Disciple of Immortal

Act 1: Chapter 49: Pomera's Agony

Act 1: Chapter 49: Pomera's Agony

Note : Dopings’ Parade


After successfully getting through the first day in Aarburg city, I rented a room at an inn and invited Pomera to my room after regrouping with her. I did since this I couldn’t teach her about magic with any peace of mind in an open, public space.

「P-Please take care of me, Kanata-san! Uhm… Pomera… Pomera might have terrible memory but… Pomera will do her best!」

Pomera spoke resolutely despite her stutter while clenching her fists.

「No problem, I mean, I don’t think that I’m well suited for this matter too. Look, I almost have zero understanding in regard to white magic after all….」

I deployed a magic circle while speaking to Pomera.

「Time-Space Magic, 8th Rank; 《Dimension Pocket》」

Since the internal size of my magic pouch was already so huge, I almost had no chance to be able to use this magic. I only kept important items, such as the grimoire, inside this special space.

The space inside the dimension pocket was able to expand in accordance to its user’s magical power, thus, it had less restrictions compared to the magic pouch.

「T-Time-Space Magic… moreover, 8th rank!? Kanata-san, even mastered…」

Pomera’s mouth flapped open and shut repeatedly as if trying to say something.

I’d figured that the 《Dimension Pocket》 wasn’t a big deal since the likes of Lovis could use it too but… it seems that I was wrong yet again.

I plunged my hand into the magic circle and took out a grimoire.

「H-Huge… this must be an extremely expensive grimoire…」

「I don’t know about its value since this is a gift from my master… But, since this book is kinda like a memento to remind me of my master, please take good care of it.」

「Y-Yes! I’ll be very careful with it! I won’t read it until I wash my hands properly… but, this grimoire is really amazing, isn’t it…? It even has proper explanations in the part about the secret of the magic, it’s so easy to understand even for someone as stupid as Pomera.」

Pomera muttered self-deprecatingly in front of the grimoire.

「Next is… this, and this…. ah, I mustn’t forget about this one too…」

I pulled out one grimoire after another from my 《Dimension Pocket》.

Pomera’s face cramped upon seeing the pilling set of grimoires.

Within the blink of an eye, ten volumes of grimoires had already joined the pile.

Now, then, I guess this much is enough.

What Pomera needed the most help with was with white magic, which is her specialty. It’s also more suited to her goal with wanting to help others. The other kind of magic she needed to learn was spirit magic that came from her racial traits.

The other kinds we can wait for another time.

Though it might take some time to teach her, I can help her study according to my own level of understanding and also teach her the 《Twin Mind Method》during our spare time.

「K-Kanata-san… what in the world is with this amount… of grimoires? I’m grateful that you’re willing to take out these grimoires for Pomera but, Pomera still has a hard time catching up with this. And, uhm, how long do you think it’ll take for Pomera to learn all of these? In my opinion, it will take years but…」

「Ah, don’t worry about that. I think two months will be enough.」

「Two… months!?」

I couldn’t help but have to prolong her study time. I mean, with her lack of level and magical power, she won’t be able to grasp the essence of the magic even if she understands the contents of the grimoire. That would only result in many essential parts being lost during invocation.

But, rating her magic rank will be difficult if her magic comprehension is too low.

That’s why, my plan is to raise her level along with her magic rank.

At least, that was the method that Lunaire used to teach me.

I felt rather excited as I thought about Pomera’s study plans. Now I could understand why Lunaire looked a little happier when she was teaching me.

「This is a method used by my master to push my concentration to its limit. In addition, I’ll provide concentration enhancing drugs to help with the memorizing parts too, that’s why this plan should be feasible.」

「A miracle drug that can make you more focused forever!?」

Color gradually drained from Pomera’s face.

As I thought, she’s really mindful about things, huh.

I mean, even I ended up suspecting for a moment when I was completely exhausted from my training, thinking something along, 『Could it be that Lunaire is actually trying to instill an excessive fear of the outside world in me? Moreover, she went as far as making me unwilling to leave 《Cocytus》 by overworking both my body and mind.』

Naturally, those fears never grew into reality.

Rather, she was the one who’d kicked me out from 《Cocytus》 while telling me 『to live my life as a human』 when I didn’t want to leave.

In addition, I also found out during my training that humans were quite adaptable in any environment they were thrown into.

I mean, I’d experienced it myself.

Naturally, the whole experience wasn’t all smooth sailing, but, as I forgot the pain(from dying) that always accompanied me during my training, I started to enjoy the process.

「Ah, come to think of it, I’ve a miracle drug that can replace sleeping time too. Since my master warned me to not using this miracle drug everyday, let’s use it after seeing your condition.」

「A miracle drug… to replace sleep!?」

I ignored Pomera’s question as I racked my brain, pondering over what I should start at with teaching her. My final goal is to teach her the 《Twin Mind Method》, an indispensable skill when it comes to personal combat.

Though I have to refrain myself from training her close combat skill, I guess it’s still better to lead my 《Magic King’s Inquiry》.

As I continued to ponder over Pomera’s study plans, I took out more magic potions from the 《Dimension Pocket》and lined them up in front of Pomera.

「U-Uhm… Kanata-san. Though Pomera is really happy that you want to talk with someone like Pomera… now that Pomera know that the gap between us is so far apart, maybe it’ll only lower your status if you teach someone like Pomera…」

「… Eh.」

I turned to Pomera with potions held in both my hands.

The moment my gaze met with Pomera’s, her face was drenched with sweats.

Just now… Pomera didn’t say that she wanted to give up… right?

Well, I guess I’ll have to take this matter step-by-step.

「My bad, I didn’t catch what you said just now since I’m arranging my potions, can you say that again?」

「U-Uhm, t-that’s …」

Pomera’s arms moved around awkwardly as she avoided my gaze.

「I-It’s nothing… P-Pomera is happy since you did so much for Pomera. P-Pomera will persevere… with Pomera’s life in the line.」

I guess it was just my ears playing a trick on me.

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