Deadmeat Saga

Chapter 101 – Power of money and influence. Coincidental encounter.

Chapter 101 – Power of money and influence. Coincidental encounter.

In the Garrington mansion's Great Hall-

Duke Garrington knelt with his wife, concubines, children, knights, and trusted servants behind him. Their eyes had a silvery glint.

Meanwhile, Gerhart sat on the lord's seat while his other core members stood in the hall.

"Good work, Qold," Gerhart said to his succubus familiar, who stood by his side.

"It was simple, master. They are too weak." Qold humbly said.

When they entered the lord's mansion, the first thing they did was to control the Duke and everyone else in the mansion. To Qold, a Great Succubus, and partially a Succubus Queen, subduing them was almost too easy. As long as there were no S-rank powerhouses, Gerhart could subdue anyone with Qold alone.

"Do you think you can subdue everyone else in the city?" Gerhart curiously asked.

"I can perfectly control everyone except two individuals. Skyler has a Superior talent related to intelligence, and Abiah's Serene Mind or Berserker condition can potentially resist. Everyone else, regardless of talent, is too weak." Qold confidently said.

"So if we hint to all the important people to pay us a visit, we can control the entire city within a day?" Gerhart curiously asked.

"That is just about correct, master." Qold nodded.

"Hope, what do you think of this idea?" Gerhart asked Hope, who also stood beside him like an advisor.

"It is feasible." Hope nodded. "The A-rank powerhouses are unlikely to come. Meanwhile, nobles, wealthy individuals, and influential guilders will come. Qold can stay with the Duke, Havre, Stella, and Ariyana. Meanwhile, the others will travel around the countryside and convert other nobles. I will, of course, go with you to the dungeon to quickly conquer it."

"Excuse me, my lord. I have a request." Calvin suddenly spoke.

"Sure. What is it, Calvin?" Gerhart asked.

"I would like to visit Countess Winfield," Calvin said.

"Countess Winfield?" Gerhart raised an eyebrow as he slowly recalled such a name. He looked at Duke Garrington. "Isn't that Viscount Camden's superior?"

"Yes, my lord. She is the 18-year-old countess of Winfield County under my domain. Should I summon her? She is an unwed fair maiden, and I am certain she would please you." The Duke flatteringly said.

When the Duke said that, Calvin appeared visibly distressed, and Gerhart noticed that.

"No need for that. Calvin, I see you have a connection with her, so I give you leave during our stay in the Youvamore Kingdom. You have until the day after tomorrow. Go." Gerhart said.

"!!! Thank you, my lord!" Calvin smiled from ear to ear, bowed, and hurriedly left.

Ray hesitated before he spoke to Gerhart. "My lord... May I...?"

"You may. You also have until the day after tomorrow. Go." Gerhart dismissed him, knowing it was likely related to his serf family in the Freeperd Marquisate.

"Thank you, my lord!" Ray smiled and hurriedly left.

"Anyone else?" Gerhart asked, looking at everyone in the room.

However, everyone remained quiet. Seeing this, Gerhart nodded and stood up.

"I will head to the dungeon with Hope now. Duke Garrington, make the arrangements. For people of high influence, say that we would like to meet with them and perhaps have future interactions. Also, if I remember right, it is the harvest festival tomorrow, right?" Gerhart suddenly remembered and asked.

"Yes, my lord. That is indeed correct." Duke Garrington nodded.

"Good. I will sponsor 200,000 Silver Coins so that everyone in the city is well-fed. Also, I will arrange a special event. Tell everyone that we, a party of S-rankers, look for talents from all backgrounds regardless of age. Anyone with high potential shall receive 1,000 Silver Coins, and we will help awaken their talents. Anyone else who doesn't have high talent will receive a 10 Silver Coin conciliation. Also, we have special healers who shall freely heal the sickness and wounds of everyone in the city, including those living in Shantytown. Promise them we can heal even lost limbs and incurable diseases." Gerhart said.

That was a plan they brainstormed together. Using the power of money and influence, they could quickly convert an entire city through acts of charity.

In the past, 200,000 Silver Coins seemed like an astronomical amount, more than Viscount Camden's 150,000 Silver Coin compensation under Scarlet's threats. But now, he could casually throw such sums around.

