Deadmeat Saga

Chapter 100 – A short long ride. A warm welcome.

Chapter 100 – A short long ride. A warm welcome.

Ten minutes later-

Gerhart looked at Prisca in amazement, seeming as if they didn't go at it until she lost consciousness. Her clothes and hair were prim and proper, and the stains disappeared. She even went to a cabinet and pulled out expensive perfume to cover the smell. She even had time to adjust his clothes as well! The only thing detectable was the healthy glow of her skin and slightly shaky legs, still feeling the afterglow.

"Women are scary." Gerhart warily thought.

"Dear, since we don't need to negotiate anymore, how would you like me to deal with your properties?" Prisca gently asked.

"You can manage the properties under my name. Nominally, you will receive 15% of the cut but will have access to all the funds to use as you see fit. The leaders of the Red Light District, as well as many slave traders and people of importance, are already under control, and they will cooperate with you to slowly convert the city. Your priority would be to purchase slaves with growth potential while slowly spreading your roots to other towns and cities and even foreign traders." Gerhart explained.

"I shall do as you ask, Dear. However, I must be an Agent and be stronger to succeed in this mission." Prisca said. 

"I know. And that is why I will promote you to an Agent and heavily bless you. Also, I would leave several dozen powerful servants to aid you. But before that, we should convert your servants." Gerhart said.

"That is a given, Dear. I shall summon the servants now." Prisca's smile broadened.




An hour later, Gerhart left the mansion.

He couldn't help but check his remaining energy. He fully promoted three S-rank powerhouses, after all.

Energy: 1,284m -> 532m

"Hah... I should probably start economizing things a bit more. I can't afford to raise too many top-tier talents and should create a small army of Elite, Superior, and Perfect Noble Humans." Gerhart thought.

A Golden Noble Human required roughly 260 million points per unit.

A Perfect Noble Human required roughly 13-14 million points per unit.

A Superior Noble Human required roughly 2 million points per unit.

An Elite Noble Human required about 200,000 points per unit.

And a Noble Human required only 50,000 per unit.

Of course, this was a barebones cost when the individual was already talented, and bloodlines and Compound Talents also affected the price. And this didn't factor in the cost of leveling them up after evolving.

When looking at everything, Gerhart roughly figured that, with a billion points, he could produce 7,000-10,000 Noble Humans, 3,000 Elite Noble Humans, 350 Superior Noble Humans, 50 Perfect Noble Humans, or 3 Golden Noble Humans on a barebone budget.

Were 3 Golden Nobles better than several thousand Regular Nobles? Unlikely. Militaristically, the Golden Nobles would be swarmed and swallowed with human wave tactics. In terms of work efficiency, that was even more so! Logistically? Three people were just three travelers, while several thousand could almost fill an entire city!

Golden Nobles were the creme of the crop, the best of the best, but not meant to be mass-produced. Regular Noble Humans were the ground workers, the rank-and-file.

So far, Gerhart has gone on an elitist approach, only focusing on quality and not quantity, which was fine for a drifter approach. But now that his scale of operation was changing to kingdom-sized, he needed to change tactics and economize. While an elite unit around him was essential, he shouldn't underestimate lesser units if he wanted to increase efficiency.

In other words, everyone else should develop according to these guidelines, or he would be bankrupt!

"Thinking about it, why the heck did I spend several hundred million to evolve those sexual talents for Prisca and Nereida? Oh, right. My balls were thinking for me." Gerhart wanted to slap himself.

"Fuck this. I should tighten up the budget from now on." Gerhart thought as he headed out of the city, where the eleven core members were waiting with twelve warhorses(Draft horses blessed with excessive amounts of energy).

Stella and the others already visited Ianuarius's townhouse and mansion to take some furniture and stowed the manor's furniture and supplies for the road inside Stella's Space Storage. Stella could enter the city using partial transformation, turning her into a purple-haired beauty disguised as a space magician.

