Deadmeat Saga

Chapter 85 – The wild plan.

Chapter 85 – The wild plan.

After Gerhart developed the Golden Marrow, he discovered that his true strength increased by half a grade, but his level regressed to 50, and Human Leader(Tyrant Tribe) became Human King(Tyrant Tribe). Gerhart could also upgrade the compound talents, such as Strength Supremacy, and evolve the regular talents, such as Rampage and Mind Fortress.

"Seems like I will have time to improve my talents again." Gerhart thought as he extracted the energy from the dungeon, 999 million points.

Energy flooded him as he felt pain from his newly acquired talents and stats leveling up. But once that was over, the rest of the energy cozily entered his reserves.

Energy: 1,907,174,583

"Bloody hell, this is a lot." Gerhart warily thought.

He barely spent 100 million but acquired a billion from a single outing. And there was still another dungeon and 9 billion remaining in Tabarga in the Nehan Kingdom, not to mention other nations!

On a rough calculation, every dungeon gathered a hundred million every year. If there are a thousand such dungeons, that is a hundred billion a year! Imagine sucking that amount for a thousand years! That is a hundred trillion points of energy! And this is just a conservative estimate. Even if the creature connected to them sucked a tenth of it, that is ten trillion points, likely several times more. Perhaps the energy-gathering rate in the past was even faster.

Reaching that conclusion, Gerhart shook his head and turned to Hope, "Let's go."

"Yes." Hope nodded.

And so, the two left the dungeon.




After casually selling the goods and earning some spare change worth a laborer's yearly wage, Gerhart and Hope went to a stall and got a light snack before Hope led them to To-Meri and Ray.

The two of them were looking around, accompanied by a young laborer who went through a beating.

"Ah! Gerhart, how did it go?" To-Meri asked.

"We finished it faster than expected." Gerhart shrugged.

It was early noon, and all the shops were open for business.

"I see you found someone," Hope said, glancing at the beaten-up young man.

"Hello, boss. I am Honorius. Please take care of me." The young and honest-looking laborer lowered his head, very respectful.

"We found Honorius beaten up by loan sharks, so we found the boss, did some convincing, cleared his 1,000 Silver Coin debt, and promised him a good job away from this city," Ray explained.

"I see." Gerhart nodded and analyzed them. In short-

Honorius's talents: Builder(Evolvable), Architect(Unawakaned), Earth Magician(Unawakened)

"Oh! A building expert. Not a bad harvest. It was good to bring To-Meri with us." Gerhart thought and asked, "How did you get into debt?"

"After my mother and two siblings died, my father became an alcoholic and gambler and gambled everything away before committing suicide. These shady people came to me and showed me a signed contract of my father taking 1,000 Silver Coins and demanding them from me as his last direct relative. However, since I was already an independent adult, they couldn't legally force it on me, so they beat me up to make me pay for it. They have been harassing me for several months now. I only have bad memories here, so I don't want to stay here anymore." Honorius calmly explained.

"Hm." Gerhart nodded. It was a typical story. But Gerhart didn't care. If money could solve these insignificant problems, he didn't mind.

"From now on, you will be part of my household," Gerhart told them.

"Thank you, boss." Honorius lowered his head, rubbing the back of his head honestly.

The group then returned to the Duke's mansion to rest. Gerhart was not in a hurry to convert Honorius. He could do it on the way.

They didn't need to say anything to the Duke as the butler led Honorius to the servant quarters. Bringing servants was expected, and Gerhart was in such a position in his past life.

Meanwhile, Gerhart retired to his room with Hope and To-Meri.

"Will we be disturbed?" Gerhart asked Hope.

"You can evolve one compound talent and three regular talents before dinner. I will be outside to speak with them, and To-Meri will block them at the door." Hope said.

"Thank you." Gerhart nodded and lay on the bed.

He then checked how much it would cost to evolve his talents.

The price to upgrade compound talents to tier 7 was 500 million points, ten times as much as a regular tier-7 talent. However, that also meant they were that much better. Without hesitation, Gerhart upgraded Endless Vitality first.

Immediately after, Gerhart felt his body was going through a metamorphosis. Every cell in his body felt like it got broken apart and reconstructed.

"FUCKING DAMMIT!" Gerhart mentally screamed.

After several hours of mind-numbing torture, Gerhart breathed out in relief as he felt inexhaustible energy in his body.

Initial Endless Vitality -> Beginner Endless Vitality: 500,000,000

SS-grade Vitality -> SSS-grade Vitality

"... Holy shit." Gerhart blankly looked at his new SSS-grade stat.

Just like that, he had the publicly recognized peak Vitality stat. But considering he paid 500 million, the SSS-rank Vitality was likely a freebie, its effects insignificant compared to Beginner Endless Vitality.

"That means I will get SSS Strength and Endurance as well." Gerhart thought.

With that, Gerhart turned his attention to his three regular tier-6 talents and evolved them for 150 million points.

Heroism -> Great Heroism

Mind Fortress -> Great Mind Fortress

Rampage -> Great Rampage

He didn't mind using so many points to raise these normally-unused talents. He learned the importance of resisting Terror abilities, and Mental Resistance was necessary to resist Great Rampage and Furious Sword Frenzy's insanity. And with Beginner Endless Vitality, he could almost freely abuse these two.

