Deadmeat Saga

Chapter 64 – Corrupting a God.

Chapter 64 – Corrupting a God.

After capturing all the runaway slaves turned bandits, Gerhart had his group park the wagon with Ray, Calvin, and Bertrand guarding it.

Meanwhile, he carried the dejected and sulking To-Meri to her base camp with her 20-odd fellow bandits who also surrendered. Staying on the main road would quickly draw the unwanted attention of other travelers. They didn't have any intention of resisting, knowing full well that any resistance would lead to their deaths.

As for why To-Meri was willing to lead them? She knew that, without her, these mishmash slaves would die before winter. And there were also other slaves in the camp, non-combatants. If they didn't return, who would care for them?

Of course, many questions were running through her mind.

"Who are you, and why are you bothering to help us? We tried to rob you!" To-Meri asked. She couldn't understand why someone would go to such lengths to help her like this.

"For starters, perhaps you are unaware of your status, but you are a God's Chosen. I don't know why or how, but it is a fact that you are. Am I supposed to kill a God's Chosen?" Gerhart asked back.

"G-God's Chosen? What is that?" To-Meri asked back.

Since her childhood, she only knew she had one talent, and that was to be a Prostitute. It was a cruel joke of the world, dictating her destiny as one of the lowest professions. And yet, she was taught to believe that was her destiny, and eventually sold to some sadistic pig who tormented her since she was 16. When he was in a good mood, he would treat her like a pet, and when in a bad mood, he would cut, burn, or even cripple her. She was once even beaten to the brink of death!

Yet, one fateful day, her mind numb after a beating and thrown into a cold cell, she received an oracle from a foggy feline goddess.

"It must have been hard on you, Child." That was the comforting voice she heard, strength entering her body. Her slave collar lost its effects as her body filled with power. The rest was history.

Even until now, she didn't quite understand what was happening, and she didn't know what a God's Chosen even was. She never received a proper education, and the only thing she knew was to speak Nehanian and Youvamorian because she learned them from her fellow slaves and prostitutes. She didn't know how to read and write, however.

She only survived until now through blind luck, never receiving proper guidance.

"You are the Chosen of a Goddess, her living representation on the mortal world. Such entities are usually enshrined and venerated, worshipped by the masses. But instead, here you are, resorting to petty banditry. We are more surprised than you are." Hope spoke beside her.

"I didn't want to do this, okay? None of us do..." To-Meri dejectedly said.

"I am unsure of your past, and I won't ask about it unless you tell me, but banditry is not a way to live. Even if we didn't capture you, others would. It is a foregone conclusion." Gerhart said.

He had seen and heard of such revolts in his past life, and none ended well.

"I know... But what can we do? We are stuck. We are branded slaves, not even serfs. We can't own or work the land or settle in any town or village. A God's Chosen or not, you should have just left me on the road even if you didn't want to kill me." To-Meri said.

"What if I said I have a method to help you?" Gerhart asked.

"Help us? How would you do that? We are branded slaves. Even without the Magic Collar on my neck, it is still branded and scarred. Anyone could identify me as a runaway at first sight. Can you magically heal us or something and remove the collars?" To-Meri sarcastically asked.

"Yes." Gerhart seriously nodded.

"See? I told you— wait, what?" To-Meri suddenly widened her right eye.

"I said yes. And I can also heal all your scars and wounds." Gerhart said.

"... Are you also some God's Chosen or something?" To-Meri couldn't help but ask.

"You can say that," Gerhart replied and didn't elaborate.

"Well... Seems like my lucky streak isn't over after all." To-Meri said with an amused smile, half-believing his words.

She didn't think this man would lie to her since he didn't have a reason to, but she also questioned if she was hallucinating and everything was a dream.

In any case, she couldn't run away anymore. Even if she didn't, her future was bleak with her shattered foot. She could only entrust herself in this monster-dicked man's arms and pray he wasn't playing tricks on her.

After walking for several miles, they reached a clearing in the forest and saw a small camp. There were a dozen slaves there, younger, older, or even pregnant, all non-combatants. Gerhart could see the slave collars on their necks.