Although Analyze Status and healing magic potent enough to heal limbs were rare to the point of being a national treasure, a group of twelve S-rank powerhouses having someone who could use them was not unusual. As for anyone having ill intentions on them? He would applaud them for having the balls! Even Flora, who didn't specialize in combat, could slap over 99% of everyone in the kingdom to death by stats and level.

"Yes! Thank you for your generosity, my lord!" Duke Garrington profusely thanked.

It was a generous gift from his lord! How could he not be happy? Even to a Duke, 200,000 Silver Coins was not a negligible sum. And he was even going to heal everyone and raise talents. It was akin to revitalizing Vlita!

"Hm." Gerhart nodded. But then, he had another thought. "By the way, is the orphanage doing alright?"

"Yes, my lord. It is under our Garrington household's protection. Coincidently, a talented orphan named Gerhart greatly valued it, so we increased its value and protection while he was training. No one dares to bother it or its orphans anymore." The Duke said before his eyes suddenly widened. "My lord, are you perhaps..."

"Yes, I am the same person. But don't say anything and continue as before." Gerhart nodded.

"Understood!" The Duke lowered his head, glad at his decision.

With that, Gerhart left with Hope to clear the dungeon. He would have plenty of time to visit Mother Roysa tomorrow.




While Gerhart visited the dungeon, news spread like wildfire across the city.

The S-rank adventurers who arrived will fund the Harvest Festival, funding 200,000 Silver Coins! Furthermore, they will freely test people for potential and even give ten Silver Coins to participants! If you had high talent, you would get 1,000 Silver Coins! It was enough to move the wealthy and poor alike! And they even promised to help awaken their aptitudes! They also had a charity event to heal the sick and injured, promising to heal any injuries!

If others claimed such things, they would laugh at them and call them crazy. However, when an S-rank group claimed it, they would only call them kind experts and remember their compassion. Either way, they would find out if they were bluffing or not the following day.

Of course, some were still skeptical about their intentions but didn't think about it for long.




At evening-

A group of riders, tired after hours of hasty galloping, finally stopped at the border town of Auchendale, their horses so weary that the steam from their sweat was visible and their legs shaky.

The female Echo couldn't help but complain, "How the fuck did he get such powerful horses?! Each of them likely has more value than an adult wyvern!"

Although she had some lesser wyverns, traveling on such visible mounts would attract attention. Hence, she chose horses. But horses above A-rank were challenging to obtain even for her! And it isn't just one, but twelve!

"Mistress. The horses are too tired. Shall we find somewhere to rest and continue tomorrow?" One of her subordinates respectfully asked.

"Hah... Fine. Find the wealthiest house to rest in this dump." The Echo ordered.

"Yes, mistress." The subordinate saluted and had the others search.

The Echo looked to the road to the Youvamore Kingdom and muttered, "This man is beginning to be troublesome."

She started considering whether to requisition another Echo to come and help but dismissed the idea. "No, I should be enough."

Her job was to monitor him, not to kill him- yet. When they gathered enough information, they would strike when the odds were 100% certain or call for help otherwise.

Soon, they found a nearby countryside manor and captured it, turning everyone into brainwashed servants before resting.




Gerhart soon returned to the mansion, having accomplished his goal. He gained Vlita's dungeon energy and received feedback from the universe.

Energy: 532m -> 1,532m

Ancient Earth Dragon Power(2 -> 4%)

However, Gerhart also spent much of his new gains to empower Havre, his most potent combatant. Spending 860m points, he raised her Initial Blade Domain to Beginner, gave her the Golden Marrow, and gave her the Golden Evolution before raising her to level 60 again. In pure combat power, she was likely more powerful than himself.

Energy: 1,532m -> 672m

With nothing else to do, Gerhart also spent the night with Hope, To-Meri, and Qold, with Qold receiving a generous buffet. After becoming a Golden Noble, Gerhart's essence was even more potent, improving Qold's bloodline further. He put more effort into evolving her, turning her into a proper Succubus Queen, a powerful S-rank monster.

Succubus Queen(Dream Tribe) Bloodline(13 -> 100%) -> Ancient Succubus(Dream Tribe) Bloodline(0.1%)

Qold's potency as a Mind Magician leaped, and her racial talents improved.

