Deadmeat Saga

Chapter 75 – Slime Girl. Hatred of the world! 1,000,000 Bounty!!!

Chapter 75 – Slime Girl. Hatred of the world! 1,000,000 Bounty!!!

Hope, Qold, To-Meri, Bertrand, and Ariyana entered the room.

"My lord." The five saluted.

"You didn't need to wait for me, you know? I would have seen your changes tomorrow." Gerhart smiled.

"We want to show our support, however meager," Hope smiled back.

The others also nodded.

"Thank you," Gerhart said and looked at their changes.

As expected, Hope, Qold, and To-Meri change. They were more powerful, but that was all.

However, Bertrand and Ariyana were different, especially Ariyana. 

Bertrand was initially an average-looking man in his mid-twenties, but now, he was more suave. He had a serene, eloquent temperament, ready to serve any time.

{Unique Talent - Elite Butler(Evolvable): The all-in-one talent for butlers fit to serve royalty. Greatly improves cleaning, cooking, gardening, animal care, financial management, house management, attention to detail, balance, interpersonal communication, and etiquette. It also improves charm and temperament. Can Evolve.}

{Unique Talent - Elite Pugilist(Evolvable): Greatly increases all physical stats and instincts, hand-to-hand combat, and Aura Control. Evolvable.}

{Unique Talent - Elite Lizard Warrior(Evolvable): Greatly increases all physical stats, natural regeneration, and the strength and defense of lizard body parts. Evolvable.}

"Not bad." Gerhart nodded, satisfied.

Having an elite butler that can also beat the crap out of any bad guests was a pretty darn good feeling.

"Thank you, my lord. I shall serve to the best of my abilities." Bertrand courtly bowed.

Gerhart then looked at Ariyana, the Tinkerer half his height. Although still malnourished, she was no longer an ugly-looking plain girl with sickly skin and hair. Her skin was glossy, her hair healthier, her ruby eyes shining with intelligence, and her face minorly adjusted to a more appealing look, becoming a cute and bright girl. Her three talents have also awakened and evolved.

{Unique Talent - All Smith(Evolvable): Greatly increases affinity to all crafting skills. Can Evolve.}

{Unique Talent - Innovative Mind(Evolvable): Greatly increases intelligence and creative thinking. Can Evolve.}

{Unique Talent - Elite Technomancer(Evolvable): Greatly increases Magic, Intelligence, Perception, and Dexterity. In addition, it greatly increases Magic Control and affinities to Metal, Electricity, and Advanced Technology. Can Evolve.}

The unwanted Jack of All Trades became the much-coveted All Smith, the wet dream of many craftsmen. With this talent, she was like an uncaged bird, skilfully exploring and integrating all crafting professions. Of course, she would still need time to learn, but with her increased intelligence and talent, she wouldn't need much time.

The Creative Mind talent is good, and the Innovative Mind talent is excellent. Combined with All Smith, it became even more powerful!

Coupled with Elite Technomancer, Ariyana was a top-level craftsman and researcher!

"How do you feel, Ariyana?" Gerhart kindly asked.

"I. Feel. Great." Ariyana said with stiff Youvamorian and smiled.

Gerhart raised an eyebrow and looked toward Qold.

"She learned how to speak while we were waiting. She is very clever." Qold smiled and cast Multilinguism on Ariyana.

"Aw... I wanted to show my language skills to master." Ariyana puffed her cheeks and glared at Qold.

"It is late, Ariyana. Let us not waste too much of master's precious resting time." Qold reminded.

"Fine," Ariyana begrudgingly said and looked toward Gerhart. "Master, my body feels lighter, and a fog lifted from my mind. The things I couldn't understand now feel so simple. At least I can count with more than ten fingers." She jokingly said.

Gerhart amusedly smiled, "That's good. I want you to study, so don't distract yourself with other things."

"Gladly!" Ariyana said, her eyes turning to crescents. To her, there was no greater reward.

Gerhart looked at everyone and said, "Everyone, go to rest. We have a long day tomorrow."

That night, Gerhart soundly rested with his three women without having any action. Although they were full of energy, he was mentally exhausted and needed some rest. However, Gerhart couldn't help but feel he was forgetting something.

"Eh... I will think about it tomorrow..." Gerhart thought and soundly slept.