"Look, the team returned!" A dog-eared boy excitedly called out.

But when he saw Gerhart carrying To-Meri and followed by the others, his ears drooped and started shaking. He didn't know what to make of this situation.

The other slaves were the same. Initially, they were enthusiastic but then shocked and wary.

"Everyone, don't be afraid. These people are on our side." To-Meri said, calming the agitated non-fighters.

It was evident her words had a significant impact. These slaves trusted her with their lives, and they knew To-Meri was the last one to betray them. Her hatred ran too deeply.

"Big sis To-Meri! You're injured!" A young rabbit girl ran forward as she noticed To-Meri's bandaged foot.

"I'll be fine." To-Meri warily said.

Her foot hurt like hell! But she was too embarrassed to say that she broke her foot when kicking a man's crotch.

"Where should I put you down?" Gerhart asked.

"Over there." To-Meri pointed at a log used as a bench.

Gerhart nodded and put her down there. The other slaves also found places to rest while discussing with the other villagers.

"So, what do you plan to do now, sir..." To-Meri asked, not knowing what to call him.

"Gerhart is fine. I plan to heal you all and take you in as subordinates. At least you won't need to suffer from hunger or cold under me." Gerhart said.

"Well, that is more than we can ask for," To-Meri said with pursed lips. "But how will you do that? Also, I am a wanted criminal with a bounty on my head. If anyone sees me, they will want to borrow my head for a bounty reward."

"We can handle that. But first, you must surrender yourself to my power." Gerhart said.

"What does that mean? Do you want to shackle me?" To-Meri frowned. "I am done being a slave girl. I didn't escape slavery to return to it."

"Not exactly, no. You may think of it as submitting to my god. If you don't, I can't heal you. I honestly can't. My god isn't benevolent." Gerhart shrugged.

"Doesn't that make you and your followers slaves?" To-Meri narrowed her eyes.

"We are all slaves, To-Meri, even kings and gods," Gerhart said, sitting beside her. "No matter what you do, when you exist, there are shackles that bind you. The only question is the nature of these shackles and how they harm or benefit you."

"Those are tall and ambiguous words," To-Meri replied, looking at her people. "Then what price would we pay to shackle ourselves to your god? And how would it benefit us?"

"You will bind yourself to me and my god, serving as subjects, like how citizens serve a king. As for what you will gain in return? Relative freedom. Hope, show her." Gerhart said and turned to Hope.

"Okay," Hope's body transformed to her original form as a silver-haired mousekin, a pink tail swishing from behind.

"... How? How did you do that?" To-Meri widened her eyes, speechless.

"It is one of the benefits I will give you. In the future, you can blend into human society." Gerhart said.

"But what about the slave collar? How will you remove that?" To-Meri warily asked, removing her bandana and showing her metal collar inscribed with arcane writings.

"That little toy?" Gerhart scoffed and touched it.

Clack* Shh*

The collar on her neck, which she couldn't break until now, broke within moments, turning into metal dust, revealing a horrible scar seared to her flesh in the shape of shackles.

"W-What?!" She widened her right eye. "That easily?! Just like that?!"

"Yep, just like that." Gerhart shrugged. "As I said before, I can restore and heal you. Your missing eye, cut ear and tail, claws and fangs, broken bones, and scars. Everything. And I can also help you improve and grow stronger."

"... This is too good of a deal." To-Meri warily said.

"My god is just that strong. It is the benefit of a powerful master." Gerhart replied.

"Will you make me or the others do things we don't want to do?" To-Meri asked.

"I promise you on my name and my god that I won't force you to do anything. You will be your person and can do whatever you want. Of course, if you choose to follow me, you will be rewarded." Gerhart promised.

She was a God's Chosen and one related to fortune and health. It was a good thing to keep her around! The only problem was that he worried he might anger her patron goddess by converting her. Heck, he didn't know WHAT would happen.

"Hah... Fine. I guess fate led me to this point. How do I submit or whatever?" To-Meri sighed and accepted her fate. At this point, she could either choose to stay here and eventually die or serve this man and gain a new lease on life.

