Disciple of Immortal

Act 1: Chapter 48: First Cash

Act 1: Chapter 48: First Cash

After returning to Aarburg City with Pomera, I turned over the proof of subjugation to the Adventurer’s Guild for the monetary reward.

「S-So much… I mean, how did you two hunt so much in less than half day?」

The Adventurer Guild’s staff was looking at Pomera and I both in wonder.

「Y-You two are… F-rank adventurer, right?」

The staff member asked while counting the pile of Goblin ears we’d submitted.

Her hand suddenly stopped for a moment, her entire body shivering upon laying her eyes upon an ear that was differently colored than the rest.

「I-Is this the ear of a Goblin Leader? And there’s three of them too! No matter how stro–」

「… It looks just like common Goblins, is there really different between the two?」

I asked casually since all of those Goblins were instakilled by me. I didn’t notice anything different about them aside from their colors.

The staff member showed an even more confused and bewildered expression upon hearing my question.

「You two… are you really the one who fought these Goblins? Didn’t you notice something unusual when you fought them? I mean, they’re not the kind of opponent that can be defeated by F-rank adventurers but…」

「Ah… nay, how should I say…」

Pomera stepped forward to chime in when she saw that I wasn’t able to answer the staff’s question.

「Y-Yes! Ehm… Kanata-san might have just registered herself but her strength is the real deal. T-That’s why… we came back faster than usual but, there might be a Goblin’s nest in the Southern side of the city…」

Pomera spread out her map on the counter and pointed out a location for the guild staff.

「… Sure enough, there are reports of abnormalities around that area. I see now… thank you very much for providing this information.」

Though the staff member had yet to be convinced by Pomera’s explanation, it seemed that she’d decided to not pursue the matter any further.

T-That was a close one…

As I thought, it’s hard to deceive someone who really understands the situation. I’m really glad to have Pomera’s assistance.

「Kanata-san, are you a former member of a private army or alchemists before you become an adventurer? I mean, based on today subjugation alone, you’re at least a D ra— nay, you might even be able to become C rank adventurer with ease.」

Though I don’t particularly care about my Adventure Rank, it might be a good idea to make that as one of my goals.

Though I’m not all that familiar with the merits and standards for the rank, let’s aim to become a C-rank adventurer for the time being.

「Trying to inflate your achievements, huh. Such good-for-nothing ba*stard.」

I turned around when I heard someone speak up from behind.

I saw the adventurer who was lined up behind me but, they quickly averted their gaze when it met mine.

… First that b*stard Octavio, then Roy, and now this guy. Why are there so many short-tempered guys around here?

「These two are C-ranks, you say? Don’t joke around…」

And then… I saw Octavio standing a short distance away from us.

There were deep set wrinkles on his face as he glared daggers at me. His nose was flaring non-stop. I couldn’t find the figure of the pipsqueak who’d attacked us before around him.

… Did that guy properly warn Octavio before he left the city?

When I glared back at him, Octavio turned around and walked away, pretending that he didn’t see us in the first place.

I’m glad that he didn’t do anything stupid like challenging us to a duel or anything, but…

「Your reward for this commission is for… 18 Goblins, 3 Goblin leaders, which totals to 660k Gold.」

「W-Wow… even doing E rank commission won’t give us that much money!」

Pomera spoke, her voice laced with deep emotion, as she received the remuneration.

One Yen was equivalent to one Gold.

If we keep earning this much money on a daily basis, we’ll rack up money in no time.

660k Gold was equal to 20 times the amount of working hard for twenty days in a month, and half of that amount was 330k Gold. There was plenty of profit margin even after deducting our expedition costs.

I thought I’d have to live a frugal life for a while, but it doesn’t seem like that’ll be the case.

「Well then, here you go, Kanata-san.」

Pomera handed me the pouch filled with the reward money.

