Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

[Vol.3] Quest 215- Arrangements

[Vol.3] Quest 215- Arrangements

After eating lunch with Freya and Ottar, Cirrus and Ai make their way to Ganesha’s home.

“Excuse me, but could we see Lord Ganesha or Miss Shakti?” Cirrus said with a hood covering his face, along with Ai.

“Huh? I’m sorry, but they are busy right now.”

“I see… then could you give this to either of them?” Cirrus said, handing him a letter with the Freya Familia emblem on it.

The member of the Ganesha Familia eyes widen looking at the emblem.

“W-where you sent by the Freya Familia!?” the member said, surprised.

“Yes, well, just give it to them. I’m sure they know what to do next.”

Cirrus and Ai then take their leave.

The guard quickly rushed to the meeting room where Ganesha and Shakti, along with their vice-captain, were discussing some stuff.

“Lord Ganesha!! Captain! A letter arrived for you!” he said, holding out the letter. “It is from the Freya Familia!”

“Freya?" Ganesha looked at his child. "What does she want?” He walked over and getting the letter.

He opens it and reads it.

“… SHAKTI!!! COME WITH ME!!” he said quickly rushing out the room.

“W-what’s going on!?” she said, running after him.

“My dream!! It’s finally coming true!!” Ganesha shouted.

“What dream!?”

Two days later at Melen.

Bam!! Baam! Bam!! Baam!!

Sounds of destruction could be heard all throughout Melen.

“What’s that sound?” said Phi.

“The sounds of people screaming can be heard. Everyone go and help the people! Kalion go forth!!” commanded Artemis.

Neigh!!!” said Kalion, making his best horse impression.

Quickly riding through the streets with Kalion, Artemis spots two Amazoness fighting with one another. As Artemis was about to fire an arrow, a couple of adventures came.

“Tione!!” said Tiona.

The one fighting simply looked down at the one she beat down.

“And what was that?? You protected what? You really have changed… stronger, but also weaker. You are no longer a warrior. Don’t tell me you still regret killing Seldas?”

Artemis could see anger in the beaten Amazoness's eyes. She was going to fight back again.

“Enough!!” shouted Artemis, riding in. “That is enough fighting the both of you! I do not know what caused this, but I know you two are responsible!” she quickly scanned the area to find no one has gotten hurt.

“Like Artemis said.” Said Loki, walking in. “If somebody had gotten hurt, it wouldn’t have been 55°F."

The two Amazons looked at the two gods with sweat dripping down.

“Argana, that’s enough.”

They looked up to see a young-looking goddess with hair as red as blood and a mask.

“Kali.” Said Artemis.

“Oh? Do you know of me?"


"Ah... him. The god who came and took some of our grandkids huh? I was wondering where he went."

"Know that the place Poseidon lives is under Cirrus's protection."

"Tsk. Fine." Kali said displeased. "Then you must be the famed Artemis I see?"

"I am.” Artemis said confidently.

“And mines is Loki!!" Loki said injecting herself in the conversation. "And that kid you're messing with is mine, so don’t forget it!”

“I know both of you very well; your name has reached me in Telskyura and you Artemis…” she looked at her with keen eyes. “Word is you're no longer one of the 3 Virgin Goddesses of Heaven anymore.” She made a slight grin.

“… Make sure your child is more behaved or else I will tell Poseidon to stop trying to forge a business deal with your country. The same goes for you as well, Loki. No trouble. Got it." She said sternly.

“What!? But they—“

“Loki.” Artemis looked at her with eyes sharp enough to kill. “You are one of Orario’s strongest gods. I expect you to act like one of your statues and you as well, Kali. Both of you should be ashamed to have caused damage to this town.”

“… True, Argana come. I don’t wanna get lectured anymore along with that male god.”

“I’m a goddess!! A mighty fine and pretty goddess!!”

“Goodbye Tione, Tiona,” Kali said, ignoring Loki. “It was nice to see my daughter's face again.”

“Kali!!” shouted Tione.

“Kali, what are you doing here!?” said Tiona.

“What? I’m just sightseeing. But worry not, we’ll be staying here for the time being, so goodbye for now, my lovely daughters of mine.” Kali left with Argana in tow.

“… So what brings you here, Artemis?” Loki asked. “And where did you get that horse? It’s so… big and muscular?”

“I came to meet up with someone in Orario. This is merely a pit-stop.” She said, getting off of Kalion. “And you? Did you sneak out of Orario?”

“No! We're simply visiting Melen for a little vacation is all! Besides, Orario still has Finn and the others!”

Artemis looks at her children and then back at her.

“You mean only the males? I only see your daughters.”

“Sharp as always… say.” Her eyes begin to sharpen. “Can you help us out with—"

“Get on with it Loki, your words are the same as Hermes, always dancing around the subject till you have an angle, so out with it, why are you here?”

Sharp and impatience are what they thought, she undoubtfully has been around people like Loki trying to get something. Her gaze was as wide and sharp as a hawk.

“Fine. Are you with your Familia?”

“Why wouldn’t I be? I thought something attacked the town, so I sent my children to help the people, but now that, that’s settled.” Artemis rummaged through her bag and took out an orange gun and pointed it at the sky.

She fired it, sending up a blue flare.

Almost immediately, all of her children rushed to her.

“Lady Artemis, is everything settled?” said Rethusa.

“Yes, it was just some Amazoness fighting. Now, what was it that you wanted to ask?”

Loki had noticed her Familia had grown significantly. It was more of a war party than anything. She could see each one was a huntress with light armor, bows, and quivers, along with a short sword, and each one had a beauty to them.

“Ahem! Could we talk a bit in private?”

A bit later at dinner.

“I see…” said Artemis. “So new monsters have appeared and Evilus… what luck this all happened.” 

“So, will you help us?”

“… Hold on a second.” She got up and left for a second.

Loki could see her moving her hand to her ear and talking for a bit before returning.

“So, everything is good?”

“Yes, I shall help you till this investigation is over.”

“Thank you, Artemis! We could use a goddess with your attention to detail!”

“No use in flattery Loki, honestly I was hoping to get back soon but… we'll resume tomorrow.” She said, getting up.

As she left, Loki noticed a green and white clam earring on her left ear.

Soon enough, Riveria came and sat.

“So, did Lady Artemis agree to help?”

“Yeah… did you find out any rumors about her? What Kali said piqued my interest?”

“Nope, this town knows nothing. In fact, it’s really off how tight-lipped they are about her.”

“I see… well, on to other business, Artemis is not our target.”

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