Deadmeat Saga

Chapter 74 – Long Live the Kerus Dynasty! New Talents and Talent Evolutions!

Chapter 74 – Long Live the Kerus Dynasty! New Talents and Talent Evolutions!

While Gerhart was writhing in agony from his talent evolution, his bloodline quickly awakened. There was no immediate change, but his body was changing its foundation to that of a Tyrant Human, only lacking the building blocks.

Sensing the host is undergoing rapid Bloodline Awakening. The expected Bloodline Concentration is 33%. It is an opportunity to enhance Bloodline Concentration with minimal cost. Use 670,000 points?

Enduring the agony, Gerhart was lucid enough to understand the request and gave the order. "Do it."

The following moment, the pain spiked as the very foundation of his body broke apart and rebuilt continuously.

"FUCK! It hurts like a bitch!" Gerhart cursed as he continued enduring the pain.




The Kerus Dynasty-

Inside the royal palace-

A dignified mountain of aesthetically sculpted muscles sat on his throne, listening to a report from an emissary.

"My Lord! The Drolum Theocracy has finished summoning all thirteen otherworlders in various middling and large kingdoms." A muscular man wearing officer garments knelt and reported.

He was merely a Minor Blood Tyrant Noble Human, barely considered an outer member of the Tyrant Bloodline. In the olden days, such members were only fitting to be regular grunts, at most sergeants, but now, they were qualified lieutenants and captains. The Lesser Bloods, barely qualified as lieutenants, were now trusted generals. Even he, the emperor, was merely a half-blood. Such was the sorry state of the dwindling Tyrant Bloodline.

"Took them long enough. How many are duds?" The emperor lazily asked, not caring much.

Duds were failed summons, unable to adapt to their world or dangerous to keep around. Otherworlders are protagonists blessed with good luck by the gods and some support from their summoners to better adapt to this new world. However, some otherworlders misinterpret it, gaining dangerous ambitions, becoming insane, or acting dangerously.

The duds would either be abandoned by the gods, losing their protagonist protection before dying of unluckiness or put out of their misery personally.

"Five, my lord. The first is Khorghosun from the Wrinada Kingdom, who has shown a laughable desire to conquer this world while drowning in women and alcohol. The second is Ma Yang from the Nehan Kingdom, who is too bloodthirsty, short-tempered, and violent. The third is Tjaart from the Iphabeador Kingdom, who committed suicide after hearing what kind of world we have. The fourth is Deshane from the Wrinada Kingdom, who was too spoiled and went insane after not getting things her way, even attacking her supervisor, who ended her misery. And the fifth was Aakash from the Geasian Kingdom, a raving madman who got put down within the first three minutes after trying to bite the Reverand." The officer reported.

"I see, and what of the remaining eight?" The emperor asked.

"Five adults and three juveniles, of which the youngest is only a three-year-old toddler. As expected, the juveniles got adopted by their summoning royal families and educated about this world. As for the other five, one is a pure combatant, one hero, one craftsman, one  support, and one utility type." The officer said.

Summoning did not target specific age groups, often being more random than not. It could be month-old babies as well as dying aging men. While the dying people usually received a skill that extended their lives, giving them youthful and healthy bodies, juveniles were different, needing time to grow into adults. The Drolum Theocracy was not evil and would not kill them just to summon adult Otherworlders, instead adopting them and teaching them their ways. Sometimes, such adoptions were preferable over grown otherworlders since they could be taught about loyalty and instill a sense of belonging. Either way, the world would not perish in a day, year, decade, or even century, so there was plenty of time to raise them.

As for the types of otherworlders, most were not pure combatants. In actuality, pure combatants were the least desirable of the bunch. Did they lack top fighters? Of course not. At most, it added another top fighter. Instead, they preferred the other types. For example, the Hero archetype gathered a small group around him that enjoyed benefits from the hero they served, improving their talents and growing together, a position many desire. Supports could bless or curse many people with abilities and spells and were more suitable for large-scale operations. Crafting-type otherworlders were also valuable, creating marvelous items to help the kingdom and the fighters. And lastly, the utility types were those with uncategorized abilities that could be weak or strong.

"A balanced composition, I see." The Kerus Emperor nodded without much interest.

Anyway, the Kerus Dynasty had little karma with the otherworlders.

Suddenly, his expression subtly changed as he felt a hotness on his chest, but he quickly hid it.

