Celestial Peak

Chapter 479: I am too weak to threaten anyone

Chapter 479: I am too weak to threaten anyone

The Origin World was the place where all experts gather. It was the realm that was on the forefront of the war against the Abyssal Demons. It was the world where the thickest spirit qi existed, and the place where resources were abundant and overflowing.

It was a world that was filled with surprises. However, there were still times that even the norm was not what it looked like to others. 

Everyone had their heads raised as they observed a Sailer on the skies. The Sailer was not big, but that's the very reason that made it weird for them because the route this very appeared on was the place where the peak treads.

"Who is it? I don't recognize that Sailer from anywhere. From what Major Faction are they?" A Sailer was a mark of prestige. Sailers were forbidden from entering a World, but that was not a general rule.

A power that controls a world could do anything they want inside it. Adding that to the fact that this Sailer exited through a Golden Portal meant that these people would be attending the upcoming Congregation.

That part was easy enough to understand, but another question remained, "Who's using that shabby-looking Cosmic Sailer?" as many of the people who enter the Origin World born with a silver spoon on their mouths, many chuckled.

Wang Ling could hear them, clearer than ever, he was annoyed by their laughs but simply drowned them out with his thoughts, "Well, I did not expect this kind of reception." He said while disregarding the nonsense.

However, Roan standing on the side looked at the waste gathering around them, their jeering laugh got to his skin, "They dare laugh at the All-Father!? They won't even exist without him!"

He did not appreciate such laughter, intended or not. His qi roused, but as Wang Ling touched his shoulder, his qi jumped, "Try not to show so much hostility, okay? I don't want you being implicated just because they laugh at me. Also, you can't hit them, so stop. Also, Butler Sun, stop taking out your Spear and reel in that killing intent."

Butler Sun reluctantly obeyed Wang Ling's orders.

"Everyone, calm down, and that includes you three as well."

The twins rolled their eyes, "Don't be too self-conscious Wang Ling, we are not doing this for you. We simply do not like how they are treating us. Do they dare laugh at the beings who brought them three thousand years of peace in order to survive? Maybe just maybe, we should wreak havoc. After all, if two Deities appear, do you think they have the balls to go against us? Hurt us? We would love to see that."

Wang Ling shook his head, "Please don't start thinking of starting a war against the others. War against the Wang Family and the White Tigers are enough to leave a mark against the forces fighting against the Abyssal Demons. I haven't resolved that troubling matter yet, and I heard the Primordial Races wouldn't be attending this Congregation, so give me a break for now. Qinyang please watch over those two, make sure they don't start anything."

"But do you also not feel annoyed by their whispers? Their taunts? Just letting you know; it is very gratifying when the arrogant ones bow their heads to you once they know your true capability. We can do that in seconds if you want to." The twins said in a chorus, tempting Wang Ling to allow them to show those below their place.

However, Wang Ling just laughed and looked overboard and saw the jeering eyes of the imbeciles down below, "I know the feeling quite well. In fact, I want to claw those eyes out bur, I don't at least for now."

If this was the past Wang Ling would have already let them know their places. But he couldn't do that, not because he did not have the ability to do so.

If he had wanted to do something like that, [I would prefer to make them bear the weight of their idiocy through nightmares.] he was really experienced in dealing with such matters. But from his second life onwards he just kept silent and let it be, at least for the most parts. But they had not stopped.

They laughed at the sight of such a shabby Sailer. Though they were chuckles it turned into a cacophony of jeering giggles, echoing in the ears of the experts inside said, Sailer. Seeing such a ship so tiny and insignificant surrounded by magnificent Sailers made whoever riding it insignificant. 

There were those daring enough to laugh aloud knowing they would not suffer any consequences with so many others doing the same. This was the City of Thousand Gods, the ones laughing have enough confidence in themselves that they'll be able to do this in the face of anyone inside that Sailer.

Connections, Cultivation, Money, anyone in this City would not be frightened by these for they too have them.

"Just let those people be, they are acting like that because they think they have the right to own everything. They think that they are where they are because of their skills and power.  We appeared from the Gold Gate, which meant we stand above them, they laugh because they think they are on the same level as us, or because they want to show they are not inferior. In short, they are insecure brats who do not know their places. Do you want to kill those kinds of people?"

"if it were annoying kids who think they own the world, I honestly would not mind killing them if I could, All-Father." Roan did not lie.

The Universe was in a state of peace in terms of its internal affairs. When you take out the matter of the Revenants, the Universe had never been so united against a single opponent ever before. But of course, that does not erase envy from sprouting.

"I am more deserving." "He does not fit that role." "My skills are far better, I am just reclused." "They do not deserve the position of a Major Faction!" "This Tower isn't befitting of such reverence." Such words would arouse from the majority, especially those born stuffed with privilege into their mouths.

Sighing, Wang Ling began explaining, "They are a bunch of trashes, but none of you can do anything because of your situations. Butler Sun might create a problem to the already wavy position of the Wang Family who is fighting against the White Tiger. The three Deities because they are who they are, and Roan because he can't do anything because of his oath." Wang Ling explained, "Though I still want them to know who we are so when the Congregation begins, we have leverage. After all, a dramatic entrance has its uses as well."

"Then, what about me? If nothing is wrong, I can just shut them out, the Sword Tower doesn't really care about such things anyway. In fact, if I show them their places, the Sword Tower will only further strengthen its position as the strongest of the assault faction." Chang Ping said as she got ready to call forth her killing intent she had been honing.

"Oh, you're Sword Tower would not be implicated that's correct. But are like me at the moment, too weak to send a message. Besides, someone else is more suited for the job."

Wang Ling just smiled and finally, his eyes brightened all of a sudden.


The doors leading to the inner quarters opened with a slam. A drunk young man holding a barrel of Immortal Seven Wonder Wine.

"Dammit, Tang Yu, I told you to" 

Chang Ping tried to walk forward and call out to Tang Yu who was about to show an undesirable sight when, he was stopped by Wang Ling, "Oh, let him be, he'll do fine with this."

Tang Yu looked around, he was someone whose cultivation reaches the Peak but at the moment he was lightheaded, drunk, and incapable of straight thoughts. His senses, however, heightened, and could hear every bullshit whisper all around him, "Who the hell is making all that jabber? I heard someone talk about the Sword Tower not being worthy of the Strongest!?"

Wang Ling saw Tang Yu's drunken rage and pointed downwards, "Oh it is the people down below looking down us, they also said something about the Sword God being an incompetent slob." Wang Ling lied.

But Tang Yu's intoxicated mind did not know that.

"WHAT!? THOSE BASTARDS SAID THAT?" Tang Yu walked over the edge of the Sailer, brought out a white sword, and exploded with killing intent.

The skies changed colors, from a sky blue to a complete white as Tang Yu activated his Domain. The clouds disappeared and were replaced by uncountable swords hovering over the entirety of the city, "BASTARDS! WHO DARE TARNISHED THE NAME OF THE SWORD GOD!? STEP FORTH! I TANG YU, THE ABSOLUTE WHITE SWORD SHALL TURN YOU TO RIBBONS!"

In a matter of a second, the laughter ended and was replaced with nothing but widened eyes, and from the side, Wang Ling was smiling, [That's better.]

He also did not like those jeers.

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