Devil’s Music

Chapter 246: Begin Again

Chapter 246: Begin Again

People unfamiliar with the language sent Geon quizzical looks in response to his statement. Geon looked down at Leontine Price with a smirk and asked, "Professor, do you know my song by any chance?"

Leontine Price smiled and nodded, "Are you talking about 'If I could change the world'? How could I not know my student's song?"

Sharon, already taking her guitar out of the bag, spoke without even looking at Geon, "It's rude for a professor to be asked such a question by a student, Kay."

Geon laughed and turned to the audience, "This is 'If I could change the world' by Professor Leontine Price, everyone."

The crowd erupted with excitement, "Are we actually going to hear the song?!"

"I'm so glad I came!"

"What about Kay? I want to hear Kay sing too!"

As the crowd voiced their excitement, Geon raised his hand to calm them, "I'll be playing the guitar. With the goddess of guitar, I might do some chorus, is that okay? Haha."

Geon placed the microphone on the stand and took out Haku from the hard case, eliciting gasps of admiration from the audience at the sight of the beautiful guitar.

"Is that the White Falcon? It's gorgeous!"

"That's Kay's signature!"

"I want to buy one too! How much does it cost? Is it expensive?"

"Hey, that's over 5000 dollars!"

"It's okay, I'm buying it right away!"

"Do you think holding that will make you look like Kay? Don't embarrass yourself by comparison, find something else."

The crowd joked among themselves joyfully. As Sharon began playing the classical guitar, some people involuntarily closed their eyes and let the music wash over them, feeling the emotion of the music like rain falling from the sky. Geon's White Falcon added improvisations over Sharon's fast arpeggios, and the audience began nodding their heads to the rhythm quietly.

The impromptu performance by Sharon and Geon, different from what could be seen in Geon's music videos, seemed to capture the freedom and beauty of Slane Castle's nature, making the original song sound both familiar and entirely new. The audience, momentarily forgetting to maintain silence, quickly covered their mouths, careful not to disturb the others.

Leontine Price stood up earlier than the beat for the vocals, looked gently at the audience, and began singing with a graceful voice.

"If I could change the world."

(Back in time, I'll be back then.)

(When I had to hide in a place where no one knew.)

(If you can go back then and save you.)

The interaction between Sharon and Geon, along with Leontine Price's singing, was filled with mutual admiration and joy. A middle-aged man in the audience muttered in astonishment, "Was the song always this atmospheric?"

As Sharon and Geon's performance became more improvisational, resembling a jazz club session with its freely changing rhythm, Leontine Price clapped her thighs in time with the music and sang with a deep, resonant voice.

"But I'm different."

(Everything is different. Me and you, and now the person next to me.)

(I will not miss you anymore.)

(Because now everything is precious.)

After Leontine Price sang the last verse, Sharon and Geon's guitars reached a climax. As the rain stopped and sunlight broke through the clouds, Leontine Price, stepping out of the tent, hummed, blending naturally with the guitars as if her voice was another instrument.

The audience, mesmerized, watched as Leontine Price seemed to embody the essence of music itself. Everyone was intoxicated by her warm voice, and Sharon and Geon continued their lively improvisation, constantly exchanging smiles.

Sharon looked at Geon with affection, thinking, 'My student has reached such a level. I'm proud.'

As the performance concluded with long resonating sounds under the sunlight, the front row audience began clapping silently, deeply moved. Geon, holding his guitar, touched his chest, feeling warmed by the music.

'Music! This is music!'

Tears welled up in Leontine Price's eyes as she saw the happy faces in the audience, moved by the song they had shared. Sharon approached and hugged her warmly, and Leontine Price reciprocated, swaying gently.

"Thank you, Professor Sharon."

"Don't mention it, Professor. I'm just happy to see you and hear your song."

Though not crying, Leontine Price's eyes were filled with tears as she reached out to Geon.

"Will you hug me too, Kay?"

After setting down Haku, Geon embraced her with a wide smile, and Andrew, who had been watching from a chair, leapt down and joined their embrace. The three laughed as they saw Andrew clinging to their legs.

"Haha, we forgot about Andrew, didn't we?"


, the cute little one!"

"Do you want a hug from grandma? How adorable."

Their laughter echoed slightly through the microphone, and the audience gradually began to cheer from the front row.


"Amazing! Did you hear Leontine Price's song just now?"

"Yeah, yeah! I couldn't believe my ears!"

"It was as good as Kay's song!"

"I thought my soul was going to fly away while listening!"

"Screaaaaam! It was the best!"

As the applause and cheers filled the air, the three, with Leontine Price in the middle, held hands and raised them high, receiving even more applause. That day, Leontine Price performed three songs, adapted from opera to pop format, accompanied by Sharon and Geon's guitar music. After the 30-minute performance, they spent over ten minutes providing fan service, overwhelmed by the audience's request for high-fives.

Leontine Price, experiencing this level of popularity for the first time, could not stop smiling and waved to the people tapping on the taxi windows as they left Slane Castle to the sound of cheers.

As Geon, sitting in the passenger seat, watched her with a smile, he extended his hand. Leontine Price, surprised, grasped his hand and tilted her head, to which Geon replied with a smile-filled face.

"From now on, this is the life you'll live, Professor. It's fun, isn't it?"

Leontine Price, looking dazedly at Geon, smiled and held his hand tighter.

"Thank you, Kay. Thank you, Professor Sharon."

As they shared a moment of laughter, the taxi exited Slane village. The phone rang in the quiet country road, and Geon answered.

"Hey, Byungjun hyung?"

"Are you still at Slane Castle?"

"Huh? How did you know?"

"Man, you did busking, didn't you? It's all over SNS and internet news right now."


"Only you would busk in front of thousands. Causing trouble, aren't you! I got scolded by the boss because I didn't follow you."

"Why would you get scolded, hyung?"

"It's dangerous, you idiot. Are you hurt anywhere? Where are you now?"

"In a taxi. No injuries. The people in Ireland are quite mannered."

"Sigh, you're just lucky. When are you coming back?"

"I'll take a flight tomorrow morning. What about Kiska?"

"Sigh, as soon as I told her I was calling you, she demanded I put it on speaker. Then, hearing your voice, she started rolling on the sofa, crying and stomping her feet. She's been anxious all day, worrying she might get sick."

"Oh. Alright, hyung. Is it on speaker now?"

"Yeah, Kiska is listening. Kiska! Stop crying and come here. Kay has something to say. Go ahead, talk."

After taking a moment, Geon spoke with a smile in his voice.

"Kiska, I'm coming home tomorrow. Just wait a little longer. I bought a rabbit doll for you, so just one more night. Don't cry, okay?"

As strange tapping noises followed, Geon tilted his head in confusion.

"What's that noise? Byungjun hyung? Did the call drop?"

"No, Kiska is tapping the phone. Look, she's not crying anymore. Is the rabbit doll better, or are you happier that Kay is coming tomorrow?"

"Haha, it's good if she's not crying."

"Such a young fox already! Look, she's smiling. Hey Kiska, do you know what happens if you cry and then laugh?"

"Ah!! Hyung!!! Don't teach her that!"

"Okay, okay. Anyway, come back soon. If you don't come back tomorrow, Kiska might kill me."

"Haha, alright. See you tomorrow!"


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