Deadmeat Saga

Chapter 84 – The heavens are generous! 100% Golden Marrow! Are you trying to give me a heart attack?!

Chapter 84 – The heavens are generous! 100% Golden Marrow! Are you trying to give me a heart attack?!

The next day-

At breakfast-

"Young master Ray, say ahn~."

"A-Ah... Mmm."

Ray awkwardly sat near a young girl with glossy skin and blushing cheeks who appeared exceptionally clingy and lovey-dovey toward him, even spoon-feeding him next to her family, not caring about her surroundings.

However, everyone gave their silent approval. After all, that was a young S-rank powerhouse! They only took it as her trying to please this man so he would favor her the following night as well and hopefully take her as a concubine on a wild whim.

With the Duke's heritage and Ray's direct bloodline, their child should be talented! And even if Ray decides to take his daughter and the child as his, that would be even better! It would invisibly tie a powerhouse to them, and they could use his name to intimidate aggressors in drastic situations or give them a way out if all things fail. After all, it was the family of his beloved concubine, the mother of his children.

However, the main focus this time was not Ray. It was Gerhart. The Duke naturally learned of what happened last night from his servants. He knew the two maids assigned to him spent the night in Gerhart's room. Travel-worn and with two top beauties by his side, Gerhart was still unsatisfied and ate two maids. The Duke was making a wild gamble, but he never imagined Gerhart to be so- insatiable. It made him doubt his earlier decision of not offering one of his daughters to him, instructing his three available other daughters to try to flirt with him.

And lo and behold, not only did Gerhart give them a friendly smile, the two women beside them had a warm attitude toward them!

"Do they love him that much? Or was I mistaken, and they were slave-wives? Are they looking for another concubine? Or perhaps Gerhart is so good in bed that they welcome anyone who helps to please him?" The Duke tried to guess.

Regardless, the two maids who spent the night with him didn't look miserable, only shaky, and were as happy as his daughter and her handmaiden. It was unmistakable that they had the night of their lives!

And they didn't think it was improper for him to have many women. Powerful men always had many women. He had a wife and two concubines and was still one of the moderate nobles. The temples even allowed the kings to wed three wives and four concubines, and it didn't include their side women. It was to encourage powerful men to pass on their bloodline and ensure the strength and prosperity of humanity. Hence, giving his daughter to this man to impregnate was within the temple's doctrine!

"Maybe I should discuss it with him later..." The Duke thought.

On the other hand, Gerhart didn't care about the little thoughts of the Duke. Why would he hesitate if a woman sent herself to his door and he liked her enough? His urge to breed seemed to intensify after becoming a pure-blooded Tyrant and creating the Epitome of Masculinity talent, so he welcomed them.

After breakfast, Gerhart and Hope headed alone to the dungeon, leaving Ray and To-Meri in the city. Their task was simple- to scout for talents. With To-Meri's luck, they might run into someone talented. They both had Analyze Status, had thousands of Silver Coins in their cards, and had the backing of Duke Kerularios so they could recruit/purchase the talents they needed.




Inside the dungeon-

42nd floor-

A B-rank group of Dungeon Explorers explored the dungeon while fighting monsters.

Clang* Clang* Slash* Psh* Plop*

A troll's head fell to the ground as it turned into a Magic Stone.

"And that's the last one. These trolls are so sturdy." A warrior complained.

"They are trolls. They specialize in self-healing but are weak to fire." A fire magician said.

"Luckily, they are also simple and predictable, so there is little risk." An archer smiled as he bent to pick his arrows and Magic Stones.

Just then-




Bam* Bam* Bam* Bam*

"W-What the hell was that?" The warrior exclaimed.

"It sounds like monsters are fighting something, and it is coming this way!" The archer exclaimed as he backed away from an intersection.

"I'll make a firewall..." The magician said, preparing his spell.

Just as they were prepared to face a great enemy-


"GUHAAA!!" An ugly troll got sent flying, crashing on the floor.

