Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

[Vol.3] Quest 216- Melen Investigation

[Vol.3] Quest 216- Melen Investigation

The next day in Melen.

The Artemis Familia is helping the Loki Familia in their investigation.

“Alright, so with the help of the Artemis Familia we will be looking into the Njord Familia along with The Guild and Murdock Estate, starting today." Loki said speaking to the Familia's. "Njord will know something, so Artemis and I will look into him. So the rest of you will look into The Guild and Governor. Ignore the Kali Familia for now. There’s a chance they might try to pick a fight, so make sure you all stick together.”

“My Familia will provide you with eyes on the people and building in question." Artemis said with a commanding tone. "Delta and Sigma will be the formations understood.”

Her Familia nodded in agreement.

“And for my girls, Tiona and Tione, I’ll be splitting you two up. Tiona with Ais and Tione’ll stick with Riveria. You’ll be fine in pairs even if they do try to start something and I’m vetoing any objections.”

Loki and Artemis could see the anger on Tione’s face.

“Alright then. Dismissed.”

They all left, leaving Artemis with Loki.

“… That child is really like a bottle of anger. I could see the cracks forming already.” Said Artemis.

“These are her former Familia members and I’m sure you know the culture of Telskyura.”

“… We should have one of our children keep an eye on her. I can see she will do something. Lante makes sure you only observe and nothing more.”

Come down from the rafters, Lante came down.

“Yes, Lady Artemis.” She then quickly disappeared.

“Oooh! I didn’t know one of your children was that skilled!”

“They learned a lot over the years… well, let’s get going.”


Walking to the area of the Murdock Estate.

“Hurry up Lefiya!”


Lefiya quickly tried to catch up when.

“Um… excuse me, miss…”

She turned to see a small child with long black hair and red eyes.

‘Tan skin!! An Amazon- or…’

She looked at her closely to find she didn’t have the aura of one with a Falna or the divinity of a god.

“Are you an adventurer from Orario?” she asked.

“Um, y-yes I am. Is something wrong?”

“Um… you see, I keep hearing these scary screams at my favorite place to play and I think it’s the same cry as the long monster that showed up in the lake. The grown-ups told me not to tell anyone, but… I’m scared.” She moved her hands as though trembling with tears welling up.

“Which way?” Lefiya asked with a determined face.

“At the end of this road…”

Lefiya looked at it, and that determined expression turned into suspicion.

“… Hold on a second.” She went and discussed it with her fellow Familia members.

“Do you really think she heard a monster?”

“It doesn’t seem to me like she’s lying…”

“We don’t have any leads, so let’s look into- “

“Oy! What’s taking so damn long!” said Phi as the rest of her group comes with her.

“O-oh, are you with Lady Artemis’s Familia? sorry we were discussing whether or not to follow this girl's advice?” said Elfy, a human girl with a small ponytail to the side.

“…” Phi looks at her and at the others. “Oy girl, what did you tell them?”

“The cry of that long monster. I heard it down this road.” She said, pointing at it.

“…. What’s your name?”


“And your parent's name?”

“John and Mary!”

“… John and Mary, and your name is Chandie…” Phi could see the drop of sweat come down her face. “… Thank you for the tip, but we need to get going."

“B-but we don’t have any leads!” said Lefiya.

“And that doesn’t mean we should take the first one that falls so conveniently on our plates.”


They all quickly look at Chandie as she made a smile.

“Artemis has trained you well. Bache!!!”

Jumping down, Bache landed along with several others of the Familia.

“Group up!!” shouted Phi.

They all quickly huddled together.

“That's Bache a level 6!” said Rakta, a Hume Bunny.

“Level 6… fuck.”

“I’m a very impressed child, but you should have let them walk down the road.” She removed her hair, and her divinity began to come out a blood red.

“Y-you can hide your divinity!?” shouted Lefiya.

“Of course I can. There are many amongst the gods who can surpass their divinity, like Zeus or Odin. Even Artemis can, so why couldn’t I? Bache, take the elf and leave the rest.”

“Yes, Lady Kali.”

“Get ready!!!” shouted Phi.


A while later.

“Huh??” said Loki.

“Phi! Secas! Everyone!” Artemis quickly went to them.

“S-sorry Lady Artemis… we fought… as best we can, but… we weren’t a match…. for a level 6.”

“T-they even took… Lefiya.” Said Rakta.

“!?” Artemis quickly turned to Loki. “Quickly!! Get those Amazon sisters here right now!!”

They quickly went to look for them, but they were gone.


A bit more later.

“Lady Artemis I have returned.” Said Lante.

“Did you keep eyes on Tione?” she asked.

“Hm, currently they are asleep in an abandoned home. They plan on confronting the Kali Familia.”

“Then we need to—"

“No.” Artemis interrupted Loki. “We lost track of the Kali Familia’s location so the sister will have to lead us, Aki, Alicia you said they left their inn, and their ship is, gone correct?”

“Yes! That’s correct!”

“Then they must have moved it either up or down the coastline. Check to see if they did and if so, return back when you have confirmation.”

“Um Loki, Lady Artemis, we found this in the Murdock Estate.” Said Ais.

“This is…” Artemis opened the bag, and a powerful, nasty scent filled the room. “I see monster repellent! its… Loki, do you see what I see?” she hands the bag to Loki, and she nods her head.

“Yeah… Aki, I need you to do me a little errand.”

“Rethusa, go with her and use Kalion to get there faster.”

“Got it!!”

Aki left with Rethusa.

“Now… while our children get confirmation, we will move accordingly.”

“Y-you’re a lot better at strategy than I thought Artemis…” said Loki.

“I had practice.”

Looking at the map Artemis remembers the war plans she made during her time in Yamato and how fun it was to in Cirrus’s own words play “The Most Dangerous Game.” In hunting another person.

She remembered how much fun she had in it, hunting animals was simple and calming for her. She had done it so much that it was second nature to hunt, track, kill, and skin an animal in an hour, but people? Especially skilled ones were far, far more fun to hunt.

‘Kali… the goddess of destruction and time… it’s obvious from what I was told that you would pit the pair of Amazoness sisters against one another for your amusement… haa… I kind of wanna hunt Cirrus again… that was pretty fun!’

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