the Captain would move the wandering debris out of the way.

The Captain would initiate a conversation from time to time. From the Towers to Abyssal Demons, they would pass the time talking to each other.

"So, young man, what are you doing here? How long have you set out of the Heavenly Realm?"

That question raised a lot of warnings inside Wang Ling, "Wh-what do you mean?" he suddenly became apprehensive.

The Bald Captain looked at him with weird eyes and then laughed after realizing something, "Oh, don't worry, I may be a Devil, but I'm not one of those radical people who hate the Holy Race like you. I'm not going to try and kill you just because of your Race oh, but don't try to kill me, okay? I can still throw down against a three-ringed Holy Race without a problem even at this age."

Wang Ling watched as the Bald Captain laughed his heart out with his comments. And Wang Ling's response to all this was, "you lost me at, "I may be a Devil"."

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