Deadmeat Saga

Chapter 63 – Getting mugged by a God’s Chosen. It must have been hard on you.

Chapter 63 – Getting mugged by a God’s Chosen. It must have been hard on you.

At the same time, on the forest-filled road to the Nehan Kingdom-

After passing several small military camps near the main road and a castle, going through a simple check, and paying a border tariff, the group safely passed the borders. Unlike towns and cities, the borders didn't have walls since it was too expensive to upkeep such a thing, and the relationship with the Nehan Kingdom was relatively good. Not friendly, but above neutral. Soldiers at least wouldn't raid travelers and merchants along the road.

On the road, Bertrand and Ray drove the wagon while Qold told Gerhart and the others what she heard from Demon Lord Xenova.

"So you are saying that there are those so-called Echoes from some unknown dead evil outer god that possess people, form weird cults, and want to revive said god to devour all sentient life?" Hope asked with narrowed eyes.

"And to counter them, the temples summon so-called Otherworlders, individuals with unfair rule-bending powers that run on a rampage after being summoned to kill the Echoes in the process?" Calvin made a weird face.

"And this Demon Lord will provide us their location and information because... she doesn't want to be bothered?" Gerhart made an equally weirded-out face.

"But how strong are those Echoes and Otherworlders?" Havre asked.

"Very. The mistress hinted they can reach levels of strength that can even threaten Demon Lords, godly entities that surpass SSS-rank." Qold warily said.

"Sss*..." The group took a deep breath.

Above SSS-rank? That was an inconceivable notion! Average kingdoms would have less than a handful of S-rank individuals at a time. The importance of S-rank powerhouses was immense! Militarily, they were deterrents for hostile invasion. They also served as powerhouses when facing various hazards! Ratmen uprising in a city? Send the S-ranks. A Goblin Emperor? Send the S-ranks. A wild dragon on the loose? Send the S-ranks! In a sense, they were the pillars that held the sky, and should they fall, the metaphorical sky would fall on the kingdom and crush it.

That was why S-rank powerhouses, at least in Middling Kingdoms, held great power and authority, and royal families vied to rope them into the family, partially to add their potent bloodline into their fold. Maguses, Great Warriors, Powerful Assassins, and S-rank adventurers all had a golden ticket to wealth and power- If they were willing to part with some of their agency. Almost all of them underwent one evolution.

The others didn't know what was above S-rank, but Gerhart knew. SS-rank was comparable to a Grand Magus, an 8th-circle magician who underwent a second evolution. SSS was comparable to Archmages, 9th-circle powerhouses, at the same level as his masters in his previous life. As for above that? He didn't know. Even his masters barely knew and never spoke of it. From what he knew, however, it took decades for one SSS rank to rise among numerous candidates, and they had exceptionally long lifespans, undergoing the third and final evolution for enlightened races.

To reach SS and SSS was no longer a question of talent but resources. Without sufficient resources, no one could reach that level.

So, to imagine what was above even that fabled level was hard for Gerhart to grasp, let alone the others!

"If they are so powerful, how does she expect us to face them?!" Calvin incredulously asked.

"Not all of them are powerful. At least not initially. It would take time until they reach that level." Qold replied. "Besides, mistress Xenova will inform me of their estimated level, and we don't have to attack, so it isn't as if she is asking us to die."

"But what do we get out of it?" Havre asked, not understanding the merit of doing this.

"The information itself," Hope answered. "Never underestimate information. Sometimes, it is worth more than gold. On top of that, we can gain the favor of a Demon Lord, granting us a foothold in the Demonic Realm."

"As Hope says, information is indeed priceless." Gerhart nodded.

It was already a good deal to receive the information. It gave the initiative to engage or avoid those things. They might even gain intel on their strength and abilities, allowing them to prepare before attacking. And Gerhart had a great motive to attack them. If he killed them, he could absorb them. If they submitted, they would gain powerful allies with unique powers. In exchange, he could prevent them from bothering Xenova, thus gaining the favor of an ancient Demon Lord.

In his books, it was a win-win!

"By the way, what should we do at the next town?" Calvin asked.

"We will search for talents before continuing on the road straight to the capital, passing through ten towns before reaching Tabarga. Since the horses are enhanced, we should arrive relatively quickly. If nothing unexpected happens, we will arrive in five days." Hope explained.

Since they were his new travel horses, Gerhart blessed them with 1,000 points each, making them very potent for traveling. Traveling 30 miles a day is easy.

As for the Nehan Kingdom, it was about the size of the Youvamore Kingdom. If they traveled in a straight line, it would have taken a day less, but the roads are not always even, so it takes a day more.

"Wasn't it mentioned it was unsafe to travel around these parts? It is a frontier region, so banditry is rampant. It might slow us down." Calvin pointed out. 

"Hehe... Oh, I look forward to meeting any Brave Bandit to attack." Qold smirked.

