Deadmeat Saga

Chapter 76 – (Bone) Dragon Slaying! I can hack what now?!

Chapter 76 – (Bone) Dragon Slaying! I can hack what now?!

After having a peaceful breakfast, Gerhart left Ariyana and Stella with Bertrand, taking the others to the dungeon. Stella needed common sense, and Ariyana must study.

Meanwhile, Gerhart wanted to raise the others to A-rank while he continued conquering deeper floors with Havre and Qold.

Hope, To-Meri, Calvin, and Ray would continue from the 41st floor. Meanwhile, he would continue from the 51st floor, their target being the 55th floor.

From the 51st floor, the enemies started becoming mixed. There were skeletons, zombies, ghosts, and abominations. And, of course, there were evolved undead, including Death Knights, Liches, Banshees, Wights, Vampire Zombies, Ghouls, Seven-Headed Abominations, and more.

While the evolved type proved somewhat challenging to Qold, they were still no match for Gerhart and Havre. It was especially so for Gerhart, who could block and kill them with his bare body. Because of this, Gerhart triggered two Attraction Circle traps he found on the 52nd and 54th floors, earning him a wave of points that helped complete his level.

While absorbing most of the Magic Stones, Gerhart and the two women reached the safe zone before the 55th-floor boss room. Next to it, Gerhart saw three individuals resting, two male and one female. Once they saw them, they spoke in Nehanian among themselves.

"Oh? Three youngsters this deep? How rare." One of the men, a ginger archer with a balding scalp, raised his thin eyebrow and scratched his thick mustache.

"Seems like the kingdom might see the rise of several S-ranks." A silver-haired knight oiling his sword commented.

"I don't remember seeing their faces. They are not from this kingdom, I believe. Likely those rumored Youvamorians." A mature-looking beauty in blue mage clothes said.

The other two nodded and stopped commenting.

By this time, Gerhart examined them.

"Elite Archer, Elite Knight, and Elite Water Magician, each with two additional perfect talents and several complementary Advanced and Intermediate talents. Not bad. But that woman is 60?! Looks can deceive." Gerhart thought.

Without much saying, the three of them were regular humans, not even the weakest Noble Human, and couldn't evolve their talents. And this made Gerhart ask himself a curious question.

"Are the materials so scarce? Why is it so difficult to evolve?" Gerhart asked himself.

If they evolved, they could improve their stats and talents and live longer, thus achieving more in life. Why wasn't there an alchemist or something to concoct evolution elixirs for them?

Of course, asking them like this here would be rude, so he refrained from doing so and looked toward the Boss Room, which was open and empty, meaning the boss was available.

"Do you speak Youvamorian?" Gerhart asked them.

"I do, young man." The woman answered with a light smile. "What do you wish to ask?"

"Are you reserving the boss? We are in a hurry and want to continue." Gerhart said.

"You are free to take it. We old guys are farming on this floor." The woman jokingly replied.

"Okay, thank you." Gerhart nodded and walked without stopping to the boss's room.




As the three veterans watched the door close, they couldn't help but look at each other.

"They want to clear the dungeon today, don't they?" The archer couldn't help but say.

"Seems like it. Do you think those three evolved?" The knight asked.

"Perhaps. I am unsure about those two women, but that man gave me a weird feeling." The woman frowned.

"You too? I thought I was hallucinating. I almost thought I was looking at the king." The knight said with a skeptical look.

"Why would such a young Noble Human come to the Nehan Kingdom? It is just a small pond with few resources and few dangers. That man seems like the scion of a major clan accompanied by his two concubines. Why come here?" The archer asked.

"Curiosity killed the cat." The woman smiled.

"Well, I get that. If those young apprentices you bedded knew your age, then-" The archer blabbered before he suddenly felt a chill.

"What did you say? Care to repeat that?" The woman kindly smiled, a chilly air emanating from her body.

"... Sorry..." The archer lowered his head.

The knight just shook his head as he continued oiling his sword.


The door suddenly opened, surprising them.

"Hah!? It was barely two minutes, right?" The archer blinked and ran to check, seeing the muscular man and two beauties picking their spoils. "Oh, wow. They did clear it in two minutes."

