Celestial Peak

Chapter 433: Heart Demon

Chapter 433: Heart Demon

'My Ego is devouring my rationality?' Wang Fu questioned as the mysterious man walked away. His expression hardly moved, but his eyes shook as though his heart was affected by his words.

Wang Fu, a name that had been spreading all over the cosmos for the past ten years. He was only 23 years of age and yet others were already confirming that he would become a Master Swordsman with time.

He would realize his Quintessence and lead this Generation's Wang Family Youths to a brighter future. When he was but 15 no one was his peer and already entered the Dragon Phoenix Rankings, when he reached the age of 20, he had was already at the 6th Rank of Cultivation. One says he was provided with the best of resources, but the fact of the matter remained that his hard work paid off.

His sword drenched in his own sweat and blood garners awe of men and women alike. His calm disposition made him the goal of many, and his status made him envied by all. But, above all this, he held the core of his Family's teachings, be a man of humility.

Yet, according to this mysterious man, Wang Fu lived thirsty for recognition. When Wang Fu heard his words, he couldn't say anything, for his emotions quietly boiled. 

"Are you all right, Brother Fu?" Wang Fei asked, concerned about Wang Fu's mentality. She touched his shoulder and had already formed the words needed to comfort her cousin. But, the moment her hand touched Wang Fu, she felt a dangerous qi coming from him.


"Ahhhh!" Wang Fei cried aloud as a fountain of blood tainted the floor! Wang Fu, moved his sword and severed Wang Fei's hands surprising everyone, and annoying the hell out of Roan.

Indiscriminately waving his sword once more, Wang Fu was just about to cut Wang Fei down, until Wang Ling suddenly stepped up and diverted his sword to the side saving Wang Fei. Staring at his hands, Wang Ling saw a gash going from his left wrist all the way to his shoulder, [He's using his qi, albeit wildly and incoherent. His Heart Devil had taken control of him. What a sorry lad.] he commented in his mind staring down on the kid who went wild.

Wang Fu's face began to change, his elegance disappeared he was in trepidation. From this wild heart to ragged breathing and then reddened eyes all of a sudden, Wang Fu's expression changed into a broken smile asking the mysterious man, "What do you know about me?" his voice was raspy and then he swung his sword once again.

There was a massive bridge on Wang Ling's and Wang Fu's cultivation and knowing this he jumped back, avoiding that slash. With him was Wang Fei and her severed arm. Throwing the injured Wang Fei over at Chang Ping. Wang Fu of course went after Wang Ling, but at this time, the other youths finally moved against Wang Fu.

Wang Xin and Wang Go intercepted Wang Fu. "What are you doing!?!" Wang Xin cried aloud as he swung his spear against the sword. Wang Fu's sword was knocked upwards, but Wang Fu recovered and as he twisted his, silver light emerged with a swing of the blade.

Wang Fu intended to strike Wang Xin down much like what he had down to Wang Fei. But, before his blade could reach his friend, another stopped inches away.


Wang Fu staggered seven steps back. Blood flowed out of his nose, but he was still conscious. Wang Go was enraged, but behind that fist, there was no killing intent. Despite knowing that he had fallen to a Heart Devil, Wang Go did not try and kill Wang Fu. Striking down an old companion was always hard to do.

"Snap out of it, you fool!" Wang Go cried out, trying to reach out to Wang Fu he failed and Wang Fu just crossed their distance now more enraged than ever.

"Get out of my way!" he swung his blade with the intent to kill and the other two, despite their combined forces was slowly being pushed back. They lack the proper intent to face their fallen friend! Small cuts appeared around their bodies.

Wang Go suddenly staggered as he failed to keep up with Wang Fu's ferocity. Seeing a sword point going for his head, Wang Go closed his eyes, only to feel a hand grabbing his collar.

Quickly, he opened his eyes, and from behind another sword passing by. The sword caught Wang Fu off-guard causing him to retreat several steps backward. Wang Ling was obvious the one who saved them.

Ji and the Green Mask could not move against the Wang Family in fear of accidentally killing him, Chang Ping was busy with taking care of Wang Fei, and Roan couldn't care less. The only one who could save them was Wang Ling, "Okay, that is enough. You two do not have what it takes to fight himwait, before any of you also gets devoured by a Heart Devil because of such a comment, then know that what I meant is that you lack killing intent to match him properly."

Wang Ling threw Wang Go behind and walked forward against the berserker youth whose cultivation was leaps and bounds above his. With a nicked sword at hand, he stretched his arms and then got ready.

Wang Fu saw those eyes looking down upon him. Without any hesitation, he crossed the distance summoned the silver light of the Monarch and slashed out, "Monarch Sword: Thousand Realm Congregation!" 

From all sides Wang Fu slashed out, all exits were blocked and Wang Ling was trapped, "Look out!" Ji, the pink mask shouted out of concern.

But Wang Ling just sighed and stepped forward escaping every strikes' range, "I already showed you this earlier, but it appears you weren't listening. Your movements are elegant, your sword sharp, and your form brilliant. Your movement mesmerizing to watch, but because of that, you open massive pathways for others to exploit, like this."

Standing just inches away from Wang Fu's face, the sword could no longer reach Wang Ling, Wang Ling touched Wang Fu's chest, "And when you are acting like a complete fool, even with the massive difference in qi, this is possible."

Summoning his qi and sword intent, Wang Ling struck Wang Fu's chest knocking down and sending in his Holy Qi to purge the clouding murky qi in his chest to calm him down.

Looking down upon Wang Fu, Wang Ling could only shake his head, [I had high hopes for you. What a shame you couldn't meet them even the Leo is stronger than your flimsy heart.]

Wang Ling talked down on Wang Fu earlier because he believed he'd be able to rise to the challenge, but it appears he was wrong.

But, as Wang Ling stood before Wang Fu, he just said, "I intended to help you with my words earlier, but it appears I caused you harm, what a shame. I wanted to illuminate your path and show you the path you wished to tread. But all it did was awaken the darkness in your heart, you hurt your companion, your sword beat, your heart weakened, with this, your path grows ever perilous, whether you rise to the challenge is up to you, young Wang Fu. But heed my words, if you can overcome this struggle, then you'd find yourself walking to a path of greatness."

Such was his words that left Wang Fu incapable of stopping his tears from the disappointment he felt on himself.

Wang Ling walked over at Wang Fei, helped Chang Ping reattached the arm, and then returned to his room to rest.

Two days later he would say his farewell to Roan and the others with Chang Ping.

For someone who asked someone for a favor, Wang Ling would leave the youths from the Wang Family with a broken genius on a crumbling path and the only thing that occupied Wang Ling's mind was, [I am still unsure if they are adopted.]

They have reached the Silver Blade World.

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