Douluo Dalu 3: The Legend of the Dragon King

Chapter 1908: Starlight Shackles

Chapter 1908: Starlight Shackles

Specks of starlight appeared in the sky, instantly forming a set of Starlight Shackles that connected all nine of them. As a result, Tang Wulin immediately felt a strong surge of soul power flow into his body from behind.

His Golden Dragon Spear began to glow bright, and he slashed it through the air, creating a line of golden light.

The line was very thin, but it was rapidly elongating as if it were attempting to connect heaven and earth.

The wave of purplish-golden light was instantly sliced apart, and the two halves of its passed by Tang Wulin's group, leaving them completely unscathed.

Demon Sovereign faltered slightly upon seeing how easily her attack had been nullified.

As a true god, all of her attacks were naturally of the godly level, yet for some reason, she was struck by a sense of pressure in the face of Tang Wulin's team.

It was no wonder that he had chosen these companions that were theoretically far weaker than those Limit Douluos.

In fact, a large proportion of this team hadn't even reached the Hyper Douluo level, and all they could rely on was their four-word battle armor, but the chemistry between them was clearly something that didn't exist between Tang Wulin and those Limit Douluos.

The Limit Douluos possessed too much individual power, making it very difficult to collaborate cohesively with one another, but that wasn't an issue for Tang Wulin's group.

As Demon Sovereign lashed out with her first attack, all of the abyssal rulers also charged forth, led by the Fierce Sovereign. The Fierce Sovereign seemed to be gliding through the air as he rushed directly toward Tang Wulin, slashing his halberd through the air to unleash a streak of dark purple light that reached Tang Wulin in a flash.

In response, Tang Wulin swiped his Golden Dragon Spear upward in a simple retaliative gesture, and even though his attack wasn't particularly fast, it managed to strike the oncoming halberd with unerring accuracy.

A crisp clang rang out, and Tang Wulin shuddered as the entire team of nine took a backward step in unison.

Not only that, but all of them involuntarily shuddered from the force of the attack.

Tang Wulin's expression changed slightly upon seeing this. Under the effects of the Starlight Shackles, they were able to transfer soul power to one another, as well as share damage, and it could be said that Shrek's Seven Monsters were in their most powerful form when connected by Starlight Shackles.

However, that single strike from the Fierce Sovereign alone had been enough to force them back.

Just how powerful was the Fierce Sovereign? One had to realize that the human camp had Tang Wulin and Gu Yuena among its ranks, both of whom had already reached the very pinnacle of humanity!

Was this godly power? Indeed, in terms of raw power, the Fierce Sovereign had also reached the godly level and was only slightly inferior to Demon Sovereign.

All types of questions instantly emerged in Tang Wulin's heart, but it was undeniable that this was godly power.

The Spirit Sovereign possessed Divine Origin realm spiritual power, but his soul power wasn't at the godly level, yet the situation was the exactly opposite for this Fierce Sovereign.

Aside from Demon Sovereign, no one in this current generation had reached this level of power on the Douluo Continent.

Furthermore, there was clearly more to this halberd that met the eye as four-word battle armor didn't seem to be able to nullify its power.

Tang Wulin had clearly blocked his attack, but the purple light released by his opponent still managed to infiltrate his body. If it weren't for the fact that the damage was being shared between all nine human combatants, that attack alone would've inflicted light injuries upon him.

After his halberd was diverted away by Tang Wulin's spear strike, the Fierce Sovereign immediately swiveled around before unleashing another attack.

He seemed to be completely unfazed by the fact that Tang Wulin had so many allies supporting him from behind.

At the same time, Demon Sovereign also arrived.

She was extremely fast, and she was approaching Tang Wulin's team from the side while thrusting both palms through the air, unleashing a massive wave of purplish-golden light that formed a giant vortex.

Demon Sovereign and the Fierce Sovereign's teamwork wasn't exactly immaculate, but their timing was perfect with one attacking from the front while the other was disrupting the enemy from the side. The key was that both of them possessed godly power, so their attacks posed a direct threat to their opponents.

Silver light erupted from Gu Yuena's body, encompassing the entire group, and in the next instant, all nine of them reappeared over 100 meters away, evading both the Fierce Sovereign and Demon Sovereign's attacks.

At the same time, the Silver Dragon Spear began to glow with silver radiance, and Gu Yuena pressed a hand against Tang Wulin's back while raising her spear with her other hand.

She hadn't battled alongside Tang Wulin for a very long time, and even though they were facing such formidable opponents, her heart was filled with nothing but excitement.

Similarly, Tang Wulin was also feeling completely fearless.

Specks of starlight appeared as the sky darkened, and the dark backdrop made the starlight particularly clear. Xu Xiaoyan had raised her Star Staff, and at the same time, Tang Wulin thrust his Golden Spear through the air almost as soon as Gu Yuena teleported the entire group out of the path of the enemy attacks.

The location that they had teleported to naturally wasn't random; Gu Yuena had chosen a spot right at the center of all of the other abyssal rulers.

Just as Tang Wulin and Gu Yuena were far more powerful than the rest of the human camp, there was also a massive power gap between Demon Sovereign and the Fierce Sovereign compared with the rest of their team. In fact, there wasn't even another abyssal sovereign in the team aside from the Fierce Sovereign.

Thus, as soon as Tang Wulin unleashed his spear strike, all of the abyssal emperors immediately fled in all directions.

However, there was an abyssal emperor directly facing the attack, and it didn't have enough time to escape, so it could only raise its hammers to try and withstand Tang Wulin's Golden Dragon Spear.

The spear instantly pierced through the hammers and the abyssal emperor's chest as if they were made of tofu, and the abyssal emperor's abyssal energy was completely devoured in an instant.

At the same time, Gu Yuena also lashed out with her Silver Dragon Spear, and her eyes took on a vortex-like appearance as she cast her gaze directly toward the oncoming Fierce Sovereign.

As a result, the Fierce Sovereign seemed to be momentarily disoriented, and his halberd faltered momentarily as a result. Thus, only Demon Sovereign immediately arrived on the scene.

All of a sudden, Gu Yuena's Silver Dragon Spear began to elongate, and a spear projection erupted out of the spear, adhered to which were elemental lights of seven different colors, comprised of blue, yellow, red, azure, silver, white, and black.

Demon Sovereign thrust a finger forward to oppose the spear projection, and the seven elements instantly exploded into a sea of light, stopping Demon Sovereign in her tracks for a split second.

Thus, Gu Yuena was able to stop both Demon Sovereign and the Fierce Sovereign for just enough time to prevent them from attacking Tang Wulin while he devoured that abyssal emperor.

Immediately thereafter, Tang Wulin swiveled around before thrust his Golden Dragon Spear forward, and a peerlessly indomitable aura instantly erupted out of his body.

The aura was filled with pride, as well as the will to battle heaven and earth itself, and this very same aura had once essentially intimidated Qiangu Dongfeng into submission.

This was none other than Tang Wulin's Dragon Emperor Fight, and influenced by this Dragon Emperor Restriction Technique, all of Shrek's Seven Monsters, as well as Gu Yuena and Sima Jinchi, felt as if the blood in their veins had been completely ignited.

Regardless of what opponents they were facing, they had the absolute confidence to crush all foes in their path.

This was a purely spiritual attack, and it clearly had an impact on the Fierce Sovereign.

He had only just recovered from Gu Yuena's spiritual disruption before being affected by Dragon Emperor Fight, and as a result, his halberd strike was instantly weakened slightly.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, countless spear projections erupted out of the Golden Dragon Spear, and as they converged, both Demon Sovereign and the Fierce Sovereign were completely encompassed within the attack.

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