As for the servants, they knew they would go under Prisca's command, so there was no need to wait.

Gerhart climbed on the remaining horse.

"We ride to Vlita," Gerhart said with a hint of excitement in his eyes, urging his horse to ride with the others following him.

With that, twelve riders rode toward the Youvamore Kingdom, a strong wind blowing wherever their afterimage went.

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Of course, the Echo's servants noticed it and immediately rushed to inform their mistress.

When she heard Gerhart's group gallop away like the wind, she immediately stopped whatever she was doing, gathered her followers, and rushed toward the Youvamore Kingdom.

Although her reaction time was fast, she only saw a trail of dust that had yet to settle by the time she arrived.

"Motherfucking- ARGH! Chase them! I refuse to believe they can travel too far!" The Echo gritted her teeth as she took her elites, mounting their special A-rank steeds before giving chase. Such warhorses were prized treasures that even royalty couldn't acquire even if they could afford them. Such a steed was so fast and enduring that it could travel half a kingdom within a day!

But she didn't know that Gerhart's group already passed through the borders by the time she rode out.




On the road-

A carriage traveled along the road, two women on board. One was a scarlet-haired bombshell, while the other was a well-proportioned brown-haired beauty. The two girls were Scarlet and Princess Lydia, who left the day before to join the heroic group.

The two girls traveled in silence. Scarlet silently meditated, tempering her self-control, while Princess Lydia stared at the vast wheat fields outside.

Just then-

Da* Da* Da* Da* Da* Da*

"Hah? Cavalry? No, it's too fast—" Princess Lydia uttered.


Something flashed beside the carriage. The next moment, a massive dusty wind blew into the carriage.

"Wah!" Princess Lydia yelped.

"What was that?!" Scarlet was also stunned and looked out of the window, seeing a trail of dust going in the distance.

"What the... are those people?!" Princess Lydia was also shocked, vaguely spotting twelve riders traveling at a ludicrous speed.

The two women warily looked at each other, not knowing what to say. Who can travel so fast?!

"Were... Those powerhouses?" Scarlet hesitantly asked.

"I don't think anyone except a powerhouse could survive the wind pressure of riding those horses, let alone ride one." Princess Lydia warily said. "But they seemed to have headed to Vlita. Should we turn back?"

"Would it matter if we turned back?" Scarlet asked back.

The two women remained silent before closing the window veil. It was beyond them.




Twelve riders arrived a hundred meters in front of Vlita's gates.

"Haha... Crazy." Gerhart warily laughed as he looked at his hometown.

They completed a several-week journey in a ridiculously short time. The horses under them had a glossy sheen of sweat, steam evaporating from their heated bodies, and yet looked energetic enough to do this again after a short rest.

"I only knew it would be easy, but I didn't know it would be this easy." Hope hesitantly said.

"I could have sworn that carriage had a familiar presence." Hope thought but didn't linger on it.

"Stella doesn't understand. Is this normal?" Stella tilted her head.

"No. The usual caravan travels one town a day, or about ten miles. But we traveled around twenty towns in a day and could likely travel several times more if we wanted to. That means, in a day, we can travel several months' worth of travel." Bertrand explained.

"Nya... We are still thinking with the mindset of regular people." To-Meri scratched her head.

"A normal person would die, you know!?" Honorius retorted, having experienced it when he was still too weak.

"But I thought it was fun! Again!" Ariyana said with glowing eyes.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it, Ariyana..." Flora gently said.

"If all knights could ride this fast, current warfare would be meaningless," Calvin said.

"If we capitalize on it and use it in conjunction with Stella's Space Storage, we can ruin the economic balance of a kingdom," Hope added.

"I don't know about you, but while faster is sometimes better, I prefer a more leisurely ride," Qold said while fixing her hair.

"To travel quickly is more efficient, so if the lord is comfortable with it, I am willing to endure," Havre said.

