Deadmeat Saga

Chapter 67 – Guild’s Suspicions. Doom Knight?!

Chapter 67 – Guild’s Suspicions. Doom Knight?!

At the checkpoint-

The clerk evaluating loot from the Dungeon was stunned when he looked at the Magic Stones, ingredients, equipment, and even Skill Book.

Looking up, he saw a sweet-looking, pretty girl and a seductive young woman with an attractive air that made one want to possess her. He then looked down at their Guild Cards, both F-rank, registered from yesterday.

"So, you say that the both of you left after clearing the 40th-floor boss because you had some business to do, and your three other members will go ahead and clear the 50th-floor?" The clerk weirdly asked.

Usually, challenging the Dungeon is a life-endangering thing. A party wouldn't just split and continue diving! Yet, from how he saw it, the two women in front were relaxed, as if they were on a picnic. Even A-rank adventurers wouldn't do something so blatant.

"Yes! We also need to rent a mansion and several houses for our servants. So please hurry up and give our money and raise our ranks!" To-Meri demanded.

"I am sorry, miss. You must see the Vice Guild Master or Guild Master for a B-rank elevation. Please wait a moment." The clerk apologetically said.

"Fine, but please hurry." To-Meri rolled her eyes.

The clerk immediately went to another staff member to send the message. Minutes later, a middle-aged scholarly man entered the room. He wore comfortable middle-class clothes worn by wealthier merchants, his head decorated by a feathered hat to hide his balding head. He had a pair of brilliant emerald eyes and had a monocle on his left eye. Looking at his hands, Hope spotted several scars, calluses, and burns, likely from his adventuring days.

"Vice Master! These are the two I spoke of." The clerk respectfully said.

The Vice Guild Master nonchalantly nodded, looked at the two girls, and then at the items piled on the table before looking at the girls again.

"You two want to be promoted to B-rank?" The Vice Guild Master finally asked while adjusting his monocle.

"Yes. Our three companions will also go up after clearing the 50th floor." To-Meri said.

"I see. I am Valens Comnenus, the Vice Guild Master of this branch of the Dungeon Explorer's guild and a Landless Baron, but you can call me Valens. What are your names?" Valens asked with a hint of aristocratic dignity.

Landless Nobles were commonplace, more than Grounded Nobles. They were essentially Hereditary Honorary Nobles in power and status, enjoying a few perks that ordinary people didn't have, but that was it. Among these perks were usually higher wealth, access to the noble circles, and higher education, but they needed to work like anyone else to live. Valens introduced himself as a noble out of courtesy and obligation, not because he was showing off.

"I am To-Meri, and she is Hope. She doesn't speak Nehanian very well yet, however." To-Meri said.

They were not afraid to use their real names. After all, who would associate two humans with two beastkin with different appearances? Besides, there were millions of people out there, and many remain undocumented.

Meanwhile, Hope checked the man and confirmed he was a level 56 A-rank adventurer. He hasn't evolved yet but met the basic requirements, lacking the resources to become a Noble Human. Moreover, he was an Elite Magic Warrior with two additional Perfect Talents. He was a potent magical warrior. Unfortunately, it seemed that his potential was fully tapped with no room for growth, likely the reason no one invested in evolving him. There were better options, after all, and resources were limited and expensive with no guarantee of success.

"Understood. And your other three companions- You say they wish to conquer the 50th floor by themselves?" Valens inquired.

"Yes. My companions should finish by tomorrow." To-Meri nodded.

"... Very well." Valens gave them a deep look before glancing at the clerk. "Deduct 3,000 Silver Coins from their gains and arrange them B-rank cards. And also find them a mansion to rent in the meantime."

"Yes, Vice Master!" The clerk nodded and started issuing the cards while calculating the value of the items.

After some calculations, the clerk evaluated the items as worth 4,897 Silver Coins, giving them 1,897 Silver Coins and two B-Rank cards. Once done, To-Meri and Hope requested the guild's service to rent a mansion outside the walls.

Meanwhile, Valens arrived at a gloomy and dark office, where a petite and pale-looking girl with black garbs who appeared no older than 18 was writing on her desk. The office looked like a necromancer's laboratory with many odd ingredients, bone ornaments, grimoires, a cauldron, and several coffins!

"Guild Master, it appears some troublesome ones have appeared," Valens respectfully said.

"Oh? What makes you say that, little Valens." The young-looking girl raised her head, her two grey eyes holding the curiosity of a little girl.

Valens didn't mind being addressed like a child since he knew the Guild Master, who governed the guild for over 100 years now, had all the qualifications to say that to him. She was old enough to be the grandmother of his grandmother!

"I checked them with the Appraise Status monocle you gave me, but it failed. I couldn't even see their name. And three others are heading to the 50th floor. Since they met the requirements, I allowed the two newcomers to raise their rank to B." Valens explained.

"Interesting. Do you suspect that group to be spies? What is their purpose?" The young girl curiously asked.

