Deadmeat Saga

Chapter 62 – New comrades. Righteous Fool.

Chapter 62 – New comrades. Righteous Fool.

After going through three more slave shops and hundreds of slaves, Gerhart's expectations went lower and lower.

The most talented slave was a pseudo-B-grade talent not even comparable to the weakest of the village hunters, and he was one of the premium slaves, so Gerhart didn't take him. However, he did take away the dregs. The slave merchants wouldn't miss them, and Elkington Village needed fresh blood. He also found several that could serve as guides, but he was reluctant to take a burden with them.

In the fifth shop-

In the dregs' room-

Gerhart let go of a long-faced merchant's head, the slaves looking at the scene with shocked gazes. Well, except for several with broken spirits.

"My lord..." The merchant respectfully bowed.

Gerhart ignored the detestable merchant and looked at the dregs, who he previously didn't analyze, not expecting much.

"Mediocre. Mediocre. Oh, wow. That guy has the Well Hung talent but is castrated? Ouch. Mediocre. Oh, a C-grade? Too bad he lost an arm and an eye. Mediocre. Mediocre- Wait, what?"

Suddenly, someone caught Gerhart's attention. It was an emaciated elderly Lizardkin with dwindling white hair who almost looked like a skeleton with how blemished skin and cracked black scales stuck to his bones. He was also missing an arm and a leg.

Name: Bertrand
Race: Beastkin(Black Lizard)
Age: 58
Sex: Male
Level: 3

Skills: (+)

Base Stats:


Secondary Stats: (+)



"What the..." Gerhart couldn't help raising an eyebrow.

Butler was not uncommon, and he saw two others with this talent. It was a low-end talent worth 100 points. However, it was the first time he saw an evolvable one. Also, there was Pugilist and Lizard Warrior. They didn't sound too high-end but were unawakened and likely evolvable later.

{Unique Talent - Butler(Evolvable): The all-in-one talent for any butler. Improves cleaning, cooking, gardening, animal care, financial management, house management, attention to detail, balance, interpersonal communication, and etiquette. Can Evolve.}

{Unique Talent - Pugilist(Unawakened): Increases all physical stats and instincts and improves hand-to-hand combat and Aura Control. Unawakened}

{Unique Talent - Lizard Warrior(Unawakened): Increases all physical stats, improves natural regeneration, and improves the strength and defense of lizard body parts. Unawakened.}

"Well... That wasn't what I had in mind. But he would do." Gerhart muttered and walked to the dejected slave.

"Hey, Bertrand, are you interested in a new chance in life?" Gerhart asked the aged Lizardkin.

Bertrand jolted as he looked at Gerhart with surprise with his murky eyes. "How... How did you know my name? Do I know you?" He asked with a raspy voice.

"It matters not. Are you interested? I will heal your limbs, make you young, and I promise you shall never be mediocre again." Gerhart said to the man.

"Will it hurt?" Bertrand asked back, not questioning the integrity of Gerhart's absurd statement. He didn't care at this point.

"No, it is painless. You only need to submit to me." Gerhart was somewhat surprised at the question but honestly answered.

"Then please do it, my lord. I am just an old sack of bones without anything to live for. I only want to live a peaceful life." Bertrand replied, deep melancholy in his golden eyes.

"And you shall have it," Gerhart promised.




After going through the last slave store, Gerhart, Qold, Havre, and an average-looking Lizardkin in his mid-twenties with a slave collar returned to the Merchant's Guild, where Hope, Lars, and the others were waiting outside with a covered wagon, horses, and supplies.

"Gerhart! We finished buying everything we need." Hope waved and reported.

"Good. We will head out immediately. I found us a guide. Berdrand, meet Hope." Gerhart said and looked at the Lizardkin.

The Lizardkin nodded and stepped forward, giving a courteous bow. "Greetings, mistress Hope. I am Bertrand, a humble servant. I once served a merchant from the Nehan Kingdom and am fluent in spoken and written Nehanian and Youvamorian. I also know the roads, can drive a carriage and handle horses, and am an adept butler."

"Oh! A pleasure to be working with you, Bertrand." Hope smiled and turned to Gerhart. "Gerhart, we already sold the goods and bought horses and a wagon. We also have funds for our travel."

"Hm, good." Gerhart nodded as he casually analyzed the horses but found nothing special. They were regular draft horses. "Did you check around town for talents?"

"We did, but we didn't find any talented person. But..." Hope smiled and picked up a small box. "We found this!"

