Douluo Dalu 3: The Legend of the Dragon King

Chapter 1943: Return My Eternal Heaven!

Chapter 1943: Return My Eternal Heaven!

At this moment, Yi Zichen had finished a lap just in time to see the elderly Chen Xinjie wind his arm around Long Yeyue's waist, and he was so shocked that he almost tripped over his own feet.

This naturally didn't escape the attention of the two Limit Douluos, and they couldn't help but burst into laughter.

At the Tang Sect.

"What are you doing?" Zang Xin asked with a perplexed expression as Cao Dezhi frantically rushed around his own room.

"Why should I tell you?" Cao Dezhi asked.

Zang Xin immediately flared up with rage. "What the hell's your problem? You wanna fight?"

Cao Dezhi burst into laughter upon hearing this. "You think you're a match for me?"

"How am I no match for you? If it's a fight you want, then it's a fight you'll have!" Zang Xin challenged.

Cao Dezhi didn't back down in the slightest. "Fine! Looks like I need to remind you of your place."

Half an hour later, Cao Dezhi emerged from the practical combat area bruised and battered with an incredulous and indignant look on his face. "How? When did you become so powerful?"

Zang Xin emerged behind him with a pleased smile. "Do you concede, Little Cao?"

"Never! My form isn't good today; just you wait!" Cao Dezhi snapped.

However, a gentle look appeared on Zang Xin's face as he slung an arm across Cao Dezhi's shoulders. "There's no need for that; I'm never going to fight you again because there's no way you'll be able to defeat me again."

Cao Dezhi turned to him with an angry glare. "And why is that?"

Zang Xin shrugged in response. "It's very simple: your heartless nature has already been broken, so you've lost the source of your power; how could you possibly defeat me?"


At the Tang Sect soul weapon research institute.

"You bastard! Return my source positive circulation cores and Eternal Heaven!"

The larges laboratory was currently in complete shambles, and an enraged Ling Zichen was throwing everything in sight in a fit of rage. Finally, she was too tired to continue in her rampage, and she sat down onto the workbench with a furious expression.

This wasn't the first time she had thrown such a tantrum.

In her current form, she was just an ordinary human.

The only difference was that the tree of life had healed all of the chronic injuries and ailments in her body, so she was fully healthy and thriving.

As her fury gradually subsided, a bitter look appeared on her face. "Do I have to start from square one?"

She could still clearly recall the scream she had let loose when she had launched herself toward the battlefield to her own death.

In that instant, all she wanted was for him to survive, yet now, both of them were alive, but he didn't belong to her.

She really wanted to shake off this feeling of heartbreak, but the more she tried to do so, the more intense the feeling became.

All of a sudden, she was struck by a bolt of inspiration, and she suddenly jumped down from the bench."I need to begin a completely new research project. Just you wait, Tang Wulin; you're not getting away from me that easily!"


On the surface of the sea, one warship after another was speeding through the waves in a uniform formation.

On the deck of one of the ships, Dai Yun'er was looking into the distance with teary eyes.

They were finally going to depart.

As thanks for the Star Luo Empire and Dou Spirit Empire's selfless gesture, the Douluo Federation had gifted them a huge sum of resources and also implemented unprecedented foreign exchange policies with more policies to come.

However, none of this mattered in Dai Yun'er's eyes.

She saw him, but she was only able to catch a glimpse of him from a distance, and the sight of him holding hands with Gu Yuena filled her with despair.She knew that she had no chance in the end, and the only choice was to leave. [I thought she was petrified of Tang Wulin's sexual prowess LOL]

Farewell, Tang Wulin!


"Is he still not settling down?" Gu Yuena asked with furrowed brows as she sat in the office on the highest floor of the Spirit Pagoda headquarters.

"I'm afraid so, Chairwoman. Following a conference between the healing system Soul Masters, they've determined that it's its extremely unlikely that he'll ever return to a normal mental baseline. He's most likely going to be like this for the rest of his life, and due to his destructive capabilities as a Titled Douluo, it's suggested that he should be institutionalized in a special facility."

The deaths of his grandfather and great-grandfather coupled with losing Gu Yuena to Tang Wulin had been too much for Qiangu Zhangting to handle, and he had been in a trance-like state upon returning to the Spirit Pagoda. One day, he suddenly went insane and went on a destructive rampage. An insane Titled Douluo possessed astonishing destructive capabilities, and in the end, Gu Yuena had to step in to detain him.

A hint of melancholy flashed through Gu Yuena's eyes.

She had been very resentful toward Qiangu Zhangting in the past, but now, she was feeling more sympathetic toward him. Regardless of what he had done, he had always treated her very well.

"Alright, institutionalize him, but ensure enjoys the best quality of life possible."

As expected, Qiangu Dieting and Qiangu Dongfeng hadn't been resurrected, and the Qiangu Family had also stepped out of the Spirit Pagoda's inner circle.

In light of Gu Yuena's exceptional performance in the recently concluded battle, she had received the undivided support of all of the Spirit Pagoda's higher-ups.

Currently, the Spirit Pagoda was undergoing a process of self-examination and cleansing.

Those from the Qiangu Family, particularly those who had been involved with or were aware of the collusion with the Holy Spirit Cult, were all due to be cleansed.

With Gu Yuena at the helm, the Spirit Pagoda was able to maintain its position as one of the premier super organizations on the continent alongside Shrek Academy and the Tang Sect, and the thing that

For the higher-ups of the Spirit Pagoda, their only concern was the relationship between Gu Yuena and Tang Wulin.

During their battle against the Holy Lord, it was made clear that they shared no ordinary relationship. In particular, Tang Wulin had displayed his closeness with and affection for Gu Yuena by descending from the sky at the conclusion of the battle while holding her hand.

All of the major powers had since returned from the front lines, but no one dared to ask Gu Yuena about this; everyone could only wait for her decision.

The vast majority of the Spirit Pagoda's inner circle didn't want to see her relationship with Tang Wulin progress any further. After all, not only was there a relationship of competition between Shrek Academy and the Spirit Pagoda, there were also many other issues involved.

However, as the Eternal Tree flourished into the heavens, making Shrek City the core of the entire continent, some of the Spirit Pagoda's higher-ups had begun to change their minds.

Some people proposed that it wouldn't be a bad thing for the leaders of the Spirit Pagoda and Shrek Academy to be joined in marriage.

The federation naturally didn't want to see a pair of such powerful organizations come together, but the current situation was very special.

The federation had just endured a major calamity, while Tang Wulin had been confirmed to be the son of Tang San and was hailed as the hero of the human race, so no one could oppose him.

Furthermore, the relationship between the new president and Tang Wulin was a source of consolation for the federal government, so perhaps it also wouldn't be a bad thing for the federation to see a marriage between Tang Wulin and Gu Yuena.

All of the higher-ups of the Spirit Pagoda had chosen to remain silent over this matter, and everyone was waiting for Gu Yuena and Tang Wulin's decision.

The room fell silent again, and Gu Yuena stood in front of her window as she cast her gaze toward the distance.

With her eyesight, she was able to see the people working on the giant umbrella-like canopy of the Eternal Tree. Shrek Academy was in the process of constructing the Eternal Sky City, and it was undoubtedly going to become the true core of the Douluo Continent, even the entire Douluo Star.

Following the battle, the new Shrek City had well and truly risen upon once again, and it had become more powerful than ever before.

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