True to Hope's words, a servant came over to inform them they were having dinner before he could level himself up again, so he got dressed and had dinner with the Duke's family again. The Duke's second daughter kept looking at him, blushing, while the other daughters lost interest.

After the dinner, Hope told Gerhart, "I talked to the Duke's wife, and her second daughter will sleep in our room tonight."

"Ah, sure." Gerhart nodded, his emotions unmoved.

The Duke likely felt it was more appropriate to talk to Gerhart's women about this, which is a correct move to avoid offending anyone. A man would only reject the offer if he didn't want to, but his women might hold a grudge. That was why the bedroom affairs were left to the women unless the man had control issues. It also brought about poisonous harem politics and schemes between the women, such as replacing their husband's/master's favorite perfume with one he hated more to make one of the concubines fall out of his good graces, but that was something Gerhart didn't need to worry about for the foreseeable future.

After a quick bath, sure enough, the pretty second daughter, a modest 21-year-old, her equally pretty handmaiden, and the two maids from yesterday in nightgowns.

"Hello, mister Gerhart. We came to accompany you..." The young woman said with a blush, and her handmaiden was the same.

"You know what it entails, right?" Gerhart asked.

"I learned everything I need to know to please my future partner." The young woman bit her lips.

"Then come and please me. Show me what you learned." Gerhart smirked and undid his bathrobe.

The young women widened their eyes at his size before stepping forward, filled with wariness and anticipation.

For the next few hours, Gerhart was busy.




Gerhart lay between six exhausted women, having converted two newcomers. He gave the four women enough energy to make them A-rank adventurers, enough to protect them and safely give birth. As for the rest, that was up to them. What he gave them was far beyond what they could hope for. Of course, he gave them Partial Transformation to hide the changes.

Unfortunately, he didn't view this as a righteous act but a selfish one, so the heavens didn't reward him. Not that he minded. On that note, he did try to bless the other women with this talent, but-

Talent - Heavens Reward the Righteous is connected to the Universe and cannot be copied, only transferred.

It was the first talent that Gerhart couldn't bless others with. It made him understand how unique the existence of Otherworlders is. However, he COULD give them the other talents. On that note, Translation cost 1,000 points, and his two other talents were 100 million points, meaning they were regular tier 7 talents. The Otherworlders were indeed talented existences.

With the rest of the night free, Gerhart started to level up and upgraded his second and third talents, Five Holy Treasures and Ultimate Defense.

Initial Five Holy Treasures -> Beginner Five Holy Treasures: 500,000,000.

The function of Gerhart's five major organs improved, making him feel more energetic and comfortable. And, of course, it made him that much more unkillable.

Initial Ultimate Defense -> Beginner Ultimate Defense: 500,000,000.

SS Endurance -> SSS Endurance.

Gerhart's defenses were more impenetrable, and his Endurance Stat reached SSS as a freebie. Unfortunately, Gerhart only had about 155 million points to spend now, so he could only level up back to level 60. That brought down his funds to a little over 145. His level would return to 1 upon evolving, but he preferred staying in top shape. Who knew what maniac would come at him?

As for why he didn't evolve yet? After all, he had everything he needed to have a Golden Evolution, right?

He wouldn't have hesitated to evolve if he didn't know there was a bloodline superior to the Tyrant Bloodline, but now, he was hesitant about his next move. After all, he can't pick the Primordial Bloodline once he evolved. Also, he was reluctant to abandon the Tyrant Bloodline because it was his birthright and would inevitably make it more challenging to take over the Kerus Dynasty. After all, he learned from Qold that it was the ancestral bloodline of the declining Kerus Dynastic family. Even if it was on its last legs, it was still one of the three major players on an entire Mega Continent! It had a history of over a hundred thousand years! And it wasn't as if the Tyrant Bloodline was weak. On the contrary, it was effective and influential.

However, he knew he had to make a choice soon. Or-

"Or, maybe I can pick both?" Gerhart suddenly had a wild thought.

He didn't think about mixing them. Instead, he thought about a wild idea that wouldn't cross anyone's mind because of how crazy it sounded.

"I can create a separate body and let one of my two split souls have it. And the key to success is Stella." Gerhart thought.

{Unique Talent - Triple Soul: Triples soul strength and splits it into three equal parts, able to think separately, multitask, and seamlessly cooperate without hindering each other. They cannot truly rebel against one another as they are one whole.}

{Unique Talent - Division: Gain the ability to reproduce through Division, creating independent, inferior clones once the user reaches critical mass. Clones will initially view the parent body with friendliness.}

The talent, Division, never stated it required him to be a slime. And his separate souls couldn't rebel against him. Now that he was powerful enough, why not make one or two semi-independent clones to go incognito to faraway lands? That way, he can increase his influence and conquer more dungeons faster.

"Hm... I can try it. Or perhaps I should first try and mutate and evolve Stella and see if she can develop something more superior?" Gerhart considered his options when he noticed the sky brightening.