"The first otherworlder is in—"

"Stop, no need to elaborate." The Kerus Emperor raised his hand, ceasing the officer's report. "Write and deliver a report later. Dismissed."

"Yes, my lord." The officer saluted before leaving.

As soon as the officer left, the emperor clenched his fists and closed his eyes, holding back the urge to laugh out loud in happiness!

"YES! FINALLY!!! An abandoned pup somehow fully awakened his bloodline! Such a genius! And his bloodline concentration- Hm, not bad. 33% is already good. The bloodline at least won't end in my generation." The emperor happily thought, sensing the information conveyed by the bloodline amulet.

The Bloodline Amulet was a tier-10 ancient item forged before the establishment of the Kerus Empire, able to track all bloodline descendants when worn by a recognized owner. It was one of the reasons their dynasty survived to this day. And now, the Kerus Emperor knew the situation of one of his scattered children who received no aid. A true miracle had happened.

A 33% bloodline concentration was already that of a Lesser Tyrant. It wouldn't be impossible to raise it to a half-blood genius with their resources.

However, his poker face suddenly almost broke, hastily closing his disbelieving eyes, pretending to be asleep.

"W-What?! The bloodline is- thickening?! 34%... 35%... 36%... Oh, ancestors." The Kerus emperor almost forgot himself, immersed in this miracle.

When it reached 40%, he was elated.

When it reached 50%, he was ecstatic.

When it reached 60%, his mind was almost in the clouds.

When it reached 70%, he started doubting himself.

When it reached 80%, he thought he was hallucinating.

When it reached 90%, he was already numb.

And then, the unthinkable happened.

"100%... 100%...! Ha- Hahahaha!!! HAHAHAHA!!!! LONG LIVE THE KERUS DYNASTY!!!!" The Kerus Emperor uncontrollably shivered, holding his desire to laugh so hard that it would shake the palace.

However, he quickly hid his emotions. He couldn't celebrate it. At least, not yet.

"Should I send for a platoon of dragon knights accompanied by a general? No, should I go personally?" The Kerus Emperor wondered.

However, he quickly rejected this tempting idea.

"No, too risky. Those evil things would notice and send their strongest assassins. I must endure it and wait for the child to pick the amulet." The Kerus Emperor painfully thought.

With his emotions in turmoil, he decided to go to the harem and vent his frustrations. As a result, the concubines he neglected before due to his constant depression had a fun time.




Seconds became minutes, and minutes turned to hours.

Finally, the pain subsided, and Gerhart finally unclenched his jaw and hands, feeling mentally exhausted.

"Fucking finally..." Gerhart thought and looked at his status.

The first change was his race.

Race: Human(Tyrant Tribe)

Unique Talent: Tyrant Bloodline(100%, Fully Awakened)

There were now no regular human parts in him. For better or worse, he was a pure-blooded Tyrant Human. Of course, Gerhart was happy about this.

"Thank the gods I reserved those points to level myself up." Gerhart thought as he looked at his remaining points, slightly over 20,000.

He had barely just enough to raise it to the limit.

"Phew... I should be more careful about such things next time." Gerhart thought.

Also, as expected, Gerhart's level was incomplete again due to his talent evolution and bloodline.

"A visit to the dungeon would do. But I am unsure if I can conquer the dungeon solo." Gerhart thought.

Starting from the 51st floor, the rules of the dungeon changed. Noble-class monsters begin to appear, which are a grade stronger than average. Of course, the reward of defeating them doubled.

"Oh, well. I will do it gradually." Gerhart thought. "Now... Let's check those skills I got."

Gerhart then opened his talent section and checked those talents. Many talents became evolvable, and he also gained several new ones.

{Unique Talent - Giant's Might: A treasured talent for heavy warriors, giving them the might of a giant. Majorly enhances physical might, defense, stamina, and affinity to related physical arts. Can evolve.}

Giant's Might -> Earth Dragon Power. Price: 50,000,000.

Valor -> Heroism. Price: 500,000.

Perfect Healthy Body + Perfect High Toxicity Resistance + Perfect Strong Immune System + Perfect Strong Poison Resistance + Perfect Fast Recovery + Perfect High Pain Tolerance + Extreme Grit + Font of Vitality -> Initial Endless Vitality. Price: 5,000,000.