"My sword thirsts for blood." Havre also commented.


Neigh* Neigh*

The next moment, the wagon violently stopped as they heard the sound of a tree dropping and the neighs of the horses. Gerhart understood those neighs.

"Neigh*" [Oh my! A tree fell right in front of us! So scary!]

"Bandits!" Ray yelled.

"Surrender all your belongings and leave, and we will spare your lives!" A loud female voice hollered.

"Speaking of the devil." Gerhart shook his head and stood up.

The others also got up and walked out of the wagon. When Gerhart looked outside, he saw the bandits in question. They were a mix of men and women wearing bandanas over their necks. Half were humans, and half were beastkin. Gerhart looked around and quickly spotted their leader.

She was a tanned Blue-furred catgirl with athletic abs and arms with nasty burn scars, wearing an open leather jacket and leather pants, a bountiful valley on her chest. Gerhart could see she was initially beautiful, but she wore a black eyepatch over her left eye, a nasty scar over it, her tail amputated, and half of her right ear cut. She wore jewelry over her ears and belly button, her neck covered with a bandana as if to hide something.

At first glance, he understood this was a mishmash of runaway slaves. The bandanas were to hide slave collars or slave marks.

The leader glared at them with her remaining golden eye, pointing a scimitar at them. "Your valuables or your lives!" She yelled, Gerhart noticing that her four fangs were missing.

Gerhart didn't answer, briefly glancing at the bandits while analyzing their status. However, they were all below level 20, and their talent was at most D-grade. However, when he saw the leader, he was surprised that her stats were B-grade and even A-grade! And she was even level 26! And when he saw her talents, he knew she was NOT a regular bandit.

Name: To-Meri
Race: Beastkin(Blue Cat)
Age: 19
Sex: Female
Level: 26

Skills: (+)

Base Stats:


Secondary Stats: (+)



{Unique Talent - Sacred Prostitute(Evolvable): Greatly enhances seductive beauty, youthfulness, bodily health, resistance to drugs, poison, and disease, charm, and sexual stamina. It also increases musical skills, seduction arts, bargaining, sexual skills, and persuasion. Can cast holy spells and blessings of a patron god or goddess through consensual sexual acts. When performing consensual sexual acts, you and your partner experience more pleasure and less pain.}

{Unique Talent - Blessed of Lady Luck(Evolvable): The winds of luck are always in your favor! Luck shall enhance all your actions, and the sacred die of fate will roll more favorable outcomes for you.}

{Unique Talent - Chosen of the Cat Goddess: You are the Chosen of the Cat Goddess, goddess of Fortune, Health, Pleasure, and Dance of the Beastkin. She has blessed you with her gifts and shares a divine connection with you.}

"Oh gods, I am being mugged by a God's Chosen." Gerhart pinched his nose bridge, feeling a headache.

This situation was absurd. The Cat Goddess was a lesser goddess comparable to Brigva and Taelia, and her influence was not too significant, but she was still a goddess! If he casually killed her Chosen, the goddess might unfairly curse him!

But the most absurd thing was that her Chosen was on the Human Continent! She was supposed to be on the other continent!

"Why the heck is a beastkin Chosen on this continent?" Gerhart couldn't help but ask himself.

"Gerhart, what should we do?" Hope warily asked.

She also read the status and knew they were facing a tricky situation. Who would have thought that an innocent border crossing would make them face a God's Chosen?! And robber at that?! Seeing her appearance, she could easily guess she underwent quite the torture. As an ex-slave herself, she felt sympathetic toward the bandit and didn't want to kill her.

Gerhart also held similar feelings. He was a slave in his previous life, and he felt sympathetic and sorry for her, which made him reluctant to kill her, contradicting the common law of killing bandits and runaway slaves on sight.

"Hah... Anyways, we should subdue them first." Gerhart shook his head.

"Hey! I am warning you! If you do anything funny, we will attack!" The fierce cat lady growled, ready to attack.

"Yeah, yeah." Gerhart rolled his eyes and gave the order. "Capture the others, don't kill anyone."




"Capture the others, don't kill anyone." The muscular leader ordered.

To-Meri widened her remaining eye and was about to give the order to attack when she suddenly felt a chill down her spine. Previously, she didn't perceive any danger from these people, so she assumed they were weak travelers. However, after the man gave that order, her instincts immediately told her they were all dangerous people! They were all stronger than her!

"RUN—" She screamed, but before she finished, several blurs flashed, attacking her subordinates. She helplessly watched as they were all taken down.




"So pretty... Zzz-"

Thud* Thud* Thud* Thud* Thud* Thud* Thud*

Within moments, her men were down. They could barely resist in the face of absolute power. She was now alone against the leader of this group.