The sun was rising, and the tired women were wincing their eyes, feeling too lazy to get up. After all, they were not as sturdy as Gerhart. Only Hope and To-Meri were better off because of how sturdy they were, but even they felt languid.

"Good morning, Gerhart." Hope lazily said, rubbing Gerhart's chest while having a lazy smile.

"Good morning, master." To-Meri was also feeling drowsy, snuggling affectionately against Gerhart.

"Let's get up. We need to depart today." Gerhart kissed both their foreheads and got up.

The two women reluctantly got up from the comfy bed and prepared with Gerhart for another day, leaving the other four women to recover from the stormy night.




Later that day, outside the mansion-

"Sob* Goodbye, Ray! I will never forget you!" A teenage girl wept, waving a handkerchief at Ray's departing figure.

The sixth daughter's handmaiden also looked sad, rubbing her stomach with a hunch in her mind.

The second daughter and three servants who slept with Gerhart also sadly waved goodbye.

"Are you sure you don't want to bring them along? You seem reluctant." Gerhart asked Ray, who sadly waved back to the ladies.

The Duke offered to give his daughters and the maids as concubines, but Gerhart and Ray rejected it. Gerhart did it because he viewed this as an exchange and was not yet stable. Perhaps if Gerhart became a powerful ruler with vast territory and armies, Gerhart would consider bringing them to his harem or something. But, right now, he was a landless drifter. And even worse, they might become his weakness. He had to harden himself.

However, he was surprised by Ray's choice. Ray was, what, 16? That was an age where a young man was the most impetuous and hot-blooded! Gerhart would have stopped him if he requested to bring them with them, but he gave up on his own.

"They will be safer here. I will return to visit them when I am more stable." Ray sadly but firmly replied, feeling more mature.

"I'm proud of you, Ray." Gerhart patted Ray's shoulder.

Either way, these women were part of a Duke's household. There was no way anyone would mistreat them or their children, especially since they were from S-rank adventurers. They didn't need to worry much.

Gerhart and the others soon passed through the city gates and arrived at the stables, where four horses were waiting.

When they claimed the horses, the stable master discreetly asked, "Dear sir, may I purchase one of your four stallions? I will offer five, no, ten thousand for one. Renting is fine, too!"

Ten thousand Silver Coins were enough to buy several dozen warhorses. The price quoted was that of a horse fit for a king! And renting a breeding stallion was commonplace for top-notch horses.

Gerhart couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. "Why?"

"I can tell they are fine stallions. They already bred a dozen mares and are exceptionally powerful." The man carefully said.

Gerhart consented to let his horses be breeding stallions while in the stables. They earned it.

"Well, no shit. Those are high-ranking S-rank horses with all my sexual talents. I am afraid even the king can't afford to buy one." Gerhart mentally retorted.

After rejecting the man's offer, Gerhart and his group took the horses and rode away. He conveniently converted Honorius once they were far from the city and blessed him a little so he could withstand the half-speed galloping of the horses. (He still fainted in the end, so Gerhart had to raise him to B-rank standard before they could continue riding.)

By evening, he reached his manor.




In an Earth-like modern planet without magic or monsters-

Inside a hospital ward-

A sickly woman with sunken cheeks, connected to an IV, looked through the window, her eyes blurry but serene, coming to terms with death.

She was Tsunematsu Himeko, a young, wealthy tycoon and self-made e-commerce entrepreneur worth billions of Tlifena(Their world's equivalent to dollars).

She was born weak, unable to leave bed all her life. Luckily, her parents were wealthy, allowing her to study with peace of mind, having no wants or needs. But when she turned 14, they died in an accident, leaving her alone. With her family fortune in her hands and nothing much to lose, she used them as startup funds, becoming one of the youngest entrepreneurs, investors, and self-made billionaires. By age 22, she was in the top hundred wealthiest despite working from her hospital bed.

And yet, no matter how much money she made, there was one immutable fact. Her life was coming to an end. A genetic disease was eating away at her life, and it was a miracle she lived this long. Having come to terms with death and having cut ties with her so-called close of kin and friends who just wanted a share of her wealth akin to hungry vultures, she donated all of her wealth to charity in her will long ago, specifically, to sick children. No one could lay claim to it anymore as she disinherited everyone while still lucid. Her only visitors were the many thankful parents and the children she saved through donations.

"With this, I hopefully saved many lives, those who are less fortunate than me. I might not be able to change the world or its struggles, but perhaps the children I indirectly save can help." Himeko muttered, feeling drowsy again from her pain-killing drugs and innate weakness.

Suddenly, a magic circle surrounded her.

"Hm? What is this?" Himeko frowned with her blurry eyes.

But shortly after, she vanished. The IV dripper fell on the floor, and the hospital staff was alarmed that their VVIP was missing.

The miracle billionaire and selfless philanthropist Tsunematsu Himeko vanished. It hit main news channels around the world as the footage video of her room got leaked, showing how a magic circle suddenly appeared, kidnapping her with a flash.

"Isekai! She got transported to a fantasy world!" Some people clamored, many sounding envious to death.

Of course, nobody could know what truly happened. But her name would always be remembered as a saint-like existence in her world.

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