In the bathroom, a translucent figure looked out of the window, dazed as it looked at the moons and stars through its new, dainty hands.

"Pre... tty..."




The next morning-

Gerhart and the girls woke up, energized from a peaceful slumber, and headed to the bathroom for a simple wash and to brush their teeth.

But when Gerhart opened the door, he was stunned to see a translucent naked woman in the middle of her twin peaks. Her white hair flowed like creamy waterfalls, and her white eyes combined the innocence and curiosity of a child and the desire of an adult. Her face, perfect in every way, was a combination of Hope's prettiness, Havre's sculpted beauty, and Qold's seductiveness, and her petite yet stacked body was as cute as it was charming and alluring. The dawning sun shined through the window on her translucent body, her body sparkling orange. However, the girl's joined legs turned into watery goo below the knees and had a fist-sized white core between her twin peaks, indicating her race.

"Stella?" Gerhart widened his eyes. He finally understood what he had forgotten.

"Uwa..." Hope also widened her eyes.

"A work of art..." Havre muttered.

"Interesting..." Qold narrowed her eyes as she looked at Stella's body.

"Mas... ter?" Stella opened her white lips and clumsily said with a serene voice.

"Oh? You can finally speak!" Gerhart immediately smiled and analyzed her.

Name: Stella
Race: Slime Girl(Cleaner)
Age: 37
Sex: Female(Amorphous)
Level: 40

Skills: (+)

Base Stats:


Secondary Stats: (+)



{Unique Talent - Semen Absorption: A talent common in female sexual monsters. You can absorb male essence to gain energy and significant benefits.}

{Unique Talent - Mana Speech: Can innately vibrate the mana in the body and air, mimicking speech.}

{Unique Talent - Division: Gain the ability to reproduce through division, creating independent, inferior clones once the user reaches critical mass. Clones will initially view the parent body with friendliness.}

{Unique Talent - Erotic Maid: Special maids who can do all types of housework but mostly specialize in seducing and pleasing their masters with their bodies.}

{Unique Talent - Pleasant Smell: The body always smells good, deodorizes foul smells, and blocks sexual pheromones. When sexually excited, it releases all sexual pheromones, and the scent becomes lewd.}

{Unique Talent - Bubbly Slime: Use the slime on your body to create pleasant-feeling bubbles. It is useful when washing items or in certain plays.}

{Unique Talent - Soap Liquid Production(Slime): Use the accumulated energy in the body to create different kinds of slime soaps for different purposes.}

From Androgynous, she became a female. However, Slime Girls did not multiply through pregnancy but through division, creating inferior copies of themselves, and can asexually reproduce once they have sufficient nutrients. Also, because Slime Girls are biologically immortal, they limit their division via Slime Farming, producing slime products. In her case, it is Slime Soap, an expensive product.

Although Slime Girls are a superior race of slimes, they have low combat power compared to similarly ranked slimes. Instead, they had talents that helped them integrate into society. In particular, Stella specialized in cleaning and- erotic service.

"Slime Girls do belong in the brothel." Gerhart thought, his lips twitching as he looked at her talent set.

She had almost zero combat talent, and her only value was that of an erotic maid unable to survive outside civilized society. Of course, that was if he didn't include her level, stats, and unawakened spatial talents.

"Stella, how do you feel?" Gerhart asked.

"Weird." Stella slowly said, still unused to human speech.

"Hm... I see." Gerhart nodded. "Can you try producing yourself slime clothes?"

He knew that Slime Girls had this ability. They could manipulate their slime body and produce clothes. Although not real clothes, it was better than being naked.

"I... Try..." Stella said before frowning.

Slowly, translucent maid clothes started forming on her body. However, the clothes barely covered her breasts and loins, appearing erotic.

"Is this normal?" Havre doubtfully asked.

"I want that..." Hope muttered as she looked at those clothes.

"We are on the same page..." Qold also wanted those clothes for similar reasons.

"Stella, where did you live before being sold?" Gerhart couldn't help but ask.

Stella entered deep thought. "I. Think. It called. Brothel? Many. Moans. Much. Food. Nice. Masters." She said, her voice sounding clearer.

"I knew it..." Gerhart warily thought.

"What should we do with her now? We can't bring her to the city, or the temples will slaughter her." Hope said.

