Celestial Peak

Chapter 480: Right to laugh

Chapter 480: Right to laugh


Tang Yu taunted the people down below. He was hundreds of meters up, but that didn't matter to beings like him. He saw them cower like after their words, he snorted, "What a bunch of idiots!

"Absolute White Sword, do you not think you are going too far, threatening us in this manner?" An old woman garbed in gold laced robes stood up. She had a mark of a burning bow on her chest, the mark of the Peng Clan. She sat on a balcony of some restaurant, enjoying her cup of tea.

This woman's name was Lei, an Ancestor who had lived for millennia. She was an Ancestor of an Illustrious Clan and was the Sect Master who created the Blaze Bow Sect at the start of this Era, she was a woman who had long reached the last realm of cultivation and was nearing her own path like Butler Sun.

She looked at the drunk Tang Yu, and could not believe that this man was the First Sword of the Sword Tower. This drunk had a higher position than she did but what's more, was that "Even invoking your Domain just to prove a point? Is this how the Sword Tower protects its people? Have you no shame to call yourself a member of the Tower? The others may have laughed not knowing that you were there, but do you not think this is too excessive?"

Her words garnered support from the others, "Ye-yes, that's right! Just because you are of the Sword Tower that doesn't give you the right to Lord over us!"

"Yeah! We also fight the Abyssal Demons like yourself! We send our children to your ranks and even help with the supplies! Absolute White Sword, who do you think you are to threaten us?"

All of a sudden, the White Domain receded, Tang Yu's breathing changed as he became silent.

[Know your place.] a triumphant smile appeared on Lei's mouth. Powerful, that was how she felt. The people were backing her. With so many of them, even the great Absolute White Sword would not be able to do anything against them. Everyone had a broad grin on their faces, they managed to keep Tang Yu back.

Lei stood up from her chair and looked at Tang Yu with gloating eyes, "Do not even think of using the words of fighting the Abyssal Demons against me, boy, I have been sacrificing my blood long before you were even born."

Chang Ping who had been listening felt something from within her snap. Her killing intent ran rampant, "These ungrateful little pieces of shit dare utter sacrifice?"

Unable to contain them, Chang Ping's eyes turned red, "My disciples have been risking their lives for thousands of years against Sword and Emperor Class Abyssal Demons! Their bodies riddled with injuries without any more space to scar!" 

But just before it could explode out and swallow everything, Wang Ling tapped her forehead, forcing back the killing intent, "You're allowing the killing intent to take over your mind. It would be nice if you were in your prime, but right now, you will be nothing but a laughing stock. I understand your frustrations, but until I can raise your cultivation to at least the peak rank, then stay silent. Let the boy do his own thing, I can see his eyes had been cleared/"

Chang Ping listened to Wang Ling and turned to Tang Yu whose eyes had long returned to their normal color. His annoyance brought him out of his drunken rage.

"Hypocrites." Tang Yu said with a heavy tone.

"What did you say to me, boy?" Lei shouted back, but, the Absolute White Sword did not answer.

His eyes without the light of amusement. He took a step and appeared before the Ancestor Lei, her brows furrowed much like others as they were unable to get a glimpse of Tang Yu's movement.

Tang Yu looked down upon the old woman, he did not smile, nor did he grin. He was no longer drunk, he was sober. He was far from the usually carefree Tang Yu, "Like I have said, Hypocrite."

Lei knew that she touched a nerve. Though she had the backing of everyone present, right now, with Tang Yu's shift in tone, it became suffocating. In theory, this First Sword was her junior, but, his aura made her feel suffocated.

Lei could back down now, but that would tarnish both her family and Sect's name, she gritted her teeth, and asked Tang Yu, "What makes you say something so ludicrous, Absolute White Sword? For you to call me a Hypocrite, you must have evidence to base your claims, correct?"

"Evidence? I have no such thing."

