Deadmeat Saga

Chapter 68(New) – Sanctified Undead. He knows.

Chapter 68(New) – Sanctified Undead. He knows.

Gerhart, Havre, and Qold stared intently at the undead creature before them, their nerves taught and wary.

"Gerhart, I feel unprecedented danger from this creature." Qold frowned.

"I am unsure if I can beat it." Havre also hesitated.

"It is a Doom Knight. They are S-rank magical fighters with immense combat power, able to inflict curses and summon undead as they fight." Gerhart said as he stared at the creature. "This is the safe zone, so it isn't a Dungeon Spawn. It can only be a naturally produced variant or a necromancer's undead. However, I think it is the latter. It is too powerful."

"Good Deduction, but no cookie for you. I am quite a bit above a mere Doom Knight." The Doom Knight(?) claimed while eyeing the trio with interest.

That made the trio even more wary, and they vaguely felt those burning eyes bore holes as if seeing through them.

"Do you have business with us, Sir? If not, may we please leave?" Qold politely asked.

"That depends. Are you the three newcomers?" The Doom Knight(?) asked.

Gerhart, Havre, and Qold looked at each other before Gerhart nodded, "Yes."

"Then that makes things simpler. I am Max, a Guild Tester. Under my sister's, the Guild Master's, request, I shall review your eligibility for your A-rank. And before you ask, she is a White Necromancer, and I am a sanctioned undead. Here is my badge." The Doom Knight(?) Max said, his red flames for eyes flickering as he took out a white badge. It held the symbol of the Goddess of Life, proof of his claim.

Hearing this, Gerhart and Qold visibly relaxed.

"What is a White Necromancer? Don't all Necromancers summon undead for unsavory deeds?" Havre warily whispered.

Qold looked at Havre as if looking at a bumpkin, "Then you have a lot to learn. A profession does not dictate if one is good or evil, but what they do with it does. Are all priests, clerics, paladins, and knights good? Of course not. They might serve evil gods or kings or even engage in banditry and murder. Ill-reputed professions, such as Assassins and Necromancers, can similarly have exemplary or at least neutral counterparts. White Necromancers study the connection between life and death, respectfully treat intelligent undead, and seek to aid the living. They serve the Goddess of Life, gaining holy pardon to use their craft among the populace. Although still shunned, people don't yell out to burn them at the stake."

"Precisely. And I suggest you don't carelessly remark that all Necromancers are evil. White Necromancers are easily offended by it." Max said as he put his badge away. "Few professions are universally evil, such as Demon Worshippers and Dark God Cultists." As he said that, his gaze lingered on Qold, making her uncomfortable, before turning to Gerhart. "Whether you like it or not, I am your Guild Tester. If you desire to become A-rank and enjoy the perks it brings, I must test the eligibility of each of you. I trust you know the benefits, correct?"

"Yes." Gerhart nodded.

The number of professionals of each rank was much less for higher ranks. Any able adult could be an F-rank, and many could also be E-rank, but only one in a hundred could be D-rank, one in a thousand could be C-rank and one in ten thousand could be B-rank. In a middle-sized Kingdom, only several dozen A-rank professionals were in the Kingdom, and not all were fighters. In a typical Kingdom, only a handful of professionals were S-rank, at least, that was on the surface.

With that said, each A-rank represented significant military and political influence in a Kingdom and thus enjoyed many perks, such as legal protection. Of course, in times of emergency, the Kingdom could draft them to handle various hazards that regular men couldn't handle.

Of course, different A-ranks held different rights and responsibilities.

An A-rank Alchemist would never be bothered or threatened by nobles, only listening to the crown to make certain potions. Of course, they would get paid for their services and not expected to fight anyone, often assigned bodyguards.

A-rank Adventurers are renowned fighters who proved their credibility after completing many requests. Although assigned to dangerous missions, they enjoy good treatment wherever they go, often being desired marriage candidates to high nobility and royalty and receiving office as high-ranking bureaucrats or advisers.

In contrast, A-rank Dungeon Explorers are deemed far less reputable. They enjoy legal protection, but only within the city perimeter since going to the dungeon and killing monsters is not something that requires a good reputation, but instead life-risking and hard work. They don't help anyone, only themselves, selling Magic Stones and items for money. As such, the Kingdom only expects them to protect the city in times of peril, but that was all. Unlike Adventurers, they couldn't marry into High Nobility and Royalty or receive official posts.

