Devil’s Music

Chapter 245: Begin Again

Chapter 245: Begin Again

The voice of Ciara resonated through the ears of those surrounding the rain-enshrouded Slaine Castle, conveyed by a microphone connected to the outside.

"In 30 minutes, at the square in front of Slaine Castle, we will formally greet everyone, including Professor Leontine Price, Professor Sharon, and Kay. We kindly ask all of our guests visiting our castle to move orderly to the concert venue."

Despite Ciara's announcements being repeatedly broadcasted through the external speakers, people, seemingly distrustful, continued to shout amidst the falling rain.

"Don't lie! If we go elsewhere, you'll just use it as a chance to escape! You ran away at Grafton Street too!"

"Right! We'll wait, so show us your face!"

As the castle's main gate opened, the crowd's attention was drawn to it. Six employees, clad in red, dashed out towards the lawn in front of the castle and began setting up a large tent. Noticing it wasn't a residential tent but an open parasol-like structure, some in the crowd murmured amongst themselves.

"So, they really are coming out to greet us?"

"Darling, shouldn't we hurry to the front to secure a good spot?"

"Let's go first!"

As some began to rush towards the tent, many others quickly followed suit to secure spots at the front. Those who realized too late hurried over, but the prime spots had already been taken by the more quick-witted. After setting up the tent, the employees went back into the castle and came out with an amplifier, causing the rest of the crowd to scream.

"They have an amp! Looks like there will be a performance!"

"See! I told you we should've hurried! It's your fault!"

"Run, there might still be spots where we can see their faces!"

As more people moved towards the tent, those remaining started to hesitate. Just then, another announcement was made.

"In 10 minutes, there will be busking at the square in front of Slaine Castle. Those around the castle, please move to the square for smooth progression. If movement is difficult due to the crowd, it could affect the busking. Please move quickly."

Hearing this, the audience in front of the tent, now pointing and shouting at those still in front of the castle.

"Hurry up! If you don't, we might miss Kay!"

"Yeah, hurry over here, or you might not even catch a glimpse of Kay!"

As thousands gestured and shouted, those stubbornly remaining in front of the castle began moving towards the square. When finally no one was left surrounding the castle, another announcement was heard.

"Thank you all for your cooperation. The musicians will now move out, so please stand in your places and maintain order for the proceedings. We appreciate it."

"Okay!! Just come out already!"

"Screams, they're really coming out!"

"What do I do? My phone got wet and I can't take pictures!"

As anticipation filled the air even amidst the rain, the massive doors of Slaine Castle finally opened.

"Ahhhh!!! It's Leontine Price!"

"Ahh!! Grandma, you're beautiful!"

"Is the woman next to her Professor Sharon? It's my first time seeing her."

"How ignorant! Do you know how famous she is? That's why you should stop chasing pop singers and listen to quality music!"

"Ridiculous, who says pop singers are low-class? Absurd!"

The first to emerge, Leontine Price, waved at the crowd, eliciting a massive cheer. Sharon simply stood by her side with a smile, then turned her gaze back. Sensing Kay's imminent appearance, thousands screamed in unison.


"Kyaaahhhhh, Kay!"

"Look here, Kay!"

"Buy me a dark beer too!"

"I'll buy the beer, just talk to me for 10 minutes!!"

"Over here!! Over here!!"

As thousands waved and cheered, the area in front of Slaine Castle became a sea of people. Gun, seeing such an enthusiastic crowd for the first time since the Lollapalooza performance, looked on in bewilderment before awkwardly raising a hand, prompting an even louder cheer than when he first appeared.


The echoes of the cheers, amplified by the mountain where Slaine Castle sat, reverberated ceaselessly. As castle employees quickly approached with umbrellas, Leontine Price and Sharon took them and moved towards the tent. When an employee offered an umbrella to Gun, he declined, choosing to stand in the rain with the others, which sparked another round of cheers.

"Ahh!! He wants to get wet with us!"

"No, dummy! He feels bad being the only one with an umbrella while we're all getting wet! Forgot Kay's nickname?"

"The Angel of the Current World! The Angel of the Current World!"

As Gun walked towards the tent in the rain, thousands began chanting in unison.

"Angel! Angel! Angel! Angel!"

Noticing a young boy about eight years old, soaked but smiling brightly on his father's shoulders, Gun approached them, dumbfounded, and reached out.

"Hand him over! He'll catch a cold like this!"

