Deadmeat Saga

Chapter 61 – Searching for gems in the mud. Enslaving the slaver.

Chapter 61 – Searching for gems in the mud. Enslaving the slaver.

The next morning-

Gerhart opened his eyes and found his face pressed between two soft peaks, his body wrapped in a warm embrace.

"Good morning, master." Qold sweetly said, back in her tanned beauty form.

"Good morning, Qold," Gerhart replied, feeling lazy after last night.

"We should get up soon. The others must be waiting." Qold softly said.

"Right..." Gerhart muttered as he subconsciously checked Qold's status.

Name: Qold Moonhowl
Race: Succubus(Dream Tribe, Antler Goblin Variant)/ High Succubus(Dream Tribe)
Age: 1
Sex: Female
Level: 44(Incomplete)



Base Stats:


Secondary Stats: (+)



Aside from Gerhart, Qold also gained considerable benefits from absorbing the Hegemons. Additionally, her bloodline started evolving toward a High Succubus, an A-rank demon. Although slower by almost ten times, the fact her bloodline was improving at such speed from absorbing Gerhart's essence proved how nutritious he was.

"Well, I will gradually feed her from now on. No need to rush." Gerhart thought.

Gerhart let go of Qold's soft body and slowly got up. While getting dressed, Qold spoke, "By the way, master. Mistress Xenova contacted me in my dreams and gave me some valuable information."

"Is it urgent?" Gerhart asked back while putting on his pants.

"No. We can talk about it later." Qold replied.

"Then we will talk about it when we have time," Gerhart replied.

Several minutes later, they sat at a table together with everyone else.

Gerhart received several weird looks from the patrons, including Abraham, the owner.

"Young man, it is good to be young, but do it in moderation." Abraham seriously advised.

"Hahaha... Yes. Sorry." Gerhart apologetically replied.

After that awkward moment, the group ate a quick breakfast and headed to the Merchant's Guild.

As Auchendale was a border town and trading hub, the most influential guild was the Merchant's Guild, a large building meant for long-distance wholesale dealings, local retail, and storing merchandise. They also employed guides for those seeking to travel to and from kingdoms.

Arriving at the front desk, Gerhart saw a tanned middle-aged clerk with a feathered hat and curly mustache writing documents.

"Haajid!" Lars said while approaching.

"Hm? Oh! Lars! Good to see you in good health, my friend!" Haajid raised his head and smiled at Lars, speaking in a weird accent.

"Good to see you too, Haajid. Is that a new hat?" Lars chatted.

"Yes! My wife bought it for me two weeks ago. So, what can I help you with?" Haajid asked with a calm smile.

"I need two things. First, I wish to sell some goods. We recently subjugated a Goblin Mega Tribe and want to sell metal weapons. You know the quality of Hobgoblin craftsmanship. We also looted furs, claws, horns, bones, and ivory from monsters the goblins hoarded." Lars said.

"OH! A Mega Tribe? Is everyone alright?" Haajid worriedly asked.

"It is fine. We lost a few, but we will manage." Lars replied.

"I see. Well, the guild can certainly buy those off your hands. Anything else?" Haajid asked while looking at Gerhart and his group.

"They want a guide to the Nehan Kingdom's capital, Tabarga. Old Abraham recommended a Miss named Monica." Lars said.

"Tabarga? Most wagon merchants barely travel to the next town or city, let alone a distant city like Tabarga. However, Monica can certainly lead you to the next town." Haajid said.

"Damn... Is there no long-term guide?" Lars pursed his lips.

"I am afraid not. And even worse, the odds of finding a multi-linguistic guide will only get lower as you go deeper into the Nehan Kingdom. But luckily, there is a half-solution I can suggest." Haajid smiled.

"What?" Lars raised an eyebrow.

"Buy a slave! Auchendale is a trading hub for slaves from the Nehan Kingdom, so there are bound to be some educated slaves among them. If luck would have it, they would have all the skills you need. If not, they can at least act as translators. If you have someone decent with a map and are not afraid of monsters, you can travel along the main road. We have some maps on sale indicating all the main routes, landmarks, and danger zones. There are also inns along the road, so it isn't all that bad." Haajid said.