The human religious system was kind to all humans but highly xenophobic, viewing anything other than humans as second-class at best and vile creatures to destroy at worst. Beastkin, Elves, Dwarves, Tinkerers, Orcs, and similar demi-humans were part of the second class, begrudgingly tolerated, not allowed land or positions of power, and forced to pay extra taxes. In a nutshell, How Christians and especially Muslims historically treated minority groups.

Because of this, in territories that allow Demi-Humans to be citizens, the most powerful are adventurers, merchants, and bankers, never allowed to be anything more influential than Grand Burghers.

In the case of Slime Girls, essentially monsters in humanoid form, the temples might kill them on sight as heretical abominations. Only creatures sanctified by the temples are allowed to exist.

"For now, we shall keep her in the manor. We can also attempt to sanctify her, but that is a gamble. The temples might kill her on the spot." Gerhart said.

"There is no choice." Havre nodded.

"We can assign her to Bertrand for now," Qold suggested.

"That is a good idea. Stella's talents suit this role." Hope agreed.

Erotic Maid she may be, but a maid she is. 

"Okay then. Stella, you will work with Bertrand from now on, alright?" Gerhart said.

"Yes. Master." Stella bowed, her translucent cleavage showing.




At the same time-

In an inn inside Droham City-

Ma Yang woke up from his state of Cultivation and checked his status.

Name: Ma Yang
Race: Human(Otherworlder)
Age: 20
Sex: Male
Level: 18

Skills: (+)

Base Stats:


Secondary Stats: (+)



"Good." Ma Yang smiled.

After cultivating and slaying unrighteous villains, his level, stats, and talents noticeably improved. The more powerful the villain, the greater the feedback from Heaven Rewards the Righteous.

As a righteous cultivator, Ma Yang knew the vagueness of Righteousness. It is following your heart to do what you believe is right. In his case, he believes that anything that does him wrong is a villain, so as long as he has justification, anyone he kills counts as part of Heaven Rewards the Righteous!

However, the amount of feedback also depended on the preconceived sins of the other opponent. For example, dungeon monsters. Did they attack Ma Yang? Certainly! Did they attack others? Of course! But did they harm anyone who didn't enter their dungeon? No. Because of that, the feedback from killing them was minimal.

However, killing humans, especially those who targeted him out of greed and malice, brought significant feedback. Regardless of good or evil, the righteous get rewarded. He got rewarded for killing those escaped slave bandits, and he got rewarded for killing those Dungeon Explorers in the dungeon for having ill intentions against him because he believed they would harm others.

That was also why he freely sought justification to kill others for ambiguous reasons, although that one whore that touched him was mainly out of self-defense. As a sect-raised scion, to be touched by a woman, especially a mortal whore, was a horrible offense! From where he came from, street whores would never solicit noblemen since it was punishable by death. Even high-ranking MingJi never dared actively touch, only soliciting others through their beauty, songs, and performances. Even demonic-sect whores who steal male yang energy to cultivate would only approach touching distance when they were sure the other party was at their mercy.

In his opinion, he was perfectly justified, and therefore, he was righteous. Anything that defied the norm was demonic. At least, that was the common standpoint in his world.

These thoughts also slowly birthed a dangerous idea.

"What if I consider everyone else as demonic? Wouldn't I do justice to the world by killing everyone then?" Ma Yang got tempted.

Of course, that was just a thought. Ma Yang was unable to brainwash himself into believing innocent regular people to be demonic. However-

"The temples and those in power are evil for summoning me to this world. Therefore, it is righteous for me to kill them, right?" Ma Yang narrowed his eyes.

Shaking his head from these thoughts, Ma Yang got up from bed, hoisted his trusty Tang Sword, and headed out of the inn room after taking his belongings. He then went to the adjacent room and knocked on the door.

"Miss Libania? Are you ready?" Ma Yang called out, ready for another day in the dungeon.

However, there was no answer.

"Odd... Did she head downstairs?" Ma Yang thought.

With that thought, Ma Yang descended the stairs. As soon as he was in the inn's bar, Ma Yang couldn't help but feel a sense of danger and hostility directed toward him.

"Hm?! Who dares to have evil intentions on me?!" Ma Yang became alert and started to look around.

He was sensitive to hostility as a cultivator, and his new talents improved it by a margin.