"Eh... Guys? I think we scared them." Ray helplessly pointed at the frightened sentry guards and travelers wishing to enter or exit the city.






The gates closed, and archers and ballistae aimed at them in fear. The sentry holding polearms shook. Some of the travelers froze and collapsed in fear, defecating themselves. It was as if they were facing a rampaging dragon.

"Ha... Hahah. Well, I didn't expect such a warm welcome." Gerhart's lips twitched.

Previously, he rode more leisurely, which didn't alert the city guards. However, he was excited to see his home city again, so he rode quickly.

"We should ride at half speed next time to avoid the hassle." Hope pursed her lips.

"At quarter speed is also fine," To-Meri added.

"Or an eighth," Qold said.

"I shall ride at whatever speed is convenient for my lord," Havre replied.

"The city guardians have arrived." Ray pointed at the top of the walls. There were dozens of figures, led by six powerhouses.

"Them? Only the woman with the prosthetic arm is a bit strong." Bertrand said.

"Yes. But the others are talented, especially that Abiah guy." Calvin nodded.

"Stella doesn't understand why they are scared. We are not predators." Stella asked, confused.

"Stella, they are afraid because we are too powerful," Flora explained.

"Oh..." Stella thoughtfully nodded.

"Wow, I never thought anyone would be scared of little me!" Ariyana had a weird look.

"I think they are more scared of our horses, though." Honorius warily said.

Meanwhile, Gerhart looked at the people on the walls, a strange feeling in his heart.

Two months ago, these people were insurmountable mountains. Yet now, they treated him like something akin to a dragon.

"How times change." Gerhart thought as he looked at Skyler's and Abiah the Ragehand's talents.

Skyler's Talents: Superior Artificer(Evolvable), Elite Combat Artificer(Evolvable), Elite Gunner(Evolvable), Perfect Magic Control(Evolvable), Lie Senser(Evolvable).

Abiah's Talents: Elite Berserker(Evolvable), Elite Pugilist(Evolvable), Calm Storm(Evolvable), Serene Mind(Evolvable), Eyes of See-Evil(Evolvable).

{Unique Talent - Lie Senser(Evolvable): You gain a sensitivity toward lies through energy fluctuations.}

{Unique Talent - Eyes of See-Evil(Evolvable): You can see self-perceived evil characteristics of anyone you see and their nature through energy sensitivity. It might cause mental irritation.}

{Unique Talent - Calm Storm(Evolvable): Can enter a power-saving mode, lowering energy consumption, becoming calmer, and lowering physical prowess. You can enter a berserker state, consuming the accumulated energy for a physical boost. Emotional fluctuations can activate the berserker state.}

Skyler was an Artificer, a profession of magic-item users and item creators. Items like prosthetics were one such item, but they could also create magic weapons and armor. They could even make magic guns! However, when they don't operate those items personally, they lose the flexibility Artificers used them with, making them ineffective, and the cost of making such items was expensive, so they were less practical.

As for Abiah, Gerhart looked at his talents, and his lips twitched. "No wonder everyone was afraid of him. He is like a keg of oil!"




Meanwhile, on the walls, everyone looked at Gerhart's group with apprehension.

"Abiah, what do you see?" The elderly Skyler, Guild Master of the Dungeon Explorer's Guild, asked, her prosthetic eye locked on the unknown group of riders. It was an item that could scan the energy intensity of a target, giving a rough estimate of its strength. But for now, she couldn't read anything.

"... Nothing. Not even the horses show anything. They likely have an energy-blocking method." The bald and thuggish Abiah the Ragehand said as he looked at Gerhart's group as if staring at a great foe.

His Unique Talent, while a curse to a mentally unstable berserker, had some merits. He could see their evil intentions when faced with unknown threats. However, almost everyone had their vices, even a baby, which made those without evil fluctuations nearly impossible.