Qold's racial talents: Superior Energy Drain(Succubus Variant), Superior Sexualized Body, Superior Aphrodisiac Body, Superior Mind Magician, Superior Dark Temptress, Superior Seductress, Superior Lust Demon, Demon Emperor(Lust Demons), Superior Mesmerizing Eyes(Charm, Lust), Superior Supernatural Charm, Superior Transformation(Partial).

A Succubus Queen was as potent as an adult Dragon but far more dangerous. In a straight-up battle, the Succubus Queen would lose, but when it came to controlling the masses and manipulating influential people? A Succubus Queen could infiltrate into a king's harem and wreak havoc as she played him like a fiddle before turning a kingdom upside down, plunging it into ruin.

Luckily, it was difficult to summon such potent and willful creatures, and they rarely bound themselves to a master, acting more as mercenaries, sometimes turning on the one who was bold enough to summon them without a proper offering, leaving a mummified corpse.

Of course, with Qold as his familiar and Agent, Gerhart had a Succubus Queen at his beck and call.

And so, he peacefully went to sleep.




The following day-

Several dozen carriages lined up in the Garrington Ducal House. From nobles to merchants, they all came. Only the A-rank powerhouses, those who were too far away, and those with emergencies didn't attend.

There were even familiar faces among them.

"Viscount Camden has entered." A servant announced as a plump middle-aged man with a balding head and thick mustache entered the grand hall, accompanied by his rather plump wife.

After suffering a financial setback due to Flyx's stupidity, the Viscount had to form a marriage alliance with a wealthy merchant who wanted connections with nobility. The dowry from marrying Rufus, his heir, to the merchant's daughter was enough to cover some of the loss they sustained, but they were still shaky, needing to sell some family heirlooms. After hearing about the S-rank group of adventurers, he immediately took his carriage to meet them.

When he entered the grand hall, he met many important people. They ranged from wealthy merchants and important guilders to middling nobles. Viscount Camden, a lesser noble, felt dwarfed in their presence. And when he looked to the head, Viscount Camden saw the mighty Duke, an A-rank expert and lord of the city, act like a lackey next to a young and pretty woman no older than 18. There was a small line of people greeting her.

"That is one of the group members, Hope, an S-rank adventurer, the advisor, and one of Gerhart's suspected wives, an SS-rank legend." Viscount Camden thought, remembering the information he gathered earlier, and clenched his slightly sweaty hands. "I must make a good impression. One good word from her could change the state of my household."

The Viscount took his wife and started greeting the other influential people, gingerly making his way to meet the powerhouse, patiently waiting his turn. Soon, his turn came.

"Greetings, oh noble heroine. I am humbled to meet you. I am Viscount Camden, lord of the modest Camden Viscounty. I could hardly believe such beauty could exist, surpassed only by her martial prowess and intelligence- Bla* Bla* Bla* Bla*-" The pudgy Viscount bowed and gave lip service.

Hope gently smiled while listening to the nonsense, filtering his words while remembering something, her eyes having a strange glint.

"Viscount Camden is the one who paid the compensation money, right? Gerhart wouldn't have bought me without that money, and my future would likely be bleak. In a way, I should thank him." Thinking to that point, Hope couldn't help but have some more goodwill toward the undeserving fellow.

Once two minutes passed, Hope stopped him, "Thank you for your kind words, Viscount Camden. We plan to pass through your territory tomorrow, so please prepare your vassals so we can heal them. We will also nurture any talents we may find."

She wasn't lying. The Camden Viscounty was on the way to the capital. Making a short stop wouldn't hinder them in the slightest.

"Thank you, oh gracious and kind lady! Thank you!" Viscount Camden smiled from ear to ear under the envious gazes of the other nobles.

Hope gently waved her hand as she accepted the next guest.

But no one noticed that the Garrington family members led individual nobles to a separate room and minutes later returned to the great hall, a silver glint in their eyes.




On the city streets, the people celebrated the Harvest Festival, cooking fresh bread and pastries for the people. Under the generous donation of Gerhart, they also distributed decent alcohol, vegetable dishes, meat, and other treats for the entire day.

Disguised as a priestess of the Goddess of Life, Flora had a special tent made where she treated the sick and the wounded. Some had work accidents, losing their limbs, eyes, or teeth. Others had organ failure due to old age, and some had sicknesses that they couldn't afford to treat or were incurable. Flora, like a kind saintess, healed all, releasing some of her air as the Aspect of the Life Goddess. She healed over a hundred people every hour! And the line just kept going and going! The number of people with various spinal and limb injuries was many due to intensive labor.