"Are they that strong?!" The female magician was equally as surprised.

"I was wrong. Those three are already S-rank." The knight lamented.




Gerhart, Qold, and Havre continued conquering the dungeon, soon reaching the 60th floor after triggering 15 more Attraction Circle traps, of which 10 were on the 60th floor.

As for why? Of course, that is to farm energy and level up!






"HAHAHAHA!!!" Gerhart loudly laughed as he beat hundreds of undead.

These poor undead dungeon spawns became Gerhart's punching bags. He was like a bull in a china shop, smashing everything, and he found it addicting.

Of course, the undead tried to kill this intruder, but most of their attacks only left white marks. Only the evolved undead made a dent in his defense, but every minor wound he suffered would heal within seconds. The ghosts fared slightly better, but their attacks proved useless against Gerhart's immense vitality and mental and magical defenses, and he tore them apart with his Aura.

Although they deliberately searched for these traps, and it took time to absorb thousands of Magic Stones, Gerhart's increasingly powerful body allowed him to absorb energy faster. By the time he reached level 60, it took less than a second per stone. It enabled him to tackle five waves in two hours, a monstrous feat. Havre and Qold also took turns receiving blessings, soon reaching level 60. Even then, he still had over a million to spare.

Once he finished absorbing this wave, Gerhart, Havre, and Qold reached the boss room. The doors were wide open, the boss room having no opened chest. It was ripe for the taking.

"Let's clear this quickly and go home," Gerhart said, stretching his neck.

"With master's strength, it shouldn't take long." Qold smiled.

"I shall handle the others, so please enjoy your fight with the boss to your heart's content, my lord," Havre added.

"Hopefully, it would be a bit more entertaining," Gerhart said and entered the room, Havre and Qold following him.

Creak* Thud*

As soon as they reached the center of the room, the double doors closed behind them, and a magic circle shone in the center of the room as a Bone Dragon emerged.

Not to be mixed with Undead Dragons, Bone Dragons are a collection of bones in the shape of dragon skeletons. While generally weaker copies, Bone Dragons are still formidable top A-rank monsters, at the very least, but have low intelligence and growth potential compared to true Undead Dragons.

The specimen here was 4m tall and 12.5m long, with a big head with baleful purple soul flames and chilly undead energy emanating from it. Accompanying it were a Death Knight, a Lich, an Abomination, and a Banshee.

Name: Chuthayr
Race: Elite Bone Dragon(Final Dungeon Boss)
Age: 0.
Sex: Androgynous.
Level: 60

Skills: (+)

Base Stats:


Secondary Stats: (+)



"GROWL!!!" Bone dragon Chuthayr let out a howl, emitting its Draconic Terror.

As top predators, Dragons specialized in bullying the weak. Although the Bone Dragon was not genuine, it could still emit the Draconic Terror iconic to all Dragons. Most creatures that feel it feel instinctive fear toward it.

Havre mostly shrugged it off but was mildly affected, but Qold got shaken. Havre could exert 95% combat prowess, while Qold was at 85%. If they were weaker, it might lower their combat ability by up to 90% or make them paralyzed! That was the terror of fear effects.

However, Gerhart, who had the Valor talent and was a pure-blooded Tyrant Human, was immune to this fear effect. Instead, it made him excited. A primal desire from his bloodline urged him to fight and kill this lofty creature, an instinct to fight the strong for dominance.

"I'll tackle the Bone Dragon. Hold off the others." Gerhart said, his eyes locked on the Bone Dragon as if looking at prey.

Havre gently smiled. "Have fun, my lord-"


Before Havre could finish her sentence, Gerhart charged like a mad bull at Chuthayr.

"GYAO?!" The soul flames in the Bone Dragon's eye sockets were shocked at the audacity of this human.

It was a dragon, and this warrior dared recklessly charge at it? Did it have a death wish? Did it not see how big it was? That physical combat was its forte? As a dragon, it was resistant to Magic and Aura. Usually, the tactic to take it down was to use holy items to lower its defenses before striking, but this human recklessly charged at its ultra-tough body without support. It was reckless foolery.