Surprised, the father gladly handed the boy to Gun, who wrapped the child in his coat and scolded.

"Even so, what kind of father lets his child get wet in this weather?"

The father, scratching the back of his head but still smiling at his son in Gun's arms, replied with laughter.

"Ha, sorry. He's the apple of my eye, but I lost my senses seeing Kay. I did bring an umbrella, but using it here would've bothered others, so I kept it closed. Don't look at me like that, I'm not a bad dad. Ha."

Gun, not minding his own wet clothes, wiped the boy's soaked body with his coat and gently stroked his cheek.

"Aren't you cold? What's your name?"

The boy, grinning widely, waved his hand.

"Andrew! Kay! Kay!"

"Haha, right, Andrew, I'm Kay. You're as cold as ice. Come, let's move forward. You won't get wet under the tent."

Gun then lifted the boy and spoke to the father.

"I'll take him to the tent for a while. Come to pick him up later, okay?"

The father snapped to attention and saluted crisply.

"Of course!! Loyalty!!"

Laughing at his over-the-top gesture, Gun entered the tent, where Leontine Price reached out to take the child.

"Give me the child."

She took the boy and began drying him off with a towel passed by an employee. As the audience watched this tender scene quietly, Ciara approached and handed over three set-up microphones. Leontine Price, busy drying the child, and Gun, who was removing his top to dry off from the rain, left Sharon to grab the microphone first.

"Um... Hello, I'm Sharon, a professor from Juilliard."

"Wowwwwww!!! The Goddess of Guitar!!"

"Oooh! You're still beautiful, Professor!"

Though the applause for Sharon wasn't as loud as for Gun, the crowd welcomed her with clapping, prompting a fresh smile from Sharon as she took the microphone again.

"Ha-ha, I'm so grateful that some of you recognize me. I'm not that remarkable, so please, no need for such applause. You're here to see someone else, aren't you? Ha-ha."

"We wanted to see you too, Sharon!"

"Right, we came to see both of you!"

As some in the crowd responded, Sharon, covering her mouth with laughter, spoke again.

"Ha-ha, those are polite words, but they make me feel good. Kay, are you ready? The people are waiting for you."

Gun, finishing drying his hair with a towel, hastily grabbed his microphone without being able to fix his disheveled hair. As soon as he took the microphone, another round of cheers erupted.

"Kyaaaah!!! Look at his wet hair!"

"My God, he's so handsome! Even more than on TV!"

"Ah, those wet locks, those soulful eyes!"

Gun, unaccustomed to compliments about his appearance despite his fame, scratched his cheek and took the microphone.

"Um... Hello, everyone?"

Once again, thousands cheered, and as the noise died down, Gun, widening his eyes, asked.

"But how did you all know I was here?"

A man in the front row raised his phone high.

"It was posted on social media! If we came here today, we could see Kay!"

Realizing his suspicions were confirmed, Gun sighed.

"Ah, I see. I guess I need to be more discreet next time."

"Ha-ha-ha!! Don't do that!"

"Ha-hat!! We'll find you no matter what!"

As the crowd laughed at Gun's joke, the rain began to ease. Looking up at the sky, Gun touched the still-falling raindrops and said.

"It seems the rain is letting up a bit, but it hurts my heart to see you all getting soaked. Can you stay here for a long time?"

"Aaaaah!!! We can last ten hours!"

"Right!! We can stay here till tomorrow!"

Laughing at their response, Gun turned back to see Leontine Price, who had finished drying off the child, smiling at him. He approached her, extending his hand, and announced loudly.

"Let me introduce you. This is one of the three professors I respect and am proud of, Professor Leontine Price!"

The crowd raised their hands and applauded. After enjoying the sound of their cheers, Gun pointed to Sharon and said.

"You all know her, right? My professor

, the Goddess of Guitar, Professor Sharon Ismin!"

Once again, a massive cheer erupted, and as the noise died down, Gun took the microphone again.

"The reason I came to Ireland was because of a trip with Professor Leontine Price."

A woman in the front raised her hand and shouted.

"I know! A retirement trip, right?!"

Gun smiled and shook his head.

"Ha, no. It's a journey for the second act of Leontine Price's newly reborn life."

As the crowd murmured, not fully understanding, Gun pointed back and smiled.

"Let me introduce again. Not as an opera diva, but as a musician embarking on a new life, here's Leontine Price!"


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