Celestial Peak

Chapter 471: Essence of Everything

Chapter 471: Essence of Everything

The Origin Lands had met peace for the longest of times. But an incident occurred with the Revenants. 

A swarm of Revenants came and tried to take over the Origin Lands, thankfully, the Slaughter Emperor Spear was there to put a stop to their plans. The Slaughter Emperor Spear now occupied the Dark Sword Restaurant's VIP room. He declined every request to meet. 

Inside the VIP room of the Dark Sword Restaurant.

That was the news that had been going around the nearby Worlds. Of course, this led to an influx of people rushing to the Origin Lands wishing to see the legend.

On the VIP room, Wang Ling was leaning over a balcony overlooking the people gathering outside of the Restaurant, "Hooh, you have grown to become so popular Butler Sun."

"Haha, it is nothing close to your popularity, Young Master. You are, considered by many the Great Ancestor Hero, you are a man who is revered by all. If you announce that you are alive"

"Then every Sect, Family, and Faction will suspect the Wang Family having connections to the Revenants. Your enemies would use this fact to attack the Family and try to drag us down. Let me guess, it is already happening, isn't it?"

"I was going to say the entire Cosmos would try to see your brilliance, but lip-service like that isn't what you want, right? The Young Master is really wise." Sun Wu said with an awkward laugh.

"If there's fame, then there's naturally the hate that comes with it. No matter how much good you bring to this world, there would always still be people who would try to bring you down. Save a million people and a quarter from those people who blame you for not arriving earlier. It is simply the logic of this world." Wang Ling said with a casual smile.

"Indeed, it is, Young Master." Sun Wu did not try to say anything otherwise. He knew that his word rang true.

Wang Ling asked several things about the current situation of the Wang Family and how things were holding up. After learning what he needed to learn he stood up and called out, "Qinyang, get ready, I'll be teaching you two movements from my Twilight Sword oh yeah, these techniques are incomplete so do use them carefully."

"Yes, Master" Qinyang paused looking at Wang Ling who had his brows raised, "Can I call you Master?"

"yeah, why not, but I won't teach you the Blood Seeking Sword. That thing is not suitable for your minuscule amount of killing intent."

"Yes, Master!" Qinyang celebrated.

While Wang Ling left to teach someone, it was Chang Ping's turn to speak to Sun, who didn't dawdle and quickly inquired where Wang Yue had been.

"Butler Sun, it had been so long since the disappearance of Yue. She left with you and the others' withdrawal from the public eye, correct? Can you tell me where Yue is?"

Sun Wu did not know, "The Young Miss had been missing for centuries. The letter you received from the Family Fifty Years; is still the best we have. But do not worry, the Young Miss is still alive, her Life Jade is still intact, after all."

Chang Ping sighed but she understood. If even her Family did not know, then that would only mean Wang Yue didn't want to be found. But she could not help becoming despondent.

"But there had been signs of movement on the Abyssal Tundra thirty years back, I think the Young Miss is trying to get the World Treasure Everlasting Black Ice from the Primal Era. The GodKing of the Holy Race did talk to her about the matter three centuries ago."

"Is that so. Then it is good that signs of her are still popping up. Hmm, the Abyssal Tundra, maybe I should visit that place after I recover from the Abyssal Poison." 

"You need not to. I went there twenty years ago while traveling the Cosmos for information about the Revenants. I found no signs of the Young Miss, so she's either still inside seclusion, or is that she is hiding from something and doesn't want to be found." Sun Wu explained.

"Well, Yue had always been shy and reclusive even when we go out to drink or even when she attends the Congregation. But she doesn't simply go about hiding for no reason, I shall wait for her. She must still be searching for a way to further her own path. She did say that she grasped its core, then." Chang Ping did not add anything further.

From the side Wang Ling listened while teaching Qinyang the Twilight Sword, [Hmm, the Primal Era, so that's what they call the time before everything began. Well, it is rather fitting.] Wang Ling laughed thinking how times had changed.

The All-Father, the Mother of Beasts, in the past these names were unknown even to Gods. Only a few knew the secrets of the Universe and who created it because of the two Origin Races' dedication to keeping to themselves and the Deities' decision to retreat to different dimensions. 

[But now, cultivators are discovering World Treasures one after another. Sigh, even the ones I left I mean, the ones the Original All-Father left were not that much, at least not that I hid he hid from the Universe. Hmm, my perception of self is changing]

"Qinyang, review what I told you about the Twilight sword for a few moments."

"Okay, Master."

Wang Ling found something odd and left for the white mindscape where the Golden Figure of Angel was waiting for him, "Angel, can you draw out my soul?"

"Okay, don't fight, okay?"

"Don't worry."

Angel moved and touched Wang Ling's soul. They had an intimate connection with each so Wang Ling had no problem allowing her to tamper with his soul.

Angel copied Wang Ling's soul and manifested it into the mindscape, there, Wang Ling saw his soul tainted with four different colors.

A Deep Blood Red, Gold, Black, and lastly, a deep and meaningful blue.

The Red, Gold, and Black colors mixed well with each other coexisting with a flow. As for the color of blue, it was not actually in his soul, but within it, at the center of his chest, in the form of an orb with nine tendrils coming out of its surface.

"So that's what's happening to me. I now understand where that power came from and why the Bell of the Heavens is now stronger than ever." Wang Ling finally understood what was happening to him.

Angel was left confused, "Ling, Ling! What is happening? Are you going to die too? Nooo, please don't." Angel went and hugged Wang Ling.

"Don't worry, I'm not dying. In fact, I am more alive than ever, after all, the [Essence of Origin] is finally beginning to manifest itself."

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