Appraisal Block was a rare talent, but some skills could achieve such effect, hiding one's energy. However, those were high-level techniques few below S-rank practiced. More commonly, spies had specialized items to block their energy, avoiding Appraisal.

"I am unsure. For now, that group behaves like ordinary high-level adventurers seeking to relocate. Perhaps they fled from another Kingdom and sought refuge near our city? Or perhaps they are merely stopping here for several months before leaving." Valens gave some guesses.

"Hm..." The young girl tapped her finger on the table, and Valens remained quiet. A minute later, the girl decided what to do.

"Dear brother, wake up." The girl gently called.


One of the coffins slowly opened as a black knight wearing thick armor stepped out, red soul flames radiating from the eye sockets.

"What is it, dear sister?" The knight asked with a deep voice.

"Please head to the dungeon and wait for a group of three to clear the 50th floor." The girl gently said.

The soul flames in the knight's eyes flickered. "Should I test them?"

"Probe them, but avoid harming them. We are not at each other's throats- yet." The girl said.

"Very well." The knight said and turned to Valens. "Little Valens, you lost some hair."

"It has been ten years, master." Valens respectfully bowed.

"It has been that long, hah?" The knight mumbled, "Has your family been well?"

"They are very well, master. My eldest son is already married, and I have a grandson." Valens said with a hint of a smile.

The knight had a hint of melancholy in his soul flames that few could understand. "I am happy for you. Live well."

"Thank you, master." Valens respectfully said as he saw the lonely Knight leaving the room.




On the 50th boss room-

Clang* Clang* Clang*

Gerhart and Qold stood on the side after defeating the mobs, Havre fighting her long-awaited Black Skeleton Swordsman.

After clashing for several minutes, the two sides distanced themselves. Havre's sword was still undamaged even though it was inferior. On the other hand, the Black Skeleton Swordsman's superior sword was full of nicks and cracks.

Looking at his sword, the green flames in the skeleton's skull flickered, "Impressive, as expected of a Sword Saint. You held back, but I lost so thoroughly." The boss spoke with an appreciating voice.

Dungeon Monsters held some intelligence, and Dungeon Bosses were very intelligent, some able to speak the human tongue and have personalities. As a Swordsman, this boss was a Sword Lover and appreciated other Swordsmen like himself.

"Thank you for the praise. You were a respectable opponent yourself." Havre replied, not arrogant or submissive.

"No, it is I who should thank you for entertaining me with a good duel after all these years. Let us finish this." The Black Skeleton Swordsman said, raising his sword.

"Yes." Havre also raised her sword, electricity flashing on her body.

Woosh* Woosh* Slash*

The two figures flashed, Havre's electricity calming as she sheathed her sword. On the other hand, the boss got bisected at the waist, his upper body collapsing forward.

"Excellent... My sword is yours. Use it well." The boss said as his soul fire dimmed and died out, dissipating into items. Several Magic Stones and a sheathed sword were on the floor. Evaluating the blade, Havre saw a black sword with green runes on it.

"Thank you for the gift. I shall use it well." Havre said, putting her new sword in her belt.

The doors opened after defeating the boss, and a chest appeared.

"Good work, Havre," Gerhart said as he walked to open the chest while Qold picked the Magic Stones.

"It was nothing. Thank you for letting me enjoy myself." Havre shook her head.

Gerhart lightly nodded and opened the chest, revealing a ring.

{Equipment- Ring of Agility(A): Enhances the wearer's Agility. This effect does not stack, and the strongest effect takes precedence. You can only put one enchanted ring on every finger. Automatically adjusts size.}

"Not bad," Gerhart muttered as he tried the ring, which adjusted to his thick fingers.

The next moment, he felt his body was lighter, and his movements were faster. Of course, this effect was relatively minimal since Gerhart's Agility was already S-grade, owned many talents, and his level was gradually increasing. But a boost was a boost, however slight. When he found something better, he could either sell it or give it as a hand-me-down to others.

"Master, here are the drops," Qold said, placing the Magic Stones inside Gerhart's backpack.

"Thank you. Since we cleared the 50th floor, we can receive our A-rank cards now." Gerhart said.

"Let's activate the obelisk and leave already. I also want to take a nice bath." Havre said.

"And I want my master's tasty essence~." Qold seductively licked her lips while eyeing Gerhart's crotch.

"Well, I am a bit pent up after not releasing yesterday night— Hm?" Gerhart's thoughts were interrupted as he suddenly noticed a presence coming from the exit, and Qold and Havre also noticed it. It was a black knight with skull patterns decorating the chest, shoulders, elbows, and knees. It held a giant sword in its hands, although it looked more like an oversized slab of metal shaped like a sword. They saw red flames burning from its helmet, eyeing them with interest.

"Doom Knight, an S-rank undead comparable to an Adult Dragon." Gerhart grimly thought as he analyzed the undead. However-

Name: ???
Race: Doom Knight(?)
Age: ???
Gender: ???
Level: 65+
(Blocked. Target used an Energy Concealment Skill.)


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