"Thank you. I will discuss it with the others." Lars said and went back to the others.

After explaining the situation, Gerhart and the others looked at each other and spoke.

"I can read maps," Hope said.

"Me too," Calvin added.

"I can also read a map." Gerhart nodded.

Although having a guide was optimal, they didn't need one per se. Hope was a merchant's daughter, and although she specialized in sea trading, she knew about land trading too. And as a noble's son, Calvin learned geography and how to read a map. He wasn't an expert, but at least he wouldn't get lost. As for Gerhart, he had some experience as Deadmeat.

That only left the language barrier, which made things much smoother.

"Then buying a slave is a feasible idea. Lars, you focus on selling the equipment first. We will go select a slave." Hope said.

"Understood." Lars nodded.

With that, the group left the merchant's guild and went to the town's slave market.

Unlike Vlita's slave market, the one in this town was several times bigger, housing hundreds of slaves. There was even an auction going on outside, attracting other slave merchants.

"Wow, those are a lot of slaves," Ray commented.

"This is nothing. The amount trafficked here is dozens of times more a year." Calvin shook his head.

"Perhaps there are some hidden gems among them," Hope said.

"Perhaps, but appraising them all would take a while." Gerhart frowned.

"It will, but it would be worth it. In the meantime, how about blessing me with Appraise Status, and I will go around town to scout for hidden talents?" Hope suggested.

"Hm... Good idea." Gerhart nodded and turned to Calvin and Ray. "The both of you will accompany her."

"Yes, my liege." Calvin nodded.

Finding a secluded location, Gerhart blessed Hope with Appraise Status before going to the slave market with Havre and Qold. Finding a shop, Gerhart confidently entered.

"Greetings! How can I help you?" A portly merchant stood up and rubbed his hands behind a counter while evaluating his new customers.

"Their clothes are relatively poor, but they are not weak. The man is tall and robust, meaning he ate well his entire life, and those two beautiful women act like retainers or guards. And that unmistakable air of confidence- He is a wealthy scion. Is he pretending to be poor? I heard some nobles and royalty have this hobby. I shouldn't underestimate him." The merchant deduced.

"Hello, good merchant. I am interested in your slaves." Gerhart said.

"Thank you for choosing my humble shop, sir! What type of slave are you interested in? A servant? A combat slave? Or perhaps..." The merchant was about to say something when he looked at the two women beside Gerhart and swallowed back his words. "Nah... Unlikely."

"Everyone," Gerhart stated.

"... I beg your pardon?" The merchant widened his eyes, stunned.

"Did I stutter?" Gerhart asked back.

"Are- Are you sure, dear customer? There are dozens of slaves, and many of them are still untrained. The place is also unpleasant and unbefitting..." The merchant hesitantly said.

"I care not. Show me." Gerhart replied.

"Very well... Follow me." The merchant nodded and ordered one of his servants to watch over the shop while leading Gerhart, Havre, and Qold to the back of the shop, where dozens of slaves were locked in cells, their eyes downcast and tired.

Some were children or elderly, but most were in their teens, twenties, and thirties. There were signs of malnutrition in some of them, and others seen with bruises or scars. However, they were otherwise clean, showing the merchant showed some care for them.

"These are the regular slaves, sir. Please inspect them, but please stay away from the bars." The merchant said.

"I know." Gerhart nodded and started analyzing the slaves one by one.

"Grade F. Talent, Initial Blacksmithing."

"Grade G. Talent, Initial Cooking."

"Grade E. Talent, Beginner Swordsmanship, Pack Mule."




"Nothing. These guys are rubbish." Gerhart thought, not too disappointed since he didn't expect much.

Two slaves had upgradable talents for tailoring and pickpocketing, but that was it. They were not even evolvable.

"Well, sir? Did you find anyone to your liking?" The merchant asked.

"No. Are there any other merchandise?" Gerhart asked.

"Certainly, sir. Right this way." The merchant said and led Gerhart to another room.