「Eh? what about your share… Pomera-san? You should take half of it first, right?」

「N-No way! A divine punishment will befall Pomera if she takes reward money without doing anything! Moreover, you’ll teach various things to Pomera after this… Pomera won’t take anything without putting any effort!」

「No, the same can be said for my side you see… I mean, we can’t live without money after all.」

「I-It’s okay! Pomera can endure sleeping in the street… Moreover, Pomera won’t be starving since she has the “Goblin Worm” secret soup from her mother!」

「That’s even more worrying! can you even eat the soup with such terrifying name!?」

「I-it was a common dish and delicacy in the Elven village. But still, I’ve never heard of any humans who live in the urban area eat that soup before…」

That’s natural. I mean, the name “Goblin Worm” alone… the name of the soup itself was enough to send chills down my spine.

It was basically a mystery soup with a mysterious taste and appearance.

Anyhow, I have to make sure she understands that the first thing she has to do upon receiving the reward is to take her share since it’s directly linked to her livelihood.

As I was about to continue my conversation with Pomera in efforts to convince her, I heard an angry voice coming from another receptionist.

「I said, I saw it! A bat like monster with a huge-mono eye! That’s definitely a summoned spirit!」

「You again huh… so, what’s the matter with that?」

「I mean, leaving that kind of summoned spirit as it is without any regulations is a heavy crime in every city! And there’s no way its summoner spread their summoned spirit just to waste their mana! It’s definitely 《Evil God Apostle; Notes》’s familiar which he released since he can’t stroll around outside! That’s the only possibility, right! and yet… what in the hell is the meaning of this lack of vigilance just because you say that Notes’ appearance is a misinformation!?」

There was a man who was banging on the receptionist’s desk as he yelled loudly. Meanwhile, the receptionist continued to respond half-heartedly to the enraged man.

「As I’ve said before, this is the decision from the city lord… please don’t misunderstand, even we can’t do anything about his decision. Even if there are eyewitnesses, it doesn’t erase the possibilities that have said eyewitnesses only mistook someone else for Notes. I mean… is the reason you’re this scared because you see Notes with your own eyes?」

「… What did you say?」

The man looked like he was about to grab the receptionist by the collar at this point.

《Evil God Apostle; Notes》 … a dangerous being who was certified as a 《JinMaRyuu》, huh.

Sure enough, the wanted poster that was previously pasted on the guild wall had already been taken down.

At that moment, two soldiers entered from the guild’s entrance, walking straight towards the reception desk and grabbed the enraged man from both sides.

「W-What’s the matter, you two!」

「It’s you again huh… please stop spreading false rumors everywhere which will disturb the citizens of this city… It seems you still don’t understand even after the previous warnings. Now you have to come with us.」

The man was then taken by the two soldiers towards the exit of the Adventurer’s Guild.

「Y-You’re going to regret your negligence! You guys, don’t you think that this is strange!? Any city that where 《Evil God Apostle; Notes》 appeared is annihilated in the blink of an eye! And yet, that sh*t for brains of a city lord, Garland, decided that the sighting of Notes is just a misinformation! At this rate, everyone in this city will die!」

The man shouted in rage.

The adventurer guild became noisy again.

Even I became nervous when hearing that.

Though I feel relieved upon hearing that the sighting of 《Evil God Apostle; Notes》 was a misunderstanding, I ended up wondering what his aim would be if he really had infiltrated this city.


The man was then knocked back by the soldiers. Before he had the chance to stand back up, he was dragged out of the guild while he was still flat on his back.

Even Pomera couldn’t help but show an anxious look on her face while gripping her cane tightly.

「… Is that person called Notes really that dangerous?」

Pomera blinked her eyes as though she couldn’t believe what I’d just asked her. It seems that she’d never expected that I had no idea about what that Notes was at all.

「《JinMaRyuu》 is… not a human. It’s a metaphor to illustrate how terrifying their power is that they can destroy a city with ease. Though that person from before told us to make a counter-plan… I don’t think it’ll work even if we know that Notes is in this very city. I mean, amongst the known 《JinMaRyuu》, some of them can massacre ten of thousands of people. Some can even destroy a country.」

They’re such dangerous creatures, huh…

In this crooked world that’s ruled by levels, the difference between levels was akin to the difference between a small man and a giant.

That’s why, catching 《JinMaRyuu》 wasn’t a simple matter.

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