Celestial Peak

Chapter 472: Killing Intent

Chapter 472: Killing Intent

"What is the Essence of Origin?" 

"Me." Wang Ling just smiled before finally opening his eyes to the outside world where he returned to teaching Qinyang the Twilight Sword as though nothing had happened.

Eight Days before the Arrival of the Swords

The days changed quickly, Wang Ling was surprised by Qinyang's ability to absorb his teachings and by how much Chang Ping had recovered her strength.

[The effects of incorporating the Essence of Origin, is really making big differences I really need to change how I call that thing.] Wang Ling could not manipulate the Essene of Origin in a fight due to its unknown properties and how it made him feel like he was being torn apart when he tried incorporating it in his attacks.

[The Essence of Origin gives a massive boost in my ability to counter the poison of death inside Chang Ping. It is filled with vitality and that is just one of its many functions. Its strength is unlimited.] Wang Ling very well held the power of everything.

To his dismay, however, he could not utilize it for himself. It was like a poor man on the verge of dying was presented with cursed laced Gold. He could take the gold, but that's with the knowledge that he would die if he does.

Wang Ling felt shitty not being able to use the power to kill others especially since the core of his strength lies in that direction. But because it was at his core to not give up, Wang Ling pushed himself to its limits. It took Wang Ling three days, fifty liters of blood being coughed up, having his soul almost torn, and three chances of being crippled before giving up.

"maybe I'll be able to use it if I try destroying my soul?"

BAM! Angel hit him with a manipulated Rock on the head just to knock some sense into him. "You really will die if you do that!"

Wang Ling now truly gave up the idea. 

Four Days before the Arrival of the Swords

" The killing continued without an end, the blood dyed moon and formed the Blood Moon From night till morning, from West to East it was a Sunrise filled with Blood " 


Chang Ping quickly opened her bloodshot eyes as she heard the collision of metal. She had just unknowingly sent a sword slash filled with killing intent to Wang Ling. With ragged breathing, her sweat fell on the floor, "I apologize, Master."

"Don't worry about it, take a few breathers for a few minutes."


"Rest is also a part of your training. Killing intent may not affect your qi pool, but it does have an effect on your soul and sanity. This is the first time that you are allowing yourself to be consumed by the killing intent, if you strain yourself too much, then there's a chance that you'll go berserk and end up destroying yourself as I did to myself in the past."

He advised so casually. Chang Ping could see that Wang Ling was not simply talking her down to it, but truly telling her the truth. She decided to first rest and initiated the method of keeping her head cool by Wang Ling's instructions.

A sense of relief went over her as the red in her eyes disappeared, her head became cool and the raging intent within her died down. Chang Ping finally managed to breathe without the sensation of being suffocated, "How can Master use this technique without feeling so drained? I am mentally and physically exhausted even when just practicing it! Is there a trick to it?"

Hearing the question, Wang Ling laughingly said, "Go and wage war against the World while carrying and allowing hate to control you, imagine killing millions in your dreams every single night, dream how you can kill yourself as effectively as others could kill you, resent everything, accept the resentment of others, bathe in the blood of every creature, do that for fifty thousand years without stopping for a single day. Then for the next twenty years,"

"I did not think Master is capable of making such ludicrous jokes."

"" he just smiled there without saying anything.

"Are you serious? Wage wars on the world fifty thousand years, bathe in the blood of every creature? What would that even lead to?" Chang Ping was the Sword God; she had seen and experienced things that no one had seen before. She had a deep pool of knowledge yet could not understand his intentions still.

"How do you see killing intent and bloodlust, Chang Ping?"

"Hmm, an intent? A way to mess with the minds of the enemies. A supplemental qi that allows strengthening one's attack. It could also be used as feints to create openings or even suffocate the enemies to death, discouraging them and oppressing them." Chang Ping understood more than anyone about killing intent in this Era than anyone else. Sun Wu's killing intent may match Chang Ping's but in terms of comprehension, Chang Ping had him beat. 

But she could not match Wang Ling's knowledge on the matter.

"It is good to see your way of seeing it as something more than a supplementary part of one's existent, but that is not all. Killing intent is more than a simple enhancer, it is a power that's beyond what you could understand. It is a cultivated path similar to that of spirit qi cultivation. Killing intent, in your eyes and is limited as an aura that can oppress others, or something one used to laced qi and weapons with.

"It is a power on its own, if one can touch its power then you'd be able to materialize its power as though it is a sword of its own; one that allows you to corrode both the mind and the bodies of others, enabling a cultivator to degrade one's opponent through external and internal damages. But that's only scratching the surface"

Wang Ling held out a finger, laced it with killing intent, "It can also be used to attack one its own."


Wang Ling slashed out using his fingers, and for a moment Chang Ping saw something beyond a simple sword. She backed away; her entire body drenched in a cold sweat.

"What did you see?"

"a killing sword. One that not only threatens the body, but also the soul fear ate away at my soul."

"That is correct, when you achieve the pinnacle of killing intent, there is no such thing as a sword stroke, there is only a killing stroke, you will become a true sword. Your sword would be dangerous, your mind would not be invaded by others, your soul would be strengthened to withstands sound attacks, though it is not perfect, it becomes a power at the same level of qi. But you can only reach this level once you manage to realize what killing intent is"

"Then, Master only realized this by fighting for fifty thousand years? Does that mean I have to wage wars for so long as well?" Chang Ping was disheartened.

Shaking his head, Wang Ling just smiled, "You don't need to, because you already have another medium to experience that."


"You can't, but the Blood Seeking Sword those eight movements will allow you to channel as much of your killing as much as possible. The Blood Seeking Sword is a sword that took billions of lives to be created. I sought out blood and slaughter and, in my journey, these eight movements that fine-tune the flow of killing intent were created.

"No one in this Cosmos knows this technique so I don't really know how much it would be able to draw out your inner hate. But if my theory proves to be correct, the Blood Seeking Sword would allow you to walk the same path I did, faster than me."

The Blood Seeking Sword was merely a vessel for the true Blood Seeking Sword the true slaughterer of it was Wang Ling the one who slaughtered for fifty thousand years.

The Arrival of the Swords arrived

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