This room was better, and the slaves received better food and treatment. They were the high-quality slaves of the merchant.

Among them were six individuals, three women and three men. Two women were beastkin, one catkin and the other a dogkin, while the final woman was a human. All three were beauties, not inferior to Hope in appearance.

As for the men, two were beastkin strongmen, clearly combatants, while the last was a middle-aged scholar who was busy writing on a desk like a scribe.

"All of you, stand up! Greet the young master!" The merchant yelled, making the slaves stand up at attention next to the cells while looking at Gerhart curiously.

"These are the finest goods in the shop. Please, check them." The merchant smiled, gesturing at the six slaves.

Gerhart didn't reply and looked at the six slaves. Wherever his eyes landed, the slaves would jolt, straightening their backs as if to raise their worth.

"E Grade. Good as a bed warmer and breeding slave, but nothing else."

"D Grade. A decent concubine or maid."

"E Grade... Another bedwarmer without potential. Next."

"D-Grade rounded warrior, next."

"C-Grade agile warrior, no hidden talent or future development. Next."

"An F grade with C-grade intelligence but lacking body. Good as a scribe, but nothing else."

"Well, sir? What do you think? Would you like me to introduce them?" The merchant asked.

"No need. Although fine, I have other requirements. Are there any other slaves?" Gerhart asked.

"Erm... Well- There are some. But they are dregs, leftover slaves with severe flaws." The merchant hesitantly said.

"Severe flaws?" Gerhart asked.

"Well... disabilities and undesirable traits. Honestly? They likely cost more than they are worth. Are you sure you want those?" The merchant asked.

"I will be the judge of that. Show them." Gerhart requested.

"As you wish..." The merchant mumbled and led Gerhart and his two companions, who remained quiet by his side.

Soon, they reached a poorly lit room filled with the stench of sweat and human waste, clearly poorly maintained compared to the other rooms.

Sitting in the cells inside were the flawed goods, eyes bleak and lacking the will to live. Some were scarred or unredeemably ugly, and others had missing or irregular bodies. Although not emaciated, they also clearly lacked nutrition and were dirty. There were even children among them.

"Poor bastards." Gerhart thought.

These were the true dregs. No one wanted to keep them since they were burdens or eyesores. There was no welfare to treat these people, destined for mediocrity and an ignoble death. Even compared to orphans, they rolled the lowest dice.

However, although he felt sorry for them, he couldn't help them yet. Instead, he analyzed their status one by one without prejudice and soon scanned them all.

Some of them were not that bad, some reaching C-grade talent, but as disabled, no one wanted to buy them. Most had combat skills, so Gerhart deduced they were ex-soldiers, mercenaries, or adventurers who got crippled and fell into debt. Or perhaps bandits captured them and illegally sold them across the border.

"Hm... I don't need them, but they might be worth buying if they are cheap enough." Gerhart thought.

Elkington Village lost several dozen villagers, so they did need some replacements. Even if they didn't have talent, it was okay since they could gain talent via blessings.

"Excuse me, how much would these slaves cost?" Gerhart asked.

The merchant immediately perked up. These unsold dregs gave him a headache for months, and he planned on disposing of some of them anyway, so Gerhart's words were a godsend. Of course, he wouldn't say it outright.

"Which slaves are you interested in, Sir?" The merchant asked.

"All of them," Gerhart casually replied.

"All of them?!" The merchant widened his eyes.

"Yes, all of them." Gerhart nodded.

The slaves, who lacked light in their eyes, couldn't help but look at Gerhart in astonishment.

"Why does he want to buy us? We are cripples!"

"Is he planning some evil ceremony and needs cheap human sacrifices?"

"Does he have strange hobbies?"

The merchant quickly recovered from his shock before brilliantly smiling. It was even better than buying his best slaves since these dregs had no demand but a high supply!

"I don't know what he wants to do with them, and I don't care. Let him have them!" The merchant thought as his lips moved, "As you wish, sir! I will sell them all for 100 per head." He said, selling them wholesale like cattle.