"HAH! Then you admit that you were wrong? Like I said before, stop acting so big just because you have the Sword Tower behind you, boy. The Sword Tower may just be a Major Power, but it does not belong to you, so, stop posturing, boy." 

Lei looked at Tang Yu, she had a smile on her face. Slowly she rose from her seat, smiling, [How dare this cretin to look down upon me! This is what you get for crossing someone out of your league, barbarian. You useless brute of a peasant.]

Tang Yu did not say anything, he could feel it again, their jeering eyes. Contempt for who he was.


Tang Yu stayed his sword centimeters away from Ancestor Lei's throat.

"You have nothing against me, and now, you threaten me, boy? Do it, and you will see who truly"


Blood began to drip as one of Ancestor Lei's artery was cut by simple sword intent. Ancestor Lei's eyes much like everyone else's widened from shock. 

She wanted to move. But couldn't.

"Move anything and I really will take your life. To someone who conquered the laws of Heaven and Hell will not die by such flesh wounds, unless I wanted to kill you, of course. But worry, not, for I will not, because, as you said, I am a part of the Sword Tower, I am the First Sword, thus I have the job to uphold our values of being Heroes."

Ancestor Lei was just about to say something when Tang Yu's killing intent devoured her mind, the others by her side tried to do something and just trembled on the way to taking out their weapons.

"I told you not to move, that includes your mouth. And that includes everyone else." 

No one spoke, some even held their breath as Tang Yu finally snapped.

"Now, with this, everyone can listen to me." Tang Yu returned his gaze to Ancestor Lei, "Previously, I said that I have no evidence. I have no need to present such a thing, I am the First Sword of the Sword Tower, and you bastards breathing and living is enough to remind you of your hypocritical words. You claim that you were fighting long before I was born? 

"Don't flatter yourself, it was the Ten Major Families and the Three Immortal Sects together with the Deities who fought for us, if you really did fight against the Abyssal Demons you should be on equal footing with me right now, a member of the Major Powers but no, you are not. With that out of the way, answer me this, after the Three Thousand Year treaty, who had been the one fighting at the frontlines? Me! Only my brothers and sisters together with the Sword God and the Major Powers helped me and I didn't see any of you bastards then. While you bastards twiddled with your thumbs, trying to regain your positions and wealth the ones at the top fought, with their lives on the line protecting ingrates like you.

"You and the others screeched like little a bunch of privileged fools without even knowing the pain of going to war against the Abyss. While the Towers fight you insignificant and arrogant braindead noble fucks gather like annoying flies, scheming away, just to get more. You claim that the Sword God is unworthy, say that after you have bested the Useless Orphan no one wanted! 

"Yes, you send your youths to the Sword Tower, but only posting them at the backlines while the true warriors fought! The blood the Tower spill in my name, the Tower's name is enough to create a sea. Our blood marks the battlefield with truth, but what about you? Do your Sect and family even spill blood against Kings and Emperor Demons? Have you seen your family and friends destroy their souls in order to not be eaten and used as feed?" 

Ancestor Lei and the others unknowingly shook their head.

"No? Then Then do not say you are fighting with us! You people who send your sons and daughters out of harm's way, watching from the sidelines while claiming you helped us! You bastards are just mooching off us. And you bastards dare laugh!? You have no right to laugh at anyone from the Golden Portals! Because we from the Major Powers earned that right, we earned our keep! We earned our lives!

"Look at yourselves! Dressing in golden laced clothes while warriors from the Towers and Major Powers wear nothing but simplistic robes. I came here in that Shabby tiny Sailer for a Congregation that would decide the fate of the trillions of lives. How about you? You came to the City of the Thousand God thinking you can make connections to a Major Power! You people have no right to laugh at anyone from the Golden Portals! We from the Major Powers earned that right! We earned our keep! We earned our lives!"

"Now, everyone who laughed! Answer me! What did you achieve to earn the right to laugh?"

Like before, everyone was silent.

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