Perfect Strong Arms + Perfect Strong Legs + Perfect Strong Body + Perfect Strong Back + Perfect Strong Tendons + Herculean Strength -> Initial Strength Supremacy. Price: 5,000,000.

Perfect Strong Bones + Perfect Strong Teeth + Perfect Strong Jaw + Perfect Durable Hair + Perfect Tough Body + Perfect Tough Skin + Perfect Tough Skull + Perfect Tough Muscles + Perfect Tenacity + Adamantine Body -> Initial Ultimate Defense(Partial). Price: 4,000,000.

Indomitable Heart + Platinum Lungs + Adamantium Kidneys + Orichalcum Liver + Mythril Brain -> Initial Holy Five Treasures. Price: 5,000,000.

Perfect Sexual Talent, Golden Rod, Balls of Titanium, Stallion, Semen Bull, Premium Semen, Powerful Prostate -> Initial Epitome of Masculinity. Price: 5,000,000.

"Well, I am glad I can evolve all of them. Most of them even have combination evolutions and sound very powerful. But why. Why?!!! What the heck is that ridiculous thing?! The epitome of masculinity?! The heck?! You know what? Forget it. I am too tired to retort." Gerhart gave up on retorting more.

Instead, Gerhart checked the new talents.

New Talents(Not Evolvable): Human Leader(Tyrant Tribe).

New Talents(Evolvable): Magic Resistant Skin, Mental Resistance, Blood Rage.

{Unique Talent - Magic Resistant Skin: Increases the skin's resistance to hostile magical effects and minorly to Aura. Can Evolve.}

{Unique Talent - Mental Resistance: Increases resistance to all mental effects. Can Evolve.}

{Unique Talent - Blood Rage: Can enter the state of Blood Rage. Increases attack, speed, and defense at the expense of sanity and temporary weakness afterward. During Blood Rage, one would have difficulty distinguishing between friend and foe. Can Evolve.}

Magic Resistant Skin -> Magic Resistant Body. Price: 5,000.

Mental Resistance -> Mental Immunity. Price: 5,000.

Blood Rage -> Berserk. Price: 5,000.

"Nice..." Gerhart thought.

Magic Resistant Skin was excellent, and Gerhart felt it was related to Initial Ultimate Defense. Otherwise, he wouldn't have awakened it.

As for Blood Rage and Mental Resistance, they were a one-package deal that complemented each other. At least, he knew that top berserkers could control themselves.

"Hm... Well, since I have the energy and already did all of this- why not?" Gerhart thought and decided to evolve all three of them.

Several minutes of (relatively) mild pain later later-

{Unique Talent - Magic Resistant Body: Greatly Increases the body's resistance to hostile magical effects and Increases resistance to Aura. Can Evolve.}

{Unique Talent - Mental Immunity: Greatly increases resistance to all mental effects. Can Evolve.}

{Unique Talent - Berserk: Can enter the state of Berserkage. Greatly increases attack, speed, and defense at the expense of sanity and significant weakness afterward. During Berserkage, one would have great difficulty distinguishing between friend and foe. Can Evolve.}

Perfect Strong Bones + Perfect Strong Teeth + Perfect Strong Jaw + Perfect Durable Hair + Perfect Tough Body + Perfect Tough Skin + Perfect Tough Skull + Perfect Tough Muscles + Perfect Tenacity + Magic Resistant Body + Adamantine Body -> Initial Ultimate Defense. Price: 5,000,000.

"Good." Gerhart mentally nodded and got up from bed.

"My Lord, have you finished strengthening yourself?" Havre, who stood like a guardian statue next to the bed, gently asked.

"Yes, Havre. Thank you for watching over me." Gerhart smiled and got up gently, careful not to over-exert his strength and break the bed. "Has there been any disturbance?"

"No, my lord. At least, I am not aware of any disturbance." Havre replied.

"Hm," Gerhart grunted, not surprised. He was awake the whole time and didn't hear anything.

He then looked at his body, which half-ripped his clothes. There was not much change yet, but he knew his genuine body would grow even more extensive now.

"I am so glad I have Partial Transformation." Gerhart thought as he shrunk his body again. Although even shrunk, he was still a mountain of a man.

His clothes were now baggy, so he threw them away before putting on new clothes. After confirming his attire, he turned to the door, "Okay, you come in now."

He was already aware they came over while he was still paralyzed from pain and patiently waited until now.

After receiving his permission, everyone who was waiting outside entered.

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