That was why many high-rank Dungeon Explorers doubled as Adventurers, but there were equally as many exclusive Dungeon Explorers. After all, who needed a comfy post or nobility when you were filthy rich? There was much less hassle, too, and some had less reputable backgrounds and even banished criminals from other lands.

With that said- A-rank Dungeon Explorers, as top-of-the-line combatants, are required to be tested. After all, you can't just give every Tom, Dick, and Harry with enough money such an influential rank.

Of course, what attracted Gerhart the most was the ability to sell Magic Stones and items from the 51st floor and below. He didn't care for S-rank status, essentially a fancy decoration in a 60-floor dungeon.

After hearing this, Max nodded his helmeted head, "Good. Are you ready for the test?"

"How will you test us? Do you want us to fight you? I am unsure if we can be your match." Gerhart warily said.

"I am afraid you are likely far from my match, at least for now." Max agreed. "However, I can summon undead to fight you instead. However, the three of you must fight alone, and you will have ten minutes to survive your respective opponent. To make things fair, I shall summon according to your expertise."

The trio looked at each other before Gerhart asked, "Who wants to go first?"

"I shall go first, Gerhart," Havre said, drawing her new sword.

"Good! I like your spirit." Max approvingly nodded as he extended his hand, grey energy coursing through his hands.

The next moment, a magic circle appeared on the ground as a Black Skeleton Swordsman appeared, the same as the boss Havre fought.

Gerhart analyzed it and confirmed it was a level 50 Black Skeleton with the Elite Undead Swordsman talent.

"This is a summon from the Undead Realm, or Limbo as they call it. Instead of the soul of a deceased person, it is a shambled collection of Death Energy and soul shards, forming this undead. As I previously said, you must fight and survive for ten minutes. Once the time is up, I shall decide if you are eligible for an A-rank based on your performance." Max said, his burning eyes turning to his summon, "Oh, and don't be afraid of killing it. Although it has some intelligence, it is not a resurrected human but a human-shaped monster mimicking human form. In the wild, it would attack you without question or remorse and feed on."

"Understood," Havre said, her eyes fixed on the Black Skeleton.

"Are you ready?" Max asked.

"Yes," Havre said.

"Then begin," Max said.

As his words fell, Havre and the skeleton swordsman rushed at each other.

Clang* Clang* Clang* Clang*

Havre and the skeleton fought for several minutes, seemingly tied, before Havre found an opening and slashed the skeleton's sword arm before beheading it. After being beheaded, the skeleton dissipated into gray energy, leaving no trace behind.

In truth, she could have killed it at their first clash, but she restrained herself since their goal was not to stand out too much.

"Well done. You pass." Max said, his fiery eyes flickering with unknown thoughts.

"Thank you, sir." Havre gave a courteous bow to the Doom Knight.

"Who is next?" Max asked, looking at Qold and Gerhart.

"I shall go next." Qold smiled and stepped forward.

"Hm," Max grunted as he summoned another undead, a hooded black skeleton with a staff, a Black Skeleton Magician.

However, Gerhart ignored this monster this time, instead analyzing Max while he released his power. He wanted to see how his energy-hiding skill would fare when he released his powers.

And the result made his eyes subtly twitch as cold sweat gathered on his back.

Name: Maximinus Ypsilanti Nehan
Race: Doom Lord
Age: 247
Sex: Male
Level: 75

Skills: (+)

Base Stats:


Secondary Stats: (+)



"Thank the gods we are not fighting this monster..." Gerhart mentally sighed.

He was still not the match of a level 65 Doom Knight, let alone a level 75 Doom Lord!

In contrast, Gerhart's level was 40(incomplete) after regressing from absorbing too many high-end talents and stats. And although it said 40, he was confident it was much, MUCH lower than that.

Due to having too many talents, Gerhart's level rose at a snail's pace. After absorbing around 20,000 points worth of energy, his level was still incomplete and stagnant. The only indicator he was leveling up was when he absorbed Magic Stones and felt pain, growing more powerful as he did. He didn't know how much energy would be needed to reach level 40 completion, but it would likely take very long.

Although his level was now low, his many talents still provided him with an overwhelming prowess and had no visible bottlenecks. At least, when faced with a level 50 A-rank powerhouse, he could match, if not beat them with relative ease. And this didn't even include all the skills he absorbed.

Shaking his head, he shifted his attention to Qold's battle.

"Darkness Shield! Fire Shield!" Qold cast two defensive spells.

