Celestial Peak

Chapter 483: Hell's Envoy

Chapter 483: Hell's Envoy

"You seem like a jolly person, Tang Ai, I look forward to working with you, lass." Wang Ling said as he nods in Tang Ai's direction.

"The feelings the same, Doctor. Also, please be warned that if you wish to court my mother it is a must that you must first beat me." Tang Ai showed a bit of her killing intent.

Wang Ling just laughed his thoughts deep, "I will keep that in mind." He stood up and motioned over at Chang Ping, "The Congregation is not for a couple more days, we shall postpone your treatment for the time being until I finish stabilizing my cultivation."

"Thank you, Doctor Ling." Chang Ping almost died laughing as she stated those words. Watching Wang Ling disappear from her sight, she turned to Tang Ai, "Child, I heard you were searching for me? Did I worry you?"

"Of course, I was! I

do you still have the Yin Yang Equinox Claw I gave you three thousand years ago?"

"Yes, I do, Mother." Tang Ai brought out a pendant from her storage ring and handed it over to Chang Ping, she puffed out air as she did so, "I protected it well as mother told me to."

"Is that so." Holding a tiny gray husk claw that was the size of a finger, Chang Ping sighed, "I don't know if I should be glad you didn't see through the usage of this claw or not, well, either way, I'm just relieved. With this, I won't be able to use my God's Domain, but this should allow me to create an Emperor's Domain for a brief period of time."

"Oh yeah, Mother, where is Brother Yu? I haven't seen him for a while. I heard he managed to receive enlightenment awhile back and entered the Hidden Realm."

Chang Ping's mouth opened her brows raised as she asked, "Seriously? He never mentioned that 


Butler Sun and Wang Ling walked on the hall of Roan's Manor, "Butler Sun, what if I asked you before?"

Butler Sun casually handed over a ring to Wang Ling, "That contains the necessary resources for a Rank 7 cultivator to reach the next realm. That should be enough to stabilize Young Master's cultivation realm."

"Thank you, I'll repay you for this one day, Butler Sun."

"Please, don't talk like that, Young Master. What I have received from the Master is something I can never repay, thus, what I give his family would never be enough and does not need to be repaid." Butler Sun smiled and then bowed to Wang Ling as they stopped in front of a door, "Inside the ring is the scroll you requested. I have already listed the necessary information for the congregation and the past events summarized." 

"I see, then, I leave the rest for you to make the preparations that I need?"

"Yes, I will be making contact with Wang Lin tonight. He will not believe me if I tell him who you are so I'll tell him that you are an envoy sent by the Holy Race. The Young Master can rest assured that I'd be taking care of the matter of ensuring the people on our side would be able to gather. With the momentum you gave me, and the information I have with me, we should be able to sway the Congregation to our favors. But, why do we need to do that again, Young Master?"

"Oh, I need the power of the Coalition so I can finish off this whole thing as swiftly and efficiently as possible. The longer this war lasts the more would die, the more the souls who perish get destroyed, in time, the Wheel of Reincarnation would have no more souls to puke back out into the living world. And to create souls is not so simple, after all."

Wang Ling sighed thinking how the Emperor of Death was winning. Culling the world, little by little. Not only was he killing their physical bodies but also inciting them to destroy their souls to not trouble the living.

Wang Ling did not like that, "If nothing is done we will also perish with no reincarnation to speak of. The Red Dawn World is lost due to the poison Chang Ping's been afflicted with, and the Deities and Mortals are fractured because of the Wang Family scuffle. This whole entire Cosmos is going to crumble if we don't do anything fast. Sigh but it is still good to see that the Mortals I created are all moving closer to the peace I desired."

Wang Ling's words wondered halfway through leaving Butler Sun bewildered, "Young Master you are acting weird. Wait, don't tell me you are being used by the Emperor of Death again!?"

"Huh? No, I am not, it has nothing to do with the Emperor of Death don't worry. Besides, he can no longer approach me now, anyway. Also I was not made aware that you knew that I was used by the Emperor of Death?"

"Miss Bai Xue, rather, the Mother of Beasts told us about the matter after you died. She was crying when she spoke of it and how you had to sacrifice yourself in an attempt to stop a catastrophe, alas, your sacrifice was in vain." Butler Sun's words stopped.

"Is that all that you know? What about the Universe?"

"Um, that's all the Cosmos know as well. It is where the respect they have for you stem. The Great Ancestor, the martyr who wanted to fight the evil on his own." Butler Sun's eyes shimmered as he remembered the tales, "But, you should not rely solely on yourself, Young Master. The Cosmos is now one against the great evil, please, rely on others from now on. And if you are to feel anything changing inside you, inform me right away."

"I will keep your words in mind."

Wang Ling opened the door and entered his room. Butler Sun left and Wang Ling began carving symbols all over the room to optimize his cultivation. He was creating a cultivation chamber for him to use.

While doing so, his thoughts wandered.

Hearing the words Butler Sun spoke made him contemplate the repercussions of his changing self. But he was not afraid, [Might be because of the changes. Is the soul's assimilation causing me to heighten my senses and even attitude? My reality even shifts as I waver from being him and being my own mind. It is good to know I am nearing a sense of being closer to the original, but if so, then that is not really an advancement I would like. My temperament will surely change with time....]

Wang Ling didn't like it, but what could he do other than living with it? He devoured soul in the past, and it was only for nutrients. But now, it was Soul Assimilation, and it was new even for him. In fact, this had never happened to anyone else before, so Wang Ling had nothing to reference. 

Wang Ling began two days of seclusion as began his journey to strengthening himself and his mind.


On top of the manor was Roan sitting still. He was silent as he looked at the skies. He closed his eyes and then when he opened them again a man wearing a black robe appeared before him.

"Where is he?" the robed man asked Roan.

Roan raised turned his eyes up, "He is inside, Kareem."

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