"No. 20 per person. And this is because I am nice. You already planned on disposing of them." Gerhart retorted.

He knew very well that these slaves were nothing but economic burdens. Sooner rather than later, this merchant would even spend money to throw them in the wild! He had already seen such things happen in his previous life.

"I..." The merchant struggled, wanting to squeeze out more of this deal. He would feel pained if he didn't!

At this moment, Qold suddenly grabbed Gerhart's arm and telepathically whispered. "Master, there is no need to haggle with this wretch. Allow me to handle this."

"Hm? Okay." Gerhart nodded.

Qold seductively smiled and then looked at the fat merchant, her eyes glowing purple as her voice echoed indescribable temptation and charm. "Little merchant~ Look into my eyes~. Aren't they pretty?"

"Eh... Ah? Yes. Pretty." The merchant's eyes suddenly went vacant, a silly smile on his lips.

"Don't you want to submit to me?" Qold coquettishly asked.

"Yes..." The merchant said with a hypnotized look.

"Call me mistress," Qold said.

"Yes, mistress." The merchant swayed, wearing the same silly smile.

"Submit. Grovel. Show respect to your masters, little slave." Qold narrowed her eyes at the man with contempt. 

"Yes. Please accept this insignificant slave." The merchant obeyed, going on all four.

At this point, the slaves were now astonished at this scene.

"What... What is going on?"

"Why is that bastard on all four?"

"Who are those people?"

"I hope they will make him lick the shit-stained floor."

There were various thoughts, but they didn't voice them, looking with rapt attention at the scene.

"Good little slave~. Accept your reward~." Qold said and glanced at Gerhart.

"Well, how the tables turn," Gerhart muttered, extending his hand. "Submit."

"Yes..." The merchant, who lost his ability to resist, willingly let Gerhart grab him and convert him.

After confirming the man converted, Gerhart let go, and Qold released her control.

"My lord." The merchant, who regained the light in his eyes, respectfully bowed to Gerhart while giving a Qold a fearful glance.

He knew very well that he got controlled as if it was nothing! And he also sensed she was an Envoy, meaning she outranked him by far!

"Hanno, right?" Gerhart asked, although he already knew the name.

"Yes, my lord." The merchant, Hanno, lowered his head.

"Will you incur any loss if you lose these slaves?" Gerhart asked, gesturing at the slaves.

"A minor one, my lord. As you have said, I planned to dispose of them since they are only a burden now." Hanno replied.

"Then I will take them off your hands," Gerhart said without a change in expression.

"With pleasure, my lord." Hanno smiled. He didn't lose out on this deal, even gaining free disposal service! What a great deal.

Nodding, Gerhart looked at the dregs and smiled, "I am your new master now, and I can give you a second chance in life, including healing your wounds and even letting you live normally as free men. Who wants freedom? For those who do, I only ask one thing- Submit."




Thirty minutes later, Gerhart exited the shop with Qold and Havre, feeling he got a great deal. The dregs were converted and healed and would be brought out of town by the slave merchant, where Lars, Thomas, and Hannes would bring them back to the village. No one would pay attention to some dirty slaves.

"I can also convert the other slavers," Gerhart muttered, looking at the other slave shops.

And so, Gerhart went slave shopping.





Hope, Calvin, and Ray walked around town, gathering information from gossip and minstrels while searching for someone talented. Who knows? Maybe they would find a hidden gem in the mud somewhere.

However, after walking through half the town, Hope didn't have high expectations. Unlike Elkington Village, the people here were regular people, not descended from mighty warriors through generations. Most of them never had someone above D-rank in the last ten generations!

"Seems like there isn't anyone worthy of attention..." Hope muttered.

"Most of those with talent get recruited when young, and this town isn't too big, so it is certainly hard to find anyone with potential." Calvin agreed.

"If humans are not good, why not check animals? There is an exotic animal market over there." Ray suggested.

Just like slaves, there were exotic animals traded in this town, so perhaps there were some hidden gems.

"Ray, that's... A pretty good idea!" Hope's eyes lit up.

The trio derailed and went to the animal market.

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