Moments later, a muscular man charged forward, not glancing at the dying troll as he merely charged past it, a pretty girl running after him.

Several seconds later, the troll died, turning into a Magic Stone, a Troll Leather, and a Teleportation Stone. Only then did the stunned trio wake up.

"D-Did that just happen?!" The warrior exclaimed, looking at the two item drops.

"Y-Yes. It seems like it." The magician said, canceling his spellcasting.

"And they continued running like that without glancing at the item drops." The archer said.

"S-Should we take it?" The warrior hesitantly asked.

"Gya! Guga! Gyao!"

"... I don't think they even care." The magician concluded.

"Who are those crazy bastards? That's an S-rank warrior, right?" The archer asked.

"I don't know if even an S-rank warrior can casually do that." The warrior muttered.

"Wait... are they the heroes who slayed Ma Yang?" The magician suddenly exclaimed.

"The mass murderer who wiped the Earth Chasers yesterday with a million bounty on his head, that Ma Yang?!" The archer shook.

"I thought Gratian was just exaggerating." The warrior skeptically said.

"Gratian never exaggerates anything and is a blabbermouth when drunk. He got wasted yesterday after his close shave with death and told everyone and their mother about what he saw. And I believe him. At least Guild Master Vigilius didn't refute him, which means it was likely true." The magician said.

"Then... Why are they here?" The warrior asked.

"Maybe they are bored?" The magician shrugged.

"I don't know about you, but I'm taking that!" The archer said as he rushed to take the free loot.

The two others exchanged a look before scampering to take the free drops.




After rushing through the dungeon like an unstoppable force, it only took Gerhart and Hope four and a half hours to reach the 50th-floor boss room, averaging five minutes per floor. It was thanks to their superhuman strength and stamina and Hope's directions.

And now-

Gerhart held the troll chieftain by its ugly head. It howled in pain as its skull was being crushed alive.


"So fucking weak." Gerhart apathetically said, shaking his hands from the gore and brain matter splattering on him as it slowly dispersed into drop items. "Hope, will we get bothered?"

"No. I don't sense anyone would come." Hope shook her head.

"Okay. Gather the loot. Although it is chump change, we should present something to the guild." Gerhart shrugged.

If he controlled the dungeon, he could generate whatever items he wanted, including "priceless" ones. He technically had infinite money if he could sell it all. With that said, it is unreasonable to do this.

Gerhart went ahead and touched the dungeon Obelisk, and sure enough, it was a tier-5 dungeon and cost 100,000 points to hack. So he didn't hesitate-

Hacking In Progress- Successful!

Warning! Detected a highly covert one-sided connection to an unknown entity siphoning Magical, Life, and Soul Energy.

Probing- Success!

The entity is dormant and unable to respond to stimuli. However, the entity is too powerful to be influenced. (Required Stage 4 Ascension.)

Blocking Connection - Success!

Congratulations on acquiring complete control over a Tier-5 Resource Extraction Core!

"It happened again. There is no mistake about it. The dungeons are funneling energy to that thing. Are all dungeons like this? How many years did it sap the energy from this world? How much energy did it steal?" Gerhart narrowed his eyes.

It was like many leeches sucked the planet dry to feed some unknown creature. It made Gerhart shiver.

However, Gerhart ignored those useless thoughts and checked the dungeon's situation. Sure enough-

Energy: 999,892,655/1,000,000,000

The energy inside the dungeon regenerated somewhat more slowly than the one in Tabarga, but not by too much, recovering three points a second.

"It might be related to the population density surrounding the dungeon. It might work similarly to my Statue of Conquest." Gerhart thought.

Gerhart then checked the settings, and sure enough, they were the same disgusting settings as before.

"Fuck this bastard! I will conquer all the dungeons in the land and flood you with influence. When I get my hands on you, I will force you to cough up all that energy you swallowed and give it back to this world, even if it is the last thing I do!" Gerhart cursed in righteous indignation.