But soon, it fully understood that the human was not the one who should fear it. It should have feared the human.


With a maniacal grin, Gerhart smashed his fist against the Bone Dragon's most formidable part, its skull- And broke its snout and several teeth.

"GYAO!!!" Chuthayr yelled, forced back several steps by the punch. Its soul flames shook violently with incomprehension and horror. That human didn't even use Aura! Since when were fragile humans so physically formidable?!

It didn't know that, despite technically being human, Gerhart was a Pure-Blooded Tyrant Human with all the physical talents that the Bone Dragon had and the even more superior Giant's Might and other talents. Even as an Elite variant, the Bone Dragon was outclassed in its forte.

"HAHAHA!!! FIGHT ME, LITTLE BONE TURD!!!" Gerhart laughed in excitement and charged again, letting loose.

He was fighting a (Bone) Dragon solo! How exciting was that?! How many stories did he hear as a child? How long did he envy his masters for slaying dragons like chickens and dogs? Now, he would kill a (Bone) Dragon!

The other four undead were shocked at the display. That was a Bone Dragon! And that human just sent it reeling backward and shattering parts of its skull with a punch! If that hit them- They would be heavily injured on the spot or die!

Suddenly, the Undead Knight felt a chill and raised its shield to block.


Havre, taking this opportunity, launched an attack on the Undead Knight.

"Your opponent is me!" Havre declared as she slashed at the undead.

"Disturb! Confusion! Bloodlust! Mental Blast!" Qold cast Mental and Lust spells on the Lich and Banshee.

"Urgh... Annoying wench..." The Lich cursed, grabbing its aching head.

"Gya!!! I'm going to kill! Kill! Kill!" The Banshee screamed in madness and suddenly attacked the Lich.

"Stop, you stupid thing!" The Lich angrily yelled.

Meanwhile, Chuthayr sent a tail whip at Gerhart, its most powerful move.


Gerhart deliberately let it hit him to know what it felt like. The impact area was okay, but he felt his blood churn and his insides rattle from the shockwave of the attack. However, thanks to his talents reinforcing his inner organs, he only felt momentarily shaken as he struggled against the tail, grabbing it. It also made him realize the importance of the five organ reinforcement talents.

"A formidable body can reduce the shockwave but not eliminate it. If the organs are weak, then it would inevitably damage my insides, lowering my combat prowess as I fight and potentially fatal. Perhaps I should evolve the Holy Five Treasures first?" Gerhart wondered as he smashed his fist against the tail.


"GYAO!!!" The Bone Dragon cried, its tail broken by Gerhart's brute force.

Before it could reorganize itself, Gerhart charged at its head again. But this time, he latched onto it instead of punching.

"Gotcha... Hehehe!" Gerhart gave it a dangerous laugh.

"What is this human planning to do?!" Chuthayr shook.

But then, it felt its skull becoming tight as pain ran through its head.

Crack* Crack* Crack*

"N-No way! It wants to crush my head?!" The thought sent sheer terror into the Bone Dragon's soul fire.

A rodent-like human wanted to crush its head?! With its bare hands?!

"GYAO!!!" "As if I would let you!" Enraged, Chuthayr roared and tried clawing at Gerhart's back.

Creak* Creak*

Although it managed to tear the clothes on his back to shreds, its claws only left shallow scratches on Gerhart's back, which healed in the blink of an eye. It tried smashing against the dungeon walls, but Gerhart was too resilient.

However, Gerhart was dissatisfied with the time it took to crush the skull, so he used his new talent.

"BERSERK!" Gerhart mentally roared as his muscles and veins suddenly bulged, his skin turning crimson red.

"ROAR!!!!" Feeling a burst of strength and a sanity-consuming madness engulfing his mind, Gerhart's constriction on the Dragon's skull amplified.

"GYAO!!!" "No Way- to die like this— CRUNCH*."

With a tragic death cry followed by a sickening crunch, the Dragon's skull shattered, its soul flames dying.

The four undead, still fighting Havre and Qold, couldn't help but shiver as they saw the Final Boss meet such a tragic end. Even Havre and Qold stopped fighting, stunned at the scene.