"Hm?" Gerhart raised an eyebrow and opened the bow. Inside, he saw a transparent slime with a white nucleus. "A cleaner slime?"

Cleaner Slimes were a variant of the broad slime race. Slimes loved eating things that gave them energy, but some slimes preferred certain foods over others, such as plants, carcasses, blood, bones, the living, the undead, minerals, and even sewage. Some even adapted to elements, such as Fire Slimes or Life Slimes.

Among these various types of slimes, Cleaner Slimes were a special breed that liked filth such as dust and grime. Some nobles even had the hobby of letting the slimes bathe them! They even deodorized any offensive smell, making them excellent cleaners.

So Gerhart was surprised that Hope would bring him a Cleaner Slime.

"That is what I also initially thought, but I changed my mind after analyzing it." Hope smiled.

"Oh?" Gerhart was intrigued and checked it.

Name: ---
Race: Slime(Cleaner)
Age: 37
Sex: Androgynous
Level: 1

Skills: (+)

Base Stats:


Secondary Stats: (+)



{Unique Talent - Filth Absorption: Can absorb and digest filth and grime into sustenance while ignoring other substances. Harmless!}

{Unique Talent - Space Storage(Unawakened): Forms a spatial pocket connected to the user that can store items inside. Unawakened.}

"Holy..." Gerhart widened his eyes in shock and excitement.

A space-element slime! It was a space-element slime! Just the Space Storage was an insane ability, not to mention the other abilities! He wanted to convert it right away, but right now, it was inconvenient.

"Well done, Hope." Gerhart praised.

"It was Ray's idea to search the animal market." Hope was happy but didn't take credit for it.

"Good job, Ray." Gerhart nodded in approval.

"Thank you, my lord." Ray rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment.

After covering the box, Gerhart looked at Thomas, Lars, and Hannes, "I have converted over a hundred slaves to revitalize Elkington Village. Speak to the slave merchants, and they will explain the details."

"Understood." Thomas and the other two nodded.

"Wait, Gerhart. Did you convert the slavers?" Hope suddenly asked.

"Yes, I did." Gerhart nodded.

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"Then why not give one of them the Appraise Status? They can find and reserve future talents that way." Hope said.

"Good point... Okay, I will go and give one of them the talent. Prepare everything. We will set out as soon as possible." Gerhart said.

Half an hour later, the group left the town of Auchendale, going along the main road toward the Nehan Kingdom.




In the Heavenly Continent-

It was a place full of cultivators, cultivating Qi to reach higher levels of cultivation to achieve longevity and power, striving to become fabled immortals!

Ma Yang, an Inner Disciple of the Furious Sword Sect, a Foundation Establishment Realm cultivator, was sent out on a task to kill some demonic cultivators in the Qi Accumulation realm who terrorized villages with demonic cultivation methods, using blood sacrifices to increase their realm to extend their lifespans. Such techniques were unorthodox and left many impurities, but to these desperados who had little to lose, this was their only way to survive.

Arriving at the dwelling cave of these fiends, Ma Yang smelled the thick smell of blood in the air and vaguely noticed the tiny bones of infants scattered on the floor.

"These beasts! They deserve to die!" With righteous fury in his heart, Ma Yang rushed inside the cave right when the wrinkled demonic cultivators were using a formation to channel the pure vital energies of several infants into their bodies. It made Ma Yang Furious! The rage of the Furious Sword cultivation method fueled his mind with endless and indignant rage!

These infants were the citizens under the Furious Sword Sect, paying taxes to their sovereign. If they died, who would work the fields? Where would they get new blood to their sect? These animals were cutting the lifeline of their sect! Their roots! And even more, as a person from humble origins, he imagined himself in that same circle, drained of his energies to extend the life of these mongrels who should die. His vision turned red.

"Oh, no! It is a righteous cultivator! Run!" Like frightened rabbits, the aged Qi Accumulation Realm demonic cultivators shook as they attempted to flee.

"BEASTS! DIE!" With berserk rage, Ma Yang charged at them, sword raised.

Less than a minute later, the mutilated corpses of these demonic cultivators filled the room, the already thick stench of blood enriched.

"I avenged you..." Ma Yang, covered in blood, said with a pained voice as he looked at the dead infants.

Just then, the space around him shifted.

"W-What? What is this—"


Ma Yang, the Inner Disciple of the Furious Sword Sect, disappeared without a trace. Weeks later, he was declared missing in action and never seen again.




