Celestial Peak

Chapter 455: Talk with Roan

Chapter 455: Talk with Roan

Inside the Cabin,

"Tell me the situation of the Devils." 

"Yes, All-Father."

Wang Ling sat before Roan. His hands rested behind his head. Roan lowered his head as he complied with Wang Ling's request. Bringing out a Black Plaque, several images flashed before Wang Ling's eyes.

Three panels appeared before Wang Ling; his eyes blinked as he was first showed the state of Heaven and Hell that was now covered in a sea of flames. The cause of the flames? Two Beasts, a Black Lion and a White Serpent, "According to the GodKings and the record of the Wang Family, these two have wreaked havoc in both Heaven and Hell.

"The first two layers of Heaven and Hell were forced to merge due to these Beast. If the Two Realms did not combine, they would have been destroyed due to the sheer size and intensity of the two children who clung to life."

"Hoooh, so they could even manipulate space to such a degree now?" Wang Ling was impressed.

"Um no, that is incorrect, All-Father." Roan's face reddened from Wang Ling's sake, "It is the Mother of Beast who combined the two worlds for them. She claimed that it was for the sake of her beloved that she's willing to go to suck lengths. The Devils and the Holy Race were pushed to the Highest Realms, well, it didn't really change much so no one really complained. But many of the Devils and Holy Race complained at the lost of their world and now, the relationship of the Deities and the Origin Races have been strained."

"So just like before." 

"Yes. Just like before." Roan was embarrassed.

Since the dawn of time, the Primordial Races had been fighting. Their reason usually varies, it could be extremely petty or something important. But from what he learned from the Sul of the All-Father, the Primordial Races usually fights for his and the Mother of Beast's glory.

They who take glory to their creators would fling trash talks at one another and would start from something simple until one take offend from another and then, a full war then takes place. But, if one looks at it from a different angle, one could just say that they hate each other.

The Primordial Races being effectively prideful does not help either.

"Do-do not worry All-Father, we are still trying to build a healthy relationship with them to ensure that your Union with the Mother of Beast does not suffer from our squabbles."

"thank you, that would be for the best." Wang Ling thanked Roan.

Roan visibly brightened as he was now prouder than ever. The lecture about the Devils continued, about their current standing and how they were associating with the rest of the Universe.

"The Devils nor the Holy Race take part on any fights against the Abyssal Demons outside our realms. Ah! Please do not take it as us being cowardly or not caring about the fate of your Creations, it is just that, we have our own fights on the Hell and Heaven Realms.

"Since the beginning of the Abyssal Rifts' appearance we have been fighting these Abyssal Demons. Eons had passed since the fight began and though today might seem the new Era to Mortals, the Primordial Races had yet to change their ways, for we have been fighting far longer in order to protect what you have left us."

Roan was silent after these words. His people had been abandoned by the All-Father who sought out a way to settle the fights between the Primordial Races. 

Wang Ling just smiled and let him ramble on and on. The meeting lasted for more than three hours; Wang Ling collected information upon information about the grand scale of things transforming his meager library of information into a massive database he used in sorting out the situation.

He also learned about the GodKing and the Five Devil Generals. However, even after asking and collecting data, Wang Ling failed to gather one last thing, "How many pairs of wings do you have?"

"That is a question I cannot answer." Such was the answer he was given, "I have taken an Oath that outside our Realm, I cannot speak of the pair of wings. My soul would be rendered and I would suffer by having my lineage stripped off my body. But if the All-Father wants me to do it, I shall not hesitate to"

"Yeah, that is enough, you do not have to continue." Wang Ling couldn't have Roan dying on him. This Devil was an added protection for him and the

"I also cannot attack any that is below Rank-9 of Cultivation." 

Wang Ling looked at Roan with weirded-out eyes, "seriously?"

"Yes, it was an oath that every Devik must take for them to leave the Realm and ensure they do not damage the Universe's balance. Like any of the Primordial Race we exist beyond understanding, our Race had existed for Eons, cultivation ranking is but a passing idea to us, and we could have taken over the entire Cosmos if any of the Primordial Race wanted to, however, we had not.

"The Primordial Races lost our parents because of constant wars. After that we have learned to control our lust to dominate" from how Roan looked right now, this matter was more embarrassing than the other things combined, "in hopes of you, returning to us."

The Devils were children of the All-Father. When he left, they were lost and had to find their own paths, but despite that, their existence still revolved around the desire to reunite with him.

Angel hugged Wang Ling's head, she did not want to be alone again, "When are you going to free the other?" Angel asked remembering the Incarnation of the Hell Qi was also locked within Wang Ling.

'Soon, do not worry.' He said as he tapped the child's head.

Wang Ling stood up and thanked Roan. He walked towards the door and then was just about to exit when, all of a sudden, he stopped, saying, "I am not the old All-Father you knew, you know. I am but his second coming, his reincarnation."

Roan smiled at Wang Ling's words, "That is all right. The All-Father's mere presence is enough of solace for me and so for the others." 

Wang Ling left with his words leaving Roan to himself. Roan looked at Wang Ling, he held a very soft smile, [He is different in both nature and temperament, yet, the kindness he has to his own people had not changed since I last saw the All-Father with my own eyes.]

He smiled remembering the time when the All-Father created him with his own hands.

A time when the Universe was still at peace, [I hoped everything could have remained the same. I hope that the Oldest Brother did not betray us and the All-Father.]

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