Celestial Peak

Chapter 497: The Sword God I

Chapter 497: The Sword God I

The Regal Gods Congregation had always been the mark of both prestige and power. But other than that, it was, more importantly, the mark of the Cosmos' defiance to death.

It was the mark of their increasing will to live. It was an event that could not be tarnished by anyone, and for millennia, it remained in this manner from its inception, until, today that is.

"WE'RE UNDER ATTACK!" Butler Sun and the rest quickly brought out their weapons. From the dark night came the siege of the Revenants, these Revenants were not the ones similar to the ones Wang Ling encountered.

No, these Revenants too strong to be simple Rank-4 or Rank-5 they had reached the pinnacle of cultivation every single one of them had harmonized with both Heaven and Hell reaching the final cultivation Realm of Heaven Hell Harmony.

While everyone prepared the descend of the enemies, the Revenants' mind was focused on two people the masked man and the Sword God.

"That was Demonic Tune, wasn't it?" The Revenants was a complete and utter copy of the Great Ancestor Wang Ling. His skills, his memories, his pasts, and even his temperament, all of it were theirs as well. They had no memory of ever passing down the Slaughter Art.

They could tell what the Sword God and the masked bastard that what was used was Demonic Tune because they used Demonic Tune as well, "It seems like the only possible answer is that, either the Sword God truly is Chang Ping: Bai Xue managed to receive my memories during our Union: Or that masked man is the reincarnation."

Every single Revenant came to these same three conclusions. And because they were effectively clones of Wang Ling, then each and every one of them knew what the others were thinking, "An alteration of the plan, The Holy Lineage will pour our resources now and do it quickly to quickly confirm, who that person is... if the first attempt fails, abandon the approach and move in for the original plan."

Wang Ling looked at them coming from above and the next second later, he fell on his knees blood seeped out of his mask. Chang Ping's eyes widened, "Ma"

"Sword God!" Wang Ling looked at her telling her to keep silent. The others who came with him to the plateau also got the message he wished to give them, keep his identity a secret to the ends of their breath.

Wang Ling was already on the edge.

[The internal damage is much more severe than I thought.]

Seeing his state, Chang Ping quickly called out to him as she moved in front of him to defend against the coming enemy. The Revenants appeared before Chang Ping, they possessed ten golden haloes on their backs, they were already in the realm of a Holy King.

Seven Swords were swung in different directions, Chang Ping could see them clearly and without hesitation, she moved her sword, "Blood Seeking Sword: Blood Moon!"


The circular path of the Blood Moon clashed with the seven swords pushing them backward, but that alone would not be enough to stall a Revenant. 

The seven Revenants who had their swords block quickly moved their hands empty-handed. It was foolish at first, but when it reached a certain distance, a dagger suddenly appeared.


"MOTHER!" Tang Ai shouted as she charged to the ranks of the Revenants not caring for what may happen. 

Seeing this, two Devil Revenants of course did not let the opportunity go. They moved and dashed forth to strike her down. Moving as fast as possible, they flapped their wings. They moved, swung their swords, only to have death loom over them.

"Absolute White Sword: Silent Death." Like a white phantom, he was silent when he moved, and like death, he appeared at the most unexpected of moments. The Absolute White Sword fights at the forefront of the battlefield, silently, and effectively, killing and killing without ever making a sound and like he always does, he swings his sword.


Two heads flew. Tang Yu successfully covered his sister's path. The wind blew across Tang Ai's face and when she reached Chang Ping, she wielded her sword, "Absolute Red Sword: Blazing Emperor's Rise!"

Fire moved across the faces of the Revenants they just laughed it off as they waved their hands elemental attacks like that did not work on them for they had the protection of the Holy Qi.

"Tang Ai!" the Chang Ping shouted as the wall of flames was breached by the Revenants. The swords were swung and just when everything seemed to be finally over, Wang Ling who was already on the verge of death pulled Tang Ai back and met their own moves with his own.

Empowered by the Phoenix Lineage, his vitality returned, and drawing every single bit of vitality it could give him, Wang Ling swung his blade, "Twilight Sword: Crossing the Void!"



The Revenants were blown away. 

"That's not the Blood Seeking Sword he's not the All-Father." The Revenants came to this decision soon after seeing the Twilight Sword and quickly, the Seven Holy Kings dispersed.

"Blegh!" Wang Ling vomited another ten litters of blood. He would go after them if he could, but, that was impossible at the moment.

"Do-doctor!?" Tang Ai shouted!

The healing of the Phoenix Lineage was not enough for Wang Ling to continue anymore, [I need the Holy Race lineage, but if I do that then they'll see my golden haloes.]

Only one in this Universe has genuine golden haloes and that was Wang Ling. The Holy Race all have white haloes except for the Holy Emperor and Holy God.

But Wang Ling had yet to reach eleven haloes much less twelve so calling for the Holy Race lineage would only put him at a disadvantage. Wang Ling looked around and saw the other Heads also struggling to keep up.

The fight was being controlled by the Revenants, [So this is what I can do when I clone myself? How truly infuriating.] Wang Ling did not like seeing him being beaten by himself.

The tide of the battle was not in their favor. The Sword God was injured, and the rest of the Heads were being pushed back due to the overwhelming number and coordination of the Revenants.

Even Kareem was having a hard time as he was naturally unable to show his full strength against the Revenants. 

[We're being beaten we need something to turn the tide.] Wang Ling looked at Chang Ping, 'Chang Ping I'll allow it.'

'Wait, I thought I still wasn't ready?'

'The situation has changed. If you don't use it know you will either succumb to a surprise attack or those wounds you will die... we will all die. Use it and fight I'll deal with the repercussion. Just give Renhuo and Butler Sun enough breathing room.'

Chang Ping underneath her mask smiled broadly, she looked slowly took off her mask, she knew what Wang Ling wanted her to do. The power he gave her was not just the killing intent of the Blood Seeking Sword, but something much, much greater.

'Chang Ping, take off your mask, you shouldn't limit your filled vision. You will be devoured by its power if you do.'

'Yes, Master.'

The mask of the Sword God came off, and in that moment, when the mask hit the ground and Chang Ping stood before Wang Ling to protect him, she smiled, then giggled, before cackling madly.

'Unleash the piled up killing intent, do not be afraid, let it consume everything and everyone go and wreak havoc as much as you want.'

'Of course.'

'My disciple, show me a True Slaughter.'

'I will.'

At this time, Chang Ping's qi had been restored up till Rank-9, Heaven and Hell Harmony. But that was far from her true powers, and on her chest.

Blue light illuminated her body, and then the entire plateau. When this happened, Kareem and the Deities looked at her with widened eyes. 

"Tha-that's" Yuan Qing and Yuan Ming, for the first, were tongue-tied, "He seriously gave something like that to her?"

Chang Ping's wounds were being healed so quickly that in a brief moment the wounds all over her body was no more.

As Chang Ping called upon the strongest power she had ever felt, the limitations of the Abyssal Poison were pushed back, allowing her to reach the peak of her power. While the killing intent polluted her mind, and the blue light kept her sanity in check Chang Ping reveled in the power bestowed upon her by Wang Ling.

She had activated the Essence of Origin.

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