However, he soon realized that this danger and hostility was not from a person. It was from-

"Everywhere. Everything has become- hostile to me. The world hates me!" This thought sent a shiver down Ma Yang's spine.

For the first time after coming to this world, he felt afraid. He then recalled that Princess Libania was not in her room.

"I- She abandoned me! The bitch knew this would happen, so she left!" This thought shook Ma Yang.

Feeling a growing sense of danger, Ma Yang started becoming paranoid.

"I-I must leave this city! NOW!"

Ma Yang hastened his steps, placing the room key on the innkeeper's bar, not daring to make contact with anyone, and started to leave, not wanting to linger for a second. It was his survival instinct as a cultivator going on high alert.

"Hey! You forgot to pay!" The innkeeper demanded with narrowed eyes.

"I paid you yesterday for three days!" Ma Yang turned back and snapped.

"I don't remember that. Pay up, or I will call the guards." The innkeeper threatened.

"He is targeting me! It must be the world's hatred!" Ma Yang shivered as he felt more hostile gazes on him.

The more he delayed, the more these people would find trouble with him, and they would entangle him to death! Ma Yang quickly fished a Gold Coin, slammed it on the bar, and hastily left without a word, not daring to reason with the unreasonable man.

"Hey! You disrespectful hooligan! I am not done with you!" The innkeeper's angry voice sounded in the background, Ma Yang fleeing.

As Ma Yang hastily walked through the streets, he felt the unpleasant gazes of people, as if seeing vile vermin. Luckily, the inn was close to the city exit, only several hundred steps.

But only a hundred steps later-

Shlick* Jingle*

"What the?!" Ma Yang widened his eyes as his coin pouch was skillfully cut by a pickpocket before running away.

Due to his nervousness, he was unable to sense this coming.

Ma Yang instinctively wanted to give chase, but he endured it, only hastening his steps to the gates.

However, just as he was about to leave-

"Hold! You look suspicious! Show me your identity card." The gatekeeper stopped Ma Yang.

These guards didn't stop others from leaving, but they stopped Ma Yang because they felt he behaved suspiciously and didn't like his behavior. Of course, Ma Yang knew that this was the influence of the world's hatred.

Ma Yang was about to pull out his identity card, but his face suddenly turned green as he remembered he placed it in his pouch.

"Well? What is taking you so long? Show me your card!" The guard demanded, his grip on his halberd tightening. Two more guards were attracted to the commotion and slowly approached with hostility.

"... Fine. If that is how you want it, then so be it!" Ma Yang's eyes reddened with insanity as he quickly drew his sword and slashed.

Slash* Slash* Slash* Pft* Pft* Pft* Thud* Thud* Thud*

Three slashes, three spurts of blood, and three heads fell to the ground.




The surrounding people quickly yelled murder, drawing the attention of more people.

But Ma Yang was not having any of it. He didn't plan on playing by their rules and ran as fast as his legs could through the gates.

"LOWER THE GATES!" The guards yelled, trying to close the gates and trap Ma Yang within.

However, they were not in wartime, so they were poorly prepared for this scenario as Ma Yang escaped, stole a horse, and rode away.

"YAH! YAH!!!" Ma Yang hastened the horse, his eyes red and his teeth gritted.

The further he was from the city, the safer he felt. Luckily, the horse was not hostile to him, or he would have been trapped to death!

Ma Yang soon disappeared into the woods, and a bounty was sent by pigeons to all nearby cities.


Target Name: Ma Yang(Otherworlder)

Description: A very handsome, fair-skinned, black-haired, clean-shaven 20-year-old man with black eyes and evil sword-like eyebrows, holding an eccentric straight sword. He is quick to anger and with a short temper, A Highly Dangerous Murder Maniac! Due to his repeated crimes, a high bounty was donated by various forces, including the temples, the crown, the Dungeon Explorers Guild, and the Adventurers Guild. Don't attempt to capture unless B-rank or above!

Crimes: Mass Murderer(17 civilians, 12 Dungeon Explorers, 3 City Guards), Crippling an innocent civilian.

Danger Rating: B-rank and above.

Bounty: 1,000,000 Silver Coins. All his belongings. Royal Recognition. The Temple's Favor. Enough reputation for A-rank Adventurer Status for up to four people(Global)(Requires proof of strength).

Proof: His head. (Preferably also his sword).

Note: Anyone from any background can take up this request! Kill on sight!

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