Celestial Peak

Chapter 432: Humiliation with a sword and words

Chapter 432: Humiliation with a sword and words

"What did you just say? I am useless with the sword?" Wang Fu, a name that stands out even at the ranks of the Wang Family's blossoming youths. Someone in possession of a calm and collected demeanor, he had been taunted hundreds of times before, none managed to shake his expression, yet, this was different.

"Like I said, you know nothing in the way of the sword. Everything about you is yet to reach acceptable mastery levels, yet you already wish to judge others' training? How big of an ego do you carry? Why not throw some away so you can learn how to understand your foolishness?"

Wang Ling's words caused Wang Fu's hands to tremble. He was angered, but he drew in a deep breath trying to calm himself, but then, Wang Ling's voice once more echoed, "You claim my teachings is crude, then you must mean that I myself am in such a way very well, I wish to request a duel, why not prove to me that your way of elegance is better than my, "crude", teachings and sword?"

It didn't last long for Wang Fu to crack. He accepted the dual invitation, and the others moved aside giving them room.

"The rules of the duel are simple, the usage of qi is forbidden and only mastery of the sword and intent is allowed. Fair, is it not? The losers will obey the winners' one command."

"I agree with these terms. Then, draw your sword, I will make sure to let you know the weight of your words." Wang Fu's words was piercing and then, as he waited for Wang Ling to bring out a sword yet, no such thing happened.

Wang Ling raised two fingers, then just said, "This is enough for you, I have no intention of going above for something so uselessly tiresome." Wang Ling further provoked.

The two stared at each other, there was silence and then Wang Fu went to cross the distance and slashed at Wang Ling. A beautiful vertical swing, a clean path was made.

Wang Fu was called the Silk River Sword because of his unbelievable elegance and grace and as he swung his sword without so much as a hesitation, he managed to live up to his name.

"Monarch Sword: Silver Dawn." Wang Fu did not hesitate and against such a fancy move, Wang Ling simply pivoted his leg and then shifted his weight before casually dodging Wang Fu's sword.

Wang Ling moved his hands, and stopped his fingers at Wang Fu's right temple, "You lose." 

Wang Fu paused, and when he turned to look at Wang Ling, he saw him waving his hands around in boredom, "Why the furious eyes? Cannot accept your defeat?" Wang Ling said as he was just about to return to his seat next to Roan.

"I-I was caught off guard! Once more!"

"Is that so? Then, come, I shall entertain your wishes." Wang Ling said and then they separated. 

A duel began once more, Wang Fu didn't hesitate this time, he moved and slashed out with the intent to cleave Wang Ling's body. But, just like before, Wang Ling just casually moved and then stopped his fingers before stabbing him in the vitals.

Time and time again, Wang Fu would ask for Wang Ling to fight him again, only to be beaten.

Wang Ling remembered about the Wang Family's teachings and then asked, "I am unsure of it, but do you know the teachings of the Wang Family?"

"Do not flaunt the heights you have reached, neither should you announce your victories. Allow the world to watch, allow them to judge, and most of all, allow them to revere you on their own. Such was his beliefs." Wang Fu recited without fail.

After all these years, his hard work had been met with an acceptable response with applause and cheers for his skills.

Wang Fu had managed to live through this teaching without fail or so he had thought.

"You acted not out of jealousy, but the desire to prove me wrong that I am the one who stands above all in this Sailer. I teach the one you admire, my words are capable of changing her forms, and I disregarded each and every one of you, only giving a single greeting when I boarded this Sailer.

"Did you feel tinier when I did that? You say that you practice the Wang Family's rules, yet you are nothing but a simple braggart wishing to be acknowledged by all. Do you love the spotlight so much, child?"

Wang Fu was silent.

Wang Fu, the one who devoted himself to the way of the sword found someone whose sword was even more beautiful than his. Wang Fu was entranced and believed that Chang Ping's sword was truly something he should strive to reach.

A perfect goal appeared before him, a shimmering existence in the form of a Sword Elder's disciple. Wang Fu would have wanted to ask her for pointers, but, then, just as he was about to do so, Chang Ping's companion stood up and then gradually destroyed her form and future little by little. His so-called teachings were derailing Chang Ping on a harsher path.

When Wang Fu saw this, he failed to control his intent. He thought of asking Chang Ping about the matter in question, he wished to tell her that she was being pulled to the wrong path. He followed her and then saw her enter her companion's room, and when those doors opened, he found her disheveled for some reason he could not explain, he became furious.

Wang Ling smiled at Wang Fu in derision, "You were jealous, but not in the way I thought. You did not like that some escort, a mere background character to the resplendent Senior, and in the end. You fell for Chang Ping's sword taught by the First Sword Elder, and then you got irritated after learning it was some nobody who was teaching her."

"Bu-but her movements their sharpness the moment you said som" Wang Fu tried to argue.

"Of course, it would, you fool. No one learns a technique and expects anyone to learn it in a single day. Did your brain rot because of all that ego devouring your rationality? Sigh*,"

Wang Ling ended his lecture with a deep, deep sigh. He looked at Wang Fu once again and then just walked past him, saying only, "Learn from this experience, Wang boy, if you truly wish to practice true humility then train without expecting anything from it other than improving yourself. Let go of your ego and the monikers given to you and maybe you'd be able to see past the ugliness in your heart. Look within you before you look at others boy."

Everyone watched in awe as they saw someone utterly humiliate one of the greatest talents of the younger generation in the entire Cosmos. They watched him walk away, only now understanding that his silence throughout the entire journey did not mean he was weak or lacking in any way, he was simply reserved.

[How sweet, the master is teaching his descendants proper humility.] Chang Ping laughed in secret for she was the only one who saw through Wang Ling's angered faade.

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