Deadmeat Saga

Chapter 73 – Blessing Wave! Shroud of Deceit. Losing the gods favor.

Chapter 73 – Blessing Wave! Shroud of Deceit. Losing the gods favor.

After returning to the manor and eating dinner, Gerhart gathered everyone in the main hall.

"Everyone, you have followed me until now, and I have yet to bless you. Since I now have the energy, I shall bless you all." Gerhart smiled.

He only healed them and gave them the Partial Transformation talent. In terms of power, they were still the same. He at least wanted them to have some self-defense ability.

"Thank you, master!" The ex-slaves-ex-bandits knelt, feeling moved.

They knew that this blessing was a good thing! It would fix the flaws in their bodies and improve their talent and level without repercussions. Who can say no to that?

Gerhart smiled and blessed each with 1,000 points, a paltry sum compared to his vast energy. Although not enough to make them into powerhouses, it was enough for self-defense. But what Gerhart considered as self-defense was a D-rank expert, the level of squires and men-at-arms.

Once done, he turned to Bertrand, his trusty new butler, "You worked hard, Bertrand. I will now awaken your talent."

"Thank you, master!" Bertrand immediately knelt.

Gerhart looked at Bertrand's status. His unawakened talents, Pugilist and Lizard Warrior were tier 3, and his Butler talent was tier 2. Since that was the case, he decided to bless him with 30,000 points first, letting the relic optimally improve him. He would further improve him later.

Shifting his gaze, he turned to the diminutive Ariyana, expectantly staring at him with her ruby-like eyes.

"Don't worry, I didn't forget you. After gaining power, please refrain from sudden movements or using your powers." Gerhart smiled.

"Yes! Thank you!" Ariyana's face bloomed into a smile, copied the others, and knelt, making her small stature even smaller.

The tall Gerhart helplessly smiled, kneeling to place a hand on her head before blessing her with 30,000 points. Like Bertrand, he would further improve her later.

And then he looked at the silent, translucent slime that grew a bit bigger again.

"Prr*" Stella fawningly purred next to his leg.

He noticed that it was slowly growing more attached to him.

However, Gerhart hesitated whether to bless it now. Or at least bless it in the house. It was a slime, and acquiring spatial powers might cause chaos. Slimes had low intelligence, almost primal, with Stella being a genius at F-grade Intelligence. But even then, its intelligence was barely that of a cat or dog, not close to reaching human level due to racial properties. Going on the safe side, Gerhart invested 10,000 to improve its stats and level, ensuring it was intelligent enough to understand the dangers of its power.

After blessing it, Stella turned silent as its body wriggled and its core shined, crackled and expanded. It was an intriguing scene. However, Gerhart had other things to do. The ones remaining were Hope, Havre, Qold, To-Meri, Calvin, and Ray.

Since his energy was limited, only over 1,500,000 now, he had to select the most urgent choices.

"Hope, Havre, Qold, To-Meri, step forward," Gerhart said.

"Yes." The four women walked forward.

"You have incomplete or low levels, especially To-Meri and Hope. So I will bless you," Gerhart said.

"Thank you!" The four women smiled and knelt.

Gerhart immediately got to work, placing his hand on them, and blessed Havre and Qold with 50,000 each and To-Meri and Hope with 100,000. It wasn't enough to evolve their talents, but it would significantly improve their strength.

That left Gerhart with just over 1,200,000 points.

Looking at the remaining two, Gerhart hesitated before selectively skipping Calvin. He was already a level 50 A-rank powerhouse and had no talents he needed immediately. However, Ray was different. He had one talent Gerhart was interested in developing.

"Sorry, Calvin, but I will skip you for now. You will get your chance another time." Gerhart apologetically said.

"It is alright, my lord. I shall eagerly await." Calvin was not disappointed. For now, he was content with his strength. And he also knew the reason Gerhart selected Ray and not him.

Gerhart nodded and turned to Ray. "Ray, step forward." 

"Yes, my lord." Ray stepped forward and knelt.

Touching Ray's shoulder, Gerhart locked on the relevant talent.

Talent Evolution: Analysis Block -> Shroud of Deceit. Price: 5,000.

Seeing the price, Gerhart felt relief wash his body. "At least it isn't like Empyrean Eyes. Did little Timmy skip several talent tiers? That talent is probably tier-7 or even 8."

With nothing stopping him, Gerhart blessed him before quietly waiting with Calvin.