In the Nehan Kingdom, Tabarga-

The royal castle, in the deepest dungeon-

A beautiful young lady knelt on the cold floor, channeling her power with several wizards and priests around a magic circle. Inside the magic circle, spatial ripples, like water being disturbed, were ever present, as if threatening to break apart at any time.

Behind them stood a muscular and majestic figure wearing a royal robe and crown, the Nehan King. Beside the man was an elderly priest wearing gold and red stripes, the agent of the main temple, and a Reverend.

"How long will it take, Reverend? It has been an entire day already." The king asked, worriedly eyeing his precious daughter, who devotedly summoned the Otherworlder.

"It is uncertain. Summoning is a tricky thing. It might take minutes, and it might take days. It is all up to luck." The Reverand shook his head, speaking to the king as an equal.

It was no surprise since the temples were the ones that crowned the kings in the first place! At least, Kingdoms were under the influence of the temples. There were also Dynasties, Coalitions, and other forms of government across the globe, but Kingdoms reigned solely due to the temple's divine authority. They could strip a king of his right to rule, and they had the power to do so.

"But why summon them here? Wouldn't it be better to summon them in the Main Temple?" The king curiously asked.

"Ever heard of a dog that bites the hand that feeds it? That is an Otherworlder. Letting them roam while giving some hints and directions is the true way. At least, that way, you minimize the damage. It is speaking from experience." The Reverand said.

Just then, the fluctuations intensified as a figure emerged.

"Oh?! It worked!" The king and the other people in the room widened their eyes as they observed the newcomer.

It was a fair-skinned young man with long black hair wearing strange blood-stained silk robes and holding a bloodied straight sword. He started looking around, frightened and angry. Checking himself, he found that his Qi was gone! No, his entire cultivation was gone!

"Who are you barbarians?! Where is this place?! What did you do to my cultivation?! If you don't tell me, I will kill you!" The man demanded to know, preparing to attack with his bloodied sword.

As a proud Inner Disciple of the Furious Sword Sect and a Foundation Establishment Cultivator, He, Ma Yang, was not to be trifled with!

The others in the room shook by this man's thick bloodthirst and rage, but the King and Reverand were not unaffected. They were too powerful to be affected.

"Hm... The Translation Talent is in place." The Reverend nodded to himself, not taking the man's threats seriously as he used an enchanted item with Appraise Status to check Ma Yang.

Name: Ma Yang
Race: Human(Otherworlder)
Age: 20
Sex: Male
Level: 0

Skills: (+)

Base Stats:


Secondary Stats: (+)



"Hm... A righteous type, hah? We can use that..." The Reverend narrowed his eyes as he saw the Heaven Rewards the Righteous talent.

The unique talents gained by these otherworlders correlate to their personality and life achievements. For example, a pickpocket might gain a talent related to pickpocketing, and a lazy person might get a talent related to growing stronger by being lazy. In the case of a righteous person, their strength will increase the more righteous things they do!

Although Ma Yang's stats were comparable to an A-grade talent, given enough time, he will improve to an SS, SSS, or even above, becoming a legendary figure that can rival even the Chosen! It was the terrifying potential of otherworlders! Of course, it would take a long time and accumulation to reach such legendary levels.

Ma Yang was not the first or last of the righteous type to appear, and the temples had a foolproof method of handling chivalrous or righteous fools.

Stepping forward, the Reverand solemnly spoke, "Oh, hero from another world! We summoned you to help us in our time of great need! Our humanity faces a great evil that only you can help stop!"

Ma Yang's anger dampened, slowly replaced by a righteous zeal to help those in need!

"What is it?" Ma Yang squinted his eyes, lowering his sword.

"He is hooked." A cunning glint flashed in the Reverand's eyes.

The next few hours, the Reverend spent time with Ma Yang, hoodwinking him into believing half-truths and sending him off with the princess, who was as frightened as she was smitten with him, to the city, like setting loose a caged bird.

"Are you sure this is fine? What if he attacks us in the end?" The king warily asked. He had no qualms about his daughter seducing and siring children for Ma Yang, even if they would be bastards since he carried a good bloodline. Even if they didn't join their royal lineage in the end, he didn't mind. In any case, he had plenty of children. However, he worried that Ma Yang might cause chaos in his Kingdom. What if he saw the slave traders and started butchering them? Or worse, point his sword at himself?!

"Let him do as he pleases and run wild. As long as you don't cross him and don't do anything evil or overly corrupt, he won't bother with you." The Reverand casually said. "Besides, didn't you want to kill all those corrupt nobles for a long time? Now is your chance for a reform."

"I hope you are right..." The king bitterly said.

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