Celestial Peak

Chapter 496: Announcement of War

Chapter 496: Announcement of War

War had never been good in the ears of many. Wang Ling was aware of this fact. But, for the life in this Universe to continue existing in this era then it was needed.

To start a war, Wang Ling needed two important variables 1. To have the entire Universe to bear arms and star: 2. Find a way how to make the Major Powers agree.

With his current position and the Cosmos is on edge with the Revenants, Wang Ling could not show his face. If he showed his face and claimed to be the Great Ancestor or the All-Father, then, the situation would become even more uncontrollable.

Two kinds of reaction would appear, first would be the Universe believing him and uniting as one under the Wang Family and the All-Father banner.

This ending was the most idealistic ending. But the truth would be, that the Universe would start to doubt his true identity. Many would want to believe him if the Major Powers back his claims, but, even then, there would still be doubts.

The Universe would be fractured, and then, from the inside, they would crumble and without doing anything, the Emperor of Death would win. Wang Ling did not want such a thing to happen, [Even if I lose, and the Universe is destroyed never will I let them have an easy victory.] 

In order for that not to happen Wang Ling chose the second option of uniting the Universe. To start a war, a majority vote with the Major Powers in the lead. From behind he would be able to control the flow of the fight, and as he regains his strength Wang Ling would be able to slowly reform his own origin qi.

This kind of situation would not be able to happen if not for the fact that the Revenants' appearance. With them as the leverage to dictate the minds of the people and the Major Powers, Wang Ling would be unable to do anything. But with the help of his enemies, and capitalizing on the connection that remains from the past, a thread of hope formed.

Heaven Hell Sword Tower Alchemist Tower Blacksmith Tower Eternal Library Tower Formation Tower Demonic Tower Cosmic Eye Tower 

"All of the Seven Towers have decided they will support the War front. As the one who oversees the Universe, I Shi Huo of the Cosmic Eye Tower hereby says the Seven Towers shall participate in the True War."

The Black Turtles The Vermillion Birds The Azure Dragons The White Tigers 

"With the power bestowed upon me by the Deities, I Qinyang of the Deity Races act as the representative and announce our participation in the True War."

Wang Ling looked over at the Twins and whispered, "I never asked this before, but can she do that?"

Yuan Qing was the only one who bothered looking at him, "Well, the Elders of the Deities are currently asleep with Mother, and because she's favored by the Mother, she's technically our leader for the time."

"Wait Xu I mean, the Mother of Beast is asleep?"

"What can I say? The Mother just loves to sleep. According to our Original Deities, this often happens even in the Primordial Times."

"Is that so." Wang Ling looked at Qinyang and was simply intrigued how this young girl was actually a big shot of the Deities, [Is she the Reincarnation of the First-Generation Vermillion Bird?] Wang Ling was honestly unsure.

The Holy Race The Devil Race

"I Kareem, the Devil Emperor announce our participation in the True War." 

"Kareem, what about you, are you all right in doing this from behind the GodKing's watch? Aren't you unable to disobey him?"

"Doing this might be considered treasonous, but if it is for you then I would be able to disobey even the wills of the very heavens. Besides, the GodKing would be able to say anything in this situation anyways."

"Is that so thank you then." Wang Ling's words was enough to send Kareem flying from joy. The Devil Emperor who had fought for thousands of battles smiled cheerfully as though he was a child. 

Though Kareem did not notice it, for a second the Congregation halted as they saw his joyous smile. Many shared similar thoughts, [That is haunting.] they thought Kareem was grinning at the thought of fighting the Demons. Everyone swallowed the lump stuck in their throats.

Immortal Creed Sect Immortal Spirit Sect Immortal Law Sect 

"The Three Immortal Sects will provide our strength to this cause. We shall fight hand in hand as we had before, but now"

With that, the Immortal Sects have finalized their decisions. Another three swords were stabbed on the table.

[The Immortal Sects have more numbers compared to the other Forces. They teach the less fortunate and have a lower skill ceiling compared to the Towers. They can be treated as fodders but their Elites does not scale less than Rank-7 cultivation. Pair that with their Fighting Formations and they can take care of thousands of enemies even if there are only a hundred of them.] Wang Ling had already read everything he needed before coming here.

The Immortal Sects were strong enough to be a part of the Major Powers due to their Fighting Formations. Though their fighting capabilities were less in quality when compared to the rest of the Major Powers, they were a lot of help on the front of the battlefield.

Wang Family Gundo Family Meng Family Dang Family Mu Family Han Family Zhang Family Qin Family Xuan Family Yuan Family

"The Ten Great Families have decided to agree on waging an all-out war with the Abyssal Demons." Wang Lin was forced to stab a sword in front of him as him not agreeing would result in a fracture of the Coalition.

"A Unanimous decision has been formed, and in these starry nights, under the name Shi Huo, the leader of the Cosmic Eye Tower I"

[With this I can finally start making my moves. Heh, everything works, in the enwhat the hell is that?]

Wang Ling was busily contemplating his success when his eyes opened wide!

Wang Ling quickly brought out Heaven's Edge and without missing a beat, when everyone was busily finalizing the decision of starting a war, he stood up!


"Ling Wudi, what are you doing?" the others shouted when Wang Ling suddenly created an uproar.






Without missing a beat Chang Ping let out intense killing intent. Uncontrollable killing intent attacked everyone in the vicinity, everyone backed away from them and Chang Ping who still could not understand what was happening watched as Wang Ling meet her sword with Sunrise Blood.

"Don't hesitate Chang Ping!"


"Blood Seeking Sword: Demonic Tune!"


Wang Ling's sword clashed with Chang Ping's! Wang Ling's killing intent devoured Chang Ping's and then turned to a fine-tuned lacerating melody that head high up.

No one knew what was happening, other than Wang Ling and the Family Head of the Han Family.

Han Ji looked up and watched the Demonic Tune go up two inches away from Wang Ling and Chang Ping's head.


And in that short of a time span, two sound attacks clashed with one another

With this, everyone finally understood what was happening.


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