At this moment, she realized that her lucky streak was over. She thought they were easy pickings, but she kicked a steel door this time. Her first instinct was to escape, but doing so would be abandoning her comrades! And whether she could or couldn't escape was up to question.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but shake, memories of past suffering flashing in her right eye. She was a runaway sex slave, a toy to a wealthy merchant. He tortured her body before she received an oracle from a divine being she never knew existed, awakening her talents. The slave magic that bound her vanished, and she killed her cruel master before leading a slave revolt, leading them to the wilds as bandits and muggers, pillaging and mugging around the Nehan Kingdom before reaching the Youvamore Borders. She encountered crates of transported Magic Stones by luck, allowing her and her group to level up.

She didn't want this life. No one did. They forced them! And now, after many months of robbing to make a living and even gaining a bounty, she finally met her executioner. There was no pardon for an escaped slave, especially a bandit, only death. And perhaps she did deserve to die. She deprived the lives of many a traveler, innocent or not.

"The world is not fair, and my life is not fair. But I refuse to accept it! At least I will go down fighting!" To-Meri gritted her teeth, raised her saber, driven by madness and despair, and let out a wild warcry. "RAAH! DIE!"

Her self-taught Aura flashed on her blade as she used it with the reflexive moves she developed, intending to at least injure the man in front of her before dying. But the next scene made her despair.

The man stretched out his hand as if to catch a twig that a child swung and grabbed her Aura-Clad scimitar.


The man grabbed her scimitar with his bare hand, not bothering to use Aura. Sparks flew in the air as she heard a horrible screeching noise. It was as if her sword met a grinding stone.

"W-What is this?!" Her feline eye was shocked.

Until now, she never encountered a powerhouse or had a proper teacher, so her skills were weak. However, she never encountered anyone who could withstand her slash like that! Never!

Before she could process what was happening, the man clenched his hand.


Her Aura broke, and her scimitar deformed, tightly grabbed by that man's hand.

The rabid catgirl let go of her weapon, clenched her fist, and threw out a flurry of punches on the man's face. She would have used her claws, but her tormentor pulled them out from the root.

The man didn't move, the punches raining on his face as if he didn't care. His subordinates wanted to help, but he merely raised a hand to stop them.

Tang* Tang* Tang* Tang* Crack*

After several punches, she suddenly heard an audible crack from her furry hands. Even with Aura reinforcing them, she still cracked her hands. It was ridiculous. She immediately distanced herself as she held her hand.

"How hard is this guy?!" She asked herself while warily eyeing him like an injured animal.

"Hah... Please surrender. You are hurting yourself." The man gave her a pitying look.

"Is that... Pity? Pitying?! Me?!" As if her non-existent tail got stepped on, she immediately flared with anger as she sent a kick at the man's crotch.

"FUCK YOU!" She yelled as her kick connected with his crotch.

From experience, she knew that the crotch was a man's weak spot. No matter how powerful that man was, getting hit in the crotch was bound to hurt! Unfortunately, she encountered a freak.


"GYAAA!!!" To-Meri screamed as she fell on the floor while hugging her leg.

She felt as if she hit a steel sack and rod, intense pain flowing through her poor foot. It was much worse than hitting that man's face!

"Can you please just stop? I promise I won't hurt you." The man winced as he looked at her leg.

"You fucking monster! Kill me! Just kill me! KILL ME!!! FUCKING KILL ME YOU MONSTER DICK ASSHOLE!!!! ARGHHH!!!" To-Meri screamed, refusing to listen to his lies, wanting to die with what dignity she had left.

"Hah..." The man pinched his nose bridge, feeling frustrated.

"Gerhart, I don't think she will calm down like this." A pretty black-haired girl said to the man.

"Shall I knock her out first, my lord?" A beautiful brunette walked over and suggested.

"I can cast a calming spell on her." Another beautiful woman suggested.

"Enough. No need for that." The man shook his head and approached the woman.

"Are you going to kill me?! Then do it! DO IT!" To-Meri yelled.

The man didn't respond, instead reaching out his hand. To-Meri closed her remaining eye, expecting him to grab her hair or ear for sadistic amusement. Instead, she felt him gently hug her back as he knelt, giving her a tight hug as if hugging his sister.

She widened her right eye in surprise before turning violent again, biting the man's exposed shoulder.


She bit at his tough skin and flesh, her mouth aching. She knew it was useless, but it was her show of defiance until the end.

Ignoring her antics, the man comfortingly rubbed her back, "It must have been hard on you."

To-Meri shook, her right eye clouding as tears involuntarily streaked down her cheeks. They were the exact words she heard in the oracle from the cat goddess. They were the comforting words she wanted to hear.

"Ughh... Sob*" Her jaw slowly unclenched as she started quietly sobbing. 

"It's not fair... This monster-dicked man isn't fair..." She quietly cried, hugging back this evil man while forgetting her pain.

She stopped resisting and surrendered.

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