"She is such a kind soul!"

"She healed my broken leg!"

"My eye is back!"

"My stomach pain is gone!"

"I think I am in love..."

"Then give up. Sister Flora is an S-rank priestess."

"Ugh. Your right. Those thugs who tried cutting the line pissed themselves when that lizard kin glared at them."

"Did you get your talent appraised?"

"I did, but no good. It isn't any different from before. But I did get ten Silver Coins!"

"For real?! I thought they were bluffing!"

"Yes, for real! Bring your family members, including your toddlers, parents, and servants! Anyone they check will get ten Silver Coins. If they are lucky enough, they will get 1,000! I even saw an elderly grandma half a foot in the grave who got selected!"

"Oh, by the gods! So generous! 1,000 Silver Coins?! That is half a year of work!"

In another tent-

To-Meri, Honorius, and Ariyana evaluated droves upon droves of people. Every minute, they had to scan a dozen people. They also employed two dozen servants and knights to keep public order and distribute money to those who came. Of course, some swindlers tried their luck, but anyone they caught got kicked out, and the angry mob outside beat them to a pulp for wasting their time. After a few failed tries, everyone behaved orderly.

Anyone with an unawakened, upgradable, or evolvable talent and was C-rank or lower was selected, taken to the side, and given 1,000 Silver Coins. They also instructed them to go to the Garrington mansion to wait and receive high treatment, luxurious food, and potentially good clothes and cleaning. If they were slaves, the money would go to the owner as compensation to emancipate them. And if too young or too old, they were allowed a guardian.

Everyone was happy.

When the female Echo arrived in the city at noon and witnessed this scene, she was shocked! After questioning a few people, she learned the situation, making her even more puzzled.

"What the heck... Have they gone crazy?" The Echo asked herself.

Who would be crazy enough to make such a charity event? Were they that bored? Donating 200,000 Silver Coins was one thing, but healing everyone and analyzing them before awakening their talents? What was their angle? What made them think that those who they awakened would benefit them?

With those thoughts in mind, she had her servants walk about the city to gather information. Meanwhile, she casually walked through the slums, away from the hubbub. She almost felt at home.

Before becoming an Echo, she was a slum folk. At age seven, her father died in a work accident, and her mother turned to prostitution. She had to rely on the orphanage and temples to survive. Without them, she would have died before gaining her powers.

Because of that, she had the habit of visiting an orphanage whenever she entered a city to check for talents, and orphanages were the only places that even she, an Echo, didn't like to defile. It wasn't out of conscience but out of sentimental value and practicality.

But as she reached the orphanage, an old temple in the slums, something unexpected happened.


Someone placed a soft hand behind her. And yet, that hand felt like a knife placed against her throat.

Badump* Badump* Badump* Badump*

Her heart couldn't help but race. Cold sweat dripped down her forehead. She felt it. If she did anything careless- She would die.

Slowly, she turned around and saw a stunningly beautiful and curvacious woman with a sword sheathed by her belt. She would find such a woman attractive enough to become her new pet, but now, she had no such thoughts.

"Hello, miss. Are you here to visit the orphanage?" Havre asked with a friendly smile.

"No. I was merely looking around." Despite being nervous, the female Echo kept her calm and replied.

"Who is this woman? Did she discover me? How? I only felt such danger from peak SS-rank powerhouses. And she likely specializes in close combat. Shit." The Echo thought.

"Good. My lord is praying at the temple and wouldn't like being- disturbed." Havre dangerously narrowed her eyes as her right hand rested on her sword. "You don't plan on disturbing my lord, do you?"

"I wouldn't dare..." The Echo vehemently shook her head.

Was this a joke? As a 300-year-old Echo, she greatly valued her life! She wasn't even planning to make contact with Gerhart yet! She was sure he would be in the Duke's mansion to receive guests! How was she supposed to know he was in some orphanage, praying to some minor goddess?!

"Good... I think the two of us will get along just fine. Let's go to the festival and have some food and drinks, hm?" Havre said with a smile that wouldn't take a no for an answer.

"Oh. Yes. Of course." The Echo played along, knowing she would die if she said no, and the two walked to the festival like good friends, leaving Gerhart alone in the orphanage, his home, having a much-needed chat with Mother Roysa.

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