"Darkness Shield! Bone Barrier!" The Black Skeleton Magician cast defensive spells.

Immediately, they got protected with respective protective spells. Qold protected herself with a black membrane covered with flames, and the skeleton magician protected itself with a black membrane with revolving bone pieces.

"Fire Ball Barrage!" Qold chanted.

"Bone Lance Volley!" The black skeleton chanted.

Balls of fire and bone spears hauled at each other as a war of attrition began as the aftershocks blasted against Gerhart's face.

Qold fought it to a draw for ten minutes, but Gerhart knew that Qold could have ended the battle on the first exchange using Mental Magic, her specialty. Few had proper mental defenses, with unique talents like Mind Fortress being a rarity. She could have disoriented it on their first exchange, rendering it unable to cast more spells while blasting it with mind-shattering spells that ignore magical shields and Aura.

As for why she hid it? Mental Magic is an understandably dangerous and frowned upon magic school. If she showed she had it, it would make people more wary of them. It was doubly so because she was an A-rank powerhouse. If she had ill intentions, who could promise she wouldn't kidnap someone and start permanently brainwashing them for less-than-noble deeds? If she did that, few could detect it.

"Enough. You have proven yourself." Max said as he waved his hand, unsummoning the Black Skeleton Magician.

Qold politely nodded and returned to Gerhart's side.

"Now, only you are left. I assume your profession is that of a Heavy Warrior?" Max turned to Gerhart and asked.

"It is." Gerhart nodded.

Gerhart's preferred profession is that of a Heavy Warrior, utilizing his powerful body to its fullest. Of course, he had no qualms with using other means for combat, but perhaps because of his Tyrant Bloodline awakening, he preferred fighting close and personal.

"Alright. Get ready." Max said as he summoned the third and final opponent.

Out of a magic circle, a heavily armored black skeleton emerged, wielding an axe and heavy shield, its fiery eyes staring at Gerhart, ready for combat.

Gerhart saw it was a Black Skeleton with the Elite Undead Heavy Warrior talent.

"Fight," Max ordered as the Heavy Warrior charged at Gerhart, covered with a greyish Aura.

At the same time, Gerhart lounged at the Undead Heavy Warrior with his shield and cleaver, covered with a Silver Aura. They didn't use fancy moves, magics, or tricks, clashing with raw power and Aura.

DANG* Crrr*

In the contest of strength and mass, Gerhart won, pushing the Heavy Warrior back as sparks flew. From there, it became a close brawl as Gerhart used his superior body and physical skills to suppress the Heavy Warrior.

Three minutes later-

The Heavy Warrior struggled on the floor, trying to lift its body, but failed due to its crushed limbs. The last thing it saw was a boot stumping its head.


Lifting his leg, Gerhart looked at the crushed skull as the summoned undead slowly dissipated into energy, returning to the Undead Realm.

"I wish I could have absorbed that talent." Gerhart regretfully thought.

However, he knew that only raised undead would leave a corpse. How was he supposed to absorb anything if they didn't leave a corpse?

"Well done. You have passed the test." Max said, his red fire eyes flickering with unknown thoughts as he took out a Teleportation Stone. "I shall inform the clerks to allow your rank elevation. When you gather enough funds, you may raise your rank."

"Thank you for your time, Max." Gerhart nodded.

"Hm," Max grunted as he crushed the teleportation stone, a magical circle shining under his legs. "A piece of advice- keep your bloodline hidden, Tyrant pup, or even I won't be able to save you."

"Wait, what?!" Gerhart widened his eyes as he was about to retort when Max, the Doom Lord, was gone.

Gerhart, Havre, and Qold stared wide-eyed at where Max disappeared. It was then that Gerhart realized he saw through them.

Thinking about it, Gerhart recalled the talents he skimmed over as he saw him casting his spell.

{Unique Talent - Great Death Knight: Majorly improves all physical stats, Aura, and Magic. In addition to Majorly improving affinity for all knight-related skills, it also Majorly improves affinity and control of Death Magic and Soul Flames.}

{Unique Talent - Great Undead Warrior: Majorly improves all physical stats, Aura, and Magic. In addition to Majorly improving affinity for all warrior-related skills, it also Majorly improves affinity and control of Death Aura and Soul Flames.}

{Unique Talent - Heroism: Majorly increases resistance to intimidation and fear effects, allowing oneself to function under fear.}

{Unique Talent - Mind Fortress: Drastically improves resistance to all mental effects and resists all temptations.}

{Unique Talent - True Sight: All deception, transformations, and illusions below a certain level are null in your eyes.}

True Sight is the passive ability to see through all deceptions, transformations, and illusions. From the moment Max lay his burning eyes on them, they were as good as naked. At least he knew Qold was a succubus. He didn't know whether Max knew Havre was a Sword Saint, but it was possible. But what was certain is that Max saw through his bloodline.

