Celestial Peak

Chapter 454: Idol

Chapter 454: Idol

Seven Days before the Announcement for the Regal Gods Congregation.

When Qinyang awoke, she was already resting inside a room. She was disoriented remembering how she was suddenly knocked unconscious. She also remembered her childish and idealistic words she threw at Wang Ling and covered her face as it turned red from embarrassment.

[How foolish of me AHhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Ouch!] she bit her tongue as she screamed deep inside from the embarrassment, she brought upon herself. When she walked out of said room, she encountered a hallway with more quarters lined up. She walked to her right sensing the flow of the wind and arrived at the deck, [I can't believe I told him that! Will he think of me as annoying now? Will he hate me?] Qinyang was unsure.

[I want to ask him.] Qinyang made the quick decision and then stood up, exiting the room into a hallway. She followed the smell to the exit.

Qinyang reached the deck, the first thing she saw was three people fighting. In front of her was a mysterious woman, dancing with her blade with combined elegance and ferocity, against the twins who sealed their strength to the Second Rank of cultivation.

The mysterious woman moved her sword and when attacked she would use her body like a sword to block. Every movement, even her defense could kill, her magnificent style was meant only to take another person's life.

Qinyang recognized those techniques she was performing, "Those are the Blood Seeking Sword techniques?"

"Hooh, you know enough to know what they are with a single look? Impressive." Wang Ling asked from the side of the door.

"Ah! Good morning, All-FatI mean, Sir Wang Ling." Qinyang bowed as she greeted.

Wang Ling disregarded her obnoxious greeting, "So, you are awake after three days of sleeping? Overusing your bloodline ignition must have worn you out. Are you, all right? Is something the matter?" Wang Ling asked noticing how down the usually happy-go-lucky Qinyang was, "Was it the things I told you back in the Tomb? Are you mourning the deaths of the thousands? Why not sit down and calm yourself?"

"That is a part of it" Qinyang said, "I think the deaths of the younger generations could have been preventable. But what was worst is that I made such ludicrous demands and even yelled at Sir Wang Ling. I just wanted to apologize for doing such a thing. If you do not want to see my face anymore, I can throw myself out of the deck now, if you want to!" Qinyang was disappointed in herself. 

Wang Ling gave Qinyang a look from the corner of his eyes and just found her antics amusing, "What is your age, Qinyang?"

"Ah? Um, sixteen thousand."

"That is quite old, but still no older than me or anyone in this ship. In my eyes, you are a kid. This is your first time coming to the outside of your world, correct? That means that you are inexperienced and you will learn with time. You act less mature than the others, which means you will grow. You are 16,000 years of age, but in my eyes, you are no older than 16 and for someone as young as you, making mistakes are normal. Unless it doesn't kill you or your companions, then it is all good."

Wang Ling said what he always says to his disciples. Mistakes were normal, one does not need to care for their failures if when they are young. Wang Ling treated Qinyang because for Deities, maturing takes a far longer time.

They lack the common knowledge of a weaker species thus the young Deities' naiveties. Deities around the age of 16,000 to 18,000 like Qinyang was normal according to Roan and the twins. Their maturity was less than normal. It was actually the twins who more were more of an abnormality for their maturity, 

Qinyang smiled at Wang Ling's words, some of her doubts dissipated as she laughed and felt relief. The twins saw this from the corner of their eyes and smiledBAM*though they were punched in the face for not paying attention in a sparring match.

"AH! Why didn't you two dodge that one? That was just a fake!" Chang Ping quickly ran to the two so she could check their situation.

Wang Ling and Qinyang laughed seeing the sight. Three days later, Qinyang would join the training of the women saying she too needed basic training. She gained instructions from Wang Ling and had her stance corrected and even her way of fighting.

"You allow way too much opening. I know you are a Phoenix and you can take the risk of having your limbs and body cut open. But that is too inefficient. In a real fight against someone with superior agility and strength. My Impostors may have my experience and sword techniques, but they lack in the body tempering and qi department. 

"Your qi may be sealed to match that of a Rank-5 cultivator but the vessel is still that of Rank-9 Cultivator." Wang Ling was saying that his Impostors didn't have a single advantage other than their experience and number which was rather fair, "Try lowering your qi to my level."

Qinyang listened closely and then lowered her cultivation to that of a Rank-4 Cultivator. Wang Ling asked her to attack him seriously. Qinyang complied and without any hesitation, she swung her sword horizontally. 

Wang Ling simply used the back of his left hand, tapped her hands, and redirected the path of her sword. With the same hand, Wang Ling slithered around Qinyang's arm and pointed his index finger at her artery.

"You may think that this is not enough to kill you, but"


Qinyang jumped back sensing a massive amount of killing intent flooded her. After seeing her head being cut off her head, her body was in a cold sweat.

Wang Ling had Qinyang fight against the twins who didn't go easy on their Young Miss. Chang Ping would have done it if not for the fact she was too skilled for Qinyang. The twins continued beating up Qinyang with sparring as a pretense. They were enjoying themselves.

Three days later the bullying had yet to end and through Chang Ping, Wang Ling learned about the Congregation.

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