The first to awaken were the servants. The first thing they did after waking up was to bow to Gerhart, "Thank you, my lord."

"Don't mention it. Return to your duties." Gerhart said.

The 30-odd servants respectfully dispersed.

The next one to wake up was Stella, the translucent slime. After this round of improvement, it was fundamentally more powerful than before. The tiny nucleus in its body increased to the size of a fist, and although the slime didn't grow yet, it would likely produce more slime later.

Upon waking up, Stella shook its gelatinous body before moving to Gerhart.

"Prr*." The slime tried expressing its thanks and fawned.

"Sly. You will get more soon." Gerhart picked up the slime, patting its wet body, and analyzed it.

The mutation it was experiencing was unaffected and not yet revealed.

"Now that I think about it, what is this mutation?" Gerhart wondered and checked using the relic.

While Analyze Status was good, the relic proved to be more accurate. Soon, he got his answer.

Mutation: Slime(Cleaner) -> Slime Girl(Cleaner)(1.7% progress). Accelerate Completion: 983.


Reading this, Gerhart couldn't help raising an eyebrow. Slime Girls are humanoid monsters whose origins are unknown. They are biologically androgynous without a doubt but mimic the features and even genitalia of female humans. On the other continent, they are officially demi-humans who use their racial talents to survive in society. Often simple-minded and with the intelligence of a 3-4-year-old child in their adulthood, they are unsuitable for complicated work but are prevalent workers in slime ranches and brothels.

And now, Stella was becoming a Slime Girl.

"Is it trying to become a Slime Girl to please me?" Gerhart thought.

Perhaps due to its high intelligence and new diet, it decided that becoming a Slime Girl would get more delicious food. In this case, Gerhart's essence.

"Oh, well. I guess becoming a Slime Girl is for the best. Should I accelerate it? From the looks of it, it is inevitable anyway. It might make communication easier as well." Gerhart thought.

With that thought in mind, Gerhart picked the slime, brought it to the bathroom, and accelerated its mutation.

Just as he went downstairs, Havre was already up. It was no surprise, considering he invested over 100,000 points in her before.

"My lord." Havre saluted.

"Hm." Gerhart nodded and waited for the others.

Soon, Ray woke up. Gerhart tried analyzing Ray, but-


His talent was more effective than Analyze Status. He couldn't do anything about that. However, he will know how to use it after acquiring it.

"Ray, I will now copy your talent," Gerhart said.

"It is my honor, my lord," Ray stepped forward.

Gerhart grabbed Ray's shoulder and copied his talent for 9,000 points.

Gerhart felt pain as his energy unnoticeably changed, but it wasn't too bad. Perhaps because his body was monstrously powerful, he copied this talent within minutes.

Opening his eyes, he let Ray go and checked his new talent.

{Unique Talent - Shroud Of Deceit: Passively hides the energy inside the body, making others unable to perceive it. The user can actively change the energy readings of the body, thus deceiving lesser analyzing abilities and detection items.}

"Nice... This talent is perfect." Gerhart smiled.

Although it was useless most of the time, it added an invisible safety net. Who knew when someone would try to analyze his status and demand he show it or have a more powerful analyzing ability? And it could be used on the others, protecting them from prying eyes.

"I am happy you are satisfied, my lord." Ray happily said.

"Hm. Ray and Calvin. Continue guarding the others. Havre, I need you to guard me in my room." Gerhart said and walked up the stairs.

"Yes, my lord." Calvin and Ray saluted while Havre followed Gerhart.

Arriving at his bedroom, Gerhart lay on the bed and studied his talent again.

Talent Evolution - Goliath Physique -> Giant's Might: 500,000. Suggested Requirements: Strength, Endurance, Vitality A-grade. All base stats are C-grade or above. Level 50(Complete)

This talent that looked like an almost unachievable goal was now in his grasp and didn't look as impressive anymore. Without Shroud of Deceit, he would hesitate to evolve this since it might fully awaken the Tyrant Bloodline. Who knew what freaks would get attracted when that happens? But now, he was even eager to do it.

"Havre, guard me," Gerhart ordered. He didn't know what would happen after this, so it was better to prepare for the worst.

"Yes, my lord. I shall guard you with my life." Havre solemnly saluted.

Without wasting a moment, Gerhart evolved his talent as pain wrecked his body. It was different from other talents grafted on his body. It was an original talent of this body. The changes brought by improving it were more profound.