And those last words had two meanings.

"Keep your bloodline hidden, or even I won't be able to save you."

The Tyrant Bloodline was a source of calamity upon himself that even a level 75 SS-rank super monster couldn't help him. That meant other SS or even SSS-rank monstrosities would come after him.

And two, Max hinted he was on his side for some unknown reason. Or, at least, he wasn't ill-intentioned. If he were, he would have acted the moment he saw them, likely smacking them around like ragdolls before either killing or capturing them.

However, there was a more crucial point at the moment.

"Our cover is blown." Gerhart declared with a grim look.

It should have been a seamless cover, and he took many steps to prevent exposure. Who would have thought that THIS would happen?

"I have been too complacent. I should have started with the level 50 dungeons and helped Qold evolve and improve Ray's Analysis Block talent." Gerhart thought.

"Well, that's not good." Qold frowned. "Should we leave this kingdom?"

"Not necessarily. I don't feel it is a bad thing. Perhaps it is best to stay here." Havre gave the opposite opinion.

"Why?" Qold raised an eyebrow.

"He didn't seem ill-intentioned and could have likely beaten us if we fought, yet he didn't. If he wanted to harm us, he could have also not told us anything and sold our information. We wouldn't even know how we died." Havre explained. "Besides, I have a gut feeling we are safe here."

"Is it your intuition?" Gerhart asked.

He blessed Havre with Hope's precognition. Although not sure-proof, it did improve gut feelings being accurate.

"I think so." Havre nodded.

"Hm..." Gerhart closed his eyes for a moment before making a decision. "We will first head out and meet the others. We will then make a conference and decide whether to leave or stay."

"Okay." Qold and Havre nodded.

They then took out their Teleportation Stones and crushed them. Ten seconds later, they returned to the 1st floor and went to the Checkpoint.

After selling their loot, which netted about 6,000 Silver Coins, the appraiser spoke in Youvamorian, "Sir Max said you are eligible for A-rank promotion. You may rank up after paying 3,100 Silver Coins each. Of course, you should rank up to B-rank first to sell your loot. May I deduct 4,500?"

"Yes... But is Sir Max a well-known figure in this Guild? You know he is a Doom Knight, right?" Gerhart inquired.

"Well, yes. I mean, you don't see a sanctified Doom Knight every day- Or any undead, for that matter. All newcomers get warned by the barkeep after joining that the Guild Master is a sanctified necromancer. What? Did you join just yesterday— oh." The item analyzer looked at the guild cards and noticed they were issued yesterday. "Yeah, that makes perfect sense."

After chatting with the appraiser, they got their B-rank cards and some money and left.





Max returned to the gloomy room. At this time, the young, pale girl was not doing paperwork but meditating while levitating off the ground.

"How were they, dear brother? Do you think they are spies?" The Guild Master asked without looking.

"I looked at them, and they are not spies, that is for certain," Max said with flickering fire in his eyes. "However, I did find some... delicate things."

Hearing this, the Guild Master finally opened her curious grey eyes and snapped her finger. The next moment, the runes lighted up around the office, door, and windows, a heavy fog surrounding it. It was a heavy-duty anti-spying multi-layered array geared against all sorts of abilities.

"No one can hear us. Do tell me, my dear brother. What have you found?" The Guild Master gently asked.

Max didn't hide anything as he told her what he found.

"You say an abandoned Tyrant pup, a Newborn Sword Saint, and a Xenova-affiliated Succubus Familiar were in the same party? Without protection? The Kerus Dynasty sure has fallen low." The Guild Master muttered with gloomy eyes.

"How should we respond?" Max asked, his soul flames flickering.

"Did you give them a proper warning?" The Guild Master asked.

"Yes," Max replied.

"I see... Do you want to adopt the pup?" The Guild Master suddenly smiled and asked, a hint of melancholy and sympathy in her eyes.

"..." Max went silent, but his shaky soul flames told the Guild Master the answer.

"Then let us wait for the pup to choose." The girl said

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