But, for some reason, she felt close to him, so she didn't feel much disgust. And when she looked at the other slaves, she knew they also needed this. They couldn't continue being bandits all their lives. Sooner or later, bounty hunters and even organized military would attack them until they were exhausted, starving, and dead.

"Just accept it. It won't be painful." Gerhart said, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Okay." To-Meri nodded.

The next moment, she felt energy enter her body, demanding her surrender. She sensed she could remove it from her body now, but if she let it fuse with her, it would become part of her, impossible to remove. Gritting her teeth, she accepted the energy and even actively fused it into herself. She bet on her luck that it was a good thing.

Soon, the energy fused into every inch and corner of her being, tainting her in its color. Eventually, the energy stopped circulating, her mentality subtly changing as she opened her right eye. When she looked at Gerhart again, complicated emotions flashed. "I promised myself never to call another my master again, so what should I call you?"

"Gerhart is fine," Gerhart replied, letting go of her, but was more focused on his received messages.

Initiating Conversion on To-Meri- DANGER!

A Divine Connection with an Overwhelmingly more powerful Divine Entity than the host is detected.

Entering Covert Conversion- Success. The Divine Entity is unaware.

Proceeding with Conversion of To-Meri.

To-Meri Converted Successfully! The Divine Entity connected to her is unaware.

Initiating Passive Influencing Protocol on Divine Entity- Success.

And that was what he received. He could already guess the so-called Divine Entity was the Cat Goddess. However, he didn't understand what the relic was doing. However, he could imagine what it was doing.

"Is it trying to... Corrupt a Goddess?!" This guess made him gasp in disbelief. "I think I did something outrageous now."

It wasn't until he noticed To-Meri looking at him expectantly that he woke up from his guesswork.

"Okay, sorry for spacing out. I will heal you now." Gerhart smiled.

"Thank you, Gerhart!" To-Meri sweetly smiled.

And so, Gerhart got to work.




In one of the many Divine Realms of the gods-

The Cat Goddess, a tantalizingly beautiful woman with cat features and scant dancer clothes, was lazily lying on her divine bed, served by devout followers and watching enchanting Catkin dancers performing for her.

She was a goddess of fortune, pleasure, and dancing, so hedonistic ways were part of her portfolio. However, she couldn't help but feel depressed. It was for months now.

Chosen are randomly selected after the death of the previous Chosen, choosing a worthy target as their living representation in the mortal world. As the Cat Goddess, all Catkin were potential candidates, selecting one with the most compatible latent abilities, IE, late bloomers.

In this case, To-Meri, her newest Chosen, was PERFECT. She had all the qualities she could have asked for in a Chosen and was one of the most talented she ever had! It was just that she experienced a common problem that plagued many gods. Her Chosen was born on the wrong continent!

Although rare, it happens. And the goddess couldn't deprive this right, either. Her connection to her Chosen is like an anchor to the world. She couldn't cut the rope on her side, or she might cripple herself. Her only option was for her Chosen, like a rock she anchored on, to die before anchoring on another rock, hopefully one on her continent.

She already gave up on this child, as sorry as she was. The chances of To-Meri surviving were slim since she was too deep in enemy territory. She only hoped that To-Meri would die as painlessly as possible without attracting human powerhouses that could trap her as they did to the Life and Time Chosen of the humans on their continent.

Because of this, she stopped paying attention to her, ignoring all prayers and painfully closing her eyes, like leaving a disfigured child in the woods to die. It was a cruel act, but she had to do it. It was a world of survival of the fittest. When that child dies, she will take good care of her in the afterlife. That was the only thing she could do.

"Hah..." The goddess audibly sighed for the nth time.

"Don't worry, my goddess. I am sure the new Chosen will pass on soon." One of the goddess's handmaidens comforted.

"I hope you are right..." The goddess shook her head.

Just then, a weird thought flashed in her mind. It was the vision of a man she never saw yet felt oddly familiar.

"Hm?" The goddess couldn't help but frown, not understanding why she suddenly thought of a man she never knew. And there was a weird feeling of intimacy toward that man.

"Weird..." The goddess muttered and shook her head at that random thought.

However, she didn't know this was a foreshadowing of what was to come.

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