Suddenly, Gerhart felt massive feedback from Heaven Rewards the Righteous!

Energy infusion targeted at the host was detected.

It is detected to be a beneficial Universe-Based Blessing connected to talent- Heaven Rewards the Righteous.

Focus: Reinforcing the Body's foundation to the limit

Assessing risks- None.

The host may choose one of two options:

Option 1: Allow energy infusion.
Option 2: Convert to Energy. Estimated: 100,000,000 points.

"Oh!?" Gerhart exclaimed in shock.

All he did was conquer the dungeons to help the world, but he suddenly received such astronomical feedback! Although it was merely a tenth of the value of the dungeon in question, it was an amount he could hardly dream of a month ago!

"Wow, luckily, Ma Yang never got so much energy, or he would have been much harder to defeat." Gerhart secretly sweated.

This energy was enough to copy a tier-7 talent like Earth Dragon's Power. It made him realize the potential of Otherworlders.

Shaking out of his worry, Gerhart didn't hesitate and selected option 1. He wanted to see what would happen.

Suddenly, Gerhart felt a calm energy wash over his body. The energy scanned him, looking for something to improve, but found nothing. Gerhart was already fully developed, his foundation solid and profound.

Hence, the energy looked at Gerhart's bloodline and surged into it, specifically his marrow.

"Ghk..." Gerhart gritted his teeth as he felt his marrow being cleansed and purified.

In his body, the red and yellowish marrow slowly turned golden.






All of his marrow turned golden!

And then, it started producing golden blood cells, gradually replacing the red blood cells in his veins!

Gerhart couldn't help but check his status. His race and bloodline changed!

Race: Tyrant Human(100% Golden Marrow)(Evolvable)

{Tyrant Bloodline(100% Golden Marrow): A human-lineage bloodline that drastically improves the physique, crushing all obstacles with brute force. It is fully developed, developing the complete Golden Marrow of the body, allowing the Golden Evolution.}





In the Kerus Dynasty-

The Emperor was having a relaxing dinner with his remaining wives and concubines. He barely had seven now after many got assassinated or sent to faraway lands to birth his children. For the remaining ones, he had them take birth control to prevent them from dying, and ever since then, they were weathering away, their youth wasted, unable to fulfill their roles in continuing the prestigious Tyrant Human Bloodline.

Usually, the Emperor was hard as stone, his libido almost rock bottom due to the weight of his crown. But these past few weeks, the harem noticed the Emperor's mental health was improving, was softer, and, much to their delight, he paid more attention to them.

"Hah... Now that I know the future of the Kerus Dynasty is safe, I feel so much better now. I can't wait to meet this unknown child of mine."

But just then, he felt the Bloodline Amulet heat up against his chest. It was almost scaldingly hot!

"Hah? What is going on- Wait, what the?! Golden Marrow?!!! 100%!!!"

"PFFT! Cough* Cough*" The cool-headed Emperor spat his food.


The Golden Marrow. It was the epitome of foundation before one had a Golden Evolution. Ever since the era of decline, no human, or Demi-Human for that matter, achieved the Golden Evolution without the aid of a Main God's divine infusion. These days, just a Perfect Evolution is considered a miracle, and a Superior Evolution is the peak most can strive for.

Even before the era of decline, the Golden Evolution was so rare that few of the Royal Family achieved it, let alone now!

"Husband?! Is something the matter?!" The seven wives were startled. The Emperor rarely spat his food like this. They worried he might have found something unpalatable.

The Kerus Emperor calmed down, returning to normal as he used a handkerchief to wipe his mouth. "Sorry about my rude display. I breathed some food, so I coughed it up." He said and drank some wine.

"Oh, so it's like that. Please eat more slowly, dear." The wives smiled and continued eating.

The Kerus emperor continued eating as if nothing happened. But inwardly, he made a promise to himself.

"No matter what shit you pull next time, I won't be surprised anymore."

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