"Shh*" Gerhart breathed hot steam from his gritted teeth, and his eyes flashed red with insanity.

However, he also felt a counteracting force balancing it. It was his Mental Immunity working its wonders.

"I think I can control it. Or, at least, direct it." Gerhart thought as he glanced at his next target, the fat Abomination.


The Abomination, renowned for being a literal meat tank, was smashed into meatpaste on the wall in a moment with a shoulder tackle. Without stopping, Gerhart switched his target to the Lich protected by magical barriers.


Gerhart tore through the magical defenses, shattering the Lich inside with another body tackle.

"Phew*" Gerhart breathed out again, his body cooling down as he felt slightly drained.

He looked at Havre, Qold, the Undead Knight, and the Banshee.

"Go ahead and fight. Tell me if you need help." Gerhart said and rested on the side.

"Yes, my lord!"

"Yes, master!"

The two women readily replied and continued fighting the two despairing undead.

"What are we?! Training dummies?!" The two undead retorted as they fought the two women.

But without the Dragon Terror and their ally, the two undead quickly lost ground before dying.

As the final opponent died, the monsters became loot. The Bone Dragon, in particular, dropped a helmet and two dozen Magic Stones.

This helmet had the shape of a dragon on it.

"A helmet?" Gerhart raised an eyebrow and appraised it.

{Equipment - Chuthayr's Skull Helmet(S): Chuthayr's Skull is its most formidable bone! It is super tough, has self-recovery, and can emit Dragon Terror(Pseudo).}

Gerhart's mouth twitched. "I just crushed your skull, and you give me a helmet as tough as your skull? Are you mocking me?"

This item was likely the most valuable drop from Chuthayr and could fetch over 10,000 Silver Coins. However, Gerhart didn't find much use for it, so he figured he would give it to Calvin.

While thinking about that, a golden light shined from the ground as a golden chest appeared. At the same time, an obelisk emerged at the end of the room. That Obelisk would send those who cleared the dungeon back to the first floor. There was no teleportation obelisk to the 60th floor, needing to start from the 56th floor again.

"My lord! We cleared the dungeon!" Havre happily said.

"Master, here is a spare shirt and pants," Qold said, taking some spare clothes from their bag. Although she called them clothes, they were equipment drops from monsters.

With Gerhart's fighting style, it was inevitable his clothes would get ruined after fighting, so he needed spare clothes. Gerhart wasted his spare clothes and put on the equipment dropped after slaughtering thousands of monsters and opening chests.

In particular, what Qold gave were leather pants from the Abomination and a cloak from the Banshee.

"Ah, thanks." Gerhart smiled, tore off his rags, and put on the clothes.

After he finished, Gerhart went to the chest and rubbed his hands together. "Let's see what I will get."

He then opened the chest and found-

"What the? A monocle?" Gerhart raised an eyebrow and gently picked it up.

{Wonderous Item - Appraisal Monocle: Can be used to cast Appraise Status on others. Use Count: 1,000.}

"I don't know if I am lucky or unlucky," Gerhart said with twitching lips.

Appraisal Monocle was a valuable item that could gauge the potential of others without the relevant talent! With a use count of 1,000 times, it had a market value of 100,000 Silver Coins, 100 Silver Coins for each use. The item's value came from finding hidden Late Bloomers or appraising suspicious individuals without risking the valuable life of Status Appraisers.

Such an item would only drop from 50th-floor dungeon boss treasure boxes and above, and the chance of it dropping was slim. And even then, the version on the 50th floor was an item with 50 uses, not 1,000.

Since there was high demand and low supply, it would get sold when he put it on the counter, given the market price.

"Eh, forget it. I will treat it as getting some money." Gerhart shrugged and carefully pocketed it.

With that done, the trio headed to the Obelisk.

When Gerhart placed his hand on it, he suddenly received an unexpected notification.

Detected Tier-6 Self-Automated Resource Extraction Core.

Scanning- Success! No active administrator was detected.

Hack Controlling Rights?

Cost: 1,000,000.

"Oh... shit."

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