"GHHKKK!!! BRING IT ON!!!" Gerhart gritted his teeth as he endured the wrecking of his body upgrading.

The dormant bloodline in his veins roused as his potential awakened. Gerhart reverted to his actual form as his veins wriggled like earthworms.

Before long, Hope, Qold, To-Meri, Bertrand, and Ariyana arrived outside the room, patiently waiting for Gerhart to awaken. As for why they didn't enter- It was because Havre didn't allow it. She stood like a sentinel, vigilant of any potential attempt on her lord's life, and she would not tolerate even his closest subordinates and lovers near him during this time of vulnerability.

And so, time passes-




In the Droham, inside the temple.

A beautiful maiden piously prayed to the whole pantheon, her mind inadvertently recalling today's events.

On Dorham Dungeon's 20th floor, after the boss room-

"N-No... Please! I didn't do anything wrong- Slash* Splat*"

"Your friend eyed my belongings covetously. Had I been any weaker, you would have robbed and killed me. I had better kill you before you hurt anyone." Ma Yang said, retracting his bloodied sword after killing three would-be robbers.

That was merely one of four cases in a day.

Ma Yang executed over ten F, E, and D-rank explorers in the name of righteousness. Sure, the dungeon was a relatively lawless area, especially on the upper floors. It was understandable that some poor, low-rank explorers coveted the equipment and loot of others, often resorting to stealing and murder, especially if they had a family to support. Being a Dungeon Explorer was no picnic! And people formed parties with all sorts of people, good and bad, stable and desperate.

For instance, in this group of D-rank explorers, one of them greedily eyed their goods but didn't act on his desires since his two companions were no robbers and they were strong. This situation should have ended without a conflict, going on separate ways. Who would have thought Ma Yang would attack and kill all three for such bullshit reasons?

"I already explained to him a dozen times the gods are watching his actions, yet he continues with such evil acts and believes he does justice to the world?! Hypocrite! Who gave you the right to do such self-righteous deeds?! What kind of sick world did he come from?! If this is considered a good guy, who are the bad guys there?! I hope your entire world, no, your entire universe ceases to exist! Gods, I beg of you, please punish him!" Princess Libania mentally cursed and earnestly prayed to the gods.

Perhaps because Ma Yang's deeds were too much for the gods to tolerate, Princess Libania received an almost immediate oracle from the God of Light, Order, and Authority, Xumis.

"Child." A magnetic voice sounded in her mind, gentle light cascading onto her from the statue of Xumis.

"This child hears you, my God." Libania piously replied. She felt a calmness wash over her, preventing her from being surprised.

"We have watched and judged you and the Otherworlder, Ma Yang, over the last few days. You have acted impeccably, attempting to guide Ma Yang on a better path, but he ignored you, performing atrocities repeatedly. He killed many innocents in cold blood, and we, the pantheon, can not tolerate him. In the name of the pantheon and humanity, I, Xumis, leader of the human pantheon, give you the divine decree! Leave Ma Yang behind, return to Tabarga, and prepare to summon the next Otherworlder." Xumis solemnly ordered.

At the same time, Libania felt hotness in her palm, knowing she received the decree.

"I received the decree," Libania replied as the oracle ended.

She didn't ask what Ma Yang's fate would be. There was no need to since every main god in the pantheon can only summon one Otherworlder at a time. What did that mean? It means that Ma Yang lost all favor from the entire pantheon of humanity and will soon die due to unluckiness. Luck is powerful, and being hated by the world is deadly. With Ma Yang's personality, he might offend a powerhouse sooner or later and be crushed, just as he casually killed all the other people.

He was no longer a protagonist loved by the world but a sociopathic murderer with a death wish.

Turning to the side, Libania saw the local head priest piously kneeling before her.

"O, high priestess, what did the Lord say?" The priest asked.

"I have received the divine decree! Prepare me the fastest horse and a retinue of paladins! We ride post-haste!" Princess Libania solemnly ordered, showing a glowing mark on the palm of her hand. It was the Divine Decree.

"At once!" The priest hastily got on his feet and went to prepare her request.

A Divine Decree was the highest order of the gods, and no believer dared fake or conveniently misinterpret it. It was an absolute order, and failure to comply would result in punishment.

Twenty minutes later, a dozen riders left Droham, and Ma Yang, diligently cultivating in his inn room, was oblivious that he got abandoned due to his repeated righteous deeds.

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