And now, twelve unknown riders with ludicrously fast horses arrived at their city, and they didn't emit any evil? He could only attribute it to them being highly dangerous!

"They likely come from one of the prominent nations or one of the three superpowers. No one in this kingdom has such fine steeds, let alone a dozen." A man wearing noble clothes, holding an enchanted axe, cautiously looked at the group.

He was Duke Wilbur Garrington, the lord of Vlita. He was a warrior and knight but had no time to wear his armor.

"When I think about shooting them, I have the chills." A middle-aged female archer said.

She was Vicky Reilly, the Gale Arrow, an A-rank adventurer.

"Either way, we don't know their intentions yet. And even if we did, I doubt we can stop them." A middle-aged man held a pessimistic outlook.

He was Salvatore Keith, the Guild Master of the mage's guild and a 6th-circle lightning magician.

"The gods will protect us." A robust priest with a mace muttered.

He was the central Battle Cleric of Vlita's main temple and worshipper of the Life Goddess, Carl McLeod.

Together, these six individuals were the most mighty garrisoning Vlita. Everyone else was either dungeon exploring, out on missions, or traveling.

However, although they were all A-rank powerhouses, they noticed the riders didn't take them seriously. They still had the leisure to carelessly chat even when the entire city's garrison, ballista, archers, and guardians were present. 

"We should first check what they want before breaking negotiations." Duke Garrington said and stepped forward.

"I am Duke Wilbur Garrington, Lord of Vlita. Guests from afar, please identify yourselves and state your business!" The Duke loudly spoke without showing weakness.

"I am Gerhart the Deadmeat, an S-rank Adventurer, and these are my companions! I apologize for startling you since I forgot to slow down our horses! We only came for a visit and will leave the day after tomorrow!" The muscular leader politely said and took out his guild card. "As compensation, every brave defender on the walls will get a hundred Silver Coins from me."

Over two hundred defenders defended the walls, which meant he would pay over 20,000 Silver Coins. However, to Gerhart, money was close to being dirt.

The defenders on the walls eased up. They were half-disarmed with the combination of his identity, polite attitude, and promise of generous compensation.

"He is the Echo Slayer." The six powerhouses thought.

Most didn't know about the Echos, but the powerhouses and nobles knew. They were the stuff of nightmare, boogymen. The Expert before them wasn't merely an S-rank but likely an SS-rank in power. If he chose to, he could have become a Grand Duke, married a princess, and his children would be the next heirs to the Nehan Kingdom's throne. But he declined, likely belonging to a more powerful nation.

It was unlikely he would find trouble with the Youvamore Kingdom.

"Hah... Okay. I will check it." Abiah sighed in relief.

"Wait. If this is an ambush..." The Duke frowned, but Skyler stopped him.

"Don't bother. If that group had ill intentions, their weakest members could decimate us. They had no reason to be polite with us." Skyler assessed.

"And Abiah is the strongest close-combat fighter here. Letting him get close is tactically good for us." Vicky added.

"I will prepare a spell just in case..." Salvatore muttered.

"The gods protect." Carl gave a small prayer.

Abiah jumped off the walls, approached Gerhart's group without fear, and took Gerhart's card before looking it over.

"Hm... Although the nickname is likely a dark joke for a meatshield, it is legit. Still, his name and age are the same as a little guy I sent to Elkington Village. What a coincidence." Abiah thought.

Not for a moment did he connect Vlita's Gerhart to this Gerhart.

"Okay, all clear," Abiah said, turning to the city. "It's fine! They are the real deal!"

Everyone sighed in relief before opening the gates. They also wrote down the names of everyone on the walls so Gerhart would later compensate them as promised. A hundred Silver Coins were not a negligible amount!

Going down the city walls, Duke Garrington walked over with a wide smile. "Heroes from afar! We welcome you! Please, stay in my mansion for the time being! I shall prepare a grand feast for you!"

"Well, this is a better